[deb_vid.stab.git] / src / localmotion2transform.c
1 /*
2 * localmotion2transform.c
3 *
4 * Copyright (C) Georg Martius - January 2013
5 * georg dot martius at web dot de
6 *
7 * This file is part of vid.stab video stabilization library
8 *
9 * vid.stab is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
11 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
12 * (at your option) any later version.
13 *
14 * vid.stab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 *
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
21 * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
22 *
23 */
25 #include "localmotion2transform.h"
26 #include "transformtype_operations.h"
27 #include <assert.h>
28 #include <string.h>
30 /* #include <sys/time.h> */
31 /* long timeOfDayinMS() { */
32 /* struct timeval t; */
33 /* gettimeofday(&t, 0); */
34 /* return t.tv_sec*1000 + t.tv_usec/1000; */
35 /* } */
37 int vsLocalmotions2Transforms(VSTransformData* td,
38 const VSManyLocalMotions* motions,
39 VSTransformations* trans ){
40 int len = vs_vector_size(motions);
41 assert(trans->len==0 && trans->ts == 0);
42 trans->ts = vs_malloc(sizeof(VSTransform)*len );
43 /* long start= timeOfDayinMS(); */
44 FILE *f=0;
45 if(td->conf.storeTransforms){
46 f = fopen("global_motions.trf","w");
47 }
49 if(td->conf.simpleMotionCalculation==0){
50 for(int i=0; i< vs_vector_size(motions); i++) {
51 trans->ts[i]=vsMotionsToTransform(td,VSMLMGet(motions,i), f);
52 }
53 }else{
54 for(int i=0; i< vs_vector_size(motions); i++) {
55 trans->ts[i]=vsSimpleMotionsToTransform(td->fiSrc, td->conf.modName,VSMLMGet(motions,i));
56 }
57 }
58 trans->len=len;
60 /* long end = timeOfDayinMS(); */
61 /* vs_log_info(td->conf.modName, "Localmotions2Transform (%i) with %i frames took %i ms\n", */
62 /* td->conf.simpleMotionCalculation, len, end-start); */
63 if(f) fclose(f);
64 return VS_OK;
65 }
67 VSArray vsTransformToArray(const VSTransform* t){
68 VSArray a = vs_array_new(4);
69 a.dat[0] = t->x;
70 a.dat[1] = t->y;
71 a.dat[2] = t->alpha;
72 a.dat[3] = t->zoom;
73 return a;
74 }
76 VSTransform vsArrayToTransform(VSArray a){
77 return new_transform(a.dat[0],a.dat[1],a.dat[2],a.dat[3],0,0,0);
78 }
80 struct VSGradientDat {
81 VSTransformData* td;
82 const LocalMotions* motions;
83 VSArray missmatches; // if negative then local motion is ignored
84 };
86 double calcTransformQuality(VSArray params, void* dat){
87 struct VSGradientDat* gd= (struct VSGradientDat*) dat;
88 const LocalMotions* motions = gd->motions;
89 int num_motions=vs_vector_size(motions);
90 VSTransform t = vsArrayToTransform(params);
91 double error=0;
93 PreparedTransform pt= prepare_transform(&t, &gd->td->fiSrc);
94 int num = 1; // we start with 1 to avoid div by zero
95 for (int i = 0; i < num_motions; i++) {
96 if(gd->missmatches.dat[i]>=0){
97 LocalMotion* m = LMGet(motions,i);
98 double vx,vy;
99 transform_vec_double(&vx, &vy, &pt, (Vec*)&m->f);
100 vx -= m->f.x; vy -= m->f.y;
101 double e = sqr(vx - m->v.x) + sqr(vy - m->v.y);
102 gd->missmatches.dat[i]=e;
103 error += e;
104 num++;
105 }
106 }
107 // 1 pixel translation missmatch is roughly (with size 500):
108 // alpha=0.11 (degree), zoom=0.2; The zoom is however often much larger, so less penalty.
