[deb_x265.git] / deblock.cpp
1 /*****************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (C) 2013 x265 project
3 *
4 * Author: Gopu Govindaswamy <gopu@multicorewareinc.com>
5 *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
19 *
20 * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license.
21 * For more information, contact us at license @ x265.com.
22 *****************************************************************************/
24 #include "common.h"
25 #include "deblock.h"
26 #include "framedata.h"
27 #include "picyuv.h"
28 #include "slice.h"
29 #include "mv.h"
31 using namespace x265;
36 void Deblock::deblockCTU(const CUData* ctu, int32_t dir)
37 {
38 uint8_t blockStrength[MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS];
40 memset(blockStrength, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * m_numPartitions);
42 deblockCU(ctu, 0, 0, dir, blockStrength);
43 }
45 static inline uint8_t bsCuEdge(const CUData* cu, uint32_t absPartIdx, int32_t dir)
46 {
47 if (dir == Deblock::EDGE_VER)
48 {
49 if (cu->m_cuPelX + g_zscanToPelX[absPartIdx] > 0)
50 {
51 uint32_t tempPartIdx;
52 const CUData* tempCU = cu->getPULeft(tempPartIdx, absPartIdx);
53 return tempCU ? 2 : 0;
54 }
55 }
56 else
57 {
58 if (cu->m_cuPelY + g_zscanToPelY[absPartIdx] > 0)
59 {
60 uint32_t tempPartIdx;
61 const CUData* tempCU = cu->getPUAbove(tempPartIdx, absPartIdx);
62 return tempCU ? 2 : 0;
63 }
64 }
66 return 0;
67 }
69 /* Deblocking filter process in CU-based (the same function as conventional's)
70 * param Edge the direction of the edge in block boundary (horizonta/vertical), which is added newly */
71 void Deblock::deblockCU(const CUData* cu, uint32_t absPartIdx, uint32_t depth, const int32_t dir, uint8_t blockStrength[])
72 {
73 if (cu->m_predMode[absPartIdx] == MODE_NONE)
74 return;
76 uint32_t curNumParts = NUM_CU_PARTITIONS >> (depth << 1);
78 const SPS& sps = *cu->m_slice->m_sps;
80 if (cu->m_cuDepth[absPartIdx] > depth)
81 {
82 uint32_t qNumParts = curNumParts >> 2;
83 uint32_t xmax = sps.picWidthInLumaSamples - cu->m_cuPelX;
84 uint32_t ymax = sps.picHeightInLumaSamples - cu->m_cuPelY;
85 for (uint32_t partIdx = 0; partIdx < 4; partIdx++, absPartIdx += qNumParts)
86 if (g_zscanToPelX[absPartIdx] < xmax && g_zscanToPelY[absPartIdx] < ymax)
87 deblockCU(cu, absPartIdx, depth + 1, dir, blockStrength);
88 return;
89 }
91 const uint32_t numUnits = sps.numPartInCUSize >> depth;
92 setEdgefilterPU(cu, absPartIdx, dir, blockStrength, numUnits);
93 setEdgefilterTU(cu, absPartIdx, depth, dir, blockStrength);
94 setEdgefilterMultiple(cu, absPartIdx, dir, 0, bsCuEdge(cu, absPartIdx, dir), blockStrength, numUnits);
96 for (uint32_t partIdx = absPartIdx; partIdx < absPartIdx + curNumParts; partIdx++)
97 {
98 uint32_t bsCheck = !(partIdx & (1 << dir));
