fix: properly handle undefined connector id at remote start transaction
[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] / src / charging-station / ocpp / 1.6 / OCPP16IncomingRequestService.ts
1 // Partial Copyright Jerome Benoit. 2021-2024. All Rights Reserved.
3 import { randomInt } from 'node:crypto'
4 import { createWriteStream, readdirSync } from 'node:fs'
5 import { dirname, extname, join, resolve } from 'node:path'
6 import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'node:url'
8 import type { ValidateFunction } from 'ajv'
9 import { Client, type FTPResponse } from 'basic-ftp'
10 import {
11 addSeconds,
12 differenceInSeconds,
13 type Interval,
14 isDate,
15 secondsToMilliseconds
16 } from 'date-fns'
17 import { maxTime } from 'date-fns/constants'
18 import { isEmpty } from 'rambda'
19 import { create } from 'tar'
21 import {
22 canProceedChargingProfile,
23 type ChargingStation,
24 checkChargingStation,
25 getConfigurationKey,
26 getConnectorChargingProfiles,
27 prepareChargingProfileKind,
28 removeExpiredReservations,
29 setConfigurationKeyValue
30 } from '../../../charging-station/index.js'
31 import { OCPPError } from '../../../exception/index.js'
32 import {
33 type ChangeConfigurationRequest,
34 type ChangeConfigurationResponse,
35 ConfigurationSection,
36 ErrorType,
37 type GenericResponse,
38 GenericStatus,
39 type GetConfigurationRequest,
40 type GetConfigurationResponse,
41 type GetDiagnosticsRequest,
42 type GetDiagnosticsResponse,
43 type IncomingRequestHandler,
44 type JsonType,
45 type LogConfiguration,
46 OCPP16AuthorizationStatus,
47 OCPP16AvailabilityType,
48 type OCPP16BootNotificationRequest,
49 type OCPP16BootNotificationResponse,
50 type OCPP16CancelReservationRequest,
51 type OCPP16ChangeAvailabilityRequest,
52 type OCPP16ChangeAvailabilityResponse,
53 OCPP16ChargePointErrorCode,
54 OCPP16ChargePointStatus,
55 type OCPP16ChargingProfile,
56 OCPP16ChargingProfilePurposeType,
57 type OCPP16ChargingSchedule,
58 type OCPP16ClearCacheRequest,
59 type OCPP16ClearChargingProfileRequest,
60 type OCPP16ClearChargingProfileResponse,
61 type OCPP16DataTransferRequest,
62 type OCPP16DataTransferResponse,
63 OCPP16DataTransferVendorId,
64 OCPP16DiagnosticsStatus,
65 type OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationRequest,
66 type OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationResponse,
67 OCPP16FirmwareStatus,
68 type OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationRequest,
69 type OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationResponse,
70 type OCPP16GetCompositeScheduleRequest,
71 type OCPP16GetCompositeScheduleResponse,
72 type OCPP16HeartbeatRequest,
73 type OCPP16HeartbeatResponse,
74 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand,
75 OCPP16MessageTrigger,
76 OCPP16RequestCommand,
77 type OCPP16ReserveNowRequest,
78 type OCPP16ReserveNowResponse,
79 OCPP16StandardParametersKey,
80 type OCPP16StartTransactionRequest,
81 type OCPP16StartTransactionResponse,
82 type OCPP16StatusNotificationRequest,
83 type OCPP16StatusNotificationResponse,
84 OCPP16StopTransactionReason,
85 OCPP16SupportedFeatureProfiles,
86 type OCPP16TriggerMessageRequest,
87 type OCPP16TriggerMessageResponse,
88 OCPP16TriggerMessageStatus,
89 type OCPP16UpdateFirmwareRequest,
90 type OCPP16UpdateFirmwareResponse,
91 type OCPPConfigurationKey,
92 OCPPVersion,
93 type RemoteStartTransactionRequest,
94 type RemoteStopTransactionRequest,
95 ReservationTerminationReason,
96 type ResetRequest,
97 type SetChargingProfileRequest,
98 type SetChargingProfileResponse,
99 type UnlockConnectorRequest,
100 type UnlockConnectorResponse
101 } from '../../../types/index.js'
102 import {
103 Configuration,
104 Constants,
105 convertToDate,
106 convertToInt,
107 formatDurationMilliSeconds,
108 isAsyncFunction,
109 isNotEmptyArray,
110 isNotEmptyString,
111 logger,
112 sleep
113 } from '../../../utils/index.js'
114 import { OCPPIncomingRequestService } from '../OCPPIncomingRequestService.js'
115 import { OCPP16Constants } from './OCPP16Constants.js'
116 import { OCPP16ServiceUtils } from './OCPP16ServiceUtils.js'
118 const moduleName = 'OCPP16IncomingRequestService'
120 export class OCPP16IncomingRequestService extends OCPPIncomingRequestService {
121 protected payloadValidateFunctions: Map<OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand, ValidateFunction<JsonType>>
123 private readonly incomingRequestHandlers: Map<
124 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand,
125 IncomingRequestHandler
126 >
128 public constructor () {
129 // if ( === moduleName) {
130 // throw new TypeError(`Cannot construct ${} instances directly`)
131 // }
132 super(OCPPVersion.VERSION_16)
133 this.incomingRequestHandlers = new Map<OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand, IncomingRequestHandler>([
134 [
135 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.RESET,
136 this.handleRequestReset.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
137 ],
138 [
139 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CLEAR_CACHE,
140 this.handleRequestClearCache.bind(this) as IncomingRequestHandler
141 ],
142 [
143 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.UNLOCK_CONNECTOR,
144 this.handleRequestUnlockConnector.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
145 ],
146 [
147 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_CONFIGURATION,
148 this.handleRequestGetConfiguration.bind(this) as IncomingRequestHandler
149 ],
150 [
151 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION,
152 this.handleRequestChangeConfiguration.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
153 ],
154 [
155 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_COMPOSITE_SCHEDULE,
156 this.handleRequestGetCompositeSchedule.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
157 ],
158 [
159 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.SET_CHARGING_PROFILE,
160 this.handleRequestSetChargingProfile.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
161 ],
162 [
163 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CLEAR_CHARGING_PROFILE,
164 this.handleRequestClearChargingProfile.bind(this) as IncomingRequestHandler
165 ],
166 [
167 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CHANGE_AVAILABILITY,
168 this.handleRequestChangeAvailability.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
169 ],
170 [
171 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.REMOTE_START_TRANSACTION,
172 this.handleRequestRemoteStartTransaction.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
173 ],
174 [
175 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.REMOTE_STOP_TRANSACTION,
176 this.handleRequestRemoteStopTransaction.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
177 ],
178 [
179 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_DIAGNOSTICS,
180 this.handleRequestGetDiagnostics.bind(this) as IncomingRequestHandler
181 ],
182 [
183 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.TRIGGER_MESSAGE,
184 this.handleRequestTriggerMessage.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
185 ],
186 [
187 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.DATA_TRANSFER,
188 this.handleRequestDataTransfer.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
189 ],
190 [
191 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.UPDATE_FIRMWARE,
192 this.handleRequestUpdateFirmware.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
193 ],
194 [
195 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.RESERVE_NOW,
196 this.handleRequestReserveNow.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
197 ],
198 [
199 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CANCEL_RESERVATION,
200 this.handleRequestCancelReservation.bind(this) as unknown as IncomingRequestHandler
201 ]
202 ])
203 this.payloadValidateFunctions = new Map<
