cec: removed the 10ms extra delay in CAdapterCommunication::SendMessageToAdapter()
[deb_libcec.git] / src / lib / CECProcessor.h
1 #pragma once
2 /*
3 * This file is part of the libCEC(R) library.
4 *
5 * libCEC(R) is Copyright (C) 2011 Pulse-Eight Limited. All rights reserved.
6 * libCEC(R) is an original work, containing original code.
7 *
8 * libCEC(R) is a trademark of Pulse-Eight Limited.
9 *
10 * This program is dual-licensed; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13 * (at your option) any later version.
14 *
15 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 *
20 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 *
24 *
25 * Alternatively, you can license this library under a commercial license,
26 * please contact Pulse-Eight Licensing for more information.
27 *
28 * For more information contact:
29 * Pulse-Eight Licensing <license@pulse-eight.com>
30 * http://www.pulse-eight.com/
31 * http://www.pulse-eight.net/
32 */
34 #include <string>
35 #include <cectypes.h>
36 #include "AdapterCommunication.h"
37 #include "platform/threads.h"
38 #include "util/buffer.h"
39 #include "util/StdString.h"
41 class CSerialPort;
43 namespace CEC
44 {
45 class CLibCEC;
46 class CAdapterCommunication;
47 class CCECBusDevice;
49 class CCECProcessor : public CThread
50 {
51 public:
52 CCECProcessor(CLibCEC *controller, CAdapterCommunication *serComm, const char *strDeviceName, cec_logical_address iLogicalAddress = CECDEVICE_PLAYBACKDEVICE1, uint16_t iPhysicalAddress = CEC_DEFAULT_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS);
53 CCECProcessor(CLibCEC *controller, CAdapterCommunication *serComm, const char *strDeviceName, const cec_device_type_list &types);
54 virtual ~CCECProcessor(void);
56 virtual bool Start(void);
57 virtual void *Process(void);
59 virtual bool IsMonitoring(void) const { return m_bMonitor; }
60 virtual CCECBusDevice * GetDeviceByPhysicalAddress(uint16_t iPhysicalAddress, bool bRefresh = false) const;
61 virtual CCECBusDevice * GetDeviceByType(cec_device_type type) const;
62 virtual cec_version GetDeviceCecVersion(cec_logical_address iAddress);
63 virtual bool GetDeviceMenuLanguage(cec_logical_address iAddress, cec_menu_language *language);
64 virtual const std::string & GetDeviceName(void) { return m_strDeviceName; }
65 virtual cec_osd_name GetDeviceOSDName(cec_logical_address iAddress);
66 virtual uint64_t GetDeviceVendorId(cec_logical_address iAddress);
67 virtual cec_power_status GetDevicePowerStatus(cec_logical_address iAddress);
68 virtual cec_logical_address GetLogicalAddress(void) const { return m_logicalAddresses.primary; }
69 virtual cec_logical_addresses GetLogicalAddresses(void) const { return m_logicalAddresses; }
70 virtual cec_logical_addresses GetActiveDevices(void);
71 virtual bool HasLogicalAddress(cec_logical_address address) const { return m_logicalAddresses.IsSet(address); }
72 virtual bool IsActiveDevice(cec_logical_address address);
73 virtual bool IsActiveDeviceType(cec_device_type type);
74 virtual uint16_t GetPhysicalAddress(void) const;
76 virtual bool SetActiveView(void);
77 virtual bool SetActiveSource(cec_device_type type = CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_RESERVED);
78 virtual bool SetActiveSource(cec_logical_address iAddress);
79 virtual bool SetDeckControlMode(cec_deck_control_mode mode, bool bSendUpdate = true);
80 virtual bool SetDeckInfo(cec_deck_info info, bool bSendUpdate = true);
