Remove unused library.
[Persons_Comparator.git] / europe.json
... / ...
2 {
3 "name": "Åland Islands",
4 "topLevelDomain": [
5 ".ax"
6 ],
7 "alpha2Code": "AX",
8 "alpha3Code": "ALA",
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10 "358"
11 ],
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14 "AX",
15 "Aaland",
16 "Aland",
17 "Ahvenanmaa"
18 ],
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22 "latlng": [
23 60.116667,
24 19.9
25 ],
26 "demonym": "Ålandish",
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30 "UTC+02:00"
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36 {
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43 {
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48 }
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53 "fr": "Åland",
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55 "it": "Isole Aland",
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57 "pt": "Ilhas de Aland",
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61 },
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64 {
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79 "alpha3Code": "ALB",
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81 "355"
82 ],
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84 "altSpellings": [
85 "AL",
86 "Shqipëri",
87 "Shqipëria",
88 "Shqipnia"
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99 "gini": 34.5,
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112 {
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121 "iso639_2": "sqi",
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124 }
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128 "es": "Albania",
129 "fr": "Albanie",
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132 "br": "Albânia",
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157 "376"
158 ],
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161 "AD",
162 "Principality of Andorra",
163 "Principat d'Andorra"
164 ],
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201 "es": "Andorra",
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203 "ja": "アンドラ",
204 "it": "Andorra",
205 "br": "Andorra",
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208 "hr": "Andora",
209 "fa": "آندورا"
210 },
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218 ".at"
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223 "43"
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228 "Österreich",
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230 "Oesterreich"
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236 47.33333333,
237 13.33333333
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252 "SVN",
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265 {
266 "iso639_1": "de",
267 "iso639_2": "deu",
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269 "nativeName": "Deutsch"
270 }
271 ],
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277 "it": "Austria",
278 "br": "áustria",
279 "pt": "áustria",
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281 "hr": "Austrija",
282 "fa": "اتریش"
283 },
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286 {
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293 "cioc": "AUT"
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295 {
296 "name": "Belarus",
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298 ".by"
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300 "alpha2Code": "BY",
301 "alpha3Code": "BLR",
302 "callingCodes": [
303 "375"
304 ],
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306 "altSpellings": [
307 "BY",
308 "Bielaruś",
309 "Republic of Belarus",
310 "Белоруссия",
311 "Республика Беларусь",
312 "Belorussiya",
313 "Respublika Belarus’"
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320 28.0
321 ],
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324 "gini": 26.5,
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326 "UTC+03:00"
327 ],
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338 {
339 "code": "BYN",
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342 },
343 {
344 "code": "BYR",
345 "name": "Old Belarusian ruble",
346 "symbol": "Br"
347 }
348 ],
349 "languages": [
350 {
351 "iso639_1": "be",
352 "iso639_2": "bel",
353 "name": "Belarusian",
354 "nativeName": "беларуская мова"
355 },
356 {
357 "iso639_1": "ru",
358 "iso639_2": "rus",
359 "name": "Russian",
360 "nativeName": "Русский"
361 }
362 ],
363 "translations": {
364 "de": "Weißrussland",
365 "es": "Bielorrusia",
366 "fr": "Biélorussie",
367 "ja": "ベラルーシ",
368 "it": "Bielorussia",
369 "br": "Bielorrússia",
370 "pt": "Bielorrússia",
371 "nl": "Wit-Rusland",
372 "hr": "Bjelorusija",
373 "fa": "بلاروس"
374 },
375 "flag": "",
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377 {
378 "acronym": "EEU",
379 "name": "Eurasian Economic Union",
380 "otherAcronyms": [
381 "EAEU"
382 ],
383 "otherNames": []
384 }
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386 "cioc": "BLR"
387 },
388 {
389 "name": "Belgium",
390 "topLevelDomain": [
391 ".be"
392 ],
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394 "alpha3Code": "BEL",
395 "callingCodes": [
396 "32"
397 ],
398 "capital": "Brussels",
399 "altSpellings": [
400 "BE",
401 "België",
402 "Belgie",
403 "Belgien",
404 "Belgique",
405 "Kingdom of Belgium",
406 "Koninkrijk België",
407 "Royaume de Belgique",
408 "Königreich Belgien"
409 ],
410 "region": "Europe",
411 "subregion": "Western Europe",
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413 "latlng": [
414 50.83333333,
415 4.0
416 ],
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421 "UTC+01:00"
422 ],
423 "borders": [
424 "FRA",
425 "DEU",
426 "LUX",
427 "NLD"
428 ],
429 "nativeName": "België",
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431 "currencies": [
432 {
433 "code": "EUR",
434 "name": "Euro",
435 "symbol": "€"
436 }
437 ],
438 "languages": [
