added vendor id for Denon
[deb_libcec.git] / src / LibCecSharp / LibCecSharp.cpp
... / ...
2* This file is part of the libCEC(R) library.
4* libCEC(R) is Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Pulse-Eight Limited. All rights reserved.
5* libCEC(R) is an original work, containing original code.
7* libCEC(R) is a trademark of Pulse-Eight Limited.
9* This program is dual-licensed; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12* (at your option) any later version.
14* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17* GNU General Public License for more details.
19* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24* Alternatively, you can license this library under a commercial license,
25* please contact Pulse-Eight Licensing for more information.
27* For more information contact:
28* Pulse-Eight Licensing <>
33#include "CecSharpTypes.h"
34#using <System.dll>
36using namespace System;
37using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
38using namespace CEC;
39using namespace msclr::interop;
41namespace CecSharp
43 /// <summary>
44 /// Create a LibCecSharp instance and pass the configuration as argument.
45 /// Then call Open() to open a connection to the adapter. Close() closes the
46 /// connection.
47 ///
48 /// libCEC can send commands to other devices on the CEC bus via the methods
49 /// on this interface, and all commands that libCEC received are sent back
50 /// to the application via callback methods. The callback methods can be
51 /// found in CecSharpTypes.h, CecCallbackMethods.
52 /// </summary>
53 public ref class LibCecSharp : public CecCallbackMethods
54 {
55 public:
56 /// <summary>
57 /// Create a new LibCecSharp instance.
58 /// </summary>
59 /// <param name="config">The configuration to pass to libCEC.</param>
60 LibCecSharp(LibCECConfiguration ^config)
61 {
62 m_callbacks = config->Callbacks;
63 CecCallbackMethods::EnableCallbacks(m_callbacks);
64 if (!InitialiseLibCec(config))
65 throw gcnew Exception("Could not initialise LibCecSharp");
66 }
68 ~LibCecSharp(void)
69 {
70 Close();
71 m_libCec = NULL;
72 }
74 /// <summary>
75 /// Try to find all connected CEC adapters.
76 /// </summary>
77 /// <param name="path">The path filter for adapters. Leave empty to return all adapters.</param>
78 /// <returns>The adapters that were found.</returns>
79 array<CecAdapter ^> ^ FindAdapters(String ^ path)
80 {
81 cec_adapter *devices = new cec_adapter[10];
83 marshal_context ^ context = gcnew marshal_context();
84 const char* strPathC = path->Length > 0 ? context->marshal_as<const char*>(path) : NULL;
86 uint8_t iDevicesFound = m_libCec->FindAdapters(devices, 10, NULL);
88 array<CecAdapter ^> ^ adapters = gcnew array<CecAdapter ^>(iDevicesFound);
89 for (unsigned int iPtr = 0; iPtr < iDevicesFound; iPtr++)
90 adapters[iPtr] = gcnew CecAdapter(gcnew String(devices[iPtr].path), gcnew String(devices[iPtr].comm));
92 delete devices;
93 delete context;
94 return adapters;
95 }
97 /// <summary>
98 /// Open a connection to the CEC adapter.
99 /// </summary>
100 /// <param name="strPort">The COM port of the adapter</param>
101 /// <param name="iTimeoutMs">Connection timeout in milliseconds</param>
102 /// <returns>True when a connection was opened, false otherwise.</returns>
103 bool Open(String ^ strPort, int iTimeoutMs)
104 {
105 CecCallbackMethods::EnableCallbacks(m_callbacks);
106 EnableCallbacks(m_callbacks);
107 marshal_context ^ context = gcnew marshal_context();
108 const char* strPortC = context->marshal_as<const char*>(strPort);
109 bool bReturn = m_libCec->Open(strPortC, iTimeoutMs);
110 delete context;
111 return bReturn;
112 }
114 /// <summary>
115 /// Close the connection to the CEC adapter
116 /// </summary>
117 void Close(void)
118 {
119 DisableCallbacks();
120 m_libCec->Close();
121 }
123 /// <summary>
124 /// Disable all calls to callback methods.
125 /// </summary>
126 virtual void DisableCallbacks(void) override
127 {
128 // delete the callbacks, since these might already have been destroyed in .NET
129 CecCallbackMethods::DisableCallbacks();
130 if (m_libCec)
131 m_libCec->EnableCallbacks(NULL, NULL);
132 }
134 /// <summary>
135 /// Enable or change the callback methods that libCEC uses to send changes to the client application.
