check unsupported features properly
[deb_libcec.git] / src / testclient / main.cpp
1 /*
2 * This file is part of the libCEC(R) library.
3 *
4 * libCEC(R) is Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Pulse-Eight Limited. All rights reserved.
5 * libCEC(R) is an original work, containing original code.
6 *
7 * libCEC(R) is a trademark of Pulse-Eight Limited.
8 *
9 * This program is dual-licensed; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 * (at your option) any later version.
13 *
14 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 *
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22 *
23 *
24 * Alternatively, you can license this library under a commercial license,
25 * please contact Pulse-Eight Licensing for more information.
26 *
27 * For more information contact:
28 * Pulse-Eight Licensing <>
29 *
30 *
31 */
33 #include "../env.h"
34 #include "../include/cec.h"
36 #include <cstdio>
37 #include <fcntl.h>
38 #include <iostream>
39 #include <fstream>
40 #include <string>
41 #include <sstream>
42 #include <signal.h>
43 #include "../lib/platform/os.h"
44 #include "../lib/implementations/CECCommandHandler.h"
45 #include "../lib/platform/util/StdString.h"
47 using namespace CEC;
48 using namespace std;
49 using namespace PLATFORM;
53 #include "../../include/cecloader.h"
55 ICECCallbacks g_callbacks;
56 libcec_configuration g_config;
57 int g_cecLogLevel(-1);
58 int g_cecDefaultLogLevel(CEC_LOG_ALL);
59 ofstream g_logOutput;
60 bool g_bShortLog(false);
61 CStdString g_strPort;
62 bool g_bSingleCommand(false);
63 bool g_bExit(false);
64 bool g_bHardExit(false);
65 CMutex g_outputMutex;
67 inline void PrintToStdOut(const char *strFormat, ...)
68 {
69 CStdString strLog;
71 va_list argList;
72 va_start(argList, strFormat);
73 strLog.FormatV(strFormat, argList);
74 va_end(argList);
76 CLockObject lock(g_outputMutex);
77 cout << strLog << endl;
78 }
80 inline bool HexStrToInt(const std::string& data, uint8_t& value)
81 {
82 int iTmp(0);
83 if (sscanf(data.c_str(), "%x", &iTmp) == 1)
84 {
85 if (iTmp > 256)
86 value = 255;
87 else if (iTmp < 0)
88 value = 0;
89 else
90 value = (uint8_t) iTmp;
92 return true;
93 }
95 return false;
96 }
98 //get the first word (separated by whitespace) from string data and place that in word
99 //then remove that word from string data
100 bool GetWord(string& data, string& word)
101 {
102 stringstream datastream(data);
103 string end;
105 datastream >> word;
106 if (
107 {
108 data.clear();
109 return false;
110 }
112 size_t pos = data.find(word) + word.length();
114 if (pos >= data.length())
115 {
116 data.clear();
117 return true;
118 }
120 data = data.substr(pos);
122 datastream.clear();
123 datastream.str(data);
125 datastream >> end;
126 if (
127 data.clear();
129 return true;
130 }
132 int CecLogMessage(void *UNUSED(cbParam), const cec_log_message message)
133 {
134 if ((message.level & g_cecLogLevel) == message.level)
135 {
136 CStdString strLevel;
137 switch (message.level)
138 {
139 case CEC_LOG_ERROR:
140 strLevel = "ERROR: ";
141 break;
143 strLevel = "WARNING: ";
144 break;
145 case CEC_LOG_NOTICE:
146 strLevel = "NOTICE: ";
147 break;
149 strLevel = "TRAFFIC: ";
150 break;
151 case CEC_LOG_DEBUG:
152 strLevel = "DEBUG: ";
153 break;
154 default:
155 break;
156 }
158 CStdString strFullLog;
159 strFullLog.Format("%s[%16lld]\t%s", strLevel.c_str(), message.time, message.message);
160 PrintToStdOut(strFullLog.c_str());
162 if (g_logOutput.is_open())
163 {
164 if (g_bShortLog)
165 g_logOutput << message.message << endl;
166 else
