[poolifier.git] / README.md
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5 <h2 align="center">Node Thread Pool and Cluster Pool :arrow_double_up: :on:</h2>
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30 ## Why Poolifier?
32 Poolifier is used to perform CPU intensive and I/O intensive tasks on nodejs servers, it implements worker pools using [worker-threads](https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#worker_threads_worker_threads) and cluster pools using [Node.js cluster](https://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html) modules.
33 With poolifier you can improve your **performance** and resolve problems related to the event loop.
34 Moreover you can execute your tasks using an API designed to improve the **developer experience**.
35 Please consult our [general guidelines](#general-guidance).
37 - Performance :racehorse: [benchmarks](./benchmarks/README.md)
38 - Security :bank: :cop: [![Security Rating](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=pioardi_poolifier&metric=security_rating)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=pioardi_poolifier) [![Vulnerabilities](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=pioardi_poolifier&metric=vulnerabilities)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=pioardi_poolifier)
39 - Easy to use :couple:
40 - Dynamic pool size :white_check_mark:
41 - Easy switch from a pool to another :white_check_mark:
42 - No runtime dependencies :white_check_mark:
43 - Proper async integration with node async hooks :white_check_mark:
44 - Support for worker threads and cluster node modules :white_check_mark:
45 - Support sync and async tasks :white_check_mark:
46 - Tasks distribution strategies :white_check_mark:
47 - General guidance on pools to use :white_check_mark:
48 - Widely tested :white_check_mark:
49 - Error handling out of the box :white_check_mark:
50 - Active community :white_check_mark:
51 - Code quality :octocat: [![Bugs](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=pioardi_poolifier&metric=bugs)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=pioardi_poolifier)
52 [![Code Smells](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=pioardi_poolifier&metric=code_smells)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=pioardi_poolifier)
53 [![Duplicated Lines (%)](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=pioardi_poolifier&metric=duplicated_lines_density)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=pioardi_poolifier)
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56 [![Technical Debt](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=pioardi_poolifier&metric=sqale_index)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=pioardi_poolifier)
58 ## Contents
60 <h3 align="center">
61 <a href="#overview">Overview</a>
62 <span> · </span>
63 <a href="#installation">Installation</a>
64 <span> · </span>
65 <a href="#usage">Usage</a>
66 <span> · </span>
67 <a href="#node-versions">Node versions</a>
68 <span> · </span>
69 <a href="#api">API</a>
70 <span> · </span>
71 <a href="#general-guidance">General guidance</a>
72 <span> · </span>
73 <a href="#contribute">Contribute</a>
74 <span> · </span>
75 <a href="#team">Team</a>
76 <span> · </span>
77 <a href="#license">License</a>
78 </h3>
80 ## Overview
82 Node pool contains two [worker-threads](https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#worker_threads_worker_threads)/[cluster worker](https://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html#cluster_class_worker) pool implementations, you don't have to deal with worker-threads/cluster worker complexity.
83 The first implementation is a static worker pool, with a defined number of workers that are started at creation time and will be reused.
84 The second implementation is a dynamic worker pool with a number of worker started at creation time (these workers will be always active and reused) and other workers created when the load will increase (with an upper limit, these workers will be reused when active), the new created workers will be stopped after a configurable period of inactivity.
85 You have to implement your worker extending the ThreadWorker or ClusterWorker class.
87 ## Installation
89 ```shell
90 npm install poolifier --save
91 ```
93 ## Usage
95 You can implement a worker-threads worker in a simple way by extending the class ThreadWorker:
97 ```js
98 'use strict'
99 const { ThreadWorker } = require('poolifier')
101 function yourFunction(data) {
102 // this will be executed in the worker thread,
103 // the data will be received by using the execute method
104 return { ok: 1 }
105 }
107 module.exports = new ThreadWorker(yourFunction, {
108 maxInactiveTime: 60000
109 })
110 ```
112 Instantiate your pool based on your needs :
114 ```js
115 'use strict'
116 const { DynamicThreadPool, FixedThreadPool, PoolEvents } = require('poolifier')
118 // a fixed worker-threads pool
119 const pool = new FixedThreadPool(15,
120 './yourWorker.js',
121 { errorHandler: (e) => console.error(e), onlineHandler: () => console.log('worker is online') })
123 pool.emitter.on(PoolEvents.busy, () => console.log('Pool is busy'))
125 // or a dynamic worker-threads pool
126 const pool = new DynamicThreadPool(10, 100,
127 './yourWorker.js',
128 { errorHandler: (e) => console.error(e), onlineHandler: () => console.log('worker is online') })
130 pool.emitter.on(PoolEvents.full, () => console.log('Pool is full'))
131 pool.emitter.on(PoolEvents.busy, () => console.log('Pool is busy'))
133 // the execute method signature is the same for both implementations,
134 // so you can easy switch from one to another
135 pool.execute({}).then(res => {
136 console.log(res)
137 }).catch ....
139 ```
141 You can do the same with the classes ClusterWorker, FixedClusterPool and DynamicClusterPool.
143 **See examples folder for more details (in particular if you want to use a pool with [multiple worker functions](./examples/multiFunctionExample.js))**.
