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17 <h1>Interface IPool
<Worker, Data, Response
18 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-comment">
19 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Contract definition for a poolifier pool.
21 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-type-parameters">
22 <h4>Type Parameters
23 <ul class=
25 <h4>Worker
<span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> extends
</span><a href=
"IWorker.html" class=
"tsd-signature-type" data-tsd-kind=
26 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Type of worker which manages this pool.
29 <h4>Data =
<span class=
30 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Type of data sent to the worker. This can only be serializable data.
33 <h4>Response =
<span class=
34 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Type of response of execution. This can only be serializable data.
35 </div></li></ul></section>
36 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-hierarchy">
38 <ul class=
39 <li><span class=
40 <section class=
41 <h4>Implemented by
42 <ul class=
43 <li><a href=
"../classes/AbstractPool.html" class=
"tsd-signature-type" data-tsd-kind=
</a></li></ul></section><aside class=
45 <li>Defined in
<a href=
46 <section class=
"tsd-panel-group tsd-index-group">
47 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-index-panel">
48 <details class=
"tsd-index-content tsd-index-accordion" open
><summary class=
"tsd-accordion-summary tsd-index-summary">
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"false" tabIndex=
0><svg width=
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"var(--color-text)"></path></svg> Index
50 <div class=
51 <section class=
52 <h3 class=
53 <div class=
"tsd-index-list"><a href=
"IPool.html#destroy" class=
"tsd-index-link tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" width=
"24" height=
"24" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><rect fill=
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"1" y=
"1" width=
"22" height=
"22" rx=
"12" id=
"icon-1024-path"></rect><path d=
"M9.354 16V7.24H12.174C12.99 7.24 13.638 7.476 14.118 7.948C14.606 8.412 14.85 9.036 14.85 9.82C14.85 10.604 14.606 11.232 14.118 11.704C13.638 12.168 12.99 12.4 12.174 12.4H10.434V16H9.354ZM10.434 11.428H12.174C12.646 11.428 13.022 11.284 13.302 10.996C13.59 10.7 13.734 10.308 13.734 9.82C13.734 9.324 13.59 8.932 13.302 8.644C13.022 8.356 12.646 8.212 12.174 8.212H10.434V11.428Z" fill=
"var(--color-text)" id=
54 <a href=
"IPool.html#emitter" class=
"tsd-index-link tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" width=
"24" height=
"24" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
"#icon-1024-path"></use><use href=
55 <a href=
"IPool.html#execute" class=
"tsd-index-link tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" width=
"24" height=
"24" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
"#icon-1024-path"></use><use href=
56 <a href=
"IPool.html#findFreeWorkerNodeKey" class=
"tsd-index-link tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" width=
"24" height=
"24" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
"#icon-1024-path"></use><use href=
57 <a href=
"IPool.html#setWorkerChoiceStrategy" class=
"tsd-index-link tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" width=
"24" height=
"24" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
"#icon-1024-path"></use><use href=
58 <a href=
"IPool.html#type" class=
"tsd-index-link tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" width=
"24" height=
"24" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
"#icon-1024-path"></use><use href=
59 <a href=
"IPool.html#workerNodes" class=
"tsd-index-link tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" width=
"24" height=
"24" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
"#icon-1024-path"></use><use href=
60 </div></section></div></details></section></section>
61 <section class=
"tsd-panel-group tsd-member-group">
63 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><a id=
"destroy" class=
64 <h3 class=
</span><a href=
"#destroy" aria-label=
"Permalink" class=
"tsd-anchor-icon"><svg class=
"icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-link" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24" stroke-width=
"2" stroke=
"currentColor" fill=
"none" stroke-linecap=
"round" stroke-linejoin=
"round"><path stroke=
"none" d=
"M0 0h24v24H0z" fill=
"none" id=
"icon-anchor-a"></path><path d=
"M10 14a3.5 3.5 0 0 0 5 0l4 -4a3.5 3.5 0 0 0 -5 -5l-.5 .5" id=
"icon-anchor-b"></path><path d=
"M14 10a3.5 3.5 0 0 0 -5 0l-4 4a3.5 3.5 0 0 0 5 5l.5 -.5" id=
65 <div class=
<span class=
</span> <span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> =
> </span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"><</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol">></span><span class=
66 <div class=
67 <h4>Type declaration
68 <ul class=
69 <li class=
70 <ul class=
"tsd-signatures tsd-kind-type-literal tsd-parent-kind-property">
71 <li class=
"tsd-signature" id=
"destroy.__type.__type-1"><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"><</span><span class=
</span><span class=
72 <li class=
73 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Shutdowns every current worker in this pool.
