[poolifier.git] / src / pools / abstract-pool.ts
1 import crypto from 'node:crypto'
2 import { performance } from 'node:perf_hooks'
3 import type { MessageValue, PromiseResponseWrapper } from '../utility-types'
4 import {
7 isPlainObject,
8 median
9 } from '../utils'
10 import { KillBehaviors, isKillBehavior } from '../worker/worker-options'
11 import { CircularArray } from '../circular-array'
12 import { Queue } from '../queue'
13 import {
14 type IPool,
15 PoolEmitter,
16 PoolEvents,
17 type PoolInfo,
18 type PoolOptions,
19 type PoolType,
20 PoolTypes,
21 type TasksQueueOptions,
22 type WorkerType
23 } from './pool'
24 import type {
25 IWorker,
26 Task,
27 TaskStatistics,
28 WorkerNode,
29 WorkerUsage
30 } from './worker'
31 import {
32 WorkerChoiceStrategies,
33 type WorkerChoiceStrategy,
34 type WorkerChoiceStrategyOptions
35 } from './selection-strategies/selection-strategies-types'
36 import { WorkerChoiceStrategyContext } from './selection-strategies/worker-choice-strategy-context'
38 /**
39 * Base class that implements some shared logic for all poolifier pools.
40 *
41 * @typeParam Worker - Type of worker which manages this pool.
42 * @typeParam Data - Type of data sent to the worker. This can only be serializable data.
43 * @typeParam Response - Type of execution response. This can only be serializable data.
44 */
45 export abstract class AbstractPool<
46 Worker extends IWorker,
47 Data = unknown,
48 Response = unknown
49 > implements IPool<Worker, Data, Response> {
50 /** @inheritDoc */
51 public readonly workerNodes: Array<WorkerNode<Worker, Data>> = []
53 /** @inheritDoc */
54 public readonly emitter?: PoolEmitter
56 /**
57 * The execution response promise map.
58 *
59 * - `key`: The message id of each submitted task.
60 * - `value`: An object that contains the worker, the execution response promise resolve and reject callbacks.
61 *
62 * When we receive a message from the worker, we get a map entry with the promise resolve/reject bound to the message id.
63 */
64 protected promiseResponseMap: Map<
65 string,
66 PromiseResponseWrapper<Worker, Response>
67 > = new Map<string, PromiseResponseWrapper<Worker, Response>>()
69 /**
70 * Worker choice strategy context referencing a worker choice algorithm implementation.
71 */
72 protected workerChoiceStrategyContext: WorkerChoiceStrategyContext<
73 Worker,
74 Data,
75 Response
76 >
78 /**
79 * Constructs a new poolifier pool.
80 *
81 * @param numberOfWorkers - Number of workers that this pool should manage.
82 * @param filePath - Path to the worker file.
83 * @param opts - Options for the pool.
84 */
85 public constructor (
86 protected readonly numberOfWorkers: number,
87 protected readonly filePath: string,
88 protected readonly opts: PoolOptions<Worker>
89 ) {
90 if (!this.isMain()) {
91 throw new Error('Cannot start a pool from a worker!')
