fix: various fixes to files handling and their content caching
[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] / .vscode / settings.json
1 {
2 "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
3 "source.fixAll": true
4 },
5 "testExplorer.useNativeTesting": true,
6 "mochaExplorer.nodeArgv": [
7 "--loader=ts-node/esm",
8 "--no-warnings=ExperimentalWarning",
9 "--experimental-specifier-resolution=node"
10 ],
11 "mochaExplorer.files": ["test/**/*Test.ts"],
12 "mochaExplorer.debuggerConfig": "Debug Simulator Unit Tests",
13 "cSpell.words": [
14 "benoit",
15 "bufferutil",
16 "cacheable",
17 "commitlint",
18 "csms",
19 "emobility",
20 "evse",
21 "evses",
22 "iccid",
23 "idtag",
24 "idtags",
25 "imsi",
26 "lcov",
27 "logform",
28 "measurand",
29 "measurands",
30 "mikro",
31 "mnemonist",
32 "mochawesome",
33 "ocpp",
34 "piment",
35 "poolifier",
36 "preinstall",
37 "Recurrency",
38 "robohydra",
39 "sonarlint",
40 "SRPC",
41 "tsdoc",
42 "VCAP",
43 "webui"
44 ],
45 "sonarlint.connectedMode.project": {
46 "connectionId": "sap-1",
47 "projectKey": "e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator"
48 }
49 }