167 g_logOutput << strFullLog.c_str() << endl;
168 }
169 }
171 return 0;
172 }
174 int CecKeyPress(void *UNUSED(cbParam), const cec_keypress UNUSED(key))
175 {
176 return 0;
177 }
179 int CecCommand(void *UNUSED(cbParam), const cec_command UNUSED(command))
180 {
181 return 0;
182 }
184 int CecAlert(void *UNUSED(cbParam), const libcec_alert type, const libcec_parameter UNUSED(param))
185 {
186 switch (type)
187 {
189 PrintToStdOut("Connection lost - exiting\n");
190 g_bExit = true;
191 break;
192 default:
193 break;
194 }
195 return 0;
196 }
198 void ListDevices(ICECAdapter *parser)
199 {
200 cec_adapter *devices = new cec_adapter[10];
201 int8_t iDevicesFound = parser->FindAdapters(devices, 10, NULL);
202 if (iDevicesFound <= 0)
203 {
204 PrintToStdOut("Found devices: NONE");
205 }
206 else
207 {
208 CStdString strDeviceInfo;
209 strDeviceInfo.Format("Found devices: %d\n\n", iDevicesFound);
211 for (int8_t iDevicePtr = 0; iDevicePtr < iDevicesFound; iDevicePtr++)
212 {
213 strDeviceInfo.AppendFormat("device: %d\ncom port: %s\n", iDevicePtr + 1, devices[iDevicePtr].comm);
214 libcec_configuration config;
215 config.Clear();
217 if (!parser->GetDeviceInformation(devices[iDevicePtr].comm, &config))
218 PrintToStdOut("WARNING: unable to open the device on port %s", devices[iDevicePtr].comm);
219 else
220 {
221 strDeviceInfo.AppendFormat("firmware version: %d\n", config.iFirmwareVersion);
223 if (config.iFirmwareBuildDate != CEC_FW_BUILD_UNKNOWN)
224 {
225 time_t buildTime = (time_t)config.iFirmwareBuildDate;
226 strDeviceInfo.AppendFormat("firmware build date: %s", asctime(gmtime(&buildTime)));
227 strDeviceInfo = strDeviceInfo.Left(strDeviceInfo.length() > 1 ? (unsigned)(strDeviceInfo.length() - 1) : 0); // strip \n added by asctime
228 strDeviceInfo.append(" +0000\n");
229 }
231 if (config.adapterType != ADAPTERTYPE_UNKNOWN)
232 {
233 strDeviceInfo.AppendFormat("type: %s\n", parser->ToString(config.adapterType));
234 }
235 }
236 strDeviceInfo.append("\n");
237 }
238 PrintToStdOut(strDeviceInfo.c_str());
239 }
240 }
242 void ShowHelpCommandLine(const char* strExec)
243 {
244 CLockObject lock(g_outputMutex);
245 cout << endl <<
246 strExec << " {-h|--help|-l|--list-devices|[COM PORT]}" << endl <<
247 endl <<
248 "parameters:" << endl <<
249 " -h --help Shows this help text" << endl <<
250 " -l --list-devices List all devices on this system" << endl <<
251 " -t --type {p|r|t|a} The device type to use. More than one is possible." << endl <<
252 " -p --port {int} The HDMI port to use as active source." << endl <<
253 " -b --base {int} The logical address of the device to with this " << endl <<
254 " adapter is connected." << endl <<
255 " -f --log-file {file} Writes all libCEC log message to a file" << endl <<
256 " -r --rom Read persisted settings from the EEPROM" << endl <<
257 " -sf --short-log-file {file} Writes all libCEC log message without timestamps" << endl <<
258 " and log levels to a file." << endl <<
259 " -d --log-level {level} Sets the log level. See cectypes.h for values." << endl <<
260 " -s --single-command Execute a single command and exit. Does not power" << endl <<
261 " on devices on startup and power them off on exit." << endl <<
262 " -o --osd-name {osd name} Use a custom osd name." << endl <<
263 " -m --monitor Start a monitor-only client." << endl <<
264 " -i --info Shows information about how libCEC was compiled." << endl <<
265 " [COM PORT] The com port to connect to. If no COM" << endl <<
266 " port is given, the client tries to connect to the" << endl <<
267 " first device that is detected." << endl <<
