[deb_x265.git] / make-makefile.bat
1 @echo off
2 ::
3 :: run this batch file to create an Intel C++ 2013 NMake makefile for this project.
4 :: See the cmake documentation for other generator targets
5 ::
6 if not "%ICPP_COMPILER13%" == "" ( set ICL="%ICPP_COMPILER13" )
7 if not "%ICPP_COMPILER14%" == "" ( set ICL="%ICPP_COMPILER14" )
8 if "%ICL%" == "" (
9 msg "%username%" "Intel C++ 2013 not detected"
10 exit 1
11 )
12 call "%ICL%\bin\compilervars.bat" ia32
13 set CC=icl
14 set CXX=icl
15 cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..\..\source && cmake-gui ..\..\source