100 if (bsCheck && blockStrength[partIdx])
101 blockStrength[partIdx] = getBoundaryStrength(cu, dir, partIdx, blockStrength);
102 }
104 const uint32_t partIdxIncr = DEBLOCK_SMALLEST_BLOCK >> LOG2_UNIT_SIZE;
105 uint32_t sizeInPU = sps.numPartInCUSize >> depth;
106 uint32_t shiftFactor = (dir == EDGE_VER) ? cu->m_hChromaShift : cu->m_vChromaShift;
107 uint32_t chromaMask = ((DEBLOCK_SMALLEST_BLOCK << shiftFactor) >> LOG2_UNIT_SIZE) - 1;
108 uint32_t e0 = (dir == EDGE_VER ? g_zscanToPelX[absPartIdx] : g_zscanToPelY[absPartIdx]) >> LOG2_UNIT_SIZE;
110 for (uint32_t e = 0; e < sizeInPU; e += partIdxIncr)
111 {
112 edgeFilterLuma(cu, absPartIdx, depth, dir, e, blockStrength);
113 if (!((e0 + e) & chromaMask))
114 edgeFilterChroma(cu, absPartIdx, depth, dir, e, blockStrength);
115 }
116 }
118 static inline uint32_t calcBsIdx(const CUData* cu, uint32_t absPartIdx, int32_t dir, int32_t edgeIdx, int32_t baseUnitIdx)
119 {
120 uint32_t numPartInCUSize = cu->m_slice->m_sps->numPartInCUSize;
122 if (dir)
123 return g_rasterToZscan[g_zscanToRaster[absPartIdx] + edgeIdx * numPartInCUSize + baseUnitIdx];
124 else
125 return g_rasterToZscan[g_zscanToRaster[absPartIdx] + baseUnitIdx * numPartInCUSize + edgeIdx];
126 }
128 void Deblock::setEdgefilterMultiple(const CUData* cu, uint32_t scanIdx, int32_t dir, int32_t edgeIdx, uint8_t value, uint8_t blockStrength[], uint32_t numUnits)
129 {
130 X265_CHECK(numUnits > 0, "numUnits edge filter check\n");
131 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numUnits; i++)
132 {
133 const uint32_t bsidx = calcBsIdx(cu, scanIdx, dir, edgeIdx, i);
134 blockStrength[bsidx] = value;
135 }
136 }
138 void Deblock::setEdgefilterTU(const CUData* cu, uint32_t absPartIdx, uint32_t depth, int32_t dir, uint8_t blockStrength[])
139 {
140 if ((uint32_t)cu->m_tuDepth[absPartIdx] + cu->m_cuDepth[absPartIdx] > depth)
141 {
142 const uint32_t curNumParts = NUM_CU_PARTITIONS >> (depth << 1);
143 const uint32_t qNumParts = curNumParts >> 2;
145 for (uint32_t partIdx = 0; partIdx < 4; partIdx++, absPartIdx += qNumParts)
146 setEdgefilterTU(cu, absPartIdx, depth + 1, dir, blockStrength);
147 return;
148 }
150 uint32_t numUnits = 1 << (cu->m_log2CUSize[absPartIdx] - cu->m_tuDepth[absPartIdx] - LOG2_UNIT_SIZE);
151 setEdgefilterMultiple(cu, absPartIdx, dir, 0, 2, blockStrength, numUnits);
152 }
154 void Deblock::setEdgefilterPU(const CUData* cu, uint32_t absPartIdx, int32_t dir, uint8_t blockStrength[], uint32_t numUnits)
155 {
156 const uint32_t hNumUnits = numUnits >> 1;
157 const uint32_t qNumUnits = numUnits >> 2;
159 switch (cu->m_partSize[absPartIdx])
160 {
161 case SIZE_2NxN:
162 if (EDGE_HOR == dir)
163 setEdgefilterMultiple(cu, absPartIdx, dir, hNumUnits, 1, blockStrength, numUnits);
164 break;
