[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] / src / assets / json-schemas / ocpp / 2.0 / SendLocalListRequest.json
1 {
2 "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
3 "$id": "urn:OCPP:Cp:2:2020:3:SendLocalListRequest",
4 "$comment": "OCPP 2.0.1 FINAL",
5 "definitions": {
6 "CustomDataType": {
7 "description": "This class does not get 'AdditionalProperties = false' in the schema generation, so it can be extended with arbitrary JSON properties to allow adding custom data.",
8 "javaType": "CustomData",
9 "type": "object",
10 "properties": {
11 "vendorId": {
12 "type": "string",
13 "maxLength": 255
14 }
15 },
16 "required": ["vendorId"]
17 },
18 "AuthorizationStatusEnumType": {
19 "description": "ID_ Token. Status. Authorization_ Status\r\nurn:x-oca:ocpp:uid:1:569372\r\nCurrent status of the ID Token.\r\n",
20 "javaType": "AuthorizationStatusEnum",
21 "type": "string",
22 "additionalProperties": false,
23 "enum": [
24 "Accepted",
25 "Blocked",
26 "ConcurrentTx",
27 "Expired",
28 "Invalid",
29 "NoCredit",
30 "NotAllowedTypeEVSE",
31 "NotAtThisLocation",
32 "NotAtThisTime",
33 "Unknown"
34 ]
35 },
36 "IdTokenEnumType": {
37 "description": "Enumeration of possible idToken types.\r\n",
38 "javaType": "IdTokenEnum",
39 "type": "string",
40 "additionalProperties": false,
41 "enum": [
42 "Central",
43 "eMAID",
44 "ISO14443",
45 "ISO15693",
46 "KeyCode",
47 "Local",
48 "MacAddress",
49 "NoAuthorization"
50 ]
51 },
52 "MessageFormatEnumType": {
53 "description": "Message_ Content. Format. Message_ Format_ Code\r\nurn:x-enexis:ecdm:uid:1:570848\r\nFormat of the message.\r\n",
54 "javaType": "MessageFormatEnum",
55 "type": "string",
56 "additionalProperties": false,
57 "enum": ["ASCII", "HTML", "URI", "UTF8"]
58 },
59 "UpdateEnumType": {
60 "description": "This contains the type of update (full or differential) of this request.\r\n",
61 "javaType": "UpdateEnum",
62 "type": "string",
63 "additionalProperties": false,
64 "enum": ["Differential", "Full"]
65 },
66 "AdditionalInfoType": {
67 "description": "Contains a case insensitive identifier to use for the authorization and the type of authorization to support multiple forms of identifiers.\r\n",
68 "javaType": "AdditionalInfo",
69 "type": "object",
70 "additionalProperties": false,
71 "properties": {
72 "customData": {
73 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomDataType"
74 },
75 "additionalIdToken": {
76 "description": "This field specifies the additional IdToken.\r\n",
77 "type": "string",
78 "maxLength": 36
79 },
80 "type": {
81 "description": "This defines the type of the additionalIdToken. This is a custom type, so the implementation needs to be agreed upon by all involved parties.\r\n",
82 "type": "string",
83 "maxLength": 50
84 }
85 },
86 "required": ["additionalIdToken", "type"]
87 },
88 "AuthorizationData": {
89 "description": "Contains the identifier to use for authorization.\r\n",
90 "javaType": "AuthorizationData",
91 "type": "object",
92 "additionalProperties": false,
93 "properties": {
94 "customData": {
95 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomDataType"
96 },
97 "idToken": {
98 "$ref": "#/definitions/IdTokenType"
99 },
100 "idTokenInfo": {
101 "$ref": "#/definitions/IdTokenInfoType"
102 }
103 },
104 "required": ["idToken"]
105 },
106 "IdTokenInfoType": {
107 "description": "ID_ Token\r\nurn:x-oca:ocpp:uid:2:233247\r\nContains status information about an identifier.\r\nIt is advised to not stop charging for a token that expires during charging, as ExpiryDate is only used for caching purposes. If ExpiryDate is not given, the status has no end date.\r\n",
108 "javaType": "IdTokenInfo",
109 "type": "object",
110 "additionalProperties": false,
111 "properties": {
112 "customData": {
113 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomDataType"
114 },
115 "status": {
116 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthorizationStatusEnumType"
117 },
118 "cacheExpiryDateTime": {
119 "description": "ID_ Token. Expiry. Date_ Time\r\nurn:x-oca:ocpp:uid:1:569373\r\nDate and Time after which the token must be considered invalid.\r\n",