92 }
93 this.checkNumberOfWorkers(this.numberOfWorkers)
94 this.checkFilePath(this.filePath)
95 this.checkPoolOptions(this.opts)
97 this.chooseWorkerNode = this.chooseWorkerNode.bind(this)
98 this.executeTask = this.executeTask.bind(this)
99 this.enqueueTask = this.enqueueTask.bind(this)
100 this.checkAndEmitEvents = this.checkAndEmitEvents.bind(this)
102 if (this.opts.enableEvents === true) {
103 this.emitter = new PoolEmitter()
104 }
105 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext = new WorkerChoiceStrategyContext<
106 Worker,
107 Data,
108 Response
109 >(
110 this,
111 this.opts.workerChoiceStrategy,
112 this.opts.workerChoiceStrategyOptions
113 )
115 this.setupHook()
117 for (let i = 1; i <= this.numberOfWorkers; i++) {
118 this.createAndSetupWorker()
119 }
120 }
122 private checkFilePath (filePath: string): void {
123 if (
124 filePath == null ||
125 (typeof filePath === 'string' && filePath.trim().length === 0)
126 ) {
127 throw new Error('Please specify a file with a worker implementation')
128 }
129 }
131 private checkNumberOfWorkers (numberOfWorkers: number): void {
132 if (numberOfWorkers == null) {
133 throw new Error(
134 'Cannot instantiate a pool without specifying the number of workers'
135 )
136 } else if (!Number.isSafeInteger(numberOfWorkers)) {
137 throw new TypeError(
138 'Cannot instantiate a pool with a non safe integer number of workers'
139 )
140 } else if (numberOfWorkers < 0) {
141 throw new RangeError(
142 'Cannot instantiate a pool with a negative number of workers'
143 )
144 } else if (this.type === PoolTypes.fixed && numberOfWorkers === 0) {
145 throw new Error('Cannot instantiate a fixed pool with no worker')
146 }
147 }
149 private checkPoolOptions (opts: PoolOptions<Worker>): void {
150 if (isPlainObject(opts)) {
151 this.opts.workerChoiceStrategy =
152 opts.workerChoiceStrategy ?? WorkerChoiceStrategies.ROUND_ROBIN
153 this.checkValidWorkerChoiceStrategy(this.opts.workerChoiceStrategy)
154 this.opts.workerChoiceStrategyOptions =
155 opts.workerChoiceStrategyOptions ??
157 this.checkValidWorkerChoiceStrategyOptions(
158 this.opts.workerChoiceStrategyOptions
159 )
160 this.opts.restartWorkerOnError = opts.restartWorkerOnError ?? true
161 this.opts.enableEvents = opts.enableEvents ?? true
162 this.opts.enableTasksQueue = opts.enableTasksQueue ?? false
163 if (this.opts.enableTasksQueue) {
164 this.checkValidTasksQueueOptions(
165 opts.tasksQueueOptions as TasksQueueOptions
166 )
167 this.opts.tasksQueueOptions = this.buildTasksQueueOptions(
168 opts.tasksQueueOptions as TasksQueueOptions
169 )
170 }
171 } else {
172 throw new TypeError('Invalid pool options: must be a plain object')
173 }
174 }
176 private checkValidWorkerChoiceStrategy (
177 workerChoiceStrategy: WorkerChoiceStrategy
178 ): void {
179 if (!Object.values(WorkerChoiceStrategies).includes(workerChoiceStrategy)) {
180 throw new Error(
181 `Invalid worker choice strategy '${workerChoiceStrategy}'`
182 )
183 }
184 }
186 private checkValidWorkerChoiceStrategyOptions (
187 workerChoiceStrategyOptions: WorkerChoiceStrategyOptions
188 ): void {
189 if (!isPlainObject(workerChoiceStrategyOptions)) {
190 throw new TypeError(
191 'Invalid worker choice strategy options: must be a plain object'
192 )
193 }
194 if (
195 workerChoiceStrategyOptions.weights != null &&
196 Object.keys(workerChoiceStrategyOptions.weights).length !== this.maxSize
197 ) {
198 throw new Error(
199 'Invalid worker choice strategy options: must have a weight for each worker node'
200 )
201 }
202 }
