[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] / Bootstrap.ts
1 // Partial Copyright Jerome Benoit. 2021-2023. All Rights Reserved.
3 import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
4 import { dirname, extname, join } from 'node:path';
5 import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';
6 import { isMainThread } from 'node:worker_threads';
8 import chalk from 'chalk';
9 import { availableParallelism } from 'poolifier';
11 import { waitChargingStationEvents } from './Helpers';
12 import type { AbstractUIServer } from './ui-server/AbstractUIServer';
13 import { UIServerFactory } from './ui-server/UIServerFactory';
14 import { version } from '../../package.json' assert { type: 'json' };
15 import { BaseError } from '../exception';
16 import { type Storage, StorageFactory } from '../performance';
17 import {
18 type ChargingStationData,
19 type ChargingStationWorkerData,
20 type ChargingStationWorkerMessage,
21 type ChargingStationWorkerMessageData,
22 ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents,
23 ConfigurationSection,
24 ProcedureName,
25 type StationTemplateUrl,
26 type Statistics,
27 type StorageConfiguration,
28 type UIServerConfiguration,
29 type WorkerConfiguration,
30 } from '../types';
31 import {
32 Configuration,
33 Constants,
34 formatDurationMilliSeconds,
35 generateUUID,
36 handleUncaughtException,
37 handleUnhandledRejection,
38 isNotEmptyArray,
39 isNullOrUndefined,
40 logPrefix,
41 logger,
42 } from '../utils';
43 import { type WorkerAbstract, WorkerFactory } from '../worker';
45 const moduleName = 'Bootstrap';
47 enum exitCodes {
48 missingChargingStationsConfiguration = 1,
49 noChargingStationTemplates = 2,
50 }
52 export class Bootstrap extends EventEmitter {
53 private static instance: Bootstrap | null = null;
54 public numberOfChargingStations!: number;
55 public numberOfChargingStationTemplates!: number;
56 private workerImplementation: WorkerAbstract<ChargingStationWorkerData> | null;
57 private readonly uiServer!: AbstractUIServer | null;
58 private readonly storage!: Storage;
59 private numberOfStartedChargingStations!: number;
60 private readonly version: string = version;
61 private initializedCounters: boolean;
62 private started: boolean;
63 private starting: boolean;
64 private stopping: boolean;
65 private readonly workerScript: string;
67 private constructor() {
68 super();
69 for (const signal of ['SIGINT', 'SIGQUIT', 'SIGTERM']) {
70 process.on(signal, this.gracefulShutdown);
71 }
72 // Enable unconditionally for now
73 handleUnhandledRejection();
74 handleUncaughtException();
75 this.started = false;
76 this.starting = false;
77 this.stopping = false;
78 this.initializedCounters = false;
79 this.initializeCounters();
80 this.workerImplementation = null;
81 this.workerScript = join(
82 dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)),
83 `ChargingStationWorker${extname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))}`,
84 );
85 const uiServerConfiguration = Configuration.getConfigurationSection<UIServerConfiguration>(
86 ConfigurationSection.uiServer,
87 );
88 uiServerConfiguration.enabled === true &&
89 (this.uiServer = UIServerFactory.getUIServerImplementation(uiServerConfiguration));
90 const performanceStorageConfiguration =
91 Configuration.getConfigurationSection<StorageConfiguration>(
92 ConfigurationSection.performanceStorage,
93 );
94 performanceStorageConfiguration.enabled === true &&
95 (this.storage = StorageFactory.getStorage(
96 performanceStorageConfiguration.type!,
97 performanceStorageConfiguration.uri!,
98 this.logPrefix(),
99 ));
100 Configuration.setConfigurationChangeCallback(async () => Bootstrap.getInstance().restart());
101 }
103 public static getInstance(): Bootstrap {
104 if (Bootstrap.instance === null) {
105 Bootstrap.instance = new Bootstrap();
106 }
107 return Bootstrap.instance;
108 }
110 public async start(): Promise<void> {
111 if (!isMainThread) {
112 throw new BaseError('Cannot start charging stations simulator from worker thread');
113 }
114 if (this.started === false) {
115 if (this.starting === false) {
116 this.starting = true;
117 this.initializeCounters();
118 const workerConfiguration = Configuration.getConfigurationSection<WorkerConfiguration>(
119 ConfigurationSection.worker,
120 );
121 this.initializeWorkerImplementation(workerConfiguration);
122 await this.workerImplementation?.start();
123 await this.storage?.open();
124 this.uiServer?.start();
125 // Start ChargingStation object instance in worker thread
126 for (const stationTemplateUrl of Configuration.getStationTemplateUrls()!) {
127 try {
128 const nbStations = stationTemplateUrl.numberOfStations ?? 0;
129 for (let index = 1; index <= nbStations; index++) {
130 await this.startChargingStation(index, stationTemplateUrl);