120 "type": "string",
121 "format": "date-time"
122 },
123 "chargingPriority": {
124 "description": "Priority from a business point of view. Default priority is 0, The range is from -9 to 9. Higher values indicate a higher priority. The chargingPriority in <<transactioneventresponse,TransactionEventResponse>> overrules this one. \r\n",
125 "type": "integer"
126 },
127 "language1": {
128 "description": "ID_ Token. Language1. Language_ Code\r\nurn:x-oca:ocpp:uid:1:569374\r\nPreferred user interface language of identifier user. Contains a language code as defined in <<ref-RFC5646,[RFC5646]>>.\r\n\r\n",
129 "type": "string",
130 "maxLength": 8
131 },
132 "evseId": {
133 "description": "Only used when the IdToken is only valid for one or more specific EVSEs, not for the entire Charging Station.\r\n\r\n",
134 "type": "array",
135 "additionalItems": false,
136 "items": {
137 "type": "integer"
138 },
139 "minItems": 1
140 },
141 "groupIdToken": {
142 "$ref": "#/definitions/IdTokenType"
143 },
144 "language2": {
145 "description": "ID_ Token. Language2. Language_ Code\r\nurn:x-oca:ocpp:uid:1:569375\r\nSecond preferred user interface language of identifier user. Don’t use when language1 is omitted, has to be different from language1. Contains a language code as defined in <<ref-RFC5646,[RFC5646]>>.\r\n",
146 "type": "string",
147 "maxLength": 8
148 },
149 "personalMessage": {
150 "$ref": "#/definitions/MessageContentType"
151 }
152 },
153 "required": ["status"]
154 },
155 "IdTokenType": {
156 "description": "Contains a case insensitive identifier to use for the authorization and the type of authorization to support multiple forms of identifiers.\r\n",
157 "javaType": "IdToken",
158 "type": "object",
159 "additionalProperties": false,
160 "properties": {
161 "customData": {
162 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomDataType"
163 },
164 "additionalInfo": {
165 "type": "array",
166 "additionalItems": false,
167 "items": {
168 "$ref": "#/definitions/AdditionalInfoType"
169 },
170 "minItems": 1
171 },
172 "idToken": {
173 "description": "IdToken is case insensitive. Might hold the hidden id of an RFID tag, but can for example also contain a UUID.\r\n",
174 "type": "string",
175 "maxLength": 36
176 },
177 "type": {
178 "$ref": "#/definitions/IdTokenEnumType"
179 }
180 },
181 "required": ["idToken", "type"]
182 },
183 "MessageContentType": {
184 "description": "Message_ Content\r\nurn:x-enexis:ecdm:uid:2:234490\r\nContains message details, for a message to be displayed on a Charging Station.\r\n\r\n",
185 "javaType": "MessageContent",
186 "type": "object",
187 "additionalProperties": false,
188 "properties": {
189 "customData": {
190 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomDataType"
191 },
192 "format": {
193 "$ref": "#/definitions/MessageFormatEnumType"
194 },
195 "language": {
196 "description": "Message_ Content. Language. Language_ Code\r\nurn:x-enexis:ecdm:uid:1:570849\r\nMessage language identifier. Contains a language code as defined in <<ref-RFC5646,[RFC5646]>>.\r\n",
197 "type": "string",
198 "maxLength": 8
199 },
200 "content": {
201 "description": "Message_ Content. Content. Message\r\nurn:x-enexis:ecdm:uid:1:570852\r\nMessage contents.\r\n\r\n",
202 "type": "string",
203 "maxLength": 512
204 }
205 },
206 "required": ["format", "content"]
207 }
208 },
209 "type": "object",
210 "additionalProperties": false,
211 "properties": {
212 "customData": {
213 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomDataType"
214 },
215 "localAuthorizationList": {
216 "type": "array",
217 "additionalItems": false,
218 "items": {
219 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthorizationData"
220 },
221 "minItems": 1
222 },
223 "versionNumber": {
224 "description": "In case of a full update this is the version number of the full list. In case of a differential update it is the version number of the list after the update has been applied.\r\n",
225 "type": "integer"
226 },
227 "updateType": {
228 "$ref": "#/definitions/UpdateEnumType"
229 }
230 },
231 "required": ["versionNumber", "updateType"]
232 }