Refine autoRegister CS template tunable handling
[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] /
1 # [charging-stations-simulator](
3 ## Summary
5 Simple [node.js]( program to simulate a set of charging stations based on the OCPP-J 1.6 protocol.
7 ## Prerequisites
9 ### Windows
11 * [Chocolatey](
13 ```powershell
14 choco install -y nodejs-lts
15 ```
17 ### MacOSX
19 * [Homebrew](
21 ```shell
22 brew install node@14
23 ```
25 ### GNU/Linux:
27 * [NodeSource]( Node.js Binary Distributions for version 14.X
29 ## Configuration syntax
31 All configuration files are in the JSON standard format.
33 The charging stations simulator's main configuration parameters must be within the `src/assets/config.json` file. A configuration template file is available at [src/assets/config-template.json](src/assets/config-template.json).
35 All charging station templates are in the directory [src/assets/station-templates](src/assets/station-templates).
37 A list of RFID tags must be defined for the automatic transaction generator with the default location and name `src/assets/authorization-tags.json`. A template file is available at [src/assets/authorization-tags-template.json](src/assets/authorization-tags-template.json).
39 The charging stations simulator have an automatic configuration files reload feature at change for:
40 * main configuration;
41 * charging station templates;
42 * authorization RFID tags.
44 But the modifications to test have to be done to the files in the build result directory [dist/assets](dist/assets). Once the modifications are finished, they have to be reported or copied to the matching files in the build source directory [src/assets](src/assets) to ensure they will be taken into account at next build.
46 ### Main configuration
48 **src/assets/config.json**:
50 Key | Value(s) | Default Value | Value type | Description
51 --- | -------| --------------| ---------- | ------------
52 supervisionUrls | | [] | string[] | array of connection URIs to OCPP-J servers
53 distributeStationsToTenantsEqually | true/false | true | boolean | distribute charging stations uniformly to the OCPP-J servers
54 workerProcess | workerSet/staticPool/dynamicPool | workerSet | string | worker threads process type
55 workerStartDelay | | 500 | integer | milliseconds to wait at charging station worker threads startup
56 workerPoolMinSize | | 4 | integer | worker threads pool minimum number of threads
57 workerPoolMaxSize | | 16 | integer | worker threads pool maximum number of threads
58 workerPoolStrategy | ROUND_ROBIN/LESS_RECENTLY_USED/... | [poolifier]( default: ROUND_ROBBIN | string | worker threads pool [poolifier]( worker choice strategy
59 chargingStationsPerWorker | | 1 | integer | number of charging stations per worker threads for the `workerSet` process type
60 logStatisticsInterval | | 60 | integer | seconds between charging stations statistics output in the logs
61 logConsole | true/false | false | boolean | output logs on the console
62 logFormat | | simple | string | winston log format
63 logRotate | true/false | true | boolean | enable daily log files rotation
64 logMaxFiles | | 7 | integer | maximum number of log files to keep
65 logLevel | emerg/alert/crit/error/warning/notice/info/debug | info | string | winston logging level
66 logFile | | combined.log | string | log file relative path
67 logErrorFile | | error.log | string | error log file relative path
68 uiWebSocketServer | | { "enabled": true, "options": { "host: "localhost", "port": 8080 } } | { enabled: boolean; options: ServerOptions; } | UI WebSocket server configuration section
69 performanceStorage | | { "enabled": false, "type": "jsonfile", "file:///performanceRecords.json" } | { enabled: boolean; type: string; URI: string; } where type can be 'jsonfile' or 'mongodb' | performance storage configuration section
70 stationTemplateUrls | | {}[] | { file: string; numberOfStations: number; }[] | array of charging station templates URIs configuration section (template file name and number of stations)
72 #### Worker process model:
74 - **workerSet**:
75 Worker set executing each a static number (chargingStationsPerWorker) of simulated charging stations from the total
77 - **staticPool**:
78 Statically sized worker pool executing a static total number of simulated charging stations
80 - **dynamicPool**:
81 Dynamically sized worker pool executing a static total number of simulated charging stations
83 ### Charging station template
85 Key | Value(s) | Default Value | Value type | Description
86 --- | -------| --------------| ---------- | ------------
87 supervisionUrl | | '' | string | connection URI to OCPP-J server
88 supervisionUser | | '' | string | basic HTTP authentication user to OCPP-J server
89 supervisionPassword | | '' | string | basic HTTP authentication password to OCPP-J server
