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"col-content"><div class=
"tsd-page-title"><ul class=
"tsd-breadcrumb"><li><a href=
</a></li><li><a href=
</a></li></ul><h1>Interface WorkerOptions
</h1></div><section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-comment"><div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Options for workers.
2 </div><div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"></div></section><div class=
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"</span><span class=
</span><br/><span> </span><a class=
"tsd-kind-property" href=
</a><span class=
</span><a href=
"../types/KillHandler.html" class=
"tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-type-alias">KillHandler
</a><span class=
</span><br/><span> </span><a class=
"tsd-kind-property" href=
</a><span class=
</span><span class=
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"tsd-accordion-details"><section class=
"tsd-index-section"><h3 class=
</h3><div class=
"tsd-index-list"><a href=
"WorkerOptions.html#killBehavior" class=
"tsd-index-link"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
3 <a href=
"WorkerOptions.html#killHandler" class=
"tsd-index-link"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
4 <a href=
"WorkerOptions.html#maxInactiveTime" class=
"tsd-index-link"><svg class=
"tsd-kind-icon" viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
5 </div></section></div></details></section></section><section class=
"tsd-panel-group tsd-member-group"><h2>Properties
</h2><section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-member"><a id=
"killBehavior" class=
"tsd-anchor"></a><h3 class=
"tsd-anchor-link"><code class=
"tsd-tag ts-flagOptional">Optional
</code> <span>kill
</span><a href=
"#killBehavior" aria-label=
"Permalink" class=
"tsd-anchor-icon"><svg viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
"../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor"></use></svg></a></h3><div class=
"tsd-signature"><span class=
</span><span class=
</span> <span class=
"</span><span class=
"tsd-signature-symbol"> |
</span><span class=
"</span></div><div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p><code>killBehavior
</code> dictates if your worker will be deleted in case a task is active on it.
7 <li>SOFT: If
<code>currentTime - lastActiveTime
</code> is greater than
</code> but a task is still executing or queued, then the worker
</strong> be deleted.
8 <li>HARD: If
<code>currentTime - lastActiveTime
</code> is greater than
</code> but a task is still executing or queued, then the worker will be deleted.
10 <p>This option only apply to the newly created workers.
11 </div><div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><h4>Default Value
</h4><pre><code class=
"language-ts"><span class=
</span><span class=
</span><span class=
12 </code><button>Copy
13 </div><aside class=
"tsd-sources"><ul><li>Defined in
<a href=
39</a></li></ul></aside></section><section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-member"><a id=
"killHandler" class=
"tsd-anchor"></a><h3 class=
"tsd-anchor-link"><code class=
"tsd-tag ts-flagOptional">Optional
</code> <span>kill
</span><a href=
"#killHandler" aria-label=
"Permalink" class=
"tsd-anchor-icon"><svg viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
"../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor"></use></svg></a></h3><div class=
"tsd-signature"><span class=
</span><span class=
</span> <a href=
"../types/KillHandler.html" class=
"tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-type-alias">KillHandler
</a></div><div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>The function to call when a worker is killed.
14 </div><div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><h4>Default Value
</h4><p><code>() =
> {}
15 </div><aside class=
"tsd-sources"><ul><li>Defined in
<a href=
58</a></li></ul></aside></section><section class=
"tsd-panel tsd-member"><a id=
"maxInactiveTime" class=
"tsd-anchor"></a><h3 class=
"tsd-anchor-link"><code class=
"tsd-tag ts-flagOptional">Optional
</code> <span>max
</span><a href=
"#maxInactiveTime" aria-label=
"Permalink" class=
"tsd-anchor-icon"><svg viewBox=
"0 0 24 24"><use href=
"../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor"></use></svg></a></h3><div class=
"tsd-signature"><span class=
</span><span class=
</span> <span class=
</span></div><div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><p>Maximum waiting time in milliseconds for tasks on newly created workers. It must be greater or equal than
16 <p>After this time, newly created workers will be terminated.
17 The last active time of your worker will be updated when it terminates a task.
19 <li>If
</code> is set to
</code> this value represents also the timeout for the tasks that you submit to the pool,
20 when this timeout expires your tasks is interrupted before completion and removed. The worker is killed if is not part of the minimum size of the pool.
21 <li>If
</code> is set to
</code> your tasks have no timeout and your workers will not be terminated until your task is completed.
23 </div><div class=
"tsd-comment tsd-typography"><h4>Default Value
</h4><pre><code class=
"language-ts"><span class=
24 </code><button>Copy
25 </div><aside class=
"tsd-sources"><ul><li>Defined in
<a href=
52</a></li></ul></aside></section></section></div><div class=
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