204 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand,
205 ValidateFunction<JsonType>
206 >([
207 [
208 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.RESET,
209 this.ajv
210 .compile(
211 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<ResetRequest>(
212 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/Reset.json',
213 moduleName,
214 'constructor'
215 )
216 )
217 .bind(this)
218 ],
219 [
220 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CLEAR_CACHE,
221 this.ajv
222 .compile(
223 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<OCPP16ClearCacheRequest>(
224 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/ClearCache.json',
225 moduleName,
226 'constructor'
227 )
228 )
229 .bind(this)
230 ],
231 [
232 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.UNLOCK_CONNECTOR,
233 this.ajv
234 .compile(
235 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<UnlockConnectorRequest>(
236 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/UnlockConnector.json',
237 moduleName,
238 'constructor'
239 )
240 )
241 .bind(this)
242 ],
243 [
244 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_CONFIGURATION,
245 this.ajv
246 .compile(
247 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<GetConfigurationRequest>(
248 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/GetConfiguration.json',
249 moduleName,
250 'constructor'
251 )
252 )
253 .bind(this)
254 ],
255 [
256 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION,
257 this.ajv
258 .compile(
259 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<ChangeConfigurationRequest>(
260 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/ChangeConfiguration.json',
261 moduleName,
262 'constructor'
263 )
264 )
265 .bind(this)
266 ],
267 [
268 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_DIAGNOSTICS,
269 this.ajv
270 .compile(
271 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<GetDiagnosticsRequest>(
272 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/GetDiagnostics.json',
273 moduleName,
274 'constructor'
275 )
276 )
277 .bind(this)
278 ],
279 [
280 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_COMPOSITE_SCHEDULE,
281 this.ajv
282 .compile(
283 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<OCPP16GetCompositeScheduleRequest>(
284 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/GetCompositeSchedule.json',
285 moduleName,
286 'constructor'
287 )
288 )
289 .bind(this)
290 ],
291 [
292 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.SET_CHARGING_PROFILE,
293 this.ajv
294 .compile(
295 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<SetChargingProfileRequest>(
296 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/SetChargingProfile.json',
297 moduleName,
298 'constructor'
299 )
300 )
301 .bind(this)
302 ],
303 [
304 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CLEAR_CHARGING_PROFILE,
305 this.ajv
306 .compile(
307 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<OCPP16ClearChargingProfileRequest>(
308 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/ClearChargingProfile.json',
309 moduleName,
310 'constructor'
311 )
312 )
313 .bind(this)
314 ],
315 [
316 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CHANGE_AVAILABILITY,
317 this.ajv
318 .compile(
319 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<OCPP16ChangeAvailabilityRequest>(
320 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/ChangeAvailability.json',
321 moduleName,
322 'constructor'
323 )
324 )
325 .bind(this)
326 ],
327 [
328 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.REMOTE_START_TRANSACTION,
329 this.ajv
330 .compile(
331 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<RemoteStartTransactionRequest>(
332 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/RemoteStartTransaction.json',
333 moduleName,
334 'constructor'
335 )
336 )
337 .bind(this)
338 ],
339 [
340 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.REMOTE_STOP_TRANSACTION,
341 this.ajv
342 .compile(
343 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<RemoteStopTransactionRequest>(
344 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/RemoteStopTransaction.json',
345 moduleName,
346 'constructor'
347 )
348 )
349 .bind(this)
350 ],
351 [
352 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.TRIGGER_MESSAGE,
353 this.ajv
354 .compile(
355 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<OCPP16TriggerMessageRequest>(
356 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/TriggerMessage.json',
357 moduleName,
358 'constructor'
359 )
360 )
361 .bind(this)
362 ],
363 [
364 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.DATA_TRANSFER,
365 this.ajv
366 .compile(
367 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<OCPP16DataTransferRequest>(
368 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/DataTransfer.json',
369 moduleName,
370 'constructor'
371 )
372 )
373 .bind(this)
374 ],
375 [
376 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.UPDATE_FIRMWARE,
377 this.ajv
378 .compile(
379 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<OCPP16UpdateFirmwareRequest>(
380 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/UpdateFirmware.json',
381 moduleName,
382 'constructor'
383 )
384 )
385 .bind(this)
386 ],
387 [
388 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.RESERVE_NOW,
389 this.ajv
390 .compile(
391 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<OCPP16ReserveNowRequest>(
392 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/ReserveNow.json',
393 moduleName,
394 'constructor'
395 )
396 )
397 .bind(this)
398 ],
399 [
400 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CANCEL_RESERVATION,
401 this.ajv
402 .compile(
403 OCPP16ServiceUtils.parseJsonSchemaFile<OCPP16CancelReservationRequest>(
404 'assets/json-schemas/ocpp/1.6/CancelReservation.json',
405 moduleName,
406 'constructor'
407 )
408 )
409 .bind(this)
410 ]
411 ])
412 // Handle incoming request events
413 this.on(
414 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.REMOTE_START_TRANSACTION,
415 (
416 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
417 request: RemoteStartTransactionRequest,
418 response: GenericResponse
419 ) => {
420 if (response.status === GenericStatus.Accepted) {
421 const { connectorId, idTag } = request
422 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
423 chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId!)!.transactionRemoteStarted = true
424 chargingStation.ocppRequestService
425 .requestHandler<Partial<OCPP16StartTransactionRequest>, OCPP16StartTransactionResponse>(
426 chargingStation,
428 {
429 connectorId,
430 idTag
431 }
432 )
433 .then(response => {
434 if (response.status === OCPP16AuthorizationStatus.ACCEPTED) {
435 logger.debug(
436 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Remote start transaction ACCEPTED on ${
437 chargingStation.stationInfo?.chargingStationId
438 }#${connectorId} for idTag '${idTag}'`
439 )
440 } else {
441 logger.debug(
442 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Remote start transaction REJECTED on ${
443 chargingStation.stationInfo?.chargingStationId
444 }#${connectorId} for idTag '${idTag}'`
445 )
446 }
447 })
448 .catch((error: unknown) => {
449 logger.error(
450 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.constructor: Remote start transaction error:`,
451 error
452 )
453 })
454 }
455 }
456 )
457 this.on(
458 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.REMOTE_STOP_TRANSACTION,
459 (
460 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
461 request: RemoteStopTransactionRequest,
462 response: GenericResponse
463 ) => {
464 if (response.status === GenericStatus.Accepted) {
465 const { transactionId } = request
466 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
467 const connectorId = chargingStation.getConnectorIdByTransactionId(transactionId)!