204 private checkValidTasksQueueOptions (
205 tasksQueueOptions: TasksQueueOptions
206 ): void {
207 if (tasksQueueOptions != null && !isPlainObject(tasksQueueOptions)) {
208 throw new TypeError('Invalid tasks queue options: must be a plain object')
209 }
210 if ((tasksQueueOptions?.concurrency as number) <= 0) {
211 throw new Error(
212 `Invalid worker tasks concurrency '${
213 tasksQueueOptions.concurrency as number
214 }'`
215 )
216 }
217 }
219 /** @inheritDoc */
220 public get info (): PoolInfo {
221 return {
222 type: this.type,
223 worker: this.worker,
224 minSize: this.minSize,
225 maxSize: this.maxSize,
226 workerNodes: this.workerNodes.length,
227 idleWorkerNodes: this.workerNodes.reduce(
228 (accumulator, workerNode) =>
229 workerNode.workerUsage.tasks.executing === 0
230 ? accumulator + 1
231 : accumulator,
232 0
233 ),
234 busyWorkerNodes: this.workerNodes.reduce(
235 (accumulator, workerNode) =>
236 workerNode.workerUsage.tasks.executing > 0
237 ? accumulator + 1
238 : accumulator,
239 0
240 ),
241 executedTasks: this.workerNodes.reduce(
242 (accumulator, workerNode) =>
243 accumulator + workerNode.workerUsage.tasks.executed,
244 0
245 ),
246 executingTasks: this.workerNodes.reduce(
247 (accumulator, workerNode) =>
248 accumulator + workerNode.workerUsage.tasks.executing,
249 0
250 ),
251 queuedTasks: this.workerNodes.reduce(
252 (accumulator, workerNode) => accumulator + workerNode.tasksQueue.size,
253 0
254 ),
255 maxQueuedTasks: this.workerNodes.reduce(
256 (accumulator, workerNode) =>
257 accumulator + workerNode.tasksQueue.maxSize,
258 0
259 ),
260 failedTasks: this.workerNodes.reduce(
261 (accumulator, workerNode) =>
262 accumulator + workerNode.workerUsage.tasks.failed,
263 0
264 )
265 }
266 }
268 /**
269 * Pool type.
270 *
271 * If it is `'dynamic'`, it provides the `max` property.
272 */
273 protected abstract get type (): PoolType
275 /**
276 * Gets the worker type.
277 */
278 protected abstract get worker (): WorkerType
280 /**
281 * Pool minimum size.
282 */
283 protected abstract get minSize (): number
285 /**
286 * Pool maximum size.
287 */
288 protected abstract get maxSize (): number
290 /**
291 * Gets the given worker its worker node key.
292 *
293 * @param worker - The worker.
294 * @returns The worker node key if the worker is found in the pool worker nodes, `-1` otherwise.
295 */
296 private getWorkerNodeKey (worker: Worker): number {
297 return this.workerNodes.findIndex(
298 workerNode => workerNode.worker === worker
299 )
300 }
302 /** @inheritDoc */
303 public setWorkerChoiceStrategy (
304 workerChoiceStrategy: WorkerChoiceStrategy,
305 workerChoiceStrategyOptions?: WorkerChoiceStrategyOptions
306 ): void {
307 this.checkValidWorkerChoiceStrategy(workerChoiceStrategy)
308 this.opts.workerChoiceStrategy = workerChoiceStrategy
309 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.setWorkerChoiceStrategy(
310 this.opts.workerChoiceStrategy
311 )
312 if (workerChoiceStrategyOptions != null) {
313 this.setWorkerChoiceStrategyOptions(workerChoiceStrategyOptions)
314 }
315 for (const workerNode of this.workerNodes) {
316 this.setWorkerNodeTasksUsage(
317 workerNode,
318 this.getWorkerUsage(workerNode.worker)
319 )
320 this.setWorkerStatistics(workerNode.worker)
321 }
322 }
324 /** @inheritDoc */
325 public setWorkerChoiceStrategyOptions (
326 workerChoiceStrategyOptions: WorkerChoiceStrategyOptions
327 ): void {
328 this.checkValidWorkerChoiceStrategyOptions(workerChoiceStrategyOptions)
329 this.opts.workerChoiceStrategyOptions = workerChoiceStrategyOptions