268 endl <<
269 "Type 'h' or 'help' and press enter after starting the client to display all " << endl <<
270 "available commands" << endl;
271 }
273 void ShowHelpConsole(void)
274 {
275 CLockObject lock(g_outputMutex);
276 cout << endl <<
277 "================================================================================" << endl <<
278 "Available commands:" << endl <<
279 endl <<
280 "[tx] {bytes} transfer bytes over the CEC line." << endl <<
281 "[txn] {bytes} transfer bytes but don't wait for transmission ACK." << endl <<
282 "[on] {address} power on the device with the given logical address." << endl <<
283 "[standby] {address} put the device with the given address in standby mode." << endl <<
284 "[la] {logical address} change the logical address of the CEC adapter." << endl <<
285 "[p] {device} {port} change the HDMI port number of the CEC adapter." << endl <<
286 "[pa] {physical address} change the physical address of the CEC adapter." << endl <<
287 "[as] make the CEC adapter the active source." << endl <<
288 "[is] mark the CEC adapter as inactive source." << endl <<
289 "[osd] {addr} {string} set OSD message on the specified device." << endl <<
290 "[ver] {addr} get the CEC version of the specified device." << endl <<
291 "[ven] {addr} get the vendor ID of the specified device." << endl <<
292 "[lang] {addr} get the menu language of the specified device." << endl <<
293 "[pow] {addr} get the power status of the specified device." << endl <<
294 "[name] {addr} get the OSD name of the specified device." << endl <<
295 "[poll] {addr} poll the specified device." << endl <<
296 "[lad] lists active devices on the bus" << endl <<
297 "[ad] {addr} checks whether the specified device is active." << endl <<
298 "[at] {type} checks whether the specified device type is active." << endl <<
299 "[sp] {addr} makes the specified physical address active." << endl <<
300 "[spl] {addr} makes the specified logical address active." << endl <<
301 "[volup] send a volume up command to the amp if present" << endl <<
302 "[voldown] send a volume down command to the amp if present" << endl <<
303 "[mute] send a mute/unmute command to the amp if present" << endl <<
304 "[self] show the list of addresses controlled by libCEC" << endl <<
305 "[scan] scan the CEC bus and display device info" << endl <<
306 "[mon] {1|0} enable or disable CEC bus monitoring." << endl <<
307 "[log] {1 - 31} change the log level. see cectypes.h for values." << endl <<
308 "[ping] send a ping command to the CEC adapter." << endl <<
309 "[bl] to let the adapter enter the bootloader, to upgrade" << endl <<
310 " the flash rom." << endl <<
311 "[r] reconnect to the CEC adapter." << endl <<
312 "[h] or [help] show this help." << endl <<
313 "[q] or [quit] to quit the CEC test client and switch off all" << endl <<
314 " connected CEC devices." << endl <<
315 "================================================================================" << endl;
316 }
318 bool ProcessCommandSELF(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
319 {
320 if (command == "self")
321 {
322 cec_logical_addresses addr = parser->GetLogicalAddresses();
323 CStdString strOut = "Addresses controlled by libCEC: ";
324 bool bFirst(true);
325 for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr <= 15; iPtr++)
326 {
327 if (addr[iPtr])
328 {
329 strOut.AppendFormat((bFirst ? "%d%s" : ", %d%s"), iPtr, parser->IsActiveSource((cec_logical_address)iPtr) ? "*" : "");
330 bFirst = false;
331 }
332 }
333 PrintToStdOut(strOut.c_str());
334 return true;
335 }
337 return false;