468 OCPP16ServiceUtils.remoteStopTransaction(chargingStation, connectorId)
469 .then(response => {
470 if (response.status === GenericStatus.Accepted) {
471 logger.debug(
472 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Remote stop transaction ACCEPTED on ${
473 chargingStation.stationInfo?.chargingStationId
474 }#${connectorId} for transaction '${transactionId}'`
475 )
476 } else {
477 logger.debug(
478 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Remote stop transaction REJECTED on ${
479 chargingStation.stationInfo?.chargingStationId
480 }#${connectorId} for transaction '${transactionId}'`
481 )
482 }
483 })
484 .catch((error: unknown) => {
485 logger.error(
486 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.constructor: Remote stop transaction error:`,
487 error
488 )
489 })
490 }
491 }
492 )
493 this.on(
494 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.TRIGGER_MESSAGE,
495 (
496 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
497 request: OCPP16TriggerMessageRequest,
498 response: OCPP16TriggerMessageResponse
499 ) => {
500 if (response.status !== OCPP16TriggerMessageStatus.ACCEPTED) {
501 return
502 }
503 const { requestedMessage, connectorId } = request
504 const errorHandler = (error: unknown): void => {
505 logger.error(
506 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.constructor: Trigger ${requestedMessage} error:`,
507 error
508 )
509 }
510 switch (requestedMessage) {
511 case OCPP16MessageTrigger.BootNotification:
512 chargingStation.ocppRequestService
513 .requestHandler<OCPP16BootNotificationRequest, OCPP16BootNotificationResponse>(
514 chargingStation,
516 chargingStation.bootNotificationRequest as OCPP16BootNotificationRequest,
517 { skipBufferingOnError: true, triggerMessage: true }
518 )
519 .then(response => {
520 chargingStation.bootNotificationResponse = response
521 })
522 .catch(errorHandler)
523 break
524 case OCPP16MessageTrigger.Heartbeat:
525 chargingStation.ocppRequestService
526 .requestHandler<OCPP16HeartbeatRequest, OCPP16HeartbeatResponse>(
527 chargingStation,
528 OCPP16RequestCommand.HEARTBEAT,
529 undefined,
530 {
531 triggerMessage: true
532 }
533 )
534 .catch(errorHandler)
535 break
536 case OCPP16MessageTrigger.StatusNotification:
537 if (connectorId != null) {
538 chargingStation.ocppRequestService
539 .requestHandler<OCPP16StatusNotificationRequest, OCPP16StatusNotificationResponse>(
540 chargingStation,
542 {
543 connectorId,
544 errorCode: OCPP16ChargePointErrorCode.NO_ERROR,
545 status: chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)
546 ?.status as OCPP16ChargePointStatus
547 },
548 {
549 triggerMessage: true
550 }
551 )
552 .catch(errorHandler)
553 } else if (chargingStation.hasEvses) {
554 for (const evseStatus of chargingStation.evses.values()) {
555 for (const [id, connectorStatus] of evseStatus.connectors) {
556 chargingStation.ocppRequestService
557 .requestHandler<
558 OCPP16StatusNotificationRequest,
559 OCPP16StatusNotificationResponse
560 >(
561 chargingStation,
563 {
564 connectorId: id,
565 errorCode: OCPP16ChargePointErrorCode.NO_ERROR,
566 status: connectorStatus.status as OCPP16ChargePointStatus
567 },
568 {
569 triggerMessage: true
570 }
571 )
572 .catch(errorHandler)
573 }
574 }
575 } else {
576 for (const [id, connectorStatus] of chargingStation.connectors) {
577 chargingStation.ocppRequestService
578 .requestHandler<
579 OCPP16StatusNotificationRequest,
580 OCPP16StatusNotificationResponse
581 >(
582 chargingStation,
584 {
585 connectorId: id,
586 errorCode: OCPP16ChargePointErrorCode.NO_ERROR,
587 status: connectorStatus.status as OCPP16ChargePointStatus
588 },
589 {
590 triggerMessage: true
591 }
592 )
593 .catch(errorHandler)
594 }
595 }
596 break
597 }
598 }
599 )
600 this.validatePayload = this.validatePayload.bind(this)
601 }
603 public async incomingRequestHandler<ReqType extends JsonType, ResType extends JsonType>(
604 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
605 messageId: string,
606 commandName: OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand,
607 commandPayload: ReqType
608 ): Promise<void> {
609 let response: ResType
610 if (
611 chargingStation.stationInfo?.ocppStrictCompliance === true &&
612 chargingStation.inPendingState() &&
613 (commandName === OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.REMOTE_START_TRANSACTION ||
614 commandName === OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.REMOTE_STOP_TRANSACTION)
615 ) {
616 throw new OCPPError(
618 `${commandName} cannot be issued to handle request PDU ${JSON.stringify(
619 commandPayload,
620 undefined,
621 2
622 )} while the charging station is in pending state on the central server`,
623 commandName,
624 commandPayload
625 )
626 }
627 if (
628 chargingStation.isRegistered() ||
629 (chargingStation.stationInfo?.ocppStrictCompliance === false &&
630 chargingStation.inUnknownState())
631 ) {
632 if (
633 this.incomingRequestHandlers.has(commandName) &&
634 OCPP16ServiceUtils.isIncomingRequestCommandSupported(chargingStation, commandName)
635 ) {
636 try {
637 this.validatePayload(chargingStation, commandName, commandPayload)
638 // Call the method to build the response
639 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
640 const incomingRequestHandler = this.incomingRequestHandlers.get(commandName)!
641 if (isAsyncFunction(incomingRequestHandler)) {
642 response = (await incomingRequestHandler(chargingStation, commandPayload)) as ResType
643 } else {
644 response = incomingRequestHandler(chargingStation, commandPayload) as ResType
645 }
646 } catch (error) {
647 // Log
648 logger.error(
649 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.incomingRequestHandler: Handle incoming request error:`,
650 error
651 )
652 throw error
653 }
654 } else {
655 // Throw exception
656 throw new OCPPError(
658 `'${commandName}' is not implemented to handle request PDU ${JSON.stringify(
659 commandPayload,
660 undefined,
661 2
662 )}`,
663 commandName,
664 commandPayload
665 )
666 }
667 } else {
668 throw new OCPPError(
670 `${commandName} cannot be issued to handle request PDU ${JSON.stringify(
671 commandPayload,
672 undefined,
673 2
674 )} while the charging station is not registered on the central server`,
675 commandName,
676 commandPayload
677 )
678 }
679 // Send the built response
680 await chargingStation.ocppRequestService.sendResponse(
681 chargingStation,
682 messageId,
683 response,
684 commandName
685 )
686 // Emit command name event to allow delayed handling
687 this.emit(commandName, chargingStation, commandPayload, response)
688 }
690 private validatePayload (
691 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
692 commandName: OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand,
693 commandPayload: JsonType
694 ): boolean {
695 if (this.payloadValidateFunctions.has(commandName)) {
696 return this.validateIncomingRequestPayload(chargingStation, commandName, commandPayload)
697 }
698 logger.warn(
699 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.validatePayload: No JSON schema validation function found for command '${commandName}' PDU validation`
700 )
701 return false
702 }
704 // Simulate charging station restart
705 private handleRequestReset (
706 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
707 commandPayload: ResetRequest
708 ): GenericResponse {
709 const { type } = commandPayload
710 chargingStation
711 .reset(`${type}Reset` as OCPP16StopTransactionReason)
712 .catch(Constants.EMPTY_FUNCTION)
714 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${type} reset command received, simulating it. The station will be back online in ${formatDurationMilliSeconds(
715 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
716 chargingStation.stationInfo!.resetTime!