75 <h4 class=
<span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"><</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol">></span></h4></li></ul></li></ul></div><aside class=
77 <li>Defined in
<a href=
78 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><a id=
"emitter" class=
79 <h3 class=
"tsd-anchor-link"><code class=
"tsd-tag ts-flagOptional">Optional
</code> <code class=
"tsd-tag ts-flagReadonly">Readonly
</code> <span>emitter
</span><a href=
"#emitter" aria-label=
"Permalink" class=
"tsd-anchor-icon"><svg class=
"icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-link" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24" stroke-width=
"2" stroke=
"currentColor" fill=
"none" stroke-linecap=
"round" stroke-linejoin=
"round"><use href=
"#icon-anchor-a"></use><use href=
"#icon-anchor-b"></use><use href=
80 <div class=
<span class=
</span> <a href=
"../classes/PoolEmitter.html" class=
"tsd-signature-type" data-tsd-kind=
81 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Emitter on which events can be listened to.
82 <p>Events that can currently be listened to:
84 <li><code>'full
'</code>: Emitted when the pool is dynamic and full.
85 <li><code>'busy
'</code>: Emitted when the pool is busy.
87 </div><aside class=
89 <li>Defined in
<a href=
90 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><a id=
"execute" class=
91 <h3 class=
</span><a href=
"#execute" aria-label=
"Permalink" class=
"tsd-anchor-icon"><svg class=
"icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-link" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24" stroke-width=
"2" stroke=
"currentColor" fill=
"none" stroke-linecap=
"round" stroke-linejoin=
"round"><use href=
"#icon-anchor-a"></use><use href=
"#icon-anchor-b"></use><use href=
92 <div class=
<span class=
</span> <span class=
</span><span class=
<span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> =
> </span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"><</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol">></span><span class=
93 <div class=
94 <h4>Type declaration
95 <ul class=
96 <li class=
97 <ul class=
"tsd-signatures tsd-kind-type-literal tsd-parent-kind-property">
98 <li class=
"tsd-signature" id=
"execute.__type-2.__type-3"><span class=
<span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"><</span><span class=
</span><span class=
99 <li class=
100 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Performs the task specified in the constructor with the data parameter.
102 <h3>Returns
</h3><p>Promise that will be resolved when the task is successfully completed.
104 <div class=
105 <h4 class=
106 <ul class=
108 <h5>data:
<span class=
109 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>The input for the specified task. This can only be serializable data.
110 </div></li></ul></div>
111 <h4 class=
<span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"><</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol">></span></h4></li></ul></li></ul></div><aside class=
113 <li>Defined in
<a href=
114 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><a id=
"findFreeWorkerNodeKey" class=
115 <h3 class=
</span><a href=
"#findFreeWorkerNodeKey" aria-label=
"Permalink" class=
"tsd-anchor-icon"><svg class=
"icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-link" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24" stroke-width=
"2" stroke=
"currentColor" fill=
"none" stroke-linecap=
"round" stroke-linejoin=
"round"><use href=
"#icon-anchor-a"></use><use href=
"#icon-anchor-b"></use><use href=
116 <div class=
<span class=
</span> <span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> =
> </span><span class=
</span><span class=
117 <div class=
118 <h4>Type declaration
119 <ul class=
120 <li class=
121 <ul class=
"tsd-signatures tsd-kind-type-literal tsd-parent-kind-property">
122 <li class=
"tsd-signature" id=
"findFreeWorkerNodeKey.__type-4.__type-5"><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
123 <li class=
124 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Finds a free worker node key based on the number of tasks the worker has applied.