165 case SIZE_Nx2N:
166 if (EDGE_VER == dir)
167 setEdgefilterMultiple(cu, absPartIdx, dir, hNumUnits, 1, blockStrength, numUnits);
168 break;
169 case SIZE_NxN:
170 setEdgefilterMultiple(cu, absPartIdx, dir, hNumUnits, 1, blockStrength, numUnits);
171 break;
172 case SIZE_2NxnU:
173 if (EDGE_HOR == dir)
174 setEdgefilterMultiple(cu, absPartIdx, dir, qNumUnits, 1, blockStrength, numUnits);
175 break;
176 case SIZE_nLx2N:
177 if (EDGE_VER == dir)
178 setEdgefilterMultiple(cu, absPartIdx, dir, qNumUnits, 1, blockStrength, numUnits);
179 break;
180 case SIZE_2NxnD:
181 if (EDGE_HOR == dir)
182 setEdgefilterMultiple(cu, absPartIdx, dir, numUnits - qNumUnits, 1, blockStrength, numUnits);
183 break;
184 case SIZE_nRx2N:
185 if (EDGE_VER == dir)
186 setEdgefilterMultiple(cu, absPartIdx, dir, numUnits - qNumUnits, 1, blockStrength, numUnits);
187 break;
189 case SIZE_2Nx2N:
190 default:
191 break;
192 }
193 }
195 uint8_t Deblock::getBoundaryStrength(const CUData* cuQ, int32_t dir, uint32_t partQ, const uint8_t blockStrength[])
196 {
197 // Calculate block index
198 uint32_t partP;
199 const CUData* cuP = (dir == EDGE_VER ? cuQ->getPULeft(partP, partQ) : cuQ->getPUAbove(partP, partQ));
201 // Set BS for Intra MB : BS = 2
202 if (cuP->isIntra(partP) || cuQ->isIntra(partQ))
203 return 2;
205 // Set BS for not Intra MB : BS = 1 or 0
206 if (blockStrength[partQ] > 1 &&
207 (cuQ->getCbf(partQ, TEXT_LUMA, cuQ->m_tuDepth[partQ]) ||
208 cuP->getCbf(partP, TEXT_LUMA, cuP->m_tuDepth[partP])))
209 return 1;
211 static const MV zeroMv(0, 0);
212 const Slice* const sliceQ = cuQ->m_slice;
213 const Slice* const sliceP = cuP->m_slice;
215 const Frame* refP0 = sliceP->getRefPic(0, cuP->m_refIdx[0][partP]);
216 const Frame* refQ0 = sliceQ->getRefPic(0, cuQ->m_refIdx[0][partQ]);
217 const MV& mvP0 = refP0 ? cuP->m_mv[0][partP] : zeroMv;
218 const MV& mvQ0 = refQ0 ? cuQ->m_mv[0][partQ] : zeroMv;
220 if (sliceQ->isInterP() && sliceP->isInterP())
221 {
222 return ((refP0 != refQ0) ||
223 (abs(mvQ0.x - mvP0.x) >= 4) || (abs(mvQ0.y - mvP0.y) >= 4)) ? 1 : 0;
224 }
226 // (sliceQ->isInterB() || sliceP->isInterB())
227 const Frame* refP1 = sliceP->getRefPic(1, cuP->m_refIdx[1][partP]);
228 const Frame* refQ1 = sliceQ->getRefPic(1, cuQ->m_refIdx[1][partQ]);
229 const MV& mvP1 = refP1 ? cuP->m_mv[1][partP] : zeroMv;
230 const MV& mvQ1 = refQ1 ? cuQ->m_mv[1][partQ] : zeroMv;
232 if (((refP0 == refQ0) && (refP1 == refQ1)) || ((refP0 == refQ1) && (refP1 == refQ0)))
233 {
234 if (refP0 != refP1) // Different L0 & L1
235 {
236 if (refP0 == refQ0)
237 return ((abs(mvQ0.x - mvP0.x) >= 4) || (abs(mvQ0.y - mvP0.y) >= 4) ||
238 (abs(mvQ1.x - mvP1.x) >= 4) || (abs(mvQ1.y - mvP1.y) >= 4)) ? 1 : 0;
239 else
240 return ((abs(mvQ1.x - mvP0.x) >= 4) || (abs(mvQ1.y - mvP0.y) >= 4) ||