717 )}`
718 )
720 }
722 private async handleRequestUnlockConnector (
723 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
724 commandPayload: UnlockConnectorRequest
725 ): Promise<UnlockConnectorResponse> {
726 const { connectorId } = commandPayload
727 if (!chargingStation.hasConnector(connectorId)) {
728 logger.error(
729 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Trying to unlock a non existing connector id ${connectorId}`
730 )
732 }
733 if (connectorId === 0) {
734 logger.error(`${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Trying to unlock connector id ${connectorId}`)
736 }
737 if (chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)?.transactionStarted === true) {
738 const stopResponse = await chargingStation.stopTransactionOnConnector(
739 connectorId,
740 OCPP16StopTransactionReason.UNLOCK_COMMAND
741 )
742 if (stopResponse.idTagInfo?.status === OCPP16AuthorizationStatus.ACCEPTED) {
744 }
746 }
747 await OCPP16ServiceUtils.sendAndSetConnectorStatus(
748 chargingStation,
749 connectorId,
750 OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Available
751 )
753 }
755 private handleRequestGetConfiguration (
756 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
757 commandPayload: GetConfigurationRequest
758 ): GetConfigurationResponse {
759 const { key } = commandPayload
760 const configurationKey: OCPPConfigurationKey[] = []
761 const unknownKey: string[] = []
762 if (key == null) {
763 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
764 for (const configKey of chargingStation.ocppConfiguration!.configurationKey!) {
765 if (!OCPP16ServiceUtils.isConfigurationKeyVisible(configKey)) {
766 continue
767 }
768 configurationKey.push({
769 key: configKey.key,
770 readonly: configKey.readonly,
771 value: configKey.value
772 })
773 }
774 } else if (isNotEmptyArray(key)) {
775 for (const k of key) {
776 const keyFound = getConfigurationKey(chargingStation, k, true)
777 if (keyFound != null) {
778 if (!OCPP16ServiceUtils.isConfigurationKeyVisible(keyFound)) {
779 continue
780 }
781 configurationKey.push({
782 key: keyFound.key,
783 readonly: keyFound.readonly,
784 value: keyFound.value
785 })
786 } else {
787 unknownKey.push(k)
788 }
789 }
790 }
791 return {
792 configurationKey,
793 unknownKey
794 }
795 }
797 private handleRequestChangeConfiguration (
798 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
799 commandPayload: ChangeConfigurationRequest
800 ): ChangeConfigurationResponse {
801 const { key, value } = commandPayload
802 const keyToChange = getConfigurationKey(chargingStation, key, true)
803 if (keyToChange?.readonly === true) {
805 } else if (keyToChange?.readonly === false) {
806 let valueChanged = false
807 if (keyToChange.value !== value) {
808 setConfigurationKeyValue(chargingStation, key, value, true)
809 valueChanged = true
810 }
811 let triggerHeartbeatRestart = false
812 if (
813 (keyToChange.key as OCPP16StandardParametersKey) ===
814 OCPP16StandardParametersKey.HeartBeatInterval &&
815 valueChanged
816 ) {
817 setConfigurationKeyValue(
818 chargingStation,
819 OCPP16StandardParametersKey.HeartbeatInterval,
820 value
821 )
822 triggerHeartbeatRestart = true
823 }
824 if (
825 (keyToChange.key as OCPP16StandardParametersKey) ===
826 OCPP16StandardParametersKey.HeartbeatInterval &&
827 valueChanged
828 ) {
829 setConfigurationKeyValue(
830 chargingStation,
831 OCPP16StandardParametersKey.HeartBeatInterval,
832 value
833 )
834 triggerHeartbeatRestart = true
835 }
836 if (triggerHeartbeatRestart) {
837 chargingStation.restartHeartbeat()
838 }
839 if (
840 (keyToChange.key as OCPP16StandardParametersKey) ===
841 OCPP16StandardParametersKey.WebSocketPingInterval &&
842 valueChanged
843 ) {
844 chargingStation.restartWebSocketPing()
845 }
846 if (keyToChange.reboot === true) {
848 }
850 }
852 }
854 private handleRequestSetChargingProfile (
855 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
856 commandPayload: SetChargingProfileRequest
857 ): SetChargingProfileResponse {
858 if (
859 !OCPP16ServiceUtils.checkFeatureProfile(
860 chargingStation,
861 OCPP16SupportedFeatureProfiles.SmartCharging,
862 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.SET_CHARGING_PROFILE
863 )
864 ) {
866 }
867 const { connectorId, csChargingProfiles } = commandPayload
868 if (!chargingStation.hasConnector(connectorId)) {
869 logger.error(
870 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Trying to set charging profile(s) to a non existing connector id ${connectorId}`
871 )
873 }
874 if (
875 csChargingProfiles.chargingProfilePurpose ===
876 OCPP16ChargingProfilePurposeType.CHARGE_POINT_MAX_PROFILE &&
877 connectorId !== 0
878 ) {
880 }
881 if (
882 csChargingProfiles.chargingProfilePurpose === OCPP16ChargingProfilePurposeType.TX_PROFILE &&
883 connectorId === 0
884 ) {
885 logger.error(
886 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Trying to set transaction charging profile(s) on connector ${connectorId}`
887 )
889 }
890 const connectorStatus = chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)
891 if (
892 csChargingProfiles.chargingProfilePurpose === OCPP16ChargingProfilePurposeType.TX_PROFILE &&
893 connectorId > 0 &&
894 connectorStatus?.transactionStarted === false
895 ) {
896 logger.error(
897 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Trying to set transaction charging profile(s) on connector ${connectorId} without a started transaction`
898 )
900 }
901 if (
902 csChargingProfiles.chargingProfilePurpose === OCPP16ChargingProfilePurposeType.TX_PROFILE &&
903 connectorId > 0 &&
904 connectorStatus?.transactionStarted === true &&
905 csChargingProfiles.transactionId !== connectorStatus.transactionId
906 ) {
907 logger.error(
908 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Trying to set transaction charging profile(s) on connector ${connectorId} with a different transaction id ${
909 csChargingProfiles.transactionId
910 } than the started transaction id ${connectorStatus.transactionId}`
911 )
913 }
914 OCPP16ServiceUtils.setChargingProfile(chargingStation, connectorId, csChargingProfiles)
915 logger.debug(
916 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Charging profile(s) set on connector id ${connectorId}: %j`,
917 csChargingProfiles
918 )
920 }
922 private handleRequestGetCompositeSchedule (
923 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
924 commandPayload: OCPP16GetCompositeScheduleRequest
925 ): OCPP16GetCompositeScheduleResponse {
926 if (
927 !OCPP16ServiceUtils.checkFeatureProfile(
928 chargingStation,
929 OCPP16SupportedFeatureProfiles.SmartCharging,
930 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_COMPOSITE_SCHEDULE
931 )
932 ) {
934 }
935 const { connectorId, duration, chargingRateUnit } = commandPayload
936 if (!chargingStation.hasConnector(connectorId)) {
937 logger.error(
938 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Trying to get composite schedule to a non existing connector id ${connectorId}`
939 )
941 }
942 if (connectorId === 0) {
943 logger.error(
944 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Get composite schedule on connector id ${connectorId} is not yet supported`
945 )
947 }
948 if (chargingRateUnit != null) {
949 logger.warn(
950 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Get composite schedule with a specified rate unit is not yet supported, no conversion will be done`
951 )
952 }
953 const connectorStatus = chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)
954 if (
955 isEmpty(connectorStatus?.chargingProfiles) &&
956 isEmpty(chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(0)?.chargingProfiles)
957 ) {
959 }
960 const currentDate = new Date()
961 const compositeScheduleInterval: Interval = {
962 start: currentDate,
963 end: addSeconds(currentDate, duration)
964 }
965 // Get charging profiles sorted by connector id then stack level
966 const chargingProfiles: OCPP16ChargingProfile[] = getConnectorChargingProfiles(
967 chargingStation,
968 connectorId
969 )
970 let previousCompositeSchedule: OCPP16ChargingSchedule | undefined
971 let compositeSchedule: OCPP16ChargingSchedule | undefined
972 for (const chargingProfile of chargingProfiles) {
973 if (chargingProfile.chargingSchedule.startSchedule == null) {
974 logger.debug(
975 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.handleRequestGetCompositeSchedule: Charging profile id ${
976 chargingProfile.chargingProfileId
977 } has no startSchedule defined. Trying to set it to the connector current transaction start date`
978 )
979 // OCPP specifies that if startSchedule is not defined, it should be relative to start of the connector transaction
980 chargingProfile.chargingSchedule.startSchedule = connectorStatus?.transactionStart
981 }
982 if (!isDate(chargingProfile.chargingSchedule.startSchedule)) {
983 logger.warn(
984 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.handleRequestGetCompositeSchedule: Charging profile id ${
985 chargingProfile.chargingProfileId
986 } startSchedule property is not a Date instance. Trying to convert it to a Date instance`
987 )
988 chargingProfile.chargingSchedule.startSchedule = convertToDate(
989 chargingProfile.chargingSchedule.startSchedule
990 )
991 }
992 if (chargingProfile.chargingSchedule.duration == null) {
993 logger.debug(
994 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.handleRequestGetCompositeSchedule: Charging profile id ${
995 chargingProfile.chargingProfileId
996 } has no duration defined and will be set to the maximum time allowed`
997 )
998 // OCPP specifies that if duration is not defined, it should be infinite
999 chargingProfile.chargingSchedule.duration = differenceInSeconds(
1000 maxTime,
1001 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1002 chargingProfile.chargingSchedule.startSchedule!
