[TD_LISP.git] / arithmetic.lsp
1 #!/usr/bin/env newlisp
3 ;O(N)
4 (define (Puissance1 P N)
5 (cond
6 ((= N 0) 1)
7 ((= N 1) P)
8 ((< N 0) (div 1 (Puissance1 P (- N))))
9 ((* P (Puissance1 P (- N 1))))))
10 (println "Puissance1")
11 (println (Puissance1 5 5))
12 (println (Puissance1 2 12))
14 ;(trace true)
16 ;O(log N)
17 (define (Puissance2 P N)
18 (cond
19 ((= N 1) P)
20 ((= N 2) (* P P))
21 ((> N 2)
22 (cond
23 ((= (mod N 2) 0) (Puissance2 (Puissance2 P 2) (/ N 2)))
24 ((* P (Puissance2 (Puissance2 P 2) (/ (- N 1) 2))))))))
25 (println "Puissance2")
26 (println (Puissance2 5 5))
27 (println (Puissance2 2 12))
29 ;(trace nil)
31 ; https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithme_d%27Euclide
32 (define (pgcd N P)
33 (cond
34 ((< N P) (pgcd P N))
35 ((= N P) N)
36 ((= P 0) N)
37 ((pgcd (- N P) P))))
38 (println "PGCD")
39 (println (pgcd 12 4))
40 (println (pgcd 25 5))
41 (println (pgcd 21 7))
43 ;(trace true)
45 ; https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_binomial
46 ; relation de pascal commenté
47 (define (comb N P)
48 (cond
49 ((= P 0) 1)
50 ((= N P) 1)
51 ;((+ (comb (- N 1) P) (comb (- N 1) (- P 1))))))
52 ((/ (* N (comb (- N 1) (- P 1))) P))))
53 (println "comb")
54 (println (comb 5 4))
55 (println (comb 60 4))
56 (println "(comb 12 8) = "(comb 12 8))
58 ;(trace nil)
59 ;(trace true)
61 (setq L '(3 7 + 4 2 + *))
62 (setq M '(4 3 7 + * 2 -))
63 (setq N '(10 10 5 / +))
64 (define (calculExp P L)
65 (cond
66 ((null? L) (first P))
67 ; all these conditions could probably be simplified
68 ((= (first L) '+) (calculExp (cons (+ (P 1) (first P)) (rest (rest P))) (rest L)))
69 ((= (first L) '-) (calculExp (cons (- (P 1) (first P)) (rest (rest P))) (rest L)))
70 ((= (first L) '*) (calculExp (cons (* (P 1) (first P)) (rest (rest P))) (rest L)))
71 ;FIXME: test for divide by zero
72 ((= (first L) '/) (calculExp (cons (/ (P 1) (first P)) (rest (rest P))) (rest L)))
73 ((number? (first L)) (calculExp (cons (first L) P) (rest L)))))
74 (println "calculExp")
75 (println (calculExp '() L))
76 ;(trace true)
77 (println (calculExp '() M))
78 (println (calculExp '() N))
80 ;(trace nil)
82 (setq Q '(+ (* x 0) (* 10 (+ y 0))))
83 (define (algsimplificator L)
84 (cond
85 ((null? L) '())
86 ; I'm having hard time to find a way of escaping the '(' and ')' characters
87 ((= (first L) ) (rest L))
88 ;here is the idea: detect the lower well formed expression: begin with (op and finish with ) where op = + - * / and have only two parameters that are atoms.
89 ;then if it match a known pattern, simplify it by following the matching rule.
90 ;do it again on the upper layer recursively until we only have (op A B) that just match no known simplication rules.
92 ))
93 (println "algsimplificator")
94 ;(println algsimplificator(Q))
96 (define (fibonacci N)
97 (cond
98 ((= N 0) 0)
99 ((= N 1) 1)
100 ((> N 1) (+ (fibonacci (- N 1)) (fibonacci (- N 2))))))
101 (println "fibonacci")
102 ;(println (fibonacci 21))
103 ;(println (fibonacci 14))
104 (println (fibonacci 20))
105 (println (time (fibonacci 20)))
107 ;(trace true)
109 (define (fibo:fibo n)
110 (if (not fibo:mem) (set 'fibo:mem '(0 1)))
111 (dotimes (i (- n 1))
112 ;this create a LIFO (or stack) of all previous fibonnaci serie result values
113 (push (+ (fibo:mem -1) (fibo:mem -2)) fibo:mem -1))
114 (last fibo:mem))
115 (println "fibo")
116 (println (fibo 20))
117 (println (time (fibo 20)))
119 ;(trace nil)
120 ;(trace true)
122 (setq S '())
123 (define (Somme3ou5 N)
124 (dolist (i (sequence 0 N))
125 (cond
126 ((= (mod i 3) 0) (setq S (cons i S)))
127 ((= (mod i 5) 0) (setq S (cons i S)))))
128 (apply + S))
129 (println "Somme3ou5")
130 (println (Somme3ou5 100))
132 ;(trace nil)
134 (exit)