136 /// </summary>
137 /// <param name="callbacks">The new callback methods to use.</param>
138 /// <returns>True when the callbacks were changed, false otherwise</returns>
139 virtual bool EnableCallbacks(CecCallbackMethods ^ callbacks) override
140 {
141 if (m_libCec && CecCallbackMethods::EnableCallbacks(callbacks))
142 return m_libCec->EnableCallbacks((void*)GetCallbackPtr(), &g_cecCallbacks);
144 return false;
145 }
147 /// <summary>
148 /// Sends a ping command to the adapter, to check if it's responding.
149 /// </summary>
150 /// <returns>True when the ping was succesful, false otherwise</returns>
151 bool PingAdapter(void)
152 {
153 return m_libCec->PingAdapter();
154 }
156 /// <summary>
157 /// Start the bootloader of the CEC adapter. Closes the connection when successful.
158 /// </summary>
159 /// <returns>True when the command was sent successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
160 bool StartBootloader(void)
161 {
162 return m_libCec->StartBootloader();
163 }
165 /// <summary>
166 /// Transmit a raw CEC command over the CEC line.
167 /// </summary>
168 /// <param name="command">The command to transmit</param>
169 /// <returns>True when the data was sent and acked, false otherwise.</returns>
170 bool Transmit(CecCommand ^ command)
171 {
172 cec_command ccommand;
173 cec_command::Format(ccommand, (cec_logical_address)command->Initiator, (cec_logical_address)command->Destination, (cec_opcode)command->Opcode);
174 ccommand.transmit_timeout = command->TransmitTimeout;
175 ccommand.eom = command->Eom;
176 ccommand.ack = command->Ack;
177 for (unsigned int iPtr = 0; iPtr < command->Parameters->Size; iPtr++)
178 ccommand.parameters.PushBack(command->Parameters->Data[iPtr]);
180 return m_libCec->Transmit(ccommand);
181 }
183 /// <summary>
184 /// Change the logical address on the CEC bus of the CEC adapter. libCEC automatically assigns a logical address, and this method is only available for debugging purposes.
185 /// </summary>
186 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The CEC adapter's new logical address.</param>
187 /// <returns>True when the logical address was set successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
188 bool SetLogicalAddress(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
189 {
190 return m_libCec->SetLogicalAddress((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress);
191 }
193 /// <summary>
194 /// Change the physical address (HDMI port) of the CEC adapter. libCEC will try to autodetect the physical address when connecting. If it did, it's set in libcec_configuration.
195 /// </summary>
196 /// <param name="physicalAddress">The CEC adapter's new physical address.</param>
197 /// <returns>True when the physical address was set successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
198 bool SetPhysicalAddress(uint16_t physicalAddress)
199 {
200 return m_libCec->SetPhysicalAddress(physicalAddress);
201 }
203 /// <summary>
204 /// Power on the given CEC capable devices. If CECDEVICE_BROADCAST is used, then wakeDevice in libcec_configuration will be used.
205 /// </summary>
206 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The logical address to power on.</param>
207 /// <returns>True when the command was sent succesfully, false otherwise.</returns>
208 bool PowerOnDevices(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
209 {
210 return m_libCec->PowerOnDevices((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress);
211 }
213 /// <summary>
214 /// Put the given CEC capable devices in standby mode. If CECDEVICE_BROADCAST is used, then standbyDevices in libcec_configuration will be used.
215 /// </summary>
216 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The logical address of the device to put in standby.</param>
217 /// <returns>True when the command was sent succesfully, false otherwise.</returns>
218 bool StandbyDevices(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
219 {
220 return m_libCec->StandbyDevices((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress);
221 }
223 /// <summary>
224 /// Sends a POLL message to a device, to check if it's present and responding.
225 /// </summary>
226 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The device to send the message to.</param>
227 /// <returns>True if the POLL was acked, false otherwise.</returns>
228 bool PollDevice(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
229 {
230 return m_libCec->PollDevice((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress);
231 }
233 /// <summary>
234 /// Change the active source to a device type handled by libCEC. Use CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_RESERVED to make the default type used by libCEC active.
235 /// </summary>
236 /// <param name="type">The new active source. Use CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_RESERVED to use the primary type</param>
237 /// <returns>True when the command was sent succesfully, false otherwise.</returns>
238 bool SetActiveSource(CecDeviceType type)
239 {
240 return m_libCec->SetActiveSource((cec_device_type) type);
241 }
243 /// <summary>
244 /// Change the deck control mode, if this adapter is registered as playback or recording device.