125 <p>If a worker is found with
<code>0</code> running tasks, it is detected as free and its worker node key is returned.
126 <p>If no free worker is found,
1</code> is returned.
128 <h3>Returns
</h3><p>A worker node key if there is one,
1</code> otherwise.
130 <h4 class=
<span class=
</span></h4></li></ul></li></ul></div><aside class=
132 <li>Defined in
<a href=
133 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><a id=
"setWorkerChoiceStrategy" class=
134 <h3 class=
</span><a href=
"#setWorkerChoiceStrategy" aria-label=
"Permalink" class=
"tsd-anchor-icon"><svg class=
"icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-link" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24" stroke-width=
"2" stroke=
"currentColor" fill=
"none" stroke-linecap=
"round" stroke-linejoin=
"round"><use href=
"#icon-anchor-a"></use><use href=
"#icon-anchor-b"></use><use href=
135 <div class=
<span class=
</span> <span class=
</span><span class=
<span class=
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> =
> </span><span class=
</span><span class=
136 <div class=
137 <h4>Type declaration
138 <ul class=
139 <li class=
140 <ul class=
"tsd-signatures tsd-kind-type-literal tsd-parent-kind-property">
141 <li class=
"tsd-signature" id=
"setWorkerChoiceStrategy.__type-6.__type-7"><span class=
<span class=
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
142 <li class=
143 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Sets the worker choice strategy in this pool.
145 <div class=
146 <h4 class=
147 <ul class=
149 <h5>workerChoiceStrategy:
<span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
150 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>The worker choice strategy.
151 </div></li></ul></div>
152 <h4 class=
<span class=
</span></h4></li></ul></li></ul></div><aside class=
154 <li>Defined in
<a href=
155 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><a id=
"type" class=
156 <h3 class=
"tsd-anchor-link"><code class=
"tsd-tag ts-flagReadonly">Readonly
</code> <span>type
</span><a href=
"#type" aria-label=
"Permalink" class=
"tsd-anchor-icon"><svg class=
"icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-link" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24" stroke-width=
"2" stroke=
"currentColor" fill=
"none" stroke-linecap=
"round" stroke-linejoin=
"round"><use href=
"#icon-anchor-a"></use><use href=
"#icon-anchor-b"></use><use href=
157 <div class=
<span class=
</span> <a href=
"../enums/PoolType.html" class=
"tsd-signature-type" data-tsd-kind=
158 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Pool type.
159 <p>If it is
'</code>, it provides the
</code> property.
160 </div><aside class=
162 <li>Defined in
<a href=
163 <section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-kind-property tsd-parent-kind-interface"><a id=
"workerNodes" class=
164 <h3 class=
"tsd-anchor-link"><code class=
"tsd-tag ts-flagReadonly">Readonly
</code> <span>worker
</span><a href=
"#workerNodes" aria-label=
"Permalink" class=
"tsd-anchor-icon"><svg class=
"icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-link" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24" stroke-width=
"2" stroke=
"currentColor" fill=
"none" stroke-linecap=
"round" stroke-linejoin=
"round"><use href=
"#icon-anchor-a"></use><use href=
"#icon-anchor-b"></use><use href=
165 <div class=
<span class=
</span> <a href=
"WorkerNode.html" class=
"tsd-signature-type" data-tsd-kind=
</a><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"><</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol">></span><span class=
166 <div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Pool worker nodes.
