Use the current node.js LTS version for publication. (#228)
[poolifier.git] / benchmarks / versus-external-pools /
1 ### The -t argument is needed to specify the type of task that you want to benchmark.
2 ### Supported values are CPU_INTENSIVE
4 taskType='CPU_INTENSIVE'
5 while getopts t: flag
6 do
7 case "${flag}" in
8 t) taskType=${OPTARG};;
9 esac
10 done
12 echo 'Running bench for task type:' $taskType
13 export TASK_TYPE=$taskType
14 # Execute bench
15 export NODE_ENV=production
16 export POOL_SIZE=10
17 export NUM_ITERATIONS=100000
18 hyperfine --export-markdown BENCH-100000.MD --min-runs 10 \
19 --prepare 'sleep 15' \
20 'node dynamic-piscina.js' \
21 'node fixed-piscina.js' \
22 'node dynamic-poolifier.js' \
23 'node fixed-poolifier.js' \
24 'node static-suchmokuo-node-worker-threads-pool.js' \
25 'node dynamic-suchmokuo-node-worker-threads-pool.js'