330 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.setOptions(
331 this.opts.workerChoiceStrategyOptions
332 )
333 }
335 /** @inheritDoc */
336 public enableTasksQueue (
337 enable: boolean,
338 tasksQueueOptions?: TasksQueueOptions
339 ): void {
340 if (this.opts.enableTasksQueue === true && !enable) {
341 this.flushTasksQueues()
342 }
343 this.opts.enableTasksQueue = enable
344 this.setTasksQueueOptions(tasksQueueOptions as TasksQueueOptions)
345 }
347 /** @inheritDoc */
348 public setTasksQueueOptions (tasksQueueOptions: TasksQueueOptions): void {
349 if (this.opts.enableTasksQueue === true) {
350 this.checkValidTasksQueueOptions(tasksQueueOptions)
351 this.opts.tasksQueueOptions =
352 this.buildTasksQueueOptions(tasksQueueOptions)
353 } else if (this.opts.tasksQueueOptions != null) {
354 delete this.opts.tasksQueueOptions
355 }
356 }
358 private buildTasksQueueOptions (
359 tasksQueueOptions: TasksQueueOptions
360 ): TasksQueueOptions {
361 return {
362 concurrency: tasksQueueOptions?.concurrency ?? 1
363 }
364 }
366 /**
367 * Whether the pool is full or not.
368 *
369 * The pool filling boolean status.
370 */
371 protected get full (): boolean {
372 return this.workerNodes.length >= this.maxSize
373 }
375 /**
376 * Whether the pool is busy or not.
377 *
378 * The pool busyness boolean status.
379 */
380 protected abstract get busy (): boolean
382 /**
383 * Whether worker nodes are executing at least one task.
384 *
385 * @returns Worker nodes busyness boolean status.
386 */
387 protected internalBusy (): boolean {
388 return (
389 this.workerNodes.findIndex(workerNode => {
390 return workerNode.workerUsage.tasks.executing === 0
391 }) === -1
392 )
393 }
395 /** @inheritDoc */
396 public async execute (data?: Data, name?: string): Promise<Response> {
397 const timestamp = performance.now()
398 const workerNodeKey = this.chooseWorkerNode()
399 const submittedTask: Task<Data> = {
400 name,
401 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
402 data: data ?? ({} as Data),
403 timestamp,
404 id: crypto.randomUUID()
405 }
406 const res = new Promise<Response>((resolve, reject) => {
407 this.promiseResponseMap.set(submittedTask.id as string, {
408 resolve,
409 reject,
410 worker: this.workerNodes[workerNodeKey].worker
411 })
412 })
413 if (
414 this.opts.enableTasksQueue === true &&
415 (this.busy ||
416 this.workerNodes[workerNodeKey].workerUsage.tasks.executing >=
417 ((this.opts.tasksQueueOptions as TasksQueueOptions)
418 .concurrency as number))
419 ) {
420 this.enqueueTask(workerNodeKey, submittedTask)
421 } else {
422 this.executeTask(workerNodeKey, submittedTask)
423 }
424 this.checkAndEmitEvents()
425 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/return-await
426 return res
427 }
429 /** @inheritDoc */
430 public async destroy (): Promise<void> {
431 await Promise.all(
432 this.workerNodes.map(async (workerNode, workerNodeKey) => {
433 this.flushTasksQueue(workerNodeKey)
434 // FIXME: wait for tasks to be finished
435 await this.destroyWorker(workerNode.worker)
436 })
437 )
438 }
440 /**
441 * Terminates the given worker.
442 *
443 * @param worker - A worker within `workerNodes`.
444 */
445 protected abstract destroyWorker (worker: Worker): void | Promise<void>
447 /**
448 * Setup hook to execute code before worker node are created in the abstract constructor.
449 * Can be overridden
450 *
451 * @virtual
452 */
453 protected setupHook (): void {
454 // Intentionally empty
455 }
457 /**
458 * Should return whether the worker is the main worker or not.