109 return error/num + fabs(t.alpha)/5.0 + fabs(t.zoom)/500.0;
110 }
112 double intMean(const int* ds, int len) {
113 double sum=0;
114 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) sum += ds[i];
115 return sum / len;
116 }
118 // only calcates means transform to initialise gradient descent
119 VSTransform meanMotions(VSTransformData* td, const LocalMotions* motions){
120 int len = vs_vector_size(motions);
121 int* xs = localmotions_getx(motions);
122 int* ys = localmotions_gety(motions);
123 VSTransform t = null_transform();
124 if(motions==0 || len==0) {
125 t.extra = 1; // prob. blank frame or too low contrast, ignore later
126 return t;
127 }
128 t.x = intMean(xs,len);
129 t.y = intMean(ys,len);
130 vs_free(xs);
131 vs_free(ys);
132 return t;
133 }
135 /* Disables those fields (mask = -1) whose (miss)quality is high.
136 @param mask: fields masks (<0 means disabled)
137 @param missqualities: measure for each field (larger is worse)
138 @param stddevs: x standard deviations to exclude
139 Both array have to be of the same length.
140 @return number of disabled fields
141 */
142 int disableFields(VSArray mask, VSArray missqualities, double stddevs){
143 assert(mask.len == missqualities.len);
144 // first we throw away those fields that match badely (during motion detection)
145 double mu = mean(missqualities.dat, missqualities.len);
146 double sigma = stddev(missqualities.dat, missqualities.len, mu);
147 double thresh = mu + stddevs * sigma;
148 int cnt=0;
149 for(int i=0; i< mask.len; i++){
150 if(missqualities.dat[i]>thresh){
151 mask.dat[i]=-1.0; // disable field
152 cnt++;
153 }
154 }
155 return cnt;
156 }
158 VSTransform vsMotionsToTransform(VSTransformData* td,
159 const LocalMotions* motions,
160 FILE* f){
161 VSTransform t = meanMotions(td, motions);
162 if(motions==0 || vs_vector_size(motions)==0){
163 if (f) fprintf(f,"0 0 0 0 0 %i\n# no fields\n", t.extra);
164 return t;
165 }
166 VSArray missmatches = vs_array_new(vs_vector_size(motions));
167 VSArray params = vsTransformToArray(&t);
168 double residual;
169 struct VSGradientDat dat;
170 dat.motions = motions;
171 dat.td = td;
172 dat.missmatches = missmatches;
174 // first we throw away those fields that match badely (during motion detection)
175 VSArray matchQualities = localmotionsGetMatch(motions);
176 int dis1=disableFields(missmatches, matchQualities, 1.5);
177 vs_array_free(matchQualities);
179 VSArray result;
180 double ss[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.00005, 0.1};
181 int k;
182 int dis2=0;
183 for(k=0; k<3; k++){
184 // optimize params to minimize transform quality (12 steps per dimension)
185 result = vsGradientDescent(calcTransformQuality, params, &dat,
186 16, vs_array(ss,4), 0.01, &residual);
187 vs_array_free(params);
188 // now we need to ignore the fields that don't fit well (e.g. moving objects)
189 // cut off everthing above 1 std. dev. for skewed distributions
190 // this will cut off the tail
191 // do this only two times (3 gradient optimizations in total)
192 if((k==0 && residual>0.1) || (k==1 && residual>20)){
193 dis2 += disableFields(missmatches, missmatches, 1.0);
194 params = result;
195 } else break;
196 }
198 if(td->conf.verbose & VS_DEBUG)
199 vs_log_info(td->conf.modName, "disabled (%i+%i)/%i,\tresidual: %f (%i)\n",
200 dis1, dis2, vs_vector_size(motions), residual, k+1);
201 t = vsArrayToTransform(result);
202 vs_array_free(result);
203 vs_array_free(missmatches);
204 // check if sufficiently good match was achieved:
205 if(residual>100){ // test threshold.