245 /// </summary>
246 /// <param name="mode">The new control mode.</param>
247 /// <param name="sendUpdate">True to send the new status over the CEC line.</param>
248 /// <returns>True if set, false otherwise.</returns>
249 bool SetDeckControlMode(CecDeckControlMode mode, bool sendUpdate)
250 {
251 return m_libCec->SetDeckControlMode((cec_deck_control_mode) mode, sendUpdate);
252 }
254 /// <summary>
255 /// Change the deck info, if this adapter is a playback or recording device.
256 /// </summary>
257 /// <param name="info">The new deck info.</param>
258 /// <param name="sendUpdate">True to send the new status over the CEC line.</param>
259 /// <returns>True if set, false otherwise.</returns>
260 bool SetDeckInfo(CecDeckInfo info, bool sendUpdate)
261 {
262 return m_libCec->SetDeckInfo((cec_deck_info) info, sendUpdate);
263 }
265 /// <summary>
266 /// Broadcast a message that notifies connected CEC capable devices that this device is no longer the active source.
267 /// </summary>
268 /// <returns>True when the command was sent succesfully, false otherwise.</returns>
269 bool SetInactiveView(void)
270 {
271 return m_libCec->SetInactiveView();
272 }
274 /// <summary>
275 /// Change the menu state. This value is already changed by libCEC automatically if a device is (de)activated.
276 /// </summary>
277 /// <param name="state">The new state.</param>
278 /// <param name="sendUpdate">True to send the new status over the CEC line.</param>
279 /// <returns>True if set, false otherwise.</returns>
280 bool SetMenuState(CecMenuState state, bool sendUpdate)
281 {
282 return m_libCec->SetMenuState((cec_menu_state) state, sendUpdate);
283 }
285 /// <summary>
286 /// Display a message on the device with the given logical address. Not supported by most TVs.
287 /// </summary>
288 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The logical address of the device to display the message on.</param>
289 /// <param name="duration">The duration of the message</param>
290 /// <param name="message">The message to display.</param>
291 /// <returns>True when the command was sent, false otherwise.</returns>
292 bool SetOSDString(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress, CecDisplayControl duration, String ^ message)
293 {
294 marshal_context ^ context = gcnew marshal_context();
295 const char* strMessageC = context->marshal_as<const char*>(message);
297 bool bReturn = m_libCec->SetOSDString((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress, (cec_display_control) duration, strMessageC);
299 delete context;
300 return bReturn;
301 }
303 /// <summary>
304 /// Enable or disable monitoring mode, for debugging purposes. If monitoring mode is enabled, libCEC won't respond to any command, but only log incoming data.
305 /// </summary>
306 /// <param name="enable">True to enable, false to disable.</param>
307 /// <returns>True when switched successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
308 bool SwitchMonitoring(bool enable)
309 {
310 return m_libCec->SwitchMonitoring(enable);
311 }
313 /// <summary>
314 /// Get the CEC version of the device with the given logical address
315 /// </summary>
316 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The logical address of the device to get the CEC version for.</param>
317 /// <returns>The version or CEC_VERSION_UNKNOWN when the version couldn't be fetched.</returns>
318 CecVersion GetDeviceCecVersion(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
319 {
320 return (CecVersion) m_libCec->GetDeviceCecVersion((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress);
321 }
323 /// <summary>
324 /// Get the menu language of the device with the given logical address
325 /// </summary>
326 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The logical address of the device to get the menu language for.</param>
327 /// <returns>The requested menu language.</returns>
328 String ^ GetDeviceMenuLanguage(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
329 {
330 cec_menu_language lang;
331 if (m_libCec->GetDeviceMenuLanguage((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress, &lang))
332 {
333 return gcnew String(lang.language);
334 }
336 return gcnew String("");
337 }
339 /// <summary>
340 /// Get the vendor ID of the device with the given logical address.
341 /// </summary>
342 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The logical address of the device to get the vendor ID for.</param>
343 /// <returns>The vendor ID or 0 if it wasn't found.</returns>
344 CecVendorId GetDeviceVendorId(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
345 {
346 return (CecVendorId)m_libCec->GetDeviceVendorId((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress);
347 }
349 /// <summary>
350 /// Get the power status of the device with the given logical address.
