chore: use neostandard exported plugins when possible
[poolifier.git] / package.json
... / ...
2 "$schema": "",
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4 "version": "4.0.15",
5 "description": "Fast and small Node.js Worker_Threads and Cluster Worker Pool",
6 "license": "MIT",
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62 "scheduling",
63 "parallelism",
64 "eventloop"
65 ],
66 "author": {
67 "name": "Alessandro Pio Ardizio",
68 "email": "",
69 "url": ""
70 },
71 "contributors": [
72 {
73 "name": "Christopher Quadflieg",
74 "email": "",
75 "url": ""
76 },
77 {
78 "name": "Jérôme Benoit",
79 "email": "",
80 "url": ""
81 }
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