241 (abs(mvQ0.x - mvP1.x) >= 4) || (abs(mvQ0.y - mvP1.y) >= 4)) ? 1 : 0;
242 }
243 else // Same L0 & L1
244 {
245 return (((abs(mvQ0.x - mvP0.x) >= 4) || (abs(mvQ0.y - mvP0.y) >= 4) ||
246 (abs(mvQ1.x - mvP1.x) >= 4) || (abs(mvQ1.y - mvP1.y) >= 4)) &&
247 ((abs(mvQ1.x - mvP0.x) >= 4) || (abs(mvQ1.y - mvP0.y) >= 4) ||
248 (abs(mvQ0.x - mvP1.x) >= 4) || (abs(mvQ0.y - mvP1.y) >= 4))) ? 1 : 0;
249 }
250 }
252 // for all different Ref_Idx
253 return 1;
254 }
256 static inline int32_t calcDP(pixel* src, intptr_t offset)
257 {
258 return abs(static_cast<int32_t>(src[-offset * 3]) - 2 * src[-offset * 2] + src[-offset]);
259 }
261 static inline int32_t calcDQ(pixel* src, intptr_t offset)
262 {
263 return abs(static_cast<int32_t>(src[0]) - 2 * src[offset] + src[offset * 2]);
264 }
266 static inline bool useStrongFiltering(intptr_t offset, int32_t beta, int32_t tc, pixel* src)
267 {
268 int16_t m4 = (int16_t)src[0];
269 int16_t m3 = (int16_t)src[-offset];
270 int16_t m7 = (int16_t)src[offset * 3];
271 int16_t m0 = (int16_t)src[-offset * 4];
272 int32_t strong = abs(m0 - m3) + abs(m7 - m4);
274 return (strong < (beta >> 3)) && (abs(m3 - m4) < ((tc * 5 + 1) >> 1));
275 }
277 /* Deblocking for the luminance component with strong or weak filter
278 * \param src pointer to picture data
279 * \param offset offset value for picture data
280 * \param tc tc value
281 * \param maskP indicator to enable filtering on partP
282 * \param maskQ indicator to enable filtering on partQ
283 * \param maskP1 decision weak filter/no filter for partP
284 * \param maskQ1 decision weak filter/no filter for partQ */
285 static inline void pelFilterLumaStrong(pixel* src, intptr_t srcStep, intptr_t offset, int32_t tc, int32_t maskP, int32_t maskQ)
286 {
287 int32_t tc2 = 2 * tc;
288 int32_t tcP = (tc2 & maskP);
289 int32_t tcQ = (tc2 & maskQ);
290 for (int32_t i = 0; i < UNIT_SIZE; i++, src += srcStep)
291 {
292 int16_t m4 = (int16_t)src[0];
293 int16_t m3 = (int16_t)src[-offset];
294 int16_t m5 = (int16_t)src[offset];
295 int16_t m2 = (int16_t)src[-offset * 2];
296 int16_t m6 = (int16_t)src[offset * 2];
297 int16_t m1 = (int16_t)src[-offset * 3];
298 int16_t m7 = (int16_t)src[offset * 3];
299 int16_t m0 = (int16_t)src[-offset * 4];
300 src[-offset * 3] = (pixel)(Clip3(-tcP, tcP, ((2 * m0 + 3 * m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + 4) >> 3) - m1) + m1);
301 src[-offset * 2] = (pixel)(Clip3(-tcP, tcP, ((m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + 2) >> 2) - m2) + m2);
302 src[-offset] = (pixel)(Clip3(-tcP, tcP, ((m1 + 2 * m2 + 2 * m3 + 2 * m4 + m5 + 4) >> 3) - m3) + m3);
303 src[0] = (pixel)(Clip3(-tcQ, tcQ, ((m2 + 2 * m3 + 2 * m4 + 2 * m5 + m6 + 4) >> 3) - m4) + m4);
304 src[offset] = (pixel)(Clip3(-tcQ, tcQ, ((m3 + m4 + m5 + m6 + 2) >> 2) - m5) + m5);