351 /// </summary>
352 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The logical address of the device to get the power status for.</param>
353 /// <returns>The power status or CEC_POWER_STATUS_UNKNOWN if it wasn't found.</returns>
354 CecPowerStatus GetDevicePowerStatus(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
355 {
356 return (CecPowerStatus) m_libCec->GetDevicePowerStatus((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress);
357 }
359 /// <summary>
360 /// Tell libCEC to poll for active devices on the bus.
361 /// </summary>
362 void RescanActiveDevices(void)
363 {
364 m_libCec->RescanActiveDevices();
365 }
367 /// <summary>
368 /// Get the logical addresses of the devices that are active on the bus, including those handled by libCEC.
369 /// </summary>
370 /// <returns>The logical addresses of the active devices</returns>
371 CecLogicalAddresses ^ GetActiveDevices(void)
372 {
373 CecLogicalAddresses ^ retVal = gcnew CecLogicalAddresses();
374 unsigned int iDevices = 0;
376 cec_logical_addresses activeDevices = m_libCec->GetActiveDevices();
378 for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++)
379 if (activeDevices[iPtr])
380 retVal->Addresses[iDevices++] = (CecLogicalAddress)iPtr;
382 return retVal;
383 }
385 /// <summary>
386 /// Check whether a device is active on the bus.
387 /// </summary>
388 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The address to check.</param>
389 /// <returns>True when active, false otherwise.</returns>
390 bool IsActiveDevice(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
391 {
392 return m_libCec->IsActiveDevice((cec_logical_address)logicalAddress);
393 }
395 /// <summary>
396 /// Check whether a device of the given type is active on the bus.
397 /// </summary>
398 /// <param name="type">The type to check.</param>
399 /// <returns>True when active, false otherwise.</returns>
400 bool IsActiveDeviceType(CecDeviceType type)
401 {
402 return m_libCec->IsActiveDeviceType((cec_device_type)type);
403 }
405 /// <summary>
406 /// Changes the active HDMI port.
407 /// </summary>
408 /// <param name="address">The device to which this libCEC is connected.</param>
409 /// <param name="port">The new port number.</param>
410 /// <returns>True when changed, false otherwise.</returns>
411 bool SetHDMIPort(CecLogicalAddress address, uint8_t port)
412 {
413 return m_libCec->SetHDMIPort((cec_logical_address)address, port);
414 }
416 /// <summary>
417 /// Sends a volume up keypress to an audiosystem if it's present.
418 /// </summary>
419 /// <param name="sendRelease">Send a key release after the keypress.</param>
420 /// <returns>The new audio status.</returns>
421 uint8_t VolumeUp(bool sendRelease)
422 {
423 return m_libCec->VolumeUp(sendRelease);
424 }
426 /// <summary>
427 /// Sends a volume down keypress to an audiosystem if it's present.
428 /// </summary>
429 /// <param name="sendRelease">Send a key release after the keypress.</param>
430 /// <returns>The new audio status.</returns>
431 uint8_t VolumeDown(bool sendRelease)
432 {
433 return m_libCec->VolumeDown(sendRelease);
434 }
436 /// <summary>
437 /// Sends a mute keypress to an audiosystem if it's present.
438 /// </summary>
439 /// <param name="sendRelease">Send a key release after the keypress.</param>
440 /// <returns>The new audio status.</returns>
441 uint8_t MuteAudio(bool sendRelease)
442 {
443 return m_libCec->MuteAudio(sendRelease);
444 }
446 /// <summary>
447 /// Send a keypress to a device on the CEC bus.
448 /// </summary>
449 /// <param name="destination">The logical address of the device to send the message to.</param>
450 /// <param name="key">The key to send.</param>
451 /// <param name="wait">True to wait for a response, false otherwise.</param>
452 /// <returns>True when the keypress was acked, false otherwise.</returns>
453 bool SendKeypress(CecLogicalAddress destination, CecUserControlCode key, bool wait)
454 {
455 return m_libCec->SendKeypress((cec_logical_address)destination, (cec_user_control_code)key, wait);
456 }
458 /// <summary>
459 /// Send a key release to a device on the CEC bus.
