[poolifier.git] / src / pools / pool-internal.ts
1 import type { CircularArray } from '../circular-array'
2 import type { IPool } from './pool'
3 import type { IPoolWorker } from './pool-worker'
5 /**
6 * Internal pool types.
7 *
8 * @enum
9 */
10 export enum PoolType {
11 FIXED = 'fixed',
12 DYNAMIC = 'dynamic'
13 }
15 /**
16 * Internal tasks usage statistics.
17 */
18 export interface TasksUsage {
19 run: number
20 running: number
21 runTime: number
22 runTimeHistory: CircularArray<number>
23 avgRunTime: number
24 medRunTime: number
25 error: number
26 }
28 /**
29 * Internal worker type.
30 *
31 * @typeParam Worker - Type of worker type items which manages this pool.
32 */
33 export interface WorkerType<Worker extends IPoolWorker> {
34 worker: Worker
35 tasksUsage: TasksUsage
36 }
38 /**
39 * Internal contract definition for a poolifier pool.
40 *
41 * @typeParam Worker - Type of worker which manages this pool.
42 * @typeParam Data - Type of data sent to the worker. This can only be serializable data.
43 * @typeParam Response - Type of response of execution. This can only be serializable data.
44 */
45 export interface IPoolInternal<
46 Worker extends IPoolWorker,
47 Data = unknown,
48 Response = unknown
49 > extends IPool<Data, Response> {
50 /**
51 * Pool worker type items array.
52 */
53 readonly workers: Array<WorkerType<Worker>>
55 /**
56 * Pool type.
57 *
58 * If it is `'dynamic'`, it provides the `max` property.
59 */
60 readonly type: PoolType
62 /**
63 * Whether the pool is full or not.
64 *
65 * The pool filling boolean status.
66 */
67 readonly full: boolean
69 /**
70 * Whether the pool is busy or not.
71 *
72 * The pool busyness boolean status.
73 */
74 readonly busy: boolean
76 /**
77 * Finds a free worker key based on the number of tasks the worker has applied.
78 *
79 * If a worker is found with `0` running tasks, it is detected as free and its key is returned.
80 *
81 * If no free worker is found, `-1` is returned.
82 *
83 * @returns A worker key if there is one, `-1` otherwise.
84 */
85 findFreeWorkerKey: () => number
86 }