459 */
460 protected abstract isMain (): boolean
462 /**
463 * Hook executed before the worker task execution.
464 * Can be overridden.
465 *
466 * @param workerNodeKey - The worker node key.
467 * @param task - The task to execute.
468 */
469 protected beforeTaskExecutionHook (
470 workerNodeKey: number,
471 task: Task<Data>
472 ): void {
473 const workerUsage = this.workerNodes[workerNodeKey].workerUsage
474 ++workerUsage.tasks.executing
475 this.updateWaitTimeWorkerUsage(workerUsage, task)
476 }
478 /**
479 * Hook executed after the worker task execution.
480 * Can be overridden.
481 *
482 * @param worker - The worker.
483 * @param message - The received message.
484 */
485 protected afterTaskExecutionHook (
486 worker: Worker,
487 message: MessageValue<Response>
488 ): void {
489 const workerUsage =
490 this.workerNodes[this.getWorkerNodeKey(worker)].workerUsage
491 this.updateTaskStatisticsWorkerUsage(workerUsage, message)
492 this.updateRunTimeWorkerUsage(workerUsage, message)
493 this.updateEluWorkerUsage(workerUsage, message)
494 }
496 private updateTaskStatisticsWorkerUsage (
497 workerUsage: WorkerUsage,
498 message: MessageValue<Response>
499 ): void {
500 const workerTaskStatistics = workerUsage.tasks
501 --workerTaskStatistics.executing
502 ++workerTaskStatistics.executed
503 if (message.taskError != null) {
504 ++workerTaskStatistics.failed
505 }
506 }
508 private updateRunTimeWorkerUsage (
509 workerUsage: WorkerUsage,
510 message: MessageValue<Response>
511 ): void {
512 if (
513 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements().runTime
514 .aggregate
515 ) {
516 workerUsage.runTime.aggregate += message.taskPerformance?.runTime ?? 0
517 if (
518 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements().runTime
519 .average &&
520 workerUsage.tasks.executed !== 0
521 ) {
522 workerUsage.runTime.average =
523 workerUsage.runTime.aggregate /
524 (workerUsage.tasks.executed - workerUsage.tasks.failed)
525 }
526 if (
527 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements().runTime
528 .median &&
529 message.taskPerformance?.runTime != null
530 ) {
531 workerUsage.runTime.history.push(message.taskPerformance.runTime)
532 workerUsage.runTime.median = median(workerUsage.runTime.history)
533 }
534 }
535 }
537 private updateWaitTimeWorkerUsage (
538 workerUsage: WorkerUsage,
539 task: Task<Data>
540 ): void {
541 const timestamp = performance.now()
542 const taskWaitTime = timestamp - (task.timestamp ?? timestamp)
543 if (
544 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements().waitTime
545 .aggregate
546 ) {
547 workerUsage.waitTime.aggregate += taskWaitTime ?? 0
548 if (
549 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements()
550 .waitTime.average &&
551 workerUsage.tasks.executed !== 0
552 ) {
553 workerUsage.waitTime.average =
554 workerUsage.waitTime.aggregate /
555 (workerUsage.tasks.executed - workerUsage.tasks.failed)
556 }
557 if (
558 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements()
559 .waitTime.median &&
560 taskWaitTime != null
561 ) {
562 workerUsage.waitTime.history.push(taskWaitTime)
563 workerUsage.waitTime.median = median(workerUsage.waitTime.history)
564 }
565 }
566 }
568 private updateEluWorkerUsage (
569 workerUsage: WorkerUsage,
570 message: MessageValue<Response>
571 ): void {
572 if (
573 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements().elu
574 .aggregate
575 ) {
576 if (workerUsage.elu != null && message.taskPerformance?.elu != null) {