338 }
340 bool ProcessCommandSP(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
341 {
342 if (command == "sp")
343 {
344 string strAddress;
345 int iAddress;
346 if (GetWord(arguments, strAddress))
347 {
348 sscanf(strAddress.c_str(), "%x", &iAddress);
349 if (iAddress >= 0 && iAddress <= CEC_INVALID_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)
350 parser->SetStreamPath((uint16_t)iAddress);
351 return true;
352 }
353 }
355 return false;
356 }
358 bool ProcessCommandSPL(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
359 {
360 if (command == "spl")
361 {
362 string strAddress;
363 cec_logical_address iAddress;
364 if (GetWord(arguments, strAddress))
365 {
366 iAddress = (cec_logical_address)atoi(strAddress.c_str());
367 if (iAddress >= CECDEVICE_TV && iAddress < CECDEVICE_BROADCAST)
368 parser->SetStreamPath(iAddress);
369 return true;
370 }
371 }
373 return false;
374 }
376 bool ProcessCommandTX(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
377 {
378 if (command == "tx" || command == "txn")
379 {
380 string strvalue;
381 uint8_t ivalue;
382 cec_command bytes;
383 bytes.Clear();
385 CStdString strArguments(arguments);
386 strArguments.Replace(':', ' ');
387 arguments = strArguments;
389 while (GetWord(arguments, strvalue) && HexStrToInt(strvalue, ivalue))
390 bytes.PushBack(ivalue);
392 if (command == "txn")
393 bytes.transmit_timeout = 0;
395 parser->Transmit(bytes);
397 return true;
398 }
400 return false;
401 }
403 bool ProcessCommandON(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
404 {
405 if (command == "on")
406 {
407 string strValue;
408 uint8_t iValue = 0;
409 if (GetWord(arguments, strValue) && HexStrToInt(strValue, iValue) && iValue <= 0xF)
410 {
411 parser->PowerOnDevices((cec_logical_address) iValue);
412 return true;
413 }
414 else
415 {
416 PrintToStdOut("invalid destination");
417 }
418 }
420 return false;
421 }
423 bool ProcessCommandSTANDBY(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
424 {
425 if (command == "standby")
426 {
427 string strValue;
428 uint8_t iValue = 0;
429 if (GetWord(arguments, strValue) && HexStrToInt(strValue, iValue) && iValue <= 0xF)
430 {
431 parser->StandbyDevices((cec_logical_address) iValue);
432 return true;
433 }
434 else
435 {
436 PrintToStdOut("invalid destination");
437 }
438 }
440 return false;
441 }
443 bool ProcessCommandPOLL(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
444 {
445 if (command == "poll")
446 {
447 string strValue;
448 uint8_t iValue = 0;
449 if (GetWord(arguments, strValue) && HexStrToInt(strValue, iValue) && iValue <= 0xF)
450 {
451 if (parser->PollDevice((cec_logical_address) iValue))
452 PrintToStdOut("POLL message sent");
453 else
454 PrintToStdOut("POLL message not sent");
455 return true;
456 }
457 else
458 {
459 PrintToStdOut("invalid destination");
460 }
461 }
463 return false;
464 }
466 bool ProcessCommandLA(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
467 {
468 if (command == "la")
469 {
470 string strvalue;
471 if (GetWord(arguments, strvalue))
472 {
473 parser->SetLogicalAddress((cec_logical_address) atoi(strvalue.c_str()));
474 return true;
475 }
476 }
478 return false;
479 }
481 bool ProcessCommandP(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
482 {
483 if (command == "p")
484 {
485 string strPort, strDevice;
486 if (GetWord(arguments, strDevice) && GetWord(arguments, strPort))
487 {
488 parser->SetHDMIPort((cec_logical_address)atoi(strDevice.c_str()), (uint8_t)atoi(strPort.c_str()));
489 return true;
490 }
491 }
493 return false;
494 }
