Encapsulate logic of cluster and thread worker/pool (#116)
[poolifier.git] / src / index.ts
1 export type {
2 ErrorHandler,
3 ExitHandler,
4 IWorker,
5 OnlineHandler,
6 PoolOptions
7 } from './pools/abstract-pool'
8 export { DynamicClusterPool } from './pools/cluster/dynamic'
9 export { FixedClusterPool } from './pools/cluster/fixed'
10 export type { ClusterPoolOptions } from './pools/cluster/fixed'
11 export type { IPool } from './pools/pool'
12 export { DynamicThreadPool } from './pools/thread/dynamic'
13 export { FixedThreadPool } from './pools/thread/fixed'
14 export type { ThreadWorkerWithMessageChannel } from './pools/thread/fixed'
15 export { AbstractWorker } from './worker/abstract-worker'
16 export { ClusterWorker } from './worker/cluster-worker'
17 export { ThreadWorker } from './worker/thread-worker'
18 export type { WorkerOptions } from './worker/worker-options'