460 /// </summary>
461 /// <param name="destination">The logical address of the device to send the message to.</param>
462 /// <param name="wait">True to wait for a response, false otherwise.</param>
463 /// <returns>True when the key release was acked, false otherwise.</returns>
464 bool SendKeyRelease(CecLogicalAddress destination, bool wait)
465 {
466 return m_libCec->SendKeyRelease((cec_logical_address)destination, wait);
467 }
469 /// <summary>
470 /// Get the OSD name of a device on the CEC bus.
471 /// </summary>
472 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The logical address of the device to get the OSD name for.</param>
473 /// <returns>The OSD name.</returns>
474 String ^ GetDeviceOSDName(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
475 {
476 cec_osd_name osd = m_libCec->GetDeviceOSDName((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress);
477 return gcnew String(;
478 }
480 /// <summary>
481 /// Get the logical address of the device that is currently the active source on the CEC bus.
482 /// </summary>
483 /// <returns>The active source or CECDEVICE_UNKNOWN when unknown.</returns>
484 CecLogicalAddress GetActiveSource()
485 {
486 return (CecLogicalAddress)m_libCec->GetActiveSource();
487 }
489 /// <summary>
490 /// Check whether a device is currently the active source on the CEC bus.
491 /// </summary>
492 /// <param name="logicalAddress">The logical address of the device to check.</param>
493 /// <returns>True when it is the active source, false otherwise.</returns>
494 bool IsActiveSource(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
495 {
496 return m_libCec->IsActiveSource((cec_logical_address)logicalAddress);
497 }
499 /// <summary>
500 /// Get the physical address of the device with the given logical address.
501 /// </summary>
502 /// <param name="address">The logical address of the device to get the physical address for.</param>
503 /// <returns>The physical address or 0 if it wasn't found.</returns>
504 uint16_t GetDevicePhysicalAddress(CecLogicalAddress address)
505 {
506 return m_libCec->GetDevicePhysicalAddress((cec_logical_address)address);
507 }
509 /// <summary>
510 /// Sets the stream path to the device on the given logical address.
511 /// </summary>
512 /// <param name="address">The address to activate.</param>
513 /// <returns>True when the command was sent, false otherwise.</returns>
514 bool SetStreamPath(CecLogicalAddress address)
515 {
516 return m_libCec->SetStreamPath((cec_logical_address)address);
517 }
519 /// <summary>
520 /// Sets the stream path to the device on the given physical address.
521 /// </summary>
522 /// <param name="physicalAddress">The address to activate.</param>
523 /// <returns>True when the command was sent, false otherwise.</returns>
524 bool SetStreamPath(uint16_t physicalAddress)
525 {
526 return m_libCec->SetStreamPath(physicalAddress);
527 }
529 /// <summary>
530 /// Get the list of logical addresses that libCEC is controlling
531 /// </summary>
532 /// <returns>The list of logical addresses that libCEC is controlling</returns>
533 CecLogicalAddresses ^GetLogicalAddresses(void)
534 {
535 CecLogicalAddresses ^addr = gcnew CecLogicalAddresses();
536 cec_logical_addresses libAddr = m_libCec->GetLogicalAddresses();
537 for (unsigned int iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++)
538 addr->Addresses[iPtr] = (CecLogicalAddress)libAddr.addresses[iPtr];
539 addr->Primary = (CecLogicalAddress)libAddr.primary;
540 return addr;
541 }
543 /// <summary>
544 /// Get libCEC's current configuration.
545 /// </summary>
546 /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param>
547 /// <returns>True when the configuration was updated, false otherwise.</returns>
548 bool GetCurrentConfiguration(LibCECConfiguration ^configuration)
549 {
550 libcec_configuration config;
551 config.Clear();
553 if (m_libCec->GetCurrentConfiguration(&config))
554 {
555 configuration->Update(config);
556 return true;
557 }
558 return false;
559 }
561 /// <summary>
562 /// Check whether the CEC adapter can persist a configuration.
563 /// </summary>
564 /// <returns>True when this CEC adapter can persist the user configuration, false otherwise.</returns>
565 bool CanPersistConfiguration(void)
566 {
567 return m_libCec->CanPersistConfiguration();
568 }
570 /// <summary>
571 /// Persist the given configuration in adapter (if supported)
572 /// </summary>
573 /// <param name="configuration">The configuration to store.</param>
574 /// <returns>True when the configuration was persisted, false otherwise.</returns>
575 bool PersistConfiguration(LibCECConfiguration ^configuration)
576 {
577 marshal_context ^ context = gcnew marshal_context();
578 libcec_configuration config;
579 ConvertConfiguration(context, configuration, config);
581 bool bReturn = m_libCec->PersistConfiguration(&config);
583 delete context;
584 return bReturn;
585 }
587 /// <summary>
588 /// Change libCEC's configuration.
