chore(deps): apply updates
[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] / composables / Utils.ts
1 import util from 'node:util';
3 const isUndefined = (value: unknown): boolean => {
4 return typeof value === 'undefined';
5 };
7 export const ifUndefined = <T>(value: T | undefined, isValue: T): T => {
8 if (isUndefined(value) === true) return isValue;
9 return value as T;
10 };
12 // const isIterable = <T>(obj: T): boolean => {
13 // if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
14 // return false;
15 // }
16 // return typeof (obj as unknown as Iterable<T>)[Symbol.iterator] === 'function';
17 // };
19 // const ifNotIterableDo = <T>(obj: T, cb: () => void): void => {
20 // if (isIterable(obj) === false) cb();
21 // };
23 const isPromisePending = (promise: Promise<unknown>): boolean => {
24 return util.inspect(promise).includes('pending');
25 };
27 export const promiseWithTimeout = <T>(
28 promise: Promise<T>,
29 timeoutMs: number,
30 timeoutError: Error,
31 timeoutCallback: () => void = () => {
32 /* This is intentional */
33 }
34 ): Promise<T> => {
35 // Create a timeout promise that rejects in timeout milliseconds
36 const timeoutPromise = new Promise<never>((_, reject) => {
37 setTimeout(() => {
38 if (isPromisePending(promise)) {
39 timeoutCallback();
40 // FIXME: The original promise shall be canceled
41 }
42 reject(timeoutError);
43 }, timeoutMs);
44 });
46 // Returns a race between timeout promise and the passed promise
47 return Promise.race<T>([promise, timeoutPromise]);
48 };
50 // export const compose = <T>(...fns: ((arg: T) => T)[]): ((x: T) => T) => {
51 // return (x: T) => fns.reduceRight((y, fn) => fn(y), x);
52 // };