439 {
440 "iso639_1": "nl",
441 "iso639_2": "nld",
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443 "nativeName": "Nederlands"
444 },
445 {
446 "iso639_1": "fr",
447 "iso639_2": "fra",
448 "name": "French",
449 "nativeName": "français"
450 },
451 {
452 "iso639_1": "de",
453 "iso639_2": "deu",
454 "name": "German",
455 "nativeName": "Deutsch"
456 }
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461 "fr": "Belgique",
462 "ja": "ベルギー",
463 "it": "Belgio",
464 "br": "Bélgica",
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467 "hr": "Belgija",
468 "fa": "بلژیک"
469 },
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472 {
473 "acronym": "EU",
474 "name": "European Union",
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476 "otherNames": []
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480 },
481 {
482 "name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
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484 ".ba"
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489 "387"
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493 "BA",
494 "Bosnia-Herzegovina",
495 "Босна и Херцеговина"
496 ],
497 "region": "Europe",
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508 "UTC+01:00"
509 ],
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518 {
519 "code": "BAM",
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521 "symbol": null
522 }
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525 {
526 "iso639_1": "bs",
527 "iso639_2": "bos",
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529 "nativeName": "bosanski jezik"
530 },
531 {
532 "iso639_1": "hr",
533 "iso639_2": "hrv",
534 "name": "Croatian",
535 "nativeName": "hrvatski jezik"
536 },
537 {
538 "iso639_1": "sr",
539 "iso639_2": "srp",
540 "name": "Serbian",
541 "nativeName": "српски језик"
542 }
543 ],
544 "translations": {
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546 "es": "Bosnia y Herzegovina",
547 "fr": "Bosnie-Herzégovine",
548 "ja": "ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ",
549 "it": "Bosnia ed Erzegovina",
550 "br": "Bósnia e Herzegovina",
551 "pt": "Bósnia e Herzegovina",
552 "nl": "Bosnië en Herzegovina",
553 "hr": "Bosna i Hercegovina",
554 "fa": "بوسنی و هرزگوین"
555 },
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558 {
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575 "359"
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582 ],
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588 25.0
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598 "MKD",
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600 "SRB",
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606 {
607 "code": "BGN",
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609 "symbol": "лв"
610 }
611 ],
612 "languages": [
613 {
614 "iso639_1": "bg",
615 "iso639_2": "bul",
616 "name": "Bulgarian",
617 "nativeName": "български език"
618 }
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622 "es": "Bulgaria",
623 "fr": "Bulgarie",
624 "ja": "ブルガリア",
625 "it": "Bulgaria",
626 "br": "Bulgária",
627 "pt": "Bulgária",
628 "nl": "Bulgarije",
629 "hr": "Bugarska",
630 "fa": "بلغارستان"
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634 {
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643 {
644 "name": "Croatia",
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646 ".hr"
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649 "alpha3Code": "HRV",
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655 "HR",
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684 "code": "HRK",
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687 }
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691 "iso639_1": "hr",
692 "iso639_2": "hrv",
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694 "nativeName": "hrvatski jezik"
695 }
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699 "es": "Croacia",
700 "fr": "Croatie",
701 "ja": "クロアチア",
702 "it": "Croazia",
703 "br": "Croácia",
704 "pt": "Croácia",
705 "nl": "Kroatië",
706 "hr": "Hrvatska",
707 "fa": "کرواسی"
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711 {
712 "acronym": "EU",
713 "name": "European Union",
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716 }
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720 {
721 "name": "Cyprus",
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724 ],
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727 "callingCodes": [
728 "357"
729 ],
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731 "altSpellings": [
732 "CY",
733 "Kýpros",
734 "Kıbrıs",
735 "Republic of Cyprus",
736 "Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία",
737 "Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti"
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762 }
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765 {
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767 "iso639_2": "ell",
768 "name": "Greek (modern)",
769 "nativeName": "ελληνικά"
770 },
771 {
772 "iso639_1": "tr",
773 "iso639_2": "tur",
774 "name": "Turkish",
775 "nativeName": "Türkçe"
776 },
777 {
778 "iso639_1": "hy",
779 "iso639_2": "hye",
780 "name": "Armenian",
781 "nativeName": "Հայերեն"
782 }
783 ],
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786 "es": "Chipre",
787 "fr": "Chypre",
788 "ja": "キプロス",
789 "it": "Cipro",
790 "br": "Chipre",
791 "pt": "Chipre",
792 "nl": "Cyprus",
793 "hr": "Cipar",
794 "fa": "قبرس"
795 },
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798 {
799 "acronym": "EU",
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806 },
807 {
808 "name": "Czech Republic",
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810 ".cz"
811 ],
812 "alpha2Code": "CZ",
813 "alpha3Code": "CZE",
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815 "420"
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819 "CZ",