90 supervisionUrlOcppConfiguration | true/false | false | boolean | Allow supervision URL configuration via a vendor OCPP parameter key
91 supervisionUrlOcppKey | | 'ConnectionUrl' | string | The vendor string that will be used as a vendor OCPP parameter key to set the supervision URL
92 ocppVersion | 1.6 | 1.6 | string | OCPP version
93 ocppProtocol | json | json | string | OCPP protocol
94 wsOptions | | {} | ClientOptions & ClientRequestArgs | [ws]( and node.js [http]( clients options intersection
95 authorizationFile | | '' | string | RFID tags list file relative to src/assets path
96 baseName | | '' | string | base name to build charging stations name
97 nameSuffix | | '' | string | name suffix to build charging stations name
98 fixedName | true/false | false | boolean | use the baseName as the charging stations unique name
99 chargePointModel | | '' | string | charging stations model
100 chargePointVendor | | '' | string | charging stations vendor
101 chargeBoxSerialNumberPrefix | | '' | string | charging stations serial number prefix
102 firmwareVersion | | '' | string | charging stations firmware version
103 power | | | float\|float[] | charging stations maximum power value(s)
104 powerSharedByConnectors | true/false | false | boolean | charging stations power shared by its connectors
105 powerUnit | W/kW | W | string | charging stations power unit
106 currentOutType | AC/DC | AC | string | charging stations current out type
107 voltageOut | | AC:230/DC:400 | integer | charging stations voltage out
108 numberOfPhases | 0/1/3 | AC:3/DC:0 | integer | charging stations number of phase(s)
109 numberOfConnectors | | | integer\|integer[] | charging stations number of connector(s)
110 useConnectorId0 | true/false | true | boolean | use connector id 0 definition from the template
111 randomConnectors | true/false | false | boolean | randomize runtime connector id affectation from the connector id definition in template
112 resetTime | | 60 | integer | seconds to wait before the charging stations come back at reset
113 autoRegister | true/false | false | boolean | set the charging station as registered at boot notification for testing purpose
114 autoReconnectMaxRetries | | -1 (unlimited) | integer | connection retries to the OCPP-J server
115 reconnectExponentialDelay | true/false | false | boolean | connection delay retry to the OCPP-J server
116 registrationMaxRetries | | -1 (unlimited) | integer | charging stations boot notification retries
117 enableStatistics | true/false | true | boolean | enable charging stations statistics
118 mayAuthorizeAtRemoteStart | true/false | true | boolean | always send authorize at remote start transaction when AuthorizeRemoteTxRequests is enabled
119 beginEndMeterValues | true/false | false | boolean | enable Transaction.{Begin,End} MeterValues
120 outOfOrderEndMeterValues | true/false | false | boolean | send Transaction.End MeterValues out of order
121 meteringPerTransaction | true/false | true | boolean | enable metering history on a per transaction basis
122 transactionDataMeterValues | true/false | false | boolean | enable transaction data MeterValues at stop transaction
123 mainVoltageMeterValues | true/false | true | boolean | include charging station main voltage MeterValues on three phased charging stations
124 phaseLineToLineVoltageMeterValues | true/false | true | boolean | include charging station line to line voltage MeterValues on three phased charging stations
125 Configuration | | | ChargingStationConfiguration | charging stations OCPP parameters configuration section
126 AutomaticTransactionGenerator | | | AutomaticTransactionGenerator | charging stations ATG configuration section
127 Connectors | | | Connectors | charging stations connectors configuration section
129 #### Configuration section
131 ```json
132 "Configuration": {
133 "configurationKey": [
134 ...
135 {
136 "key": "StandardKey",
137 "readonly": false,
138 "value": "StandardValue",
139 "visible": true,
140 "reboot": false
141 },
142 ...
143 {
144 "key": "VendorKey",
145 "readonly": false,
146 "value": "VendorValue",
147 "visible": false,
148 "reboot": true
149 },
150 ...
151 ]
152 }
153 ```
155 #### AutomaticTransactionGenerator section
157 ```json
158 "AutomaticTransactionGenerator": {
159 "enable": false,
160 "minDuration": 60,
161 "maxDuration": 80,
162 "minDelayBetweenTwoTransactions": 15,
163 "maxDelayBetweenTwoTransactions": 30,
164 "probabilityOfStart": 1,
165 "stopAfterHours": 0.3,
166 "stopOnConnectionFailure": true,
167 "requireAuthorize": true
168 }
169 ```
170 #### Connectors section
172 ```json
173 "Connectors": {
174 "0": {},
175 "1": {
176 "bootStatus": "Available",
177 "MeterValues": [
178 ...
179 {
180 "unit": "W",
181 "measurand": "Power.Active.Import",
182 "phase": "L1-N",
183 "value": "5000",
184 "fluctuationPercent": "10"
185 },
186 ...
187 {
188 "unit": "A",
189 "measurand": "Current.Import"
190 },
191 ...
192 {
193 "unit": "Wh"
194 },
195 ...