577 workerUsage.elu.idle.aggregate += message.taskPerformance.elu.idle
578 workerUsage.elu.active.aggregate += message.taskPerformance.elu.active
579 workerUsage.elu.utilization =
580 (workerUsage.elu.utilization +
581 message.taskPerformance.elu.utilization) /
582 2
583 } else if (message.taskPerformance?.elu != null) {
584 workerUsage.elu.idle.aggregate = message.taskPerformance.elu.idle
585 workerUsage.elu.active.aggregate = message.taskPerformance.elu.active
586 workerUsage.elu.utilization = message.taskPerformance.elu.utilization
587 }
588 if (
589 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements().elu
590 .average &&
591 workerUsage.tasks.executed !== 0
592 ) {
593 const executedTasks =
594 workerUsage.tasks.executed - workerUsage.tasks.failed
595 workerUsage.elu.idle.average =
596 workerUsage.elu.idle.aggregate / executedTasks
597 workerUsage.elu.active.average =
598 workerUsage.elu.active.aggregate / executedTasks
599 }
600 if (
601 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements().elu
602 .median &&
603 message.taskPerformance?.elu != null
604 ) {
605 workerUsage.elu.idle.history.push(message.taskPerformance.elu.idle)
606 workerUsage.elu.active.history.push(message.taskPerformance.elu.active)
607 workerUsage.elu.idle.median = median(workerUsage.elu.idle.history)
608 workerUsage.elu.active.median = median(workerUsage.elu.active.history)
609 }
610 }
611 }
613 /**
614 * Chooses a worker node for the next task.
615 *
616 * The default worker choice strategy uses a round robin algorithm to distribute the tasks.
617 *
618 * @returns The worker node key
619 */
620 private chooseWorkerNode (): number {
621 if (this.shallCreateDynamicWorker()) {
622 const worker = this.createAndSetupDynamicWorker()
623 if (
624 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getStrategyPolicy().useDynamicWorker
625 ) {
626 return this.getWorkerNodeKey(worker)
627 }
628 }
629 return this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.execute()
630 }
632 /**
633 * Conditions for dynamic worker creation.
634 *
635 * @returns Whether to create a dynamic worker or not.
636 */
637 private shallCreateDynamicWorker (): boolean {
638 return this.type === PoolTypes.dynamic && !this.full && this.internalBusy()
639 }
641 /**
642 * Sends a message to the given worker.
643 *
644 * @param worker - The worker which should receive the message.
645 * @param message - The message.
646 */
647 protected abstract sendToWorker (
648 worker: Worker,
649 message: MessageValue<Data>
650 ): void
652 /**
653 * Registers a listener callback on the given worker.
654 *
655 * @param worker - The worker which should register a listener.
656 * @param listener - The message listener callback.
657 */
658 protected abstract registerWorkerMessageListener<
659 Message extends Data | Response
660 >(worker: Worker, listener: (message: MessageValue<Message>) => void): void
662 /**
663 * Creates a new worker.
664 *
665 * @returns Newly created worker.
666 */
667 protected abstract createWorker (): Worker
669 /**
670 * Function that can be hooked up when a worker has been newly created and moved to the pool worker nodes.
671 *
672 * Can be used to update the `maxListeners` or binding the `main-worker`\<-\>`worker` connection if not bind by default.
673 *
674 * @param worker - The newly created worker.
675 */
676 protected abstract afterWorkerSetup (worker: Worker): void
678 /**
679 * Creates a new worker and sets it up completely in the pool worker nodes.
680 *
681 * @returns New, completely set up worker.