820 "Česká republika",
821 "Česko"
822 ],
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834 "UTC+01:00"
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845 {
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849 }
850 ],
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852 {
853 "iso639_1": "cs",
854 "iso639_2": "ces",
855 "name": "Czech",
856 "nativeName": "čeština"
857 },
858 {
859 "iso639_1": "sk",
860 "iso639_2": "slk",
861 "name": "Slovak",
862 "nativeName": "slovenčina"
863 }
864 ],
865 "translations": {
866 "de": "Tschechische Republik",
867 "es": "República Checa",
868 "fr": "République tchèque",
869 "ja": "チェコ",
870 "it": "Repubblica Ceca",
871 "br": "República Tcheca",
872 "pt": "República Checa",
873 "nl": "Tsjechië",
874 "hr": "Češka",
875 "fa": "جمهوری چک"
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879 {
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881 "name": "European Union",
882 "otherAcronyms": [],
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887 },
888 {
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891 ".dk"
892 ],
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894 "alpha3Code": "DNK",
895 "callingCodes": [
896 "45"
897 ],
898 "capital": "Copenhagen",
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900 "DK",
901 "Danmark",
902 "Kingdom of Denmark",
903 "Kongeriget Danmark"
904 ],
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910 10.0
911 ],
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914 "gini": 24.0,
915 "timezones": [
916 "UTC-04:00",
917 "UTC-03:00",
918 "UTC-01:00",
919 "UTC",
920 "UTC+01:00"
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923 "DEU"
924 ],
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1345 "es": "Alemania",
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1347 "ja": "ドイツ",
1348 "it": "Germania",
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1350 "pt": "Alemanha",
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1415 "es": "Gibraltar",
1416 "fr": "Gibraltar",
1417 "ja": "ジブラルタル",
1418 "it": "Gibilterra",
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1420 "pt": "Gibraltar",
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1449 "Elláda",
1450 "Hellenic Republic",
1451 "Ελληνική Δημοκρατία"
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1656 "fr": "voir Saint",
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1724 "es": "Hungría",
1725 "fr": "Hongrie",
1726 "ja": "ハンガリー",
1727 "it": "Ungheria",
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1760 "Lýðveldið Ísland"
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1831 "Poblacht na hÉireann"
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1909 "Mann",
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1917 -4.5
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1942 "iso639_1": "en",
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1947 {
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1957 "fr": "Île de Man",
1958 "ja": "マン島",
1959 "it": "Isola di Man",
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1963 "hr": "Otok Man",
1964 "fa": "جزیره من"
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1988 "altSpellings": [
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1990 "Italian Republic",
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1993 "region": "Europe",
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2068 "Bailliage de Jersey",
2069 "Bailliage dé Jèrri"
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2108 "iso639_2": "fra",
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2116 "fr": "Jersey",
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2118 "it": "Isola di Jersey",
2119 "br": "Jersey",
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2141 "LV",
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2143 "Latvijas Republika"
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2145 "region": "Europe",
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2183 "es": "Letonia",
2184 "fr": "Lettonie",
2185 "ja": "ラトビア",
2186 "it": "Lettonia",
2187 "br": "Letônia",
2188 "pt": "Letónia",
2189 "nl": "Letland",
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2191 "fa": "لتونی"
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2212 "423"
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2216 "LI",
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2218 "Fürstentum Liechtenstein"
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2249 "iso639_2": "deu",
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2254 "translations": {
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2256 "es": "Liechtenstein",
2257 "fr": "Liechtenstein",
2258 "ja": "リヒテンシュタイン",
2259 "it": "Liechtenstein",
2260 "br": "Liechtenstein",
2261 "pt": "Listenstaine",
2262 "nl": "Liechtenstein",
2263 "hr": "Lihtenštajn",
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2291 "Lietuvos Respublika"
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2331 "es": "Lituania",
2332 "fr": "Lituanie",
2333 "ja": "リトアニア",
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2339 "fa": "لیتوانی"
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2364 "LU",
2365 "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg",
2366 "Grand-Duché de Luxembourg",
2367 "Großherzogtum Luxemburg",
2368 "Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg"
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2410 {
2411 "iso639_1": "lb",
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2421 "ja": "ルクセンブルク",
2422 "it": "Lussemburgo",
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2424 "pt": "Luxemburgo",
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2426 "hr": "Luksemburg",
2427 "fa": "لوکزامبورگ"
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2500 "pt": "Macedónia",
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