305 src[offset * 2] = (pixel)(Clip3(-tcQ, tcQ, ((m3 + m4 + m5 + 3 * m6 + 2 * m7 + 4) >> 3) - m6) + m6);
306 }
307 }
309 /* Weak filter */
310 static inline void pelFilterLuma(pixel* src, intptr_t srcStep, intptr_t offset, int32_t tc, int32_t maskP, int32_t maskQ,
311 int32_t maskP1, int32_t maskQ1)
312 {
313 int32_t thrCut = tc * 10;
314 int32_t tc2 = tc >> 1;
315 maskP1 &= maskP;
316 maskQ1 &= maskQ;
318 for (int32_t i = 0; i < UNIT_SIZE; i++, src += srcStep)
319 {
320 int16_t m4 = (int16_t)src[0];
321 int16_t m3 = (int16_t)src[-offset];
322 int16_t m5 = (int16_t)src[offset];
323 int16_t m2 = (int16_t)src[-offset * 2];
325 int32_t delta = (9 * (m4 - m3) - 3 * (m5 - m2) + 8) >> 4;
327 if (abs(delta) < thrCut)
328 {
329 delta = Clip3(-tc, tc, delta);
331 src[-offset] = Clip(m3 + (delta & maskP));
332 src[0] = Clip(m4 - (delta & maskQ));
333 if (maskP1)
334 {
335 int16_t m1 = (int16_t)src[-offset * 3];
336 int32_t delta1 = Clip3(-tc2, tc2, ((((m1 + m3 + 1) >> 1) - m2 + delta) >> 1));
337 src[-offset * 2] = Clip(m2 + delta1);
338 }
339 if (maskQ1)
340 {
341 int16_t m6 = (int16_t)src[offset * 2];
342 int32_t delta2 = Clip3(-tc2, tc2, ((((m6 + m4 + 1) >> 1) - m5 - delta) >> 1));
343 src[offset] = Clip(m5 + delta2);
344 }
345 }
346 }
347 }
349 /* Deblocking of one line/column for the chrominance component
350 * \param src pointer to picture data
351 * \param offset offset value for picture data
352 * \param tc tc value
353 * \param maskP indicator to disable filtering on partP
354 * \param maskQ indicator to disable filtering on partQ */
355 static inline void pelFilterChroma(pixel* src, intptr_t srcStep, intptr_t offset, int32_t tc, int32_t maskP, int32_t maskQ)
356 {
357 for (int32_t i = 0; i < UNIT_SIZE; i++, src += srcStep)
358 {
359 int16_t m4 = (int16_t)src[0];
360 int16_t m3 = (int16_t)src[-offset];
361 int16_t m5 = (int16_t)src[offset];
362 int16_t m2 = (int16_t)src[-offset * 2];
364 int32_t delta = Clip3(-tc, tc, ((((m4 - m3) << 2) + m2 - m5 + 4) >> 3));
365 src[-offset] = Clip(m3 + (delta & maskP));
366 src[0] = Clip(m4 - (delta & maskQ));
367 }
368 }
370 void Deblock::edgeFilterLuma(const CUData* cuQ, uint32_t absPartIdx, uint32_t depth, int32_t dir, int32_t edge, const uint8_t blockStrength[])
371 {
372 PicYuv* reconPic = cuQ->m_encData->m_reconPic;
373 pixel* src = reconPic->getLumaAddr(cuQ->m_cuAddr, absPartIdx);
374 intptr_t stride = reconPic->m_stride;
375 const PPS* pps = cuQ->m_slice->m_pps;
377 intptr_t offset, srcStep;
379 int32_t maskP = -1;
380 int32_t maskQ = -1;
381 int32_t betaOffset = pps->deblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 << 1;
382 int32_t tcOffset = pps->deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 << 1;
383 bool bCheckNoFilter = pps->bTransquantBypassEnabled;
385 if (dir == EDGE_VER)