496 bool ProcessCommandPA(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
497 {
498 if (command == "pa")
499 {
500 string strB1, strB2;
501 uint8_t iB1, iB2;
502 if (GetWord(arguments, strB1) && HexStrToInt(strB1, iB1) &&
503 GetWord(arguments, strB2) && HexStrToInt(strB2, iB2))
504 {
505 uint16_t iPhysicalAddress = ((uint16_t)iB1 << 8) + iB2;
506 parser->SetPhysicalAddress(iPhysicalAddress);
507 return true;
508 }
509 }
511 return false;
512 }
514 bool ProcessCommandOSD(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
515 {
516 if (command == "osd")
517 {
518 bool bFirstWord(false);
519 string strAddr, strMessage, strWord;
520 uint8_t iAddr;
521 if (GetWord(arguments, strAddr) && HexStrToInt(strAddr, iAddr) && iAddr < 0xF)
522 {
523 while (GetWord(arguments, strWord))
524 {
525 if (bFirstWord)
526 {
527 bFirstWord = false;
528 strMessage.append(" ");
529 }
530 strMessage.append(strWord);
531 }
532 parser->SetOSDString((cec_logical_address) iAddr, CEC_DISPLAY_CONTROL_DISPLAY_FOR_DEFAULT_TIME, strMessage.c_str());
533 return true;
534 }
535 }
537 return false;
538 }
540 bool ProcessCommandAS(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
541 {
542 if (command == "as")
543 {
544 parser->SetActiveSource();
545 // wait for the source switch to finish for 15 seconds tops
546 if (g_bSingleCommand)
547 {
548 CTimeout timeout(15000);
549 bool bActiveSource(false);
550 while (timeout.TimeLeft() > 0 && !bActiveSource)
551 {
552 bActiveSource = parser->IsLibCECActiveSource();
553 if (!bActiveSource)
554 CEvent::Sleep(100);
555 }
556 }
557 return true;
558 }
560 return false;
561 }
563 bool ProcessCommandIS(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
564 {
565 if (command == "is")
566 return parser->SetInactiveView();
568 return false;
569 }
571 bool ProcessCommandPING(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
572 {
573 if (command == "ping")
574 {
575 parser->PingAdapter();
576 return true;
577 }
579 return false;
580 }
582 bool ProcessCommandVOLUP(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
583 {
584 if (command == "volup")
585 {
586 PrintToStdOut("volume up: %2X", parser->VolumeUp());
587 return true;
588 }
590 return false;
591 }
593 bool ProcessCommandVOLDOWN(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
594 {
595 if (command == "voldown")
596 {
597 PrintToStdOut("volume down: %2X", parser->VolumeDown());
598 return true;
599 }
601 return false;
602 }
604 bool ProcessCommandMUTE(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
605 {
606 if (command == "mute")
607 {
608 PrintToStdOut("mute: %2X", parser->MuteAudio());
609 return true;
610 }
612 return false;
613 }
615 bool ProcessCommandMON(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
616 {
617 if (command == "mon")
618 {
619 CStdString strEnable;
620 if (GetWord(arguments, strEnable) && (strEnable.Equals("0") || strEnable.Equals("1")))
621 {
622 parser->SwitchMonitoring(strEnable.Equals("1"));
623 return true;
624 }
625 }
627 return false;
628 }
630 bool ProcessCommandBL(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
631 {
632 if (command == "bl")
633 {
634 if (parser->StartBootloader())
635 {
636 PrintToStdOut("entered bootloader mode. exiting cec-client");
637 g_bExit = true;
638 g_bHardExit = true;
639 }
640 return true;
641 }
643 return false;
644 }
646 bool ProcessCommandLANG(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
647 {
648 if (command == "lang")
649 {
650 CStdString strDev;
651 if (GetWord(arguments, strDev))
652 {
653 int iDev = atoi(strDev);
654 if (iDev >= 0 && iDev < 15)
655 {
