[poolifier.git] / index.d.ts
1 declare module "poolifier" {
2 import { AsyncResource } from "async_hooks";
3 import { EventEmitter } from "events";
4 import { Worker } from "worker_threads";
6 export interface FixedThreadPoolOptions {
7 /**
8 * A function that will listen for error event on each worker thread.
9 */
10 errorHandler?: (this: Worker, e: Error) => void;
11 /**
12 * A function that will listen for online event on each worker thread.
13 */
14 onlineHandler?: (this: Worker) => void;
15 /**
16 * A function that will listen for exit event on each worker thread.
17 */
18 exitHandler?: (this: Worker, code: number) => void;
19 /**
20 * This is just to avoid not useful warnings message, is used to set `maxListeners` on event emitters (workers are event emitters).
21 *
22 * @default 1000
23 */
24 maxTasks?: number;
25 }
27 /**
28 * A thread pool with a static number of threads, is possible to execute tasks in sync or async mode as you prefer.
29 *
30 * This pool will select the worker thread in a round robin fashion.
31 *
32 * @author [Alessandro Pio Ardizio](https://github.com/pioardi)
33 * @since 0.0.1
34 */
35 export class FixedThreadPool<Data = any, Response = any> {
36 /**
37 * Num of threads for this worker pool.
38 */
39 numThreads: number;
40 workers: Worker[];
41 nextWorker: number;
42 opts: FixedThreadPoolOptions;
43 filePath: string;
44 tasks: Map<Worker, number>;
46 _id: number;
48 /**
49 * @param numThreads Num of threads for this worker pool.
50 * @param filePath A file path with implementation of `ThreadWorker` class, relative path is fine.
51 * @param opts An object with possible options for example `errorHandler`, `onlineHandler`. Default: `{ maxTasks: 1000 }`
52 */
53 constructor(
54 numThreads: number,
55 filePath: string,
56 opts?: FixedThreadPoolOptions
57 );
59 destroy(): Promise<void>;
61 /**
62 * Execute the task specified into the constructor with the data parameter.
63 *
64 * @param data The input for the task specified.
65 * @returns Promise that is resolved when the task is done.
66 */
67 execute(data: Data): Promise<Response>;
69 _execute(worker: Worker, id: number): Promise<unknown>;
70 _chooseWorker(): Worker;
71 _newWorker(): Worker;
72 }
74 export type DynamicThreadPoolOptions = FixedThreadPoolOptions;
76 class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {}
78 /**
79 * A thread pool with a min/max number of threads, is possible to execute tasks in sync or async mode as you prefer.
80 *
81 * This thread pool will create new workers when the other ones are busy, until the max number of threads,
82 * when the max number of threads is reached, an event will be emitted, if you want to listen this event use the emitter method.
83 *
84 * @author [Alessandro Pio Ardizio](https://github.com/pioardi)
85 * @since 0.0.1
86 */
87 export class DynamicThreadPool<
88 Data = any,
89 Response = any
90 > extends FixedThreadPool<Data, Response> {
91 max: number;
92 emitter: MyEmitter;
94 /**
95 * @param min Min number of threads that will be always active
96 * @param max Max number of threads that will be active
97 * @param filename A file path with implementation of `ThreadWorker` class, relative path is fine.
98 * @param opts An object with possible options for example `errorHandler`, `onlineHandler`. Default: `{ maxTasks: 1000 }`
99 */
100 constructor(
101 min: number,
102 max: number,
103 filename: string,
104 opts?: DynamicThreadPoolOptions
105 );
106 }
108 export interface ThreadWorkerOptions {
109 /**
110 * Max time to wait tasks to work on (in ms), after this period the new worker threads will die.
111 *
112 * @default 60.000 ms
113 */
114 maxInactiveTime?: number;
115 /**
116 * `true` if your function contains async pieces, else `false`.
117 *
118 * @default false
119 */
120 async?: boolean;
121 }
123 /**
124 * An example worker that will be always alive, you just need to **extend** this class if you want a static pool.
125 *
126 * When this worker is inactive for more than 1 minute, it will send this info to the main thread,
127 * if you are using DynamicThreadPool, the workers created after will be killed, the min num of thread will be guaranteed.
128 *
129 * @author [Alessandro Pio Ardizio](https://github.com/pioardi)
130 * @since 0.0.1
131 */
132 export class ThreadWorker<Data = any, Response = any> extends AsyncResource {
133 opts: ThreadWorkerOptions;
134 maxInactiveTime: number;
135 async: boolean;
136 lastTask: number;
137 interval: number;
138 parent: Worker;
140 constructor(fn: (data: Data) => Response, opts?: ThreadWorkerOptions);
142 _checkAlive(): boolean;
143 _run(fn: (data: Data) => Response, value: { data: Data }): void;
144 _runAsync(
145 fn: (data: Data) => Promise<Response>,
146 value: { data: Data }
147 ): void;
148 }
149 }