145 Remember that workers can only send and receive serializable data.
147 ## Node versions
149 Node versions >= 16.14.x are supported.
151 ## [API](https://poolifier.github.io/poolifier/)
153 ### `PoolOptions`
155 An object with these properties:
157 - `messageHandler` (optional) - A function that will listen for message event on each worker
158 - `errorHandler` (optional) - A function that will listen for error event on each worker
159 - `onlineHandler` (optional) - A function that will listen for online event on each worker
160 - `exitHandler` (optional) - A function that will listen for exit event on each worker
161 - `workerChoiceStrategy` (optional) - The worker choice strategy to use in this pool:
163 - `WorkerChoiceStrategies.ROUND_ROBIN`: Submit tasks to worker in a round robin fashion
164 - `WorkerChoiceStrategies.LEAST_USED`: Submit tasks to the worker with the minimum number of executed, executing and queued tasks
165 - `WorkerChoiceStrategies.LEAST_BUSY`: Submit tasks to the worker with the minimum tasks total execution and wait time
166 - `WorkerChoiceStrategies.LEAST_ELU`: Submit tasks to the worker with the minimum event loop utilization (ELU) (experimental)
167 - `WorkerChoiceStrategies.WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN`: Submit tasks to worker by using a [weighted round robin scheduling algorithm](./src/pools/selection-strategies/README.md#weighted-round-robin) based on tasks execution time
168 - `WorkerChoiceStrategies.INTERLEAVED_WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN`: Submit tasks to worker by using an [interleaved weighted round robin scheduling algorithm](./src/pools/selection-strategies/README.md#interleaved-weighted-round-robin) based on tasks execution time(experimental)
169 - `WorkerChoiceStrategies.FAIR_SHARE`: Submit tasks to worker by using a [fair share scheduling algorithm](./src/pools/selection-strategies/README.md#fair-share) based on tasks execution time (the default) or ELU active time
171 `WorkerChoiceStrategies.WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN`, `WorkerChoiceStrategies.INTERLEAVED_WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN` and `WorkerChoiceStrategies.FAIR_SHARE` strategies are targeted to heavy and long tasks.
172 Default: `WorkerChoiceStrategies.ROUND_ROBIN`
174 - `workerChoiceStrategyOptions` (optional) - The worker choice strategy options object to use in this pool.
175 Properties:
177 - `measurement` (optional) - The measurement to use in worker choice strategies: `runTime`, `waitTime` or `elu`.
178 - `runTime` (optional) - Use the tasks [median](./src/pools/selection-strategies/README.md#median) runtime instead of the tasks average runtime in worker choice strategies.
179 - `waitTime` (optional) - Use the tasks [median](./src/pools/selection-strategies/README.md#median) wait time instead of the tasks average wait time in worker choice strategies.
180 - `elu` (optional) - Use the tasks [median](./src/pools/selection-strategies/README.md#median) ELU instead of the tasks average ELU in worker choice strategies.
181 - `weights` (optional) - The worker weights to use in weighted round robin worker choice strategies: `{ 0: 200, 1: 300, ..., n: 100 }`.
183 Default: `{ runTime: { median: false }, waitTime: { median: false }, elu: { median: false } }`
185 - `restartWorkerOnError` (optional) - Restart worker on uncaught error in this pool.
186 Default: `true`
187 - `enableEvents` (optional) - Events emission enablement in this pool.
188 Default: `true`
189 - `enableTasksQueue` (optional) - Tasks queue per worker enablement in this pool.
190 Default: `false`
192 - `tasksQueueOptions` (optional) - The worker tasks queue options object to use in this pool.
193 Properties:
195 - `concurrency` (optional) - The maximum number of tasks that can be executed concurrently on a worker.
197 Default: `{ concurrency: 1 }`
199 #### `ThreadPoolOptions extends PoolOptions`
201 - `workerOptions` (optional) - An object with the worker options to pass to worker. See [worker_threads](https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#worker_threads_new_worker_filename_options) for more details.
203 #### `ClusterPoolOptions extends PoolOptions`
205 - `env` (optional) - An object with the environment variables to pass to worker. See [cluster](https://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html#cluster_cluster_fork_env) for more details.
207 - `settings` (optional) - An object with the cluster settings. See [cluster](https://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html#cluster_cluster_settings) for more details.
209 ### `pool = new FixedThreadPool/FixedClusterPool(numberOfThreads/numberOfWorkers, filePath, opts)`
211 `numberOfThreads/numberOfWorkers` (mandatory) Number of workers for this pool
212 `filePath` (mandatory) Path to a file with a worker implementation
213 `opts` (optional) An object with the pool options properties described above
215 ### `pool = new DynamicThreadPool/DynamicClusterPool(min, max, filePath, opts)`
217 `min` (mandatory) Same as FixedThreadPool/FixedClusterPool numberOfThreads/numberOfWorkers, this number of workers will be always active
218 `max` (mandatory) Max number of workers that this pool can contain, the new created workers will die after a threshold (default is 1 minute, you can override it in your worker implementation).