656 CStdString strLog;
657 cec_menu_language language;
658 if (parser->GetDeviceMenuLanguage((cec_logical_address) iDev, &language))
659 strLog.Format("menu language '%s'", language.language);
660 else
661 strLog = "failed!";
662 PrintToStdOut(strLog);
663 return true;
664 }
665 }
666 }
668 return false;
669 }
671 bool ProcessCommandVEN(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
672 {
673 if (command == "ven")
674 {
675 CStdString strDev;
676 if (GetWord(arguments, strDev))
677 {
678 int iDev = atoi(strDev);
679 if (iDev >= 0 && iDev < 15)
680 {
681 uint64_t iVendor = parser->GetDeviceVendorId((cec_logical_address) iDev);
682 PrintToStdOut("vendor id: %06llx", iVendor);
683 return true;
684 }
685 }
686 }
688 return false;
689 }
691 bool ProcessCommandVER(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
692 {
693 if (command == "ver")
694 {
695 CStdString strDev;
696 if (GetWord(arguments, strDev))
697 {
698 int iDev = atoi(strDev);
699 if (iDev >= 0 && iDev < 15)
700 {
701 cec_version iVersion = parser->GetDeviceCecVersion((cec_logical_address) iDev);
702 PrintToStdOut("CEC version %s", parser->ToString(iVersion));
703 return true;
704 }
705 }
706 }
708 return false;
709 }
711 bool ProcessCommandPOW(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
712 {
713 if (command == "pow")
714 {
715 CStdString strDev;
716 if (GetWord(arguments, strDev))
717 {
718 int iDev = atoi(strDev);
719 if (iDev >= 0 && iDev < 15)
720 {
721 cec_power_status iPower = parser->GetDevicePowerStatus((cec_logical_address) iDev);
722 PrintToStdOut("power status: %s", parser->ToString(iPower));
723 return true;
724 }
725 }
726 }
728 return false;
729 }
731 bool ProcessCommandNAME(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
732 {
733 if (command == "name")
734 {
735 CStdString strDev;
736 if (GetWord(arguments, strDev))
737 {
738 int iDev = atoi(strDev);
739 if (iDev >= 0 && iDev < 15)
740 {
741 cec_osd_name name = parser->GetDeviceOSDName((cec_logical_address)iDev);
742 PrintToStdOut("OSD name of device %d is '%s'", iDev,;
743 }
744 return true;
745 }
746 }
748 return false;
749 }
751 bool ProcessCommandLAD(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
752 {
753 if (command == "lad")
754 {
755 PrintToStdOut("listing active devices:");
756 cec_logical_addresses addresses = parser->GetActiveDevices();
757 for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr <= 11; iPtr++)
758 if (addresses[iPtr])
759 {
760 PrintToStdOut("logical address %X", (int)iPtr);
761 }
762 return true;
763 }
765 return false;
766 }
768 bool ProcessCommandAD(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
769 {
770 if (command == "ad")
771 {
772 CStdString strDev;
773 if (GetWord(arguments, strDev))
774 {
775 int iDev = atoi(strDev);
776 if (iDev >= 0 && iDev < 15)
777 PrintToStdOut("logical address %X is %s", iDev, (parser->IsActiveDevice((cec_logical_address)iDev) ? "active" : "not active"));
778 }
779 }
781 return false;
782 }
784 bool ProcessCommandAT(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string &arguments)
785 {
786 if (command == "at")
787 {
788 CStdString strType;
789 if (GetWord(arguments, strType))
790 {
791 cec_device_type type = CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_TV;
792 if (strType.Equals("a"))
794 else if (strType.Equals("p"))
796 else if (strType.Equals("r"))
798 else if (strType.Equals("t"))
801 PrintToStdOut("device %d is %s", type, (parser->IsActiveDeviceType(type) ? "active" : "not active"));
802 return true;
803 }
804 }
806 return false;
807 }