1003 )
1004 }
1005 if (
1006 !prepareChargingProfileKind(
1007 connectorStatus,
1008 chargingProfile,
1009 compositeScheduleInterval.start,
1010 chargingStation.logPrefix()
1011 )
1012 ) {
1013 continue
1014 }
1015 if (
1016 !canProceedChargingProfile(
1017 chargingProfile,
1018 compositeScheduleInterval.start,
1019 chargingStation.logPrefix()
1020 )
1021 ) {
1022 continue
1023 }
1024 compositeSchedule = OCPP16ServiceUtils.composeChargingSchedules(
1025 previousCompositeSchedule,
1026 chargingProfile.chargingSchedule,
1027 compositeScheduleInterval
1028 )
1029 previousCompositeSchedule = compositeSchedule
1030 }
1031 if (compositeSchedule != null) {
1032 return {
1033 status: GenericStatus.Accepted,
1034 scheduleStart: compositeSchedule.startSchedule,
1035 connectorId,
1036 chargingSchedule: compositeSchedule
1037 }
1038 }
1039 return OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_REJECTED
1040 }
1042 private handleRequestClearChargingProfile (
1043 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1044 commandPayload: OCPP16ClearChargingProfileRequest
1045 ): OCPP16ClearChargingProfileResponse {
1046 if (
1047 !OCPP16ServiceUtils.checkFeatureProfile(
1048 chargingStation,
1049 OCPP16SupportedFeatureProfiles.SmartCharging,
1050 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CLEAR_CHARGING_PROFILE
1051 )
1052 ) {
1054 }
1055 const { connectorId } = commandPayload
1056 if (connectorId != null) {
1057 if (!chargingStation.hasConnector(connectorId)) {
1058 logger.error(
1059 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Trying to clear a charging profile(s) to a non existing connector id ${connectorId}`
1060 )
1062 }
1063 const connectorStatus = chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)
1064 if (isNotEmptyArray(connectorStatus?.chargingProfiles)) {
1065 connectorStatus.chargingProfiles = []
1066 logger.debug(
1067 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Charging profile(s) cleared on connector id ${connectorId}`
1068 )
1070 }
1071 } else {
1072 let clearedCP = false
1073 if (chargingStation.hasEvses) {
1074 for (const evseStatus of chargingStation.evses.values()) {
1075 for (const status of evseStatus.connectors.values()) {
1076 const clearedConnectorCP = OCPP16ServiceUtils.clearChargingProfiles(
1077 chargingStation,
1078 commandPayload,
1079 status.chargingProfiles
1080 )
1081 if (clearedConnectorCP && !clearedCP) {
1082 clearedCP = true
1083 }
1084 }
1085 }
1086 } else {
1087 for (const id of chargingStation.connectors.keys()) {
1088 const clearedConnectorCP = OCPP16ServiceUtils.clearChargingProfiles(
1089 chargingStation,
1090 commandPayload,
1091 chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(id)?.chargingProfiles
1092 )
1093 if (clearedConnectorCP && !clearedCP) {
1094 clearedCP = true
1095 }
1096 }
1097 }
1098 if (clearedCP) {
1100 }
1101 }
1103 }
1105 private async handleRequestChangeAvailability (
1106 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1107 commandPayload: OCPP16ChangeAvailabilityRequest
1108 ): Promise<OCPP16ChangeAvailabilityResponse> {
1109 const { connectorId, type } = commandPayload
1110 if (!chargingStation.hasConnector(connectorId)) {
1111 logger.error(
1112 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Trying to change the availability of a non existing connector id ${connectorId}`
1113 )
1115 }
1116 const chargePointStatus: OCPP16ChargePointStatus =
1117 type === OCPP16AvailabilityType.Operative
1118 ? OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Available
1119 : OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Unavailable
1120 if (connectorId === 0) {
1121 let response: OCPP16ChangeAvailabilityResponse | undefined
1122 if (chargingStation.hasEvses) {
1123 for (const evseStatus of chargingStation.evses.values()) {
1124 response = await OCPP16ServiceUtils.changeAvailability(
1125 chargingStation,
1126 [...evseStatus.connectors.keys()],
1127 chargePointStatus,
1128 type
1129 )
1130 }
1131 } else {
1132 response = await OCPP16ServiceUtils.changeAvailability(
1133 chargingStation,
1134 [...chargingStation.connectors.keys()],
1135 chargePointStatus,
1136 type
1137 )
1138 }
1139 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1140 return response!