386 {
387 offset = 1;
388 srcStep = stride;
389 src += (edge << LOG2_UNIT_SIZE);
390 }
391 else // (dir == EDGE_HOR)
392 {
393 offset = stride;
394 srcStep = 1;
395 src += (edge << LOG2_UNIT_SIZE) * stride;
396 }
398 uint32_t numUnits = cuQ->m_slice->m_sps->numPartInCUSize >> depth;
399 for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < numUnits; idx++)
400 {
401 uint32_t partQ = calcBsIdx(cuQ, absPartIdx, dir, edge, idx);
402 uint32_t bs = blockStrength[partQ];
404 if (!bs)
405 continue;
407 int32_t qpQ = cuQ->m_qp[partQ];
409 // Derive neighboring PU index
410 uint32_t partP;
411 const CUData* cuP = (dir == EDGE_VER ? cuQ->getPULeft(partP, partQ) : cuQ->getPUAbove(partP, partQ));
413 int32_t qpP = cuP->m_qp[partP];
414 int32_t qp = (qpP + qpQ + 1) >> 1;
416 int32_t indexB = Clip3(0, QP_MAX_SPEC, qp + betaOffset);
418 const int32_t bitdepthShift = X265_DEPTH - 8;
419 int32_t beta = s_betaTable[indexB] << bitdepthShift;
421 intptr_t unitOffset = idx * srcStep << LOG2_UNIT_SIZE;
422 int32_t dp0 = calcDP(src + unitOffset , offset);
423 int32_t dq0 = calcDQ(src + unitOffset , offset);
424 int32_t dp3 = calcDP(src + unitOffset + srcStep * 3, offset);
425 int32_t dq3 = calcDQ(src + unitOffset + srcStep * 3, offset);
426 int32_t d0 = dp0 + dq0;
427 int32_t d3 = dp3 + dq3;
429 int32_t d = d0 + d3;
431 if (d >= beta)
432 continue;
434 if (bCheckNoFilter)
435 {
436 // check if each of PUs is lossless coded
437 maskP = (cuP->m_tqBypass[partP] ? 0 : -1);
438 maskQ = (cuQ->m_tqBypass[partQ] ? 0 : -1);
439 }
441 int32_t indexTC = Clip3(0, QP_MAX_SPEC + DEFAULT_INTRA_TC_OFFSET, int32_t(qp + DEFAULT_INTRA_TC_OFFSET * (bs - 1) + tcOffset));
442 int32_t tc = s_tcTable[indexTC] << bitdepthShift;
444 bool sw = (2 * d0 < (beta >> 2) &&
445 2 * d3 < (beta >> 2) &&
446 useStrongFiltering(offset, beta, tc, src + unitOffset ) &&
447 useStrongFiltering(offset, beta, tc, src + unitOffset + srcStep * 3));
449 if (sw)
450 pelFilterLumaStrong(src + unitOffset, srcStep, offset, tc, maskP, maskQ);
451 else
452 {
453 int32_t sideThreshold = (beta + (beta >> 1)) >> 3;
454 int32_t dp = dp0 + dp3;
455 int32_t dq = dq0 + dq3;
456 int32_t maskP1 = (dp < sideThreshold ? -1 : 0);
457 int32_t maskQ1 = (dq < sideThreshold ? -1 : 0);
459 pelFilterLuma(src + unitOffset, srcStep, offset, tc, maskP, maskQ, maskP1, maskQ1);
460 }
461 }
462 }
464 void Deblock::edgeFilterChroma(const CUData* cuQ, uint32_t absPartIdx, uint32_t depth, int32_t dir, int32_t edge, const uint8_t blockStrength[])
465 {
466 int32_t chFmt = cuQ->m_chromaFormat, chromaShift;
467 intptr_t offset, srcStep;
468 const PPS* pps = cuQ->m_slice->m_pps;
470 int32_t maskP = -1;
471 int32_t maskQ = -1;
472 int32_t tcOffset = pps->deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 << 1;
