Add the arthmetic suffixed expression calculator function
[TD_LISP.git] / exercices / lists.lsp
1 #!/usr/bin/env newlisp
3 (setq L '(1 9 3 7 0 5))
4 (setq M '(2 6 5 4 0 1 3))
6 (define (mem E L) ;la function mem a 2 arguments
7 (if (null? L) nil
8 (if (= (first L) E) true
9 (mem E (rest L)))))
10 (println "mem rt bool")
11 (println (mem 9 L))
13 (define (boolmemrec E L)
14 (cond
15 ((null? L) nil)
16 ((= (first L) E) true)
17 ((mem E (rest L)))))
18 (println "mem rec rt bool")
19 (println (boolmemrec 10 L))
21 (define (mem E L) ;la function mem a 2 arguments
22 (if (null? L) nil
23 (if (= (first L) E) L
24 (mem E (rest L)))))
25 (println "mem rt list")
26 (println (mem 3 L))
28 (define (mem E L)
29 (cond
30 ((null? L) nil)
31 ((= (first L) E) L)
32 ((mem E (rest L)))))
33 (println "mem rec rt list")
34 (println (mem 9 L))
35 (println (member 9 L))
36 (println (mem 8 L))
37 (println (member 8 L))
39 (define (concatene L1 L2)
40 (if (null? L1) L2
41 (cons (first L1) (concatene (rest L1) L2))))
42 (println "concatene/append")
43 (setq C (concatene L M))
44 (println C)
45 (println (append L M))
47 ;(trace true)
49 (define (rang E L)
50 (if (boolmemrec E L)
51 (cond
52 ((= E (first L)) 0)
53 ((+ 1 (rang E (rest L)))))
54 nil))
55 (println "rang/find")
56 (println (rang 4 L))
57 (println (find 4 L))
58 (println (rang 0 L))
59 (println (find 0 L))
61 ;(trace nil)
63 (define (tete N L)
64 (cond
65 ((null? L) '())
66 ((= N 0) '())
67 ((cons (first L) (tete (- N 1) (rest L))))))
68 (println "tete/slice")
69 (println (tete 3 L))
70 (println (slice L 0 3))
71 (println (0 3 L))
73 (define (intersectL L1 L2)
74 (cond
75 ((null? L1) '())
76 ((member (first L1) L2) (cons (first L1) (intersectL (rest L1) L2)))
77 ((intersectL (rest L1) L2))))
78 (println "intersectL/intersect")
79 (println (intersectL L M))
80 (println (intersect L M))
82 (setq N '(1 9 3))
83 (define (inclu L1 L2)
84 (cond
85 ((null? L1) true)
86 ((null? L2) nil)
87 ((= (first L1) (first L2)) (inclu (rest L1) (rest L2)))
88 ((inclu L1 (rest L2)))))
89 (println "inclu")
90 (println (inclu N L))
91 (println (inclu L M))
92 ;did not found a newlisp builtin equivalent function
94 (define (unionE L1 L2)
95 (cond
96 ((null? L1) L2)
97 ((member (first L1) L2) (unionE (rest L1) L2))
98 ((cons (first L1) (unionE (rest L1) L2)))))
99 (println "unionE/union")
100 (println (unionE L M))
101 (println (unionE N L))
102 (println (union N L))
104 ;(trace true)
106 (setq T '(((4)((2 5))((((((6 7)))))))))
107 (define (prof L)
108 (cond
109 ((null? L) 0)
110 ((atom? L) 0)
111 ((max (+ 1 (prof (first L))) (prof (rest L))))))
112 (println "prof")
113 (println (prof L))
114 (println (prof T))
116 ;(trace nil)
117 ;(trace true)
119 (define (aplatir L)
120 (cond
121 ((null? L) '())
122 ((atom? L) (list L))
123 ((append (aplatir (first L)) (aplatir (rest L))))))
124 (println "aplatir/flat")
125 (println (aplatir T))
126 (println (flat T))
128 ;(trace nil)
130 (define (elim L)
131 (cond
132 ((null? L) '())
133 ((member (first L) (rest L)) (elim (rest L)))
134 ((cons (first L) (elim (rest L))))))
135 (println "elim/unique")
136 (println (elim C))
137 (println (unique C))
139 (define (reverseL L)
140 (cond
141 ((null? L) '())
142 ((append (reverseL (rest L)) (list (first L))))))
143 (println "reverseL/reverse")
144 (println (reverseL L))
145 (println (reverse L))
147 (define (list< N L)
148 (cond
149 ((null? L) '())
150 ((>= (first L) N) (list< N (rest L)))
151 ((cons (first L) (list< N (rest L))))))
152 (println "list<")
153 (println (list< 5 L))
154 (println (list< 5 C))
156 (define (list>= N L)
157 (cond
158 ((null? L) '())
159 ((< (first L) N) (list>= N (rest L)))
160 ((cons (first L) (list>= N (rest L))))))
161 (println "list>=")
162 (println (list>= 5 C))
164 ;(trace true)
166 (define (qsort L)
167 (cond
168 ((null? L) '())
169 ((append
170 ;the pivot is the first element of the list
171 (qsort (list< (first L) (rest L)))
172 (list (first L))
173 (qsort (list>= (first L) (rest L)))))))
174 (println "qsort")
175 (println (qsort C))
177 ;(trace nil)
179 ;we suppose both lists are flat
180 (setq L1 '(A ? ? B C D ?))
181 (setq L2 '(? A B ? C ? ? D))
183 ;(println "replace")
184 ;(println L1)
185 ;(println L2)
186 ;the replace function modify the passed argument
187 ;(println (replace 'B L1))
188 ;(println (replace '? L1))
189 ;(println (replace '? L2))
190 ;(println L1)
191 ;(println L2)
193 (define (filtre L1 L2 C)
194 ;the replace function modify the passed argument
195 ;FIXME: use the function argument C
196 (replace '? L1)
197 (replace '? L2)
198 (cond
199 ((and (null? L1) (null? L2)) true)
200 ((and (not (null? L1)) (null? L2)) nil)
201 ((and (null? L1) (not (null? L2))) nil)
202 ((and (inclu L1 L2) (inclu L2 L1) true))))
203 (println "filtre")
204 (println (filtre L1 L2 ?))
205 (println (filtre L M ?))
207 ;algorithm written on the board
208 (define (filtrerec L1 L2 C)
209 ;FIXME: use the function argument C
210 (cond
211 ((null? L1)
212 (cond
213 ((null? L2) true)
214 ((= '? (first L2)) (filtrerec L1 (rest L2)))
215 (nil)))
216 ((null? L2) (filtrerec L2 L1))
217 ((= '? (first L1)) (filtrerec (rest L1) L2))
218 ((= '? (first L2)) (filtrerec L1 (rest L2)))
219 ((= (first L1) (first L2)) (filtrerec (rest L1) (rest L2)) )
220 (nil)))
221 (println "filtrerec")
222 (println (filtrerec L1 L2 ?))
223 (println (filtrerec L M ?))
225 (exit)