682 */
683 protected createAndSetupWorker (): Worker {
684 const worker = this.createWorker()
686 worker.on('message', this.opts.messageHandler ?? EMPTY_FUNCTION)
687 worker.on('error', this.opts.errorHandler ?? EMPTY_FUNCTION)
688 worker.on('error', error => {
689 if (this.emitter != null) {
690 this.emitter.emit(PoolEvents.error, error)
691 }
692 if (this.opts.restartWorkerOnError === true) {
693 this.createAndSetupWorker()
694 }
695 })
696 worker.on('online', this.opts.onlineHandler ?? EMPTY_FUNCTION)
697 worker.on('exit', this.opts.exitHandler ?? EMPTY_FUNCTION)
698 worker.once('exit', () => {
699 this.removeWorkerNode(worker)
700 })
702 this.pushWorkerNode(worker)
704 this.setWorkerStatistics(worker)
706 this.afterWorkerSetup(worker)
708 return worker
709 }
711 /**
712 * Creates a new dynamic worker and sets it up completely in the pool worker nodes.
713 *
714 * @returns New, completely set up dynamic worker.
715 */
716 protected createAndSetupDynamicWorker (): Worker {
717 const worker = this.createAndSetupWorker()
718 this.registerWorkerMessageListener(worker, message => {
719 const workerNodeKey = this.getWorkerNodeKey(worker)
720 if (
721 isKillBehavior(KillBehaviors.HARD, message.kill) ||
722 (message.kill != null &&
723 ((this.opts.enableTasksQueue === false &&
724 this.workerNodes[workerNodeKey].workerUsage.tasks.executing ===
725 0) ||
726 (this.opts.enableTasksQueue === true &&
727 this.workerNodes[workerNodeKey].workerUsage.tasks.executing ===
728 0 &&
729 this.tasksQueueSize(workerNodeKey) === 0)))
730 ) {
731 // Kill message received from the worker: no new tasks are submitted to that worker for a while ( > maxInactiveTime)
732 void (this.destroyWorker(worker) as Promise<void>)
733 }
734 })
735 return worker
736 }
738 /**
739 * This function is the listener registered for each worker message.
740 *
741 * @returns The listener function to execute when a message is received from a worker.
742 */
743 protected workerListener (): (message: MessageValue<Response>) => void {
744 return message => {
745 if (message.id != null) {
746 // Task execution response received
747 const promiseResponse = this.promiseResponseMap.get(message.id)
748 if (promiseResponse != null) {
749 if (message.taskError != null) {
750 promiseResponse.reject(message.taskError.message)
751 if (this.emitter != null) {
752 this.emitter.emit(PoolEvents.taskError, message.taskError)
753 }
754 } else {
755 promiseResponse.resolve(message.data as Response)
756 }
757 this.afterTaskExecutionHook(promiseResponse.worker, message)
758 this.promiseResponseMap.delete(message.id)
759 const workerNodeKey = this.getWorkerNodeKey(promiseResponse.worker)
760 if (
761 this.opts.enableTasksQueue === true &&
762 this.tasksQueueSize(workerNodeKey) > 0
763 ) {
764 this.executeTask(
765 workerNodeKey,
766 this.dequeueTask(workerNodeKey) as Task<Data>
767 )
768 }
769 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.update(workerNodeKey)
770 }
771 }
772 }
773 }
775 private checkAndEmitEvents (): void {
776 if (this.emitter != null) {
777 if (this.busy) {
778 this.emitter?.emit(PoolEvents.busy, this.info)
779 }
780 if (this.type === PoolTypes.dynamic && this.full) {
781 this.emitter?.emit(PoolEvents.full, this.info)
782 }
783 }
784 }
786 /**
787 * Sets the given worker node its tasks usage in the pool.
788 *
789 * @param workerNode - The worker node.
790 * @param workerUsage - The worker usage.
791 */
792 private setWorkerNodeTasksUsage (
793 workerNode: WorkerNode<Worker, Data>,
794 workerUsage: WorkerUsage
795 ): void {
796 workerNode.workerUsage = workerUsage
797 }
799 /**
800 * Pushes the given worker in the pool worker nodes.
801 *
802 * @param worker - The worker.
803 * @returns The worker nodes length.