206 t.extra=1;
207 }
208 if(f){
209 fprintf(f,"0 %f %f %f %f %i\n#\t\t\t\t\t %f %i\n", t.x, t.y, t.alpha, t.zoom, t.extra,
210 residual, k + 1);
211 }
212 if(!td->conf.smoothZoom)
213 t.zoom=0;
214 return t;
215 }
219 /* n-dimensional general purpose gradient descent algorithm */
220 VSArray vsGradientDescent(double (*eval)(VSArray, void*),
221 VSArray params, void* dat,
222 int N, VSArray stepsizes, double threshold, double* residual){
223 int dim=params.len;
224 double v = eval(params, dat);
225 VSArray x = vs_array_copy(params);
226 VSArray grad = vs_array_new(dim);
227 assert(stepsizes.len == params.len);
228 for(int i=0; i< N*dim && v > threshold; i++){
229 int k=i%dim;
230 VSArray x2 = vs_array_copy(x);
231 double h = rand()%2 ? 1e-6 : -1e-6;
232 x2.dat[k]+=h;
233 double v2 = eval(x2, dat);
234 vs_array_zero(&grad);
235 grad.dat[k] = (v - v2)/h;
236 vs_array_plus(&x2, x, *vs_array_scale(&x2, grad, stepsizes.dat[k]));
237 v2 = eval(x2, dat);
238 if(v2 < v){
239 //fprintf(stderr,"+");
240 vs_array_free(x);
241 x = x2;
242 v = v2;
243 stepsizes.dat[k]*=1.2; // increase stepsize (4 successful steps will double it)
244 }else{ // overshoot: reduce stepsize and don't do the step
245 //fprintf(stderr,".");
246 stepsizes.dat[k]/=2.0;
247 vs_array_free(x2);
248 }
249 //if(k==3) fprintf(stderr," ");
250 }
251 vs_array_free(grad);
252 vs_array_free(stepsizes);
253 if(residual != NULL) *residual=v;
254 return x;
255 }
258 /* *** old calculation ***/
260 /* calculates rotation angle for the given transform and
261 * field with respect to the given center-point
262 */
263 double vsCalcAngle(const LocalMotion* lm, int center_x, int center_y){
264 // we better ignore fields that are to close to the rotation center
265 if (abs(lm->f.x - center_x) + abs(lm->f.y - center_y) < lm->f.size*2) {
266 return 0;
267 } else {
268 // double r = sqrt(lm->f.x*lm->f.x + lm->f.y*lm->f.y);
269 double a1 = atan2(lm->f.y - center_y, lm->f.x - center_x);
270 double a2 = atan2(lm->f.y - center_y + lm->v.y,
271 lm->f.x - center_x + lm->v.x);
272 double diff = a2 - a1;
273 return (diff > M_PI) ? diff - 2 * M_PI : ((diff < -M_PI) ? diff + 2
274 * M_PI : diff);
275 }
276 }
279 VSTransform vsSimpleMotionsToTransform(VSFrameInfo fi, const char* modName,
280 const LocalMotions* motions){
281 int center_x = 0;
282 int center_y = 0;
283 VSTransform t = null_transform();
284 if(motions==0) return t;
285 int num_motions=vs_vector_size(motions);
286 double *angles = (double*) vs_malloc(sizeof(double) * num_motions);
287 LocalMotion meanmotion;
288 int i;
289 if(num_motions < 1)
290 return t;
292 // calc center point of all remaining fields
293 for (i = 0; i < num_motions; i++) {
294 center_x += LMGet(motions,i)->f.x;
295 center_y += LMGet(motions,i)->f.y;
296 }
297 center_x /= num_motions;
298 center_y /= num_motions;
300 // cleaned mean
301 meanmotion = cleanmean_localmotions(motions);
303 // figure out angle
304 if (num_motions < 6) {
305 // the angle calculation is inaccurate for 5 and less fields
306 t.alpha = 0;
307 } else {
308 for (i = 0; i < num_motions; i++) {
309 // substract avg and calc angle
310 LocalMotion m = sub_localmotion(LMGet(motions,i),&meanmotion);
311 angles[i] = vsCalcAngle(&m, center_x, center_y);
312 }
313 double min, max;
314 t.alpha = -cleanmean(angles, num_motions, &min, &max);
315 if (max - min > 1.0) {
316 t.alpha = 0;
317 vs_log_info(modName, "too large variation in angle(%f)\n",
318 max-min);
319 }
320 }
321 vs_free(angles);
322 // compensate for off-center rotation
323 double p_x = (center_x - fi.width / 2);
324 double p_y = (center_y - fi.height / 2);
325 t.x = meanmotion.v.x + (cos(t.alpha) - 1) * p_x - sin(t.alpha) * p_y;
326 t.y = meanmotion.v.y + sin(t.alpha) * p_x + (cos(t.alpha) - 1) * p_y;
328 return t;
329 }
333 /*
334 * Local variables:
335 * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
336 * c-file-offsets: ((case-label . *) (statement-case-intro . *))
337 * indent-tabs-mode: nil
338 * c-basic-offset: 2 t
339 * End:
340 *
341 * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=2:
342 */