fix(simulator): make the modules export/import a bit less sensitive to
[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] / .cfignore
1 .git
2 .gitignore
3 .gitattributes
4 .gitmodules
5 .github
6 .prettierrc.json
7 .prettierignore
8 .jshintrc
9 .eslintrc.json
10 .eslintcache
11 .husky
12 .editorconfig
13 .vscode
14 *.code-workspace
15 .clinic
16 *.clinic-*
17 .tscache
18 .nycrc.json
19 .nyc_output
20 .reuse
21 .mocharc.json
22 .release-it.json
23 .xmake.cfg
24 # Logs
25 *.log
26 # Winston
27 *-audit.json
28 # Vim
29 # Persistent undo
30 [._]*.un~
31 # Temporary
32 .netrwhist
33 *~
34 *.bak
35 *.orig
36 *.BACKUP.*
37 *.BASE.*
38 *.LOCAL.*
39 *.REMOTE.*
40 *_BACKUP_*.txt
41 *_BASE_*.txt
42 *_LOCAL_*.txt
43 *_REMOTE_*.txt
44 *.md
45 *.db
46 *tags-template.*
47 *config-template.*
48 *cf-template.*
49 manifest-*.yml
50 *.tar.gz
51 *.mta
52 commitlint.config.js
53 rollup.config.js
54 rollup.config.mjs
55 mikro-orm.config.ts
56 mta.yaml
57 mta_archives
58 docker
59 src
60 test
61 temp
62 outputs
63 coverage
64 node_modules
65 !dist/node_modules
67 performanceRecords.json
68 performanceRecords.json.lock
69 tsconfig*.json