589 /// </summary>
590 /// <param name="configuration">The new configuration.</param>
591 /// <returns>True when the configuration was changed successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
592 bool SetConfiguration(LibCECConfiguration ^configuration)
593 {
594 marshal_context ^ context = gcnew marshal_context();
595 libcec_configuration config;
596 ConvertConfiguration(context, configuration, config);
598 bool bReturn = m_libCec->SetConfiguration(&config);
600 delete context;
601 return bReturn;
602 }
604 /// <summary>
605 /// Check whether libCEC is the active source on the bus.
606 /// </summary>
607 /// <returns>True when libCEC is the active source on the bus, false otherwise.</returns>
608 bool IsLibCECActiveSource()
609 {
610 return m_libCec->IsLibCECActiveSource();
611 }
613 /// <summary>
614 /// Get information about the given CEC adapter.
615 /// </summary>
616 /// <param name="port">The COM port to which the device is connected</param>
617 /// <param name="configuration">The device configuration</param>
618 /// <param name="timeoutMs">The timeout in milliseconds</param>
619 /// <returns>True when the device was found, false otherwise</returns>
620 bool GetDeviceInformation(String ^ port, LibCECConfiguration ^configuration, uint32_t timeoutMs)
621 {
622 bool bReturn(false);
623 marshal_context ^ context = gcnew marshal_context();
625 libcec_configuration config;
626 config.Clear();
628 const char* strPortC = port->Length > 0 ? context->marshal_as<const char*>(port) : NULL;
630 if (m_libCec->GetDeviceInformation(strPortC, &config, timeoutMs))
631 {
632 configuration->Update(config);
633 bReturn = true;
634 }
636 delete context;
637 return bReturn;
638 }
640 String ^ ToString(CecLogicalAddress iAddress)
641 {
642 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_logical_address)iAddress);
643 return gcnew String(retVal);
644 }
646 String ^ ToString(CecVendorId iVendorId)
647 {
648 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_vendor_id)iVendorId);
649 return gcnew String(retVal);
650 }
652 String ^ ToString(CecVersion iVersion)
653 {
654 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_version)iVersion);
655 return gcnew String(retVal);
656 }
658 String ^ ToString(CecPowerStatus iState)
659 {
660 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_power_status)iState);
661 return gcnew String(retVal);
662 }
664 String ^ ToString(CecMenuState iState)
665 {
666 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_menu_state)iState);
667 return gcnew String(retVal);
668 }
670 String ^ ToString(CecDeckControlMode iMode)
671 {
672 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_deck_control_mode)iMode);
673 return gcnew String(retVal);
674 }
676 String ^ ToString(CecDeckInfo status)
677 {
678 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_deck_info)status);
679 return gcnew String(retVal);
680 }
682 String ^ ToString(CecOpcode opcode)
683 {
684 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_opcode)opcode);
685 return gcnew String(retVal);
686 }
688 String ^ ToString(CecSystemAudioStatus mode)
689 {
690 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_system_audio_status)mode);
691 return gcnew String(retVal);
692 }
694 String ^ ToString(CecAudioStatus status)
695 {
696 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_audio_status)status);
697 return gcnew String(retVal);
698 }
700 String ^ ToString(CecClientVersion version)
701 {
702 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_client_version)version);
703 return gcnew String(retVal);
704 }
706 String ^ ToString(CecServerVersion version)
707 {
708 const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_server_version)version);
709 return gcnew String(retVal);
710 }
712 /// <summary>
713 /// Get a string with information about how libCEC was compiled.
714 /// </summary>
715 /// <returns>A string with information about how libCEC was compiled.</returns>
716 String ^ GetLibInfo()
717 {
718 const char *retVal = m_libCec->GetLibInfo();
719 return gcnew String(retVal);
720 }
722 /// <summary>
723 /// Calling this method will initialise the host on which libCEC is running.
724 /// On the RPi, it calls bcm_host_init(), which may only be called once per process, and is called by any process using
725 /// the video api on that system. So only call this method if libCEC is used in an application that
726 /// does not already initialise the video api.