167 </div><aside class=
169 <li>Defined in
<a href=
170 <div class=
171 <div class=
172 <div class=
"tsd-navigation settings">
173 <details class=
"tsd-index-accordion"><summary class=
174 <h3><svg width=
"20" height=
"20" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24" fill=
"none"><path d=
"M4.93896 8.531L12 15.591L19.061 8.531L16.939 6.409L12 11.349L7.06098 6.409L4.93896 8.531Z" fill=
175 <div class=
176 <div class=
177 <h4 class=
"uppercase">Member Visibility
178 <ul id=
179 <li class=
"tsd-filter-item"><label class=
"tsd-filter-input"><input type=
"checkbox" id=
"tsd-filter-protected" name=
"protected"/><svg width=
"32" height=
"32" viewBox=
"0 0 32 32" aria-hidden=
"true"><rect class=
"tsd-checkbox-background" width=
"30" height=
"30" x=
"1" y=
"1" rx=
"6" fill=
"none"></rect><path class=
"tsd-checkbox-checkmark" d=
"M8.35422 16.8214L13.2143 21.75L24.6458 10.25" stroke=
"none" stroke-width=
"3.5" stroke-linejoin=
"round" fill=
180 <li class=
"tsd-filter-item"><label class=
"tsd-filter-input"><input type=
"checkbox" id=
"tsd-filter-private" name=
"private"/><svg width=
"32" height=
"32" viewBox=
"0 0 32 32" aria-hidden=
"true"><rect class=
"tsd-checkbox-background" width=
"30" height=
"30" x=
"1" y=
"1" rx=
"6" fill=
"none"></rect><path class=
"tsd-checkbox-checkmark" d=
"M8.35422 16.8214L13.2143 21.75L24.6458 10.25" stroke=
"none" stroke-width=
"3.5" stroke-linejoin=
"round" fill=
181 <li class=
"tsd-filter-item"><label class=
"tsd-filter-input"><input type=
"checkbox" id=
"tsd-filter-inherited" name=
"inherited" checked
/><svg width=
"32" height=
"32" viewBox=
"0 0 32 32" aria-hidden=
"true"><rect class=
"tsd-checkbox-background" width=
"30" height=
"30" x=
"1" y=
"1" rx=
"6" fill=
"none"></rect><path class=
"tsd-checkbox-checkmark" d=
"M8.35422 16.8214L13.2143 21.75L24.6458 10.25" stroke=
"none" stroke-width=
"3.5" stroke-linejoin=
"round" fill=
182 <li class=
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"tsd-filter-input"><input type=
"checkbox" id=
"tsd-filter-external" name=
"external"/><svg width=
"32" height=
"32" viewBox=
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"1" y=
"1" rx=
"6" fill=
"none"></rect><path class=
"tsd-checkbox-checkmark" d=
"M8.35422 16.8214L13.2143 21.75L24.6458 10.25" stroke=
"none" stroke-width=
"3.5" stroke-linejoin=
"round" fill=
183 <div class=
184 <h4 class=
</h4><select id=
"theme"><option value=
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185 <details open
"tsd-index-accordion tsd-page-navigation"><summary class=
186 <h3><svg width=
"20" height=
"20" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24" fill=
"none"><path d=
"M4.93896 8.531L12 15.591L19.061 8.531L16.939 6.409L12 11.349L7.06098 6.409L4.93896 8.531Z" fill=
"var(--color-text)"></path></svg>On This Page
187 <div class=
189 <li><a href=
"#destroy" class=
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"var(--color-icon-background)" stroke=
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"6" id=
"icon-4194304-path"></rect><path d=
"M11.31 16V8.224H8.91V7.24H14.79V8.224H12.39V16H11.31Z" fill=
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"var(--color-icon-background)" stroke=
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"M11.106 16L8.85 7.24H9.966L11.454 13.192C11.558 13.608 11.646 13.996 11.718 14.356C11.79 14.708 11.842 14.976 11.874 15.16C11.906 14.976 11.954 14.708 12.018 14.356C12.09 13.996 12.178 13.608 12.282 13.192L13.758 7.24H14.85L12.582 16H11.106Z" fill=
"var(--color-text)" id=
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"../variables/PoolEvents.html" class=
"tsd-kind-variable"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" width=
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