804 */
805 private pushWorkerNode (worker: Worker): number {
806 return this.workerNodes.push({
807 worker,
808 workerUsage: this.getWorkerUsage(worker),
809 tasksQueue: new Queue<Task<Data>>()
810 })
811 }
813 // /**
814 // * Sets the given worker in the pool worker nodes.
815 // *
816 // * @param workerNodeKey - The worker node key.
817 // * @param worker - The worker.
818 // * @param workerUsage - The worker usage.
819 // * @param tasksQueue - The worker task queue.
820 // */
821 // private setWorkerNode (
822 // workerNodeKey: number,
823 // worker: Worker,
824 // workerUsage: WorkerUsage,
825 // tasksQueue: Queue<Task<Data>>
826 // ): void {
827 // this.workerNodes[workerNodeKey] = {
828 // worker,
829 // workerUsage,
830 // tasksQueue
831 // }
832 // }
834 /**
835 * Removes the given worker from the pool worker nodes.
836 *
837 * @param worker - The worker.
838 */
839 private removeWorkerNode (worker: Worker): void {
840 const workerNodeKey = this.getWorkerNodeKey(worker)
841 if (workerNodeKey !== -1) {
842 this.workerNodes.splice(workerNodeKey, 1)
843 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.remove(workerNodeKey)
844 }
845 }
847 private executeTask (workerNodeKey: number, task: Task<Data>): void {
848 this.beforeTaskExecutionHook(workerNodeKey, task)
849 this.sendToWorker(this.workerNodes[workerNodeKey].worker, task)
850 }
852 private enqueueTask (workerNodeKey: number, task: Task<Data>): number {
853 return this.workerNodes[workerNodeKey].tasksQueue.enqueue(task)
854 }
856 private dequeueTask (workerNodeKey: number): Task<Data> | undefined {
857 return this.workerNodes[workerNodeKey].tasksQueue.dequeue()
858 }
860 private tasksQueueSize (workerNodeKey: number): number {
861 return this.workerNodes[workerNodeKey].tasksQueue.size
862 }
864 private flushTasksQueue (workerNodeKey: number): void {
865 if (this.tasksQueueSize(workerNodeKey) > 0) {
866 for (let i = 0; i < this.tasksQueueSize(workerNodeKey); i++) {
867 this.executeTask(
868 workerNodeKey,
869 this.dequeueTask(workerNodeKey) as Task<Data>
870 )
871 }
872 }
873 }
875 private flushTasksQueues (): void {
876 for (const [workerNodeKey] of this.workerNodes.entries()) {
877 this.flushTasksQueue(workerNodeKey)
878 }
879 }
881 private setWorkerStatistics (worker: Worker): void {
882 this.sendToWorker(worker, {
883 statistics: {
884 runTime:
885 this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements()
886 .runTime.aggregate,
887 elu: this.workerChoiceStrategyContext.getTaskStatisticsRequirements()
888 .elu.aggregate
889 }
890 })
891 }
893 private getWorkerUsage (worker: Worker): WorkerUsage {
894 return {
895 tasks: this.getTaskStatistics(worker),
896 runTime: {
897 aggregate: 0,
898 average: 0,
899 median: 0,
900 history: new CircularArray()
901 },
902 waitTime: {
903 aggregate: 0,
904 average: 0,
905 median: 0,
906 history: new CircularArray()
907 },
908 elu: {
909 idle: {
910 aggregate: 0,
911 average: 0,
912 median: 0,
913 history: new CircularArray()
914 },
915 active: {
916 aggregate: 0,
917 average: 0,
918 median: 0,
919 history: new CircularArray()
920 },
921 utilization: 0
922 }
923 }
924 }
926 private getTaskStatistics (worker: Worker): TaskStatistics {
927 const queueSize =
928 this.workerNodes[this.getWorkerNodeKey(worker)]?.tasksQueue?.size
929 return {
930 executed: 0,
931 executing: 0,
932 get queued (): number {
933 return queueSize ?? 0
934 },
935 failed: 0
936 }
937 }
938 }