[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] / FileUtils.ts
1 import { type FSWatcher, type WatchListener, readFileSync, watch } from 'node:fs';
3 import { handleFileException } from './ErrorUtils';
4 import { logger } from './Logger';
5 import { isNotEmptyString } from './Utils';
6 import type { FileType, JsonType } from '../types';
8 export const watchJsonFile = <T extends JsonType>(
9 file: string,
10 fileType: FileType,
11 logPrefix: string,
12 refreshedVariable?: T,
13 listener: WatchListener<string> = (event, filename) => {
14 if (isNotEmptyString(filename) && event === 'change') {
15 try {
16 logger.debug(`${logPrefix} ${fileType} file ${file} have changed, reload`);
17 refreshedVariable && (refreshedVariable = JSON.parse(readFileSync(file, 'utf8')) as T);
18 } catch (error) {
19 handleFileException(file, fileType, error as NodeJS.ErrnoException, logPrefix, {
20 throwError: false,
21 });
22 }
23 }
24 },
25 ): FSWatcher | undefined => {
26 if (isNotEmptyString(file)) {
27 try {
28 return watch(file, listener);
29 } catch (error) {
30 handleFileException(file, fileType, error as NodeJS.ErrnoException, logPrefix, {
31 throwError: false,
32 });
33 }
34 } else {
35`${logPrefix} No ${fileType} file to watch given. Not monitoring its changes`);
36 }
37 };