219 `filePath` (mandatory) Path to a file with a worker implementation
220 `opts` (optional) An object with the pool options properties described above
222 ### `pool.execute(data, name)`
224 `data` (optional) An object that you want to pass to your worker implementation
225 `name` (optional) A string with the task function name that you want to execute on the worker. Default: `'default'`
226 This method is available on both pool implementations and returns a promise.
228 ### `pool.destroy()`
230 Destroy method is available on both pool implementations.
231 This method will call the terminate method on each worker.
233 ### `class YourWorker extends ThreadWorker/ClusterWorker`
235 `taskFunctions` (mandatory) The task function or task functions object that you want to execute on the worker
236 `opts` (optional) An object with these properties:
238 - `maxInactiveTime` (optional) - Max time to wait tasks to work on in milliseconds, after this period the new worker will die.
239 The last active time of your worker unit will be updated when a task is submitted to a worker or when a worker terminate a task.
240 If `killBehavior` is set to `KillBehaviors.HARD` this value represents also the timeout for the tasks that you submit to the pool, when this timeout expires your tasks is interrupted and the worker is killed if is not part of the minimum size of the pool.
241 If `killBehavior` is set to `KillBehaviors.SOFT` your tasks have no timeout and your workers will not be terminated until your task is completed.
242 Default: `60000`
244 - `killBehavior` (optional) - Dictates if your async unit (worker/process) will be deleted in case that a task is active on it.
245 **KillBehaviors.SOFT**: If `currentTime - lastActiveTime` is greater than `maxInactiveTime` but a task is still executing or queued, then the worker **won't** be deleted.
246 **KillBehaviors.HARD**: If `currentTime - lastActiveTime` is greater than `maxInactiveTime` but a task is still executing or queued, then the worker will be deleted.
247 This option only apply to the newly created workers.
248 Default: `KillBehaviors.SOFT`
250 ## General guidance
252 Performance is one of the main target of these worker pool implementations, we want to have a strong focus on this.
253 We already have a bench folder where you can find some comparisons.
255 ### Internal Node.js thread pool
257 Before to jump into each poolifier pool type, let highlight that **Node.js comes with a thread pool already**, the libuv thread pool where some particular tasks already run by default.
258 Please take a look at [which tasks run on the libuv thread pool](https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/dont-block-the-event-loop/#what-code-runs-on-the-worker-pool).
260 **If your task runs on libuv thread pool**, you can try to:
262 - Tune the libuv thread pool size setting the [UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE](https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_uv_threadpool_size_size).
264 and/or
266 - Use poolifier cluster pool that spawning child processes will also increase the number of libuv threads since that any new child process comes with a separated libuv thread pool. **More threads does not mean more fast, so please tune your application**.
268 ### Cluster vs Threads worker pools
270 **If your task does not run into libuv thread pool** and is CPU intensive then poolifier **thread pools** (FixedThreadPool and DynamicThreadPool) are suggested to run CPU intensive tasks, you can still run I/O intensive tasks into thread pools, but performance enhancement is expected to be minimal.
271 Thread pools are built on top of Node.js [worker-threads](https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#worker_threads_worker_threads) module.
273 **If your task does not run into libuv thread pool** and is I/O intensive then poolifier **cluster pools** (FixedClusterPool and DynamicClusterPool) are suggested to run I/O intensive tasks, again you can still run CPU intensive tasks into cluster pools, but performance enhancement is expected to be minimal.
274 Consider that by default Node.js already has great performance for I/O tasks (asynchronous I/O).
275 Cluster pools are built on top of Node.js [cluster](https://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html) module.
277 If your task contains code that runs on libuv plus code that is CPU intensive or I/O intensive you either split it either combine more strategies (i.e. tune the number of libuv threads and use cluster/thread pools).
278 But in general, **always profile your application**.
280 ### Fixed vs Dynamic pools
282 To choose your pool consider that with a FixedThreadPool/FixedClusterPool or a DynamicThreadPool/DynamicClusterPool (in this case is important the min parameter passed to the constructor) your application memory footprint will increase.
283 Increasing the memory footprint, your application will be ready to accept more tasks, but during idle time your application will consume more memory.
284 One good choice from poolifier team point of view is to profile your application using fixed or dynamic worker pool, and to see your application metrics when you increase/decrease the num of workers.
285 For example you could keep the memory footprint low choosing a DynamicThreadPool/DynamicClusterPool with 5 workers, and allow to create new workers until 50/100 when needed, this is the advantage to use the DynamicThreadPool/DynamicClusterPool.
286 But in general, **always profile your application**.
288 ## Contribute
290 Choose your task here [2.6.x](https://github.com/orgs/poolifier/projects/1), propose an idea, a fix, an improvement.
292 See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) guidelines.
294 ## Team
296 **Creator/Owner:**
298 - [**Alessandro Pio Ardizio**](https://github.com/pioardi)
300 **_Contributors_**
302 - [**Shinigami92**](https://github.com/Shinigami92)
303 - [**Jérôme Benoit**](https://github.com/jerome-benoit)
305 ## License
307 [MIT](./LICENSE)