809 bool ProcessCommandR(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
810 {
811 if (command == "r")
812 {
813 bool bReactivate = parser->IsLibCECActiveSource();
815 PrintToStdOut("closing the connection");
816 parser->Close();
818 PrintToStdOut("opening a new connection");
819 parser->Open(g_strPort.c_str());
821 if (bReactivate)
822 {
823 PrintToStdOut("setting active source");
824 parser->SetActiveSource();
825 }
826 return true;
827 }
829 return false;
830 }
832 bool ProcessCommandH(ICECAdapter * UNUSED(parser), const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
833 {
834 if (command == "h" || command == "help")
835 {
836 ShowHelpConsole();
837 return true;
838 }
840 return false;
841 }
843 bool ProcessCommandLOG(ICECAdapter * UNUSED(parser), const string &command, string &arguments)
844 {
845 if (command == "log")
846 {
847 CStdString strLevel;
848 if (GetWord(arguments, strLevel))
849 {
850 int iNewLevel = atoi(strLevel);
851 if (iNewLevel >= CEC_LOG_ERROR && iNewLevel <= CEC_LOG_ALL)
852 {
853 g_cecLogLevel = iNewLevel;
855 PrintToStdOut("log level changed to %s", strLevel.c_str());
856 return true;
857 }
858 }
859 }
861 return false;
862 }
864 bool ProcessCommandSCAN(ICECAdapter *parser, const string &command, string & UNUSED(arguments))
865 {
866 if (command == "scan")
867 {
868 CStdString strLog;
869 PrintToStdOut("requesting CEC bus information ...");
871 strLog.append("CEC bus information\n===================\n");
872 cec_logical_addresses addresses = parser->GetActiveDevices();
873 cec_logical_address activeSource = parser->GetActiveSource();
874 for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++)
875 {
876 if (addresses[iPtr])
877 {
878 uint64_t iVendorId = parser->GetDeviceVendorId((cec_logical_address)iPtr);
879 uint16_t iPhysicalAddress = parser->GetDevicePhysicalAddress((cec_logical_address)iPtr);
880 bool bActive = parser->IsActiveSource((cec_logical_address)iPtr);
881 cec_version iCecVersion = parser->GetDeviceCecVersion((cec_logical_address)iPtr);
882 cec_power_status power = parser->GetDevicePowerStatus((cec_logical_address)iPtr);
883 cec_osd_name osdName = parser->GetDeviceOSDName((cec_logical_address)iPtr);
884 CStdString strAddr;
885 strAddr.Format("%x.%x.%x.%x", (iPhysicalAddress >> 12) & 0xF, (iPhysicalAddress >> 8) & 0xF, (iPhysicalAddress >> 4) & 0xF, iPhysicalAddress & 0xF);
886 cec_menu_language lang;
887 lang.device = CECDEVICE_UNKNOWN;
888 parser->GetDeviceMenuLanguage((cec_logical_address)iPtr, &lang);
890 strLog.AppendFormat("device #%X: %s\n", (int)iPtr, parser->ToString((cec_logical_address)iPtr));
891 strLog.AppendFormat("address: %s\n", strAddr.c_str());
892 strLog.AppendFormat("active source: %s\n", (bActive ? "yes" : "no"));
893 strLog.AppendFormat("vendor: %s\n", parser->ToString((cec_vendor_id)iVendorId));
894 strLog.AppendFormat("osd string: %s\n",;
895 strLog.AppendFormat("CEC version: %s\n", parser->ToString(iCecVersion));
896 strLog.AppendFormat("power status: %s\n", parser->ToString(power));
897 if ((uint8_t)lang.device == iPtr)
898 strLog.AppendFormat("language: %s\n", lang.language);
899 strLog.append("\n\n");
900 }
901 }
903 activeSource = parser->GetActiveSource();
904 strLog.AppendFormat("currently active source: %s (%d)", parser->ToString(activeSource), (int)activeSource);
906 PrintToStdOut(strLog);
907 return true;
908 }
910 return false;
911 }
913 bool ProcessConsoleCommand(ICECAdapter *parser, string &input)
914 {
915 if (!input.empty())
916 {
917 string command;
918 if (GetWord(input, command))
919 {
920 if (command == "q" || command == "quit")