81 virtual bool SetHDMIPort(cec_logical_address iBaseDevice, uint8_t iPort, bool bForce = false);
82 virtual bool TransmitInactiveSource(void);
83 virtual bool SetLogicalAddress(cec_logical_address iLogicalAddress);
84 virtual bool SetMenuState(cec_menu_state state, bool bSendUpdate = true);
85 virtual bool SetPhysicalAddress(uint16_t iPhysicalAddress);
86 virtual bool SetStreamPath(uint16_t iStreamPath);
87 virtual bool SwitchMonitoring(bool bEnable);
88 virtual bool PollDevice(cec_logical_address iAddress);
89 virtual uint8_t VolumeUp(bool bWait = true);
90 virtual uint8_t VolumeDown(bool bWait = true);
91 virtual uint8_t MuteAudio(bool bWait = true);
92 virtual bool SendKeypress(cec_logical_address iDestination, cec_user_control_code key, bool bWait = false);
93 virtual bool SendKeyRelease(cec_logical_address iDestination, bool bWait = false);
94 virtual bool EnablePhysicalAddressDetection(void) { return false; };
96 const char *ToString(const cec_menu_state state);
97 const char *ToString(const cec_version version);
98 const char *ToString(const cec_power_status status);
99 const char *ToString(const cec_logical_address address);
100 const char *ToString(const cec_deck_control_mode mode);
101 const char *ToString(const cec_deck_info status);
102 const char *ToString(const cec_opcode opcode);
103 const char *ToString(const cec_system_audio_status mode);
104 const char *ToString(const cec_audio_status status);
105 const char *ToString(const cec_vendor_id vendor);
107 virtual bool Transmit(const cec_command &data);
108 virtual bool Transmit(CCECAdapterMessage *output);
109 virtual void TransmitAbort(cec_logical_address address, cec_opcode opcode, cec_abort_reason reason = CEC_ABORT_REASON_UNRECOGNIZED_OPCODE);
111 virtual void SetCurrentButton(cec_user_control_code iButtonCode);
112 virtual void AddCommand(const cec_command &command);
113 virtual void AddKey(cec_keypress &key);
114 virtual void AddKey(void);
115 virtual void AddLog(cec_log_level level, const CStdString &strMessage);
117 virtual bool FindLogicalAddresses(void);
118 virtual bool SetAckMask(uint16_t iMask);
120 CCECBusDevice *m_busDevices[16];
122 private:
123 void ScanCECBus(void);
124 bool CheckPhysicalAddress(uint16_t iPhysicalAddress);
125 bool TryLogicalAddress(cec_logical_address address);
126 bool FindLogicalAddressRecordingDevice(void);
127 bool FindLogicalAddressTuner(void);
128 bool FindLogicalAddressPlaybackDevice(void);
129 bool FindLogicalAddressAudioSystem(void);
131 void LogOutput(const cec_command &data);
132 bool WaitForTransmitSucceeded(uint8_t iLength, uint32_t iTimeout = 1000);
133 bool ParseMessage(const CCECAdapterMessage &msg);
134 void ParseCommand(cec_command &command);
136 bool m_bStarted;
137 uint8_t m_iHDMIPort;
138 cec_logical_address m_iBaseDevice;
139 cec_command m_currentframe;
140 cec_logical_addresses m_logicalAddresses;
141 std::string m_strDeviceName;
142 cec_device_type_list m_types;
143 CMutex m_mutex;
144 CCondition m_startCondition;
145 CAdapterCommunication* m_communication;
146 CLibCEC* m_controller;
147 bool m_bMonitor;
148 CecBuffer<cec_command> m_commandBuffer;
149 cec_keypress m_previousKey;
150 CThread * m_busScan;
151 };
153 class CCECBusScan : public CThread
154 {
155 public:
156 CCECBusScan(CCECProcessor *processor) { m_processor = processor; }
157 virtual ~CCECBusScan(void) {}
158 virtual void *Process(void);
160 private:
161 CCECProcessor *m_processor;
162 };
163 };