1141 } else if (
1142 connectorId > 0 &&
1143 (chargingStation.isChargingStationAvailable() ||
1144 (!chargingStation.isChargingStationAvailable() &&
1145 type === OCPP16AvailabilityType.Inoperative))
1146 ) {
1147 if (chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)?.transactionStarted === true) {
1148 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1149 chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)!.availability = type
1151 }
1152 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1153 chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)!.availability = type
1154 await OCPP16ServiceUtils.sendAndSetConnectorStatus(
1155 chargingStation,
1156 connectorId,
1157 chargePointStatus
1158 )
1160 }
1162 }
1164 private async handleRequestRemoteStartTransaction (
1165 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1166 commandPayload: RemoteStartTransactionRequest
1167 ): Promise<GenericResponse> {
1168 if (commandPayload.connectorId == null) {
1169 do {
1170 commandPayload.connectorId = randomInt(1, chargingStation.getNumberOfConnectors())
1171 } while (
1172 chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(commandPayload.connectorId)?.transactionStarted === true
1173 )
1174 }
1175 const { connectorId: transactionConnectorId, idTag, chargingProfile } = commandPayload
1176 if (!chargingStation.hasConnector(transactionConnectorId)) {
1177 return this.notifyRemoteStartTransactionRejected(
1178 chargingStation,
1179 transactionConnectorId,
1180 idTag
1181 )
1182 }
1183 if (
1184 !chargingStation.isChargingStationAvailable() ||
1185 !chargingStation.isConnectorAvailable(transactionConnectorId)
1186 ) {
1187 return this.notifyRemoteStartTransactionRejected(
1188 chargingStation,
1189 transactionConnectorId,
1190 idTag
1191 )
1192 }
1193 // idTag authorization check required
1194 if (
1195 chargingStation.getAuthorizeRemoteTxRequests() &&
1196 !(await OCPP16ServiceUtils.isIdTagAuthorized(chargingStation, transactionConnectorId, idTag))
1197 ) {
1198 return this.notifyRemoteStartTransactionRejected(
1199 chargingStation,
1200 transactionConnectorId,
1201 idTag
1202 )
1203 }
1204 if (
1205 chargingProfile != null &&
1206 !this.setRemoteStartTransactionChargingProfile(
1207 chargingStation,
1208 transactionConnectorId,
1209 chargingProfile
1210 )
1211 ) {
1212 return this.notifyRemoteStartTransactionRejected(
1213 chargingStation,
1214 transactionConnectorId,
1215 idTag
1216 )
1217 }
1218 logger.debug(
1219 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Remote start transaction ACCEPTED on ${
1220 chargingStation.stationInfo?.chargingStationId
1221 }#${transactionConnectorId}}, idTag '${idTag}'`
1222 )
1223 return OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED
1224 }
1226 private notifyRemoteStartTransactionRejected (
1227 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1228 connectorId: number,
1229 idTag: string
1230 ): GenericResponse {
1231 const connectorStatus = chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)
1232 logger.debug(
1233 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Remote start transaction REJECTED on ${
1234 chargingStation.stationInfo?.chargingStationId
1235 }#${connectorId}, idTag '${idTag}', availability '${
1236 connectorStatus?.availability
1237 }', status '${connectorStatus?.status}'`
1238 )
1239 return OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_REJECTED
1240 }
1242 private setRemoteStartTransactionChargingProfile (
1243 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1244 connectorId: number,
1245 chargingProfile: OCPP16ChargingProfile
1246 ): boolean {
1247 if (chargingProfile.chargingProfilePurpose === OCPP16ChargingProfilePurposeType.TX_PROFILE) {
1248 OCPP16ServiceUtils.setChargingProfile(chargingStation, connectorId, chargingProfile)
1249 logger.debug(
1250 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Charging profile(s) set at remote start transaction on ${
1251 chargingStation.stationInfo?.chargingStationId
1252 }#${connectorId}`,
1253 chargingProfile
1254 )
1255 return true
1256 }
1257 logger.debug(
1258 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Not allowed to set ${
1259 chargingProfile.chargingProfilePurpose
1260 } charging profile(s) at remote start transaction`
1261 )
1262 return false
1263 }
1265 private handleRequestRemoteStopTransaction (
1266 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1267 commandPayload: RemoteStopTransactionRequest
1268 ): GenericResponse {
1269 const { transactionId } = commandPayload
1270 if (chargingStation.getConnectorIdByTransactionId(transactionId) != null) {
1271 logger.debug(
1272 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Remote stop transaction ACCEPTED for transactionId '${transactionId}'`
1273 )
1274 return OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED
1275 }
1276 logger.debug(
1277 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Remote stop transaction REJECTED for transactionId '${transactionId}'`
1278 )
1279 return OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_REJECTED
1280 }
1282 private handleRequestUpdateFirmware (
1283 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1284 commandPayload: OCPP16UpdateFirmwareRequest
1285 ): OCPP16UpdateFirmwareResponse {
1286 if (
1287 !OCPP16ServiceUtils.checkFeatureProfile(
1288 chargingStation,
1289 OCPP16SupportedFeatureProfiles.FirmwareManagement,
1290 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.UPDATE_FIRMWARE
1291 )
1292 ) {
1293 logger.warn(
1294 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.handleRequestUpdateFirmware: Cannot simulate firmware update: feature profile not supported`
1295 )
1296 return OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_EMPTY
1297 }
1298 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1299 commandPayload.retrieveDate = convertToDate(commandPayload.retrieveDate)!
1300 const { retrieveDate } = commandPayload
1301 if (chargingStation.stationInfo?.firmwareStatus !== OCPP16FirmwareStatus.Installed) {
1302 logger.warn(
1303 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.handleRequestUpdateFirmware: Cannot simulate firmware update: firmware update is already in progress`
1304 )
1305 return OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_EMPTY
1306 }
1307 const now =
1308 if (retrieveDate.getTime() <= now) {
1309 this.updateFirmwareSimulation(chargingStation).catch(Constants.EMPTY_FUNCTION)
1310 } else {
1311 setTimeout(() => {
1312 this.updateFirmwareSimulation(chargingStation).catch(Constants.EMPTY_FUNCTION)
1313 }, retrieveDate.getTime() - now)
1314 }
1315 return OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_EMPTY
1316 }
1318 private async updateFirmwareSimulation (
1319 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1320 maxDelay = 30,
1321 minDelay = 15
1322 ): Promise<void> {
1323 if (!checkChargingStation(chargingStation, chargingStation.logPrefix())) {
1324 return
1325 }
1326 if (chargingStation.hasEvses) {
1327 for (const [evseId, evseStatus] of chargingStation.evses) {
1328 if (evseId > 0) {
1329 for (const [connectorId, connectorStatus] of evseStatus.connectors) {
1330 if (connectorStatus.transactionStarted === false) {
1331 await OCPP16ServiceUtils.sendAndSetConnectorStatus(
1332 chargingStation,
1333 connectorId,
1334 OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Unavailable
1335 )
1336 }
1337 }
1338 }
1339 }
1340 } else {
1341 for (const connectorId of chargingStation.connectors.keys()) {
1342 if (
1343 connectorId > 0 &&
1344 chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)?.transactionStarted === false
1345 ) {
1346 await OCPP16ServiceUtils.sendAndSetConnectorStatus(
1347 chargingStation,
1348 connectorId,
1349 OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Unavailable
1350 )
1351 }
1352 }
1353 }
1354 await chargingStation.ocppRequestService.requestHandler<
1355 OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationRequest,
1356 OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationResponse
1357 >(chargingStation, OCPP16RequestCommand.FIRMWARE_STATUS_NOTIFICATION, {
1358 status: OCPP16FirmwareStatus.Downloading
1359 })
1360 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1361 chargingStation.stationInfo!.firmwareStatus = OCPP16FirmwareStatus.Downloading
1362 if (
1363 chargingStation.stationInfo?.firmwareUpgrade?.failureStatus ===
1364 OCPP16FirmwareStatus.DownloadFailed
1365 ) {
1366 await sleep(secondsToMilliseconds(randomInt(minDelay, maxDelay)))
1367 await chargingStation.ocppRequestService.requestHandler<
1368 OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationRequest,
1369 OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationResponse
1370 >(chargingStation, OCPP16RequestCommand.FIRMWARE_STATUS_NOTIFICATION, {
1371 status: chargingStation.stationInfo.firmwareUpgrade.failureStatus
1372 })
1373 chargingStation.stationInfo.firmwareStatus =
1374 chargingStation.stationInfo.firmwareUpgrade.failureStatus
1375 return
1376 }
1377 await sleep(secondsToMilliseconds(randomInt(minDelay, maxDelay)))
1378 await chargingStation.ocppRequestService.requestHandler<
1379 OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationRequest,
1380 OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationResponse
1381 >(chargingStation, OCPP16RequestCommand.FIRMWARE_STATUS_NOTIFICATION, {
1382 status: OCPP16FirmwareStatus.Downloaded
1383 })
1384 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1385 chargingStation.stationInfo!.firmwareStatus = OCPP16FirmwareStatus.Downloaded
1386 let wasTransactionsStarted = false
1387 let transactionsStarted: boolean
1388 do {
1389 const runningTransactions = chargingStation.getNumberOfRunningTransactions()
1390 if (runningTransactions > 0) {
1391 const waitTime = secondsToMilliseconds(15)
1392 logger.debug(
1393 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.updateFirmwareSimulation: ${runningTransactions} transaction(s) in progress, waiting ${formatDurationMilliSeconds(
1394 waitTime
1395 )} before continuing firmware update simulation`
1396 )
1397 await sleep(waitTime)
1398 transactionsStarted = true
1399 wasTransactionsStarted = true
1400 } else {
1401 if (chargingStation.hasEvses) {
1402 for (const [evseId, evseStatus] of chargingStation.evses) {
1403 if (evseId > 0) {
1404 for (const [connectorId, connectorStatus] of evseStatus.connectors) {
1405 if (connectorStatus.status !== OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Unavailable) {
1406 await OCPP16ServiceUtils.sendAndSetConnectorStatus(
1407 chargingStation,
1408 connectorId,
1409 OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Unavailable
1410 )
1411 }
1412 }
1413 }
1414 }
1415 } else {
1416 for (const connectorId of chargingStation.connectors.keys()) {
1417 if (
1418 connectorId > 0 &&
1419 chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)?.status !==
1420 OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Unavailable
1421 ) {
1422 await OCPP16ServiceUtils.sendAndSetConnectorStatus(
1423 chargingStation,
1424 connectorId,
1425 OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Unavailable
1426 )
1427 }
1428 }
1429 }
1430 transactionsStarted = false
1431 }
1432 } while (transactionsStarted)
1433 !wasTransactionsStarted && (await sleep(secondsToMilliseconds(randomInt(minDelay, maxDelay))))
1434 if (!checkChargingStation(chargingStation, chargingStation.logPrefix())) {
1435 return
1436 }
1437 await chargingStation.ocppRequestService.requestHandler<
1438 OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationRequest,
1439 OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationResponse
1440 >(chargingStation, OCPP16RequestCommand.FIRMWARE_STATUS_NOTIFICATION, {
1441 status: OCPP16FirmwareStatus.Installing
1442 })
1443 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1444 chargingStation.stationInfo!.firmwareStatus = OCPP16FirmwareStatus.Installing
1445 if (
1446 chargingStation.stationInfo?.firmwareUpgrade?.failureStatus ===
1447 OCPP16FirmwareStatus.InstallationFailed
1448 ) {
1449 await sleep(secondsToMilliseconds(randomInt(minDelay, maxDelay)))
1450 await chargingStation.ocppRequestService.requestHandler<
1451 OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationRequest,
1452 OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationResponse
1453 >(chargingStation, OCPP16RequestCommand.FIRMWARE_STATUS_NOTIFICATION, {
1454 status: chargingStation.stationInfo.firmwareUpgrade.failureStatus
1455 })
1456 chargingStation.stationInfo.firmwareStatus =
1457 chargingStation.stationInfo.firmwareUpgrade.failureStatus
1458 return
1459 }
1460 if (chargingStation.stationInfo?.firmwareUpgrade?.reset === true) {
1461 await sleep(secondsToMilliseconds(randomInt(minDelay, maxDelay)))
1462 await chargingStation.reset(OCPP16StopTransactionReason.REBOOT)
1463 }
1464 }
1466 private async handleRequestGetDiagnostics (
1467 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1468 commandPayload: GetDiagnosticsRequest
1469 ): Promise<GetDiagnosticsResponse> {
1470 if (
1471 !OCPP16ServiceUtils.checkFeatureProfile(
1472 chargingStation,
1473 OCPP16SupportedFeatureProfiles.FirmwareManagement,
1474 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_DIAGNOSTICS
1475 )
1476 ) {
1477 logger.warn(
1478 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.handleRequestGetDiagnostics: Cannot get diagnostics: feature profile not supported`
1479 )
1480 return OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_EMPTY
1481 }
1482 const { location } = commandPayload
1483 const uri = new URL(location)
1484 if (uri.protocol.startsWith('ftp:')) {
1485 let ftpClient: Client | undefined
1486 try {
1487 const logConfiguration = Configuration.getConfigurationSection<LogConfiguration>(
1488 ConfigurationSection.log
1489 )
1490 const logFiles = readdirSync(
1491 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1492 resolve((fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), '../', dirname(logConfiguration.file!)))
1493 )
1494 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1495 .filter(file => file.endsWith(extname(logConfiguration.file!)))
1496 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1497 .map(file => join(dirname(logConfiguration.file!), file))
1498 const diagnosticsArchive = `${chargingStation.stationInfo?.chargingStationId}_logs.tar.gz`
1499 create({ gzip: true }, logFiles).pipe(createWriteStream(diagnosticsArchive))
1500 ftpClient = new Client()
1501 const accessResponse = await ftpClient.access({
1502 host: uri.hostname,
1503 ...(isNotEmptyString(uri.port) && { port: convertToInt(uri.port) }),
1504 ...(isNotEmptyString(uri.username) && { user: uri.username }),
1505 ...(isNotEmptyString(uri.password) && { password: uri.password })
1506 })
1507 let uploadResponse: FTPResponse | undefined
1508 if (accessResponse.code === 220) {
1509 ftpClient.trackProgress(info => {
1511 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.handleRequestGetDiagnostics: ${
1512 info.bytes / 1024
1513 } bytes transferred from diagnostics archive ${}`
1514 )
1515 chargingStation.ocppRequestService
1516 .requestHandler<
1517 OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationRequest,
1518 OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationResponse
1519 >(chargingStation, OCPP16RequestCommand.DIAGNOSTICS_STATUS_NOTIFICATION, {
1520 status: OCPP16DiagnosticsStatus.Uploading
1521 })
1522 .catch((error: unknown) => {
1523 logger.error(
1524 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} ${moduleName}.handleRequestGetDiagnostics: Error while sending '${
1526 }'`,
1527 error
1528 )
1529 })
1530 })
1531 uploadResponse = await ftpClient.uploadFrom(
1532 join(resolve(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), '../'), diagnosticsArchive),
1533 `${uri.pathname}${diagnosticsArchive}`
1534 )
1535 if (uploadResponse.code === 226) {
1536 await chargingStation.ocppRequestService.requestHandler<
1537 OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationRequest,
1538 OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationResponse
1539 >(chargingStation, OCPP16RequestCommand.DIAGNOSTICS_STATUS_NOTIFICATION, {
1540 status: OCPP16DiagnosticsStatus.Uploaded
1541 })
1542 ftpClient.close()
1543 return { fileName: diagnosticsArchive }
1544 }
1545 throw new OCPPError(
1546 ErrorType.GENERIC_ERROR,
1547 `Diagnostics transfer failed with error code ${accessResponse.code}|${uploadResponse.code}`,
1548 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_DIAGNOSTICS
1549 )
1550 }
1551 throw new OCPPError(
1552 ErrorType.GENERIC_ERROR,
1553 `Diagnostics transfer failed with error code ${accessResponse.code}|${uploadResponse?.code}`,
1554 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_DIAGNOSTICS
1555 )
1556 } catch (error) {
1557 await chargingStation.ocppRequestService.requestHandler<
1558 OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationRequest,
1559 OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationResponse
1560 >(chargingStation, OCPP16RequestCommand.DIAGNOSTICS_STATUS_NOTIFICATION, {
1561 status: OCPP16DiagnosticsStatus.UploadFailed
1562 })
1563 ftpClient?.close()
1564 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1565 return this.handleIncomingRequestError<GetDiagnosticsResponse>(
1566 chargingStation,
1567 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.GET_DIAGNOSTICS,
1568 error as Error,
1569 { errorResponse: OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_EMPTY }
1570 )!