921 return false;
923 ProcessCommandTX(parser, command, input) ||
924 ProcessCommandON(parser, command, input) ||
925 ProcessCommandSTANDBY(parser, command, input) ||
926 ProcessCommandPOLL(parser, command, input) ||
927 ProcessCommandLA(parser, command, input) ||
928 ProcessCommandP(parser, command, input) ||
929 ProcessCommandPA(parser, command, input) ||
930 ProcessCommandAS(parser, command, input) ||
931 ProcessCommandIS(parser, command, input) ||
932 ProcessCommandOSD(parser, command, input) ||
933 ProcessCommandPING(parser, command, input) ||
934 ProcessCommandVOLUP(parser, command, input) ||
935 ProcessCommandVOLDOWN(parser, command, input) ||
936 ProcessCommandMUTE(parser, command, input) ||
937 ProcessCommandMON(parser, command, input) ||
938 ProcessCommandBL(parser, command, input) ||
939 ProcessCommandLANG(parser, command, input) ||
940 ProcessCommandVEN(parser, command, input) ||
941 ProcessCommandVER(parser, command, input) ||
942 ProcessCommandPOW(parser, command, input) ||
943 ProcessCommandNAME(parser, command, input) ||
944 ProcessCommandLAD(parser, command, input) ||
945 ProcessCommandAD(parser, command, input) ||
946 ProcessCommandAT(parser, command, input) ||
947 ProcessCommandR(parser, command, input) ||
948 ProcessCommandH(parser, command, input) ||
949 ProcessCommandLOG(parser, command, input) ||
950 ProcessCommandSCAN(parser, command, input) ||
951 ProcessCommandSP(parser, command, input) ||
952 ProcessCommandSPL(parser, command, input) ||
953 ProcessCommandSELF(parser, command, input);
954 }
955 }
956 return true;
957 }
959 bool ProcessCommandLineArguments(int argc, char *argv[])
960 {
961 bool bReturn(true);
962 int iArgPtr = 1;
963 while (iArgPtr < argc && bReturn)
964 {
965 if (argc >= iArgPtr + 1)
966 {
967 if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-f") ||
968 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--log-file") ||
969 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-sf") ||
970 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--short-log-file"))
971 {
972 if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
973 {
974[iArgPtr + 1]);
975 g_bShortLog = (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-sf") || !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--short-log-file"));
976 iArgPtr += 2;
977 }
978 else
979 {
980 cout << "== skipped log-file parameter: no file given ==" << endl;
981 ++iArgPtr;
982 }
983 }
984 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-d") ||
985 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--log-level"))
986 {
987 if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
988 {
989 int iNewLevel = atoi(argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
990 if (iNewLevel >= CEC_LOG_ERROR && iNewLevel <= CEC_LOG_ALL)
991 {
992 g_cecLogLevel = iNewLevel;
993 if (!g_bSingleCommand)
994 cout << "log level set to " << argv[iArgPtr + 1] << endl;
995 }
996 else
997 {
998 cout << "== skipped log-level parameter: invalid level '" << argv[iArgPtr + 1] << "' ==" << endl;
999 }
1000 iArgPtr += 2;
1001 }
1002 else
1003 {
1004 cout << "== skipped log-level parameter: no level given ==" << endl;
1005 ++iArgPtr;
1006 }
1007 }
1008 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-t") ||
1009 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--type"))
1010 {
1011 if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
1012 {
1013 if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr + 1], "p"))
1014 {
1015 if (!g_bSingleCommand)
1016 cout << "== using device type 'playback device'" << endl;
1017 g_