727 /// </summary>
728 /// <remarks>Should be called as first call to libCEC, directly after CECInitialise() and before using Open()</remarks>
729 void InitVideoStandalone()
730 {
731 m_libCec->InitVideoStandalone();
732 }
734 /// <summary>
735 /// Get the (virtual) USB vendor id
736 /// </summary>
737 /// <returns>The (virtual) USB vendor id</returns>
738 uint16_t GetAdapterVendorId()
739 {
740 return m_libCec->GetAdapterVendorId();
741 }
743 /// <summary>
744 /// Get the (virtual) USB product id
745 /// </summary>
746 /// <returns>The (virtual) USB product id</returns>
747 uint16_t GetAdapterProductId()
748 {
749 return m_libCec->GetAdapterProductId();
750 }
752 private:
753 !LibCecSharp(void)
754 {
755 Close();
756 m_libCec = NULL;
757 }
759 bool InitialiseLibCec(LibCECConfiguration ^config)
760 {
761 marshal_context ^ context = gcnew marshal_context();
762 libcec_configuration libCecConfig;
763 ConvertConfiguration(context, config, libCecConfig);
765 m_libCec = (ICECAdapter *) CECInitialise(&libCecConfig);
766 config->Update(libCecConfig);
768 delete context;
769 return m_libCec != NULL;
770 }
772 void ConvertConfiguration(marshal_context ^context, LibCECConfiguration ^netConfig, CEC::libcec_configuration &config)
773 {
774 config.Clear();
776 const char *strDeviceName = context->marshal_as<const char*>(netConfig->DeviceName);
777 memcpy_s(config.strDeviceName, 13, strDeviceName, 13);
778 for (unsigned int iPtr = 0; iPtr < 5; iPtr++)
779 config.deviceTypes.types[iPtr] = (cec_device_type)netConfig->DeviceTypes->Types[iPtr];
781 config.bAutodetectAddress = netConfig->AutodetectAddress ? 1 : 0;
782 config.iPhysicalAddress = netConfig->PhysicalAddress;
783 config.baseDevice = (cec_logical_address)netConfig->BaseDevice;
784 config.iHDMIPort = netConfig->HDMIPort;
785 config.clientVersion = (cec_client_version)netConfig->ClientVersion;
786 config.bGetSettingsFromROM = netConfig->GetSettingsFromROM ? 1 : 0;
787 config.bActivateSource = netConfig->ActivateSource ? 1 : 0;
788 config.tvVendor = (cec_vendor_id)netConfig->TvVendor;
789 config.wakeDevices.Clear();
790 for (int iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++)
791 {
792 if (netConfig->WakeDevices->IsSet((CecLogicalAddress)iPtr))
793 config.wakeDevices.Set((cec_logical_address)iPtr);
794 }
795 config.powerOffDevices.Clear();
796 for (int iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++)
797 {
798 if (netConfig->PowerOffDevices->IsSet((CecLogicalAddress)iPtr))
799 config.powerOffDevices.Set((cec_logical_address)iPtr);
800 }
801 config.bPowerOffScreensaver = netConfig->PowerOffScreensaver ? 1 : 0;
802 config.bPowerOffOnStandby = netConfig->PowerOffOnStandby ? 1 : 0;
804 if (netConfig->ServerVersion >= CecServerVersion::Version1_5_1)
805 config.bSendInactiveSource = netConfig->SendInactiveSource ? 1 : 0;
807 if (netConfig->ServerVersion >= CecServerVersion::Version1_6_0)
808 {
809 config.bPowerOffDevicesOnStandby = netConfig->PowerOffDevicesOnStandby ? 1 : 0;
810 config.bShutdownOnStandby = netConfig->ShutdownOnStandby ? 1 : 0;
811 }
813 if (netConfig->ServerVersion >= CecServerVersion::Version1_6_2)
814 {
815 const char *strDeviceLanguage = context->marshal_as<const char*>(netConfig->DeviceLanguage);
816 memcpy_s(config.strDeviceLanguage, 3, strDeviceLanguage, 3);
817 }
819 if (netConfig->ServerVersion >= CecServerVersion::Version1_6_3)
820 config.bMonitorOnly = netConfig->MonitorOnlyClient ? 1 : 0;
822 if (netConfig->ServerVersion >= CecServerVersion::Version1_8_0)
823 config.cecVersion = (cec_version)netConfig->CECVersion;
825 config.callbacks = &g_cecCallbacks;
826 }
829 ICECAdapter * m_libCec;
830 CecCallbackMethods ^ m_callbacks;
831 };