131 }
132 } catch (error) {
133 console.error(
134 chalk.red(
135 `Error at starting charging station with template file ${stationTemplateUrl.file}: `,
136 ),
137 error,
138 );
139 }
140 }
141 console.info(
142 chalk.green(
143 `Charging stations simulator ${
144 this.version
145 } started with ${this.numberOfChargingStations.toString()} charging station(s) from ${this.numberOfChargingStationTemplates.toString()} configured charging station template(s) and ${
146 Configuration.workerDynamicPoolInUse()
147 ? `${workerConfiguration.poolMinSize?.toString()}/`
148 : ''
149 }${this.workerImplementation?.size}${
150 Configuration.workerPoolInUse()
151 ? `/${workerConfiguration.poolMaxSize?.toString()}`
152 : ''
153 } worker(s) concurrently running in '${workerConfiguration.processType}' mode${
154 !isNullOrUndefined(this.workerImplementation?.maxElementsPerWorker)
155 ? ` (${this.workerImplementation?.maxElementsPerWorker} charging station(s) per worker)`
156 : ''
157 }`,
158 ),
159 );
160 Configuration.workerDynamicPoolInUse() &&
161 console.warn(
162 chalk.yellow(
163 'Charging stations simulator is using dynamic pool mode. This is an experimental feature with known issues.\nPlease consider using static pool or worker set mode instead',
164 ),
165 );
166 console.info(chalk.green('Worker set/pool information:'), this.workerImplementation?.info);
167 this.started = true;
168 this.starting = false;
169 } else {
170 console.error(chalk.red('Cannot start an already starting charging stations simulator'));
171 }
172 } else {
173 console.error(chalk.red('Cannot start an already started charging stations simulator'));
174 }
175 }
177 public async stop(): Promise<void> {
178 if (!isMainThread) {
179 throw new BaseError('Cannot stop charging stations simulator from worker thread');
180 }
181 if (this.started === true) {
182 if (this.stopping === false) {
183 this.stopping = true;
184 await this.uiServer?.sendInternalRequest(
185 this.uiServer.buildProtocolRequest(
186 generateUUID(),
189 ),
190 );
191 await Promise.race([
192 waitChargingStationEvents(
193 this,
194 ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.stopped,
195 this.numberOfChargingStations,
196 ),
197 new Promise<string>((resolve) => {
198 setTimeout(() => {
199 const message = `Timeout reached ${formatDurationMilliSeconds(
201 )} at stopping charging stations simulator`;
202 console.warn(chalk.yellow(message));
203 resolve(message);
205 }),
206 ]);
207 await this.workerImplementation?.stop();
208 this.workerImplementation = null;
209 this.uiServer?.stop();
210 await this.storage?.close();
211 this.resetCounters();
212 this.initializedCounters = false;
213 this.started = false;
214 this.stopping = false;
215 } else {
216 console.error(chalk.red('Cannot stop an already stopping charging stations simulator'));
217 }
218 } else {
219 console.error(chalk.red('Cannot stop an already stopped charging stations simulator'));
220 }
221 }
223 public async restart(): Promise<void> {
224 await this.stop();
225 await this.start();
226 }
228 private initializeWorkerImplementation(workerConfiguration: WorkerConfiguration): void {
229 let elementsPerWorker: number | undefined;
230 if (workerConfiguration?.elementsPerWorker === 'auto') {
231 elementsPerWorker =
232 this.numberOfChargingStations > availableParallelism()
233 ? Math.round(this.numberOfChargingStations / (availableParallelism() * 1.5))
234 : 1;
235 }
236 this.workerImplementation === null &&
237 (this.workerImplementation = WorkerFactory.getWorkerImplementation<ChargingStationWorkerData>(
238 this.workerScript,
239 workerConfiguration.processType!,
240 {
241 workerStartDelay: workerConfiguration.startDelay,
242 elementStartDelay: workerConfiguration.elementStartDelay,
243 poolMaxSize: workerConfiguration.poolMaxSize!,
244 poolMinSize: workerConfiguration.poolMinSize!,
245 elementsPerWorker: elementsPerWorker ?? (workerConfiguration.elementsPerWorker as number),
246 poolOptions: {
247 messageHandler: this.messageHandler.bind(this) as (message: unknown) => void,
248 },
249 },
250 ));
251 }
253 private messageHandler(
254 msg: ChargingStationWorkerMessage<ChargingStationWorkerMessageData>,
255 ): void {
256 // logger.debug(
257 // `${this.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.messageHandler: Worker channel message received: ${JSON.stringify(
258 // msg,
259 // null,
260 // 2,
261 // )}`,
262 // );
263 try {
264 switch (msg.event) {
265 case ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.started:
266 this.workerEventStarted(msg.data as ChargingStationData);
267 this.emit(ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.started, msg.data as ChargingStationData);
268 break;
269 case ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.stopped:
270 this.workerEventStopped(msg.data as ChargingStationData);
271 this.emit(ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.stopped, msg.data as ChargingStationData);
272 break;
273 case ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.updated:
274 this.workerEventUpdated(msg.data as ChargingStationData);
275 this.emit(ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.updated, msg.data as ChargingStationData);
276 break;
277 case ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.performanceStatistics:
278 this.workerEventPerformanceStatistics(msg.data as Statistics);
279 this.emit(
280 ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.performanceStatistics,
281 msg.data as Statistics,
282 );
283 break;
284 case ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.startWorkerElementError:
285 logger.error(
286 `${this.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.messageHandler: Error occured while starting worker element:`,
287 msg.data,
288 );
289 this.emit(ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.startWorkerElementError, msg.data);
290 break;
291 case ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents.startedWorkerElement:
292 break;
293 default:
294 throw new BaseError(
295 `Unknown charging station worker event: '${
296 msg.event
297 }' received with data: ${JSON.stringify(msg.data, null, 2)}`,
298 );
299 }
300 } catch (error) {
301 logger.error(
302 `${this.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.messageHandler: Error occurred while handling '${
303 msg.event
304 }' event:`,
305 error,
306 );
307 }
308 }
310 private workerEventStarted = (data: ChargingStationData) => {
311 this.uiServer?.chargingStations.set(data.stationInfo.hashId, data);
312 ++this.numberOfStartedChargingStations;
313 logger.info(
314 `${this.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.workerEventStarted: Charging station ${
315 data.stationInfo.chargingStationId
316 } (hashId: ${data.stationInfo.hashId}) started (${
317 this.numberOfStartedChargingStations
318 } started from ${this.numberOfChargingStations})`,
319 );
320 };
322 private workerEventStopped = (data: ChargingStationData) => {
323 this.uiServer?.chargingStations.set(data.stationInfo.hashId, data);
324 --this.numberOfStartedChargingStations;
325 logger.info(
326 `${this.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.workerEventStopped: Charging station ${
327 data.stationInfo.chargingStationId
328 } (hashId: ${data.stationInfo.hashId}) stopped (${
329 this.numberOfStartedChargingStations
330 } started from ${this.numberOfChargingStations})`,
331 );
332 };
334 private workerEventUpdated = (data: ChargingStationData) => {
335 this.uiServer?.chargingStations.set(data.stationInfo.hashId, data);
336 };
338 private workerEventPerformanceStatistics = (data: Statistics) => {
339 this.storage.storePerformanceStatistics(data) as void;
340 };
342 private initializeCounters() {
343 if (this.initializedCounters === false) {
344 this.resetCounters();
345 const stationTemplateUrls = Configuration.getStationTemplateUrls()!;
346 if (isNotEmptyArray(stationTemplateUrls)) {
347 this.numberOfChargingStationTemplates = stationTemplateUrls.length;
348 for (const stationTemplateUrl of stationTemplateUrls) {
349 this.numberOfChargingStations += stationTemplateUrl.numberOfStations ?? 0;
350 }
351 } else {
352 console.warn(
353 chalk.yellow("'stationTemplateUrls' not defined or empty in configuration, exiting"),
354 );
355 process.exit(exitCodes.missingChargingStationsConfiguration);
356 }
357 if (this.numberOfChargingStations === 0) {
358 console.warn(
359 chalk.yellow('No charging station template enabled in configuration, exiting'),
360 );
361 process.exit(exitCodes.noChargingStationTemplates);
362 }
363 this.initializedCounters = true;
364 }
365 }
367 private resetCounters(): void {
368 this.numberOfChargingStationTemplates = 0;
369 this.numberOfChargingStations = 0;
370 this.numberOfStartedChargingStations = 0;
371 }
373 private async startChargingStation(
374 index: number,
375 stationTemplateUrl: StationTemplateUrl,
376 ): Promise<void> {
377 await this.workerImplementation?.addElement({
378 index,
379 templateFile: join(
380 dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)),
381 'assets',
382 'station-templates',
383 stationTemplateUrl.file,
384 ),
385 });
386 }
388 private gracefulShutdown = (): void => {
389 console.info(`${chalk.green('Graceful shutdown')}`);
390 this.stop()
391 .then(() => {
392 process.exit(0);
393 })
394 .catch((error) => {
395 console.error(chalk.red('Error while shutdowning charging stations simulator: '), error);
396 process.exit(1);
397 });
398 };
400 private logPrefix = (): string => {
401 return logPrefix(' Bootstrap |');
402 };
403 }