Backport some fixes.
[deb_libcec.git] / src / lib / adapter / Exynos / ExynosCECAdapterCommunication.h
1 #pragma once
2 /*
3 * This file is part of the libCEC(R) library.
4 *
5 * libCEC Exynos Code is Copyright (C) 2014 Valentin Manea
6 * libCEC(R) is Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Pulse-Eight Limited. All rights reserved.
7 * libCEC(R) is an original work, containing original code.
8 *
9 * libCEC(R) is a trademark of Pulse-Eight Limited.
10 *
11 * This program is dual-licensed; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 * (at your option) any later version.
15 *
16 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 * GNU General Public License for more details.
20 *
21 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 *
25 *
26 * Alternatively, you can license this library under a commercial license,
27 * please contact Pulse-Eight Licensing for more information.
28 *
29 * For more information contact:
30 * Pulse-Eight Licensing <>
31 *
32 *
33 */
35 #if defined(HAVE_EXYNOS_API)
37 #include "lib/platform/threads/mutex.h"
38 #include "lib/platform/threads/threads.h"
39 #include "lib/adapter/AdapterCommunication.h"
40 #include <map>
42 namespace CEC
43 {
44 class CExynosCECAdapterCommunication : public IAdapterCommunication, public PLATFORM::CThread
45 {
46 public:
47 /*!
48 * @brief Create a new Exynos HDMI CEC communication handler.
49 * @param callback The callback to use for incoming CEC commands.
50 */
51 CExynosCECAdapterCommunication(IAdapterCommunicationCallback *callback);
52 virtual ~CExynosCECAdapterCommunication(void);
54 /** @name IAdapterCommunication implementation */
55 ///{
56 bool Open(uint32_t iTimeoutMs = CEC_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, bool bSkipChecks = false, bool bStartListening = true);
57 void Close(void);
58 bool IsOpen(void);
59 std::string GetError(void) const;
60 cec_adapter_message_state Write(const cec_command &data, bool &bRetry, uint8_t iLineTimeout, bool bIsReply);
62 bool SetLineTimeout(uint8_t UNUSED(iTimeout)) { return true; }
63 bool StartBootloader(void) { return false; }
64 bool SetLogicalAddresses(const cec_logical_addresses &addresses);
65 cec_logical_addresses GetLogicalAddresses(void);
66 bool PingAdapter(void) { return IsInitialised(); }
67 uint16_t GetFirmwareVersion(void);
68 uint32_t GetFirmwareBuildDate(void) { return 0; }
69 bool IsRunningLatestFirmware(void) { return true; }
70 bool PersistConfiguration(const libcec_configuration & UNUSED(configuration)) { return false; }
71 bool GetConfiguration(libcec_configuration & UNUSED(configuration)) { return false; }
72 std::string GetPortName(void) { return std::string("EXYNOS"); }
73 uint16_t GetPhysicalAddress(void);
74 bool SetControlledMode(bool UNUSED(controlled)) { return true; }
75 cec_vendor_id GetVendorId(void);
76 bool SupportsSourceLogicalAddress(const cec_logical_address address) { return address > CECDEVICE_TV && address <= CECDEVICE_BROADCAST; }
77 cec_adapter_type GetAdapterType(void) { return ADAPTERTYPE_EXYNOS; }
78 uint16_t GetAdapterVendorId(void) const { return 1; }
79 uint16_t GetAdapterProductId(void) const { return 1; }
80 void HandleLogicalAddressLost(cec_logical_address oldAddress);
81 void SetActiveSource(bool UNUSED(bSetTo), bool UNUSED(bClientUnregistered)) {}
82 ///}
84 /** @name PLATFORM::CThread implementation */
85 ///{
86 void *Process(void);
87 ///}
89 private:
90 bool IsInitialised(void) const { return 1; };
92 std::string m_strError; /**< current error message */
94 bool m_bLogicalAddressChanged;
95 cec_logical_addresses m_logicalAddresses;
97 PLATFORM::CMutex m_mutex;
98 int m_fd;
99 };
100 };
101 #endif