196 ]
197 }
198 },
199 ```
201 ## Start
203 To start the program, run: `npm start`.
205 ## Docker
207 In the [docker](./docker) folder:
209 ```bash
210 make
211 ```
213 Or with the optional git submodules:
215 ```bash
216 make SUBMODULES_INIT=true
217 ```
219 ## OCPP-J commands supported
221 ### Version 1.6
223 #### Core Profile
225 - :white_check_mark: Authorize
226 - :white_check_mark: BootNotification
227 - :white_check_mark: ChangeAvailability
228 - :white_check_mark: ChangeConfiguration
229 - :white_check_mark: ClearCache
230 - :x: DataTransfer
231 - :white_check_mark: GetConfiguration
232 - :white_check_mark: Heartbeat
233 - :white_check_mark: MeterValues
234 - :white_check_mark: RemoteStartTransaction
235 - :white_check_mark: RemoteStopTransaction
236 - :white_check_mark: Reset
237 - :white_check_mark: StartTransaction
238 - :white_check_mark: StatusNotification
239 - :white_check_mark: StopTransaction
240 - :white_check_mark: UnlockConnector
242 #### Firmware Management Profile
244 - :white_check_mark: GetDiagnostics
245 - :white_check_mark: DiagnosticsStatusNotification
246 - :x: FirmwareStatusNotification
247 - :x: UpdateFirmware
249 #### Local Auth List Management Profile
251 - :x: GetLocalListVersion
252 - :x: SendLocalList
254 #### Reservation Profile
256 - :x: CancelReservation
257 - :x: ReserveNow
259 #### Smart Charging Profile
261 - :white_check_mark: ClearChargingProfile
262 - :white_check_mark: GetCompositeSchedule
263 - :white_check_mark: SetChargingProfile
265 #### Remote Trigger Profile
267 - :white_check_mark: TriggerMessage
269 ## OCPP-J standard parameters supported
271 All kind of OCPP parameters are supported in a charging station template. The list here mention the standard ones also handled automatically in the simulator.
273 ### Version 1.6
275 #### Core Profile
277 - :white_check_mark: AuthorizeRemoteTxRequests (type: boolean) (units: -)
278 - :x: ClockAlignedDataInterval (type: integer) (units: seconds)
279 - :white_check_mark: ConnectionTimeOut (type: integer) (units: seconds)
280 - :x: GetConfigurationMaxKeys (type: integer) (units: -)
281 - :white_check_mark: HeartbeatInterval (type: integer) (units: seconds)
282 - :x: LocalAuthorizeOffline (type: boolean) (units: -)
283 - :x: LocalPreAuthorize (type: boolean) (units: -)
284 - :x: MeterValuesAlignedData (type: CSL) (units: -)
285 - :white_check_mark: MeterValuesSampledData (type: CSL) (units: -)
286 - :white_check_mark: MeterValueSampleInterval (type: integer) (units: seconds)
287 - :white_check_mark: NumberOfConnectors (type: integer) (units: -)
288 - :x: ResetRetries (type: integer) (units: times)
289 - :white_check_mark: ConnectorPhaseRotation (type: CSL) (units: -)
290 - :x: StopTransactionOnEVSideDisconnect (type: boolean) (units: -)
291 - :x: StopTransactionOnInvalidId (type: boolean) (units: -)
292 - :x: StopTxnAlignedData (type: CSL) (units: -)
293 - :x: StopTxnSampledData (type: CSL) (units: -)
294 - :white_check_mark: SupportedFeatureProfiles (type: CSL) (units: -)
295 - :x: TransactionMessageAttempts (type: integer) (units: times)
296 - :x: TransactionMessageRetryInterval (type: integer) (units: seconds)
297 - :x: UnlockConnectorOnEVSideDisconnect (type: boolean) (units: -)
298 - :white_check_mark: WebSocketPingInterval (type: integer) (units: seconds)
300 #### Firmware Management Profile
302 - *none*
304 #### Local Auth List Management Profile
306 - :white_check_mark: LocalAuthListEnabled (type: boolean) (units: -)
307 - :x: LocalAuthListMaxLength (type: integer) (units: -)
308 - :x: SendLocalListMaxLength (type: integer) (units: -)
310 #### Reservation Profile
312 - *none*
314 #### Smart Charging Profile
316 - :x: ChargeProfileMaxStackLevel (type: integer) (units: -)
317 - :x: ChargingScheduleAllowedChargingRateUnit (type: CSL) (units: -)
318 - :x: ChargingScheduleMaxPeriods (type: integer) (units: -)
319 - :x: MaxChargingProfilesInstalled (type: integer) (units: -)
321 #### Remote Trigger Profile
323 - *none*
325 ## License
327 This file and all other files in this repository are licensed under the Apache Software License, v.2 and copyrighted under the copyright in [NOTICE](NOTICE) file, except as noted otherwise in the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file or the code source file header.
329 Please note that Docker images can contain other software which may be licensed under different licenses. This LICENSE and NOTICE files are also included in the Docker image. For any usage of built Docker images please make sure to check the licenses of the artifacts contained in the images.