[poolifier.git] / package.json
... / ...
2 "name": "poolifier",
3 "version": "1.2.1",
4 "description": "Library on top of node js worker threads that implement various worker pools type",
5 "main": "lib/index.js",
6 "scripts": {
7 "build": "npm run build:clean && tsc",
8 "build:clean": "rimraf lib",
9 "test": "standard && ts-standard && npm run build && nyc mocha --exit --timeout 20000 tests/*test.js ",
10 "test:debug": "mocha --inspect-brk --exit tests/*test.js ",
11 "test:nodemon": "nodemon --exec \"npm test\"",
12 "coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls",
13 "import-sort": "npx import-sort-cli --write 'src/**/*.ts{,x}'",
14 "standard:verbose": "npx standard --verbose",
15 "lint:standard": "prettier-standard --format | standard --fix",
16 "ts-standard:verbose": "npx ts-standard --verbose",
17 "lint:ts-standard": "ts-standard --fix",
18 "lint-and-format": "npm run lint:standard && npm run lint:ts-standard && npm run import-sort"
19 },
20 "repository": {
21 "type": "git",
22 "url": "git+https://github.com/pioardi/poolifier.git"
23 },
24 "keywords": [
25 "node",
26 "thread-pool",
27 "worker-threads",
28 "performance",
29 "cpu",
30 "computing",
31 "async-resource"
32 ],
33 "standard": {
34 "env": [
35 "mocha",
36 "node"
37 ],
38 "ignore": [
39 "lib/",
40 "src/",
41 "examples/typescript/"
42 ]
43 },
44 "ts-standard": {
45 "env": [
46 "mocha",
47 "node"
48 ],
49 "extensions": ".ts",
50 "ignore": [
51 "lib/",
52 "examples/typescript/"
53 ]
54 },
55 "author": "pioardi",
56 "license": "MIT",
57 "bugs": {
58 "url": "https://github.com/pioardi/poolifier/issues"
59 },
60 "homepage": "https://github.com/pioardi/poolifier#readme",
61 "devDependencies": {
62 "benchmark": "^2.1.4",
63 "coveralls": "^3.0.9",
64 "expect": "^26.0.0",
65 "mocha": "^8.0.1",
66 "mocha-lcov-reporter": "^1.3.0",
67 "nyc": "^15.0.0",
68 "prettier-standard": "^16.4.1",
69 "rimraf": "^3.0.2",
70 "standard": "^16.0.3",
71 "ts-standard": "^10.0.0",
72 "typescript": "^4.1.3"
73 },
74 "engines": {
75 "node": ">=12.0.0"
76 },
77 "dependencies": {}