474 X265_CHECK(((dir == EDGE_VER)
475 ? ((g_zscanToPelX[absPartIdx] + edge * UNIT_SIZE) >> cuQ->m_hChromaShift)
476 : ((g_zscanToPelY[absPartIdx] + edge * UNIT_SIZE) >> cuQ->m_vChromaShift)) % DEBLOCK_SMALLEST_BLOCK == 0,
477 "invalid edge\n");
479 PicYuv* reconPic = cuQ->m_encData->m_reconPic;
480 intptr_t stride = reconPic->m_strideC;
481 intptr_t srcOffset = reconPic->getChromaAddrOffset(cuQ->m_cuAddr, absPartIdx);
482 bool bCheckNoFilter = pps->bTransquantBypassEnabled;
484 if (dir == EDGE_VER)
485 {
486 chromaShift = cuQ->m_vChromaShift;
487 srcOffset += (edge << (LOG2_UNIT_SIZE - cuQ->m_hChromaShift));
488 offset = 1;
489 srcStep = stride;
490 }
491 else // (dir == EDGE_HOR)
492 {
493 chromaShift = cuQ->m_hChromaShift;
494 srcOffset += edge * stride << (LOG2_UNIT_SIZE - cuQ->m_vChromaShift);
495 offset = stride;
496 srcStep = 1;
497 }
499 pixel* srcChroma[2];
500 srcChroma[0] = reconPic->m_picOrg[1] + srcOffset;
501 srcChroma[1] = reconPic->m_picOrg[2] + srcOffset;
503 uint32_t numUnits = cuQ->m_slice->m_sps->numPartInCUSize >> (depth + chromaShift);
505 for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < numUnits; idx++)
506 {
507 uint32_t partQ = calcBsIdx(cuQ, absPartIdx, dir, edge, idx << chromaShift);
508 uint32_t bs = blockStrength[partQ];
510 if (bs <= 1)
511 continue;
513 int32_t qpQ = cuQ->m_qp[partQ];
515 // Derive neighboring PU index
516 uint32_t partP;
517 const CUData* cuP = (dir == EDGE_VER ? cuQ->getPULeft(partP, partQ) : cuQ->getPUAbove(partP, partQ));
519 int32_t qpP = cuP->m_qp[partP];
521 if (bCheckNoFilter)
522 {
523 // check if each of PUs is lossless coded
524 maskP = (cuP->m_tqBypass[partP] ? 0 : -1);
525 maskQ = (cuQ->m_tqBypass[partQ] ? 0 : -1);
526 }
528 intptr_t unitOffset = idx * srcStep << LOG2_UNIT_SIZE;
529 for (uint32_t chromaIdx = 0; chromaIdx < 2; chromaIdx++)
530 {
531 int32_t chromaQPOffset = pps->chromaQpOffset[chromaIdx];
532 int32_t qp = ((qpP + qpQ + 1) >> 1) + chromaQPOffset;
533 if (qp >= 30)
534 {
535 if (chFmt == X265_CSP_I420)
536 qp = g_chromaScale[qp];
537 else
538 qp = X265_MIN(qp, 51);
539 }
541 int32_t indexTC = Clip3(0, QP_MAX_SPEC + DEFAULT_INTRA_TC_OFFSET, int32_t(qp + DEFAULT_INTRA_TC_OFFSET + tcOffset));
542 const int32_t bitdepthShift = X265_DEPTH - 8;
543 int32_t tc = s_tcTable[indexTC] << bitdepthShift;
544 pixel* srcC = srcChroma[chromaIdx];
546 pelFilterChroma(srcC + unitOffset, srcStep, offset, tc, maskP, maskQ);
547 }
548 }
549 }
551 const uint8_t Deblock::s_tcTable[54] =
552 {
553 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,
554 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24
555 };
557 const uint8_t Deblock::s_betaTable[52] =
558 {
559 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
560 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64
561 };