docs: refine
[poolifier.git] / src / deque.ts
1 // Copyright Jerome Benoit. 2023. All Rights Reserved.
3 class Node<T> {
4 public value: T
5 public next?: Node<T>
6 public prev?: Node<T>
8 public constructor (value: T) {
9 this.value = value
10 }
11 }
13 /**
14 * Deque.
15 * Implemented with a doubly linked list.
16 *
17 * @typeParam T - Type of deque values.
18 */
19 export class Deque<T> {
20 private head?: Node<T>
21 private tail?: Node<T>
22 /** The size of the deque. */
23 public size!: number
24 /** The maximum size of the deque. */
25 public maxSize!: number
27 public constructor () {
28 this.clear()
29 }
31 /**
32 * Appends a value to the deque.
33 *
34 * @param value - Value to append.
35 * @returns The new size of the queue.
36 */
37 public push (value: T): number {
38 const node = new Node(value)
39 if (this.tail == null) {
40 this.head = this.tail = node
41 } else {
42 node.prev = this.tail
43 this.tail = = node
44 }
45 return this.incrementSize()
46 }
48 /**
49 * Prepends a value to the deque.
50 *
51 * @param value - Value to prepend.
52 * @returns The new size of the queue.
53 */
54 public unshift (value: T): number {
55 const node = new Node(value)
56 if (this.head == null) {
57 this.head = this.tail = node
58 } else {
59 = this.head
60 this.head = this.head.prev = node
61 }
62 return this.incrementSize()
63 }
65 /**
66 * Pops a value from the deque.
67 */
68 public pop (): T | undefined {
69 if (this.head == null) {
70 return undefined
71 }
72 const tail = this.tail
73 this.tail = (this.tail as Node<T>).prev
74 if (this.tail == null) {
75 this.head = undefined
76 } else {
77 = undefined
78 }
79 --this.size
80 return tail?.value
81 }
83 /**
84 * Shifts a value from the deque.
85 *
86 * @returns The shifted value or `undefined` if the deque is empty.
87 */
88 public shift (): T | undefined {
89 if (this.head == null) {
90 return undefined
91 }
92 const head = this.head
93 this.head =
94 if (this.head == null) {
95 this.tail = undefined
96 } else {
97 this.head.prev = undefined
98 }
99 --this.size
100 return head?.value
101 }
103 /**
104 * Peeks at the first value.
105 * @returns The first value or `undefined` if the queue is empty.
106 */
107 public peekFirst (): T | undefined {
108 return this.head?.value
109 }
111 /**
112 * Peeks at the last value.
113 * @returns The last value or `undefined` if the queue is empty.
114 */
115 public peekLast (): T | undefined {
116 return this.tail?.value
117 }
119 /**
120 * Clears the deque.
121 */
122 public clear (): void {
123 this.head = undefined
124 this.tail = undefined
125 this.size = 0
126 this.maxSize = 0
127 }
129 /**
130 * Returns an iterator for the deque.
131 *
132 * @returns An iterator for the deque.
133 * @see
134 */
135 [Symbol.iterator] (): Iterator<T> {
136 let node = this.head
137 return {
138 next: () => {
139 if (node == null) {
140 return {
141 value: undefined,
142 done: true
143 }
144 }
145 const ret = {
146 value: node.value,
147 done: false
148 }
149 node = as Node<T>
150 return ret
151 }
152 }
153 }
155 private incrementSize (): number {
156 ++this.size
157 if (this.size > this.maxSize) {
158 this.maxSize = this.size
159 }
160 return this.size
161 }
162 }