1571 }
1572 } else {
1573 logger.error(
1574 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Unsupported protocol ${
1575 uri.protocol
1576 } to transfer the diagnostic logs archive`
1577 )
1578 await chargingStation.ocppRequestService.requestHandler<
1579 OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationRequest,
1580 OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationResponse
1581 >(chargingStation, OCPP16RequestCommand.DIAGNOSTICS_STATUS_NOTIFICATION, {
1582 status: OCPP16DiagnosticsStatus.UploadFailed
1583 })
1584 return OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESPONSE_EMPTY
1585 }
1586 }
1588 private handleRequestTriggerMessage (
1589 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1590 commandPayload: OCPP16TriggerMessageRequest
1591 ): OCPP16TriggerMessageResponse {
1592 const { requestedMessage, connectorId } = commandPayload
1593 if (
1594 !OCPP16ServiceUtils.checkFeatureProfile(
1595 chargingStation,
1596 OCPP16SupportedFeatureProfiles.RemoteTrigger,
1597 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.TRIGGER_MESSAGE
1598 ) ||
1599 !OCPP16ServiceUtils.isMessageTriggerSupported(chargingStation, requestedMessage)
1600 ) {
1602 }
1603 if (
1604 !OCPP16ServiceUtils.isConnectorIdValid(
1605 chargingStation,
1606 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.TRIGGER_MESSAGE,
1607 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1608 connectorId!
1609 )
1610 ) {
1612 }
1613 switch (requestedMessage) {
1614 case OCPP16MessageTrigger.BootNotification:
1615 case OCPP16MessageTrigger.Heartbeat:
1616 case OCPP16MessageTrigger.StatusNotification:
1618 default:
1620 }
1621 }
1623 private handleRequestDataTransfer (
1624 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1625 commandPayload: OCPP16DataTransferRequest
1626 ): OCPP16DataTransferResponse {
1627 const { vendorId } = commandPayload
1628 try {
1629 if (Object.values(OCPP16DataTransferVendorId).includes(vendorId)) {
1631 }
1633 } catch (error) {
1634 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1635 return this.handleIncomingRequestError<OCPP16DataTransferResponse>(
1636 chargingStation,
1637 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.DATA_TRANSFER,
1638 error as Error,
1639 { errorResponse: OCPP16Constants.OCPP_DATA_TRANSFER_RESPONSE_REJECTED }
1640 )!
1641 }
1642 }
1644 private async handleRequestReserveNow (
1645 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1646 commandPayload: OCPP16ReserveNowRequest
1647 ): Promise<OCPP16ReserveNowResponse> {
1648 if (
1649 !OCPP16ServiceUtils.checkFeatureProfile(
1650 chargingStation,
1651 OCPP16SupportedFeatureProfiles.Reservation,
1652 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.RESERVE_NOW
1653 )
1654 ) {
1656 }
1657 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1658 commandPayload.expiryDate = convertToDate(commandPayload.expiryDate)!
1659 const { reservationId, idTag, connectorId } = commandPayload
1660 let response: OCPP16ReserveNowResponse
1661 try {
1662 if (connectorId > 0 && !chargingStation.isConnectorAvailable(connectorId)) {
1664 }
1665 if (connectorId === 0 && !chargingStation.getReserveConnectorZeroSupported()) {
1667 }
1668 if (!(await OCPP16ServiceUtils.isIdTagAuthorized(chargingStation, connectorId, idTag))) {
1670 }
1671 await removeExpiredReservations(chargingStation)
1672 switch (chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)?.status) {
1673 case OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Faulted:
1675 break
1676 case OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Preparing:
1677 case OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Charging:
1678 case OCPP16ChargePointStatus.SuspendedEV:
1679 case OCPP16ChargePointStatus.SuspendedEVSE:
1680 case OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Finishing:
1682 break
1683 case OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Unavailable:
1685 break
1686 case OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Reserved:
1687 if (!chargingStation.isConnectorReservable(reservationId, idTag, connectorId)) {
1689 break
1690 }
1691 // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
1692 default:
1693 if (!chargingStation.isConnectorReservable(reservationId, idTag)) {
1695 break
1696 }
1697 await chargingStation.addReservation({
1698 id: commandPayload.reservationId,
1699 ...commandPayload
1700 })
1702 break
1703 }
1704 return response
1705 } catch (error) {
1706 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1707 chargingStation.getConnectorStatus(connectorId)!.status = OCPP16ChargePointStatus.Available
1708 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1709 return this.handleIncomingRequestError<OCPP16ReserveNowResponse>(
1710 chargingStation,
1711 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.RESERVE_NOW,
1712 error as Error,
1713 { errorResponse: OCPP16Constants.OCPP_RESERVATION_RESPONSE_FAULTED }
1714 )!
1715 }
1716 }
1718 private async handleRequestCancelReservation (
1719 chargingStation: ChargingStation,
1720 commandPayload: OCPP16CancelReservationRequest
1721 ): Promise<GenericResponse> {
1722 if (
1723 !OCPP16ServiceUtils.checkFeatureProfile(
1724 chargingStation,
1725 OCPP16SupportedFeatureProfiles.Reservation,
1726 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CANCEL_RESERVATION
1727 )
1728 ) {
1730 }
1731 try {
1732 const { reservationId } = commandPayload
1733 const reservation = chargingStation.getReservationBy('reservationId', reservationId)
1734 if (reservation == null) {
1735 logger.debug(
1736 `${chargingStation.logPrefix()} Reservation with id ${reservationId} does not exist on charging station`
1737 )
1739 }
1740 await chargingStation.removeReservation(
1741 reservation,
1742 ReservationTerminationReason.RESERVATION_CANCELED
1743 )
1745 } catch (error) {
1746 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
1747 return this.handleIncomingRequestError<GenericResponse>(
1748 chargingStation,
1749 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand.CANCEL_RESERVATION,
1750 error as Error,
1751 {
1753 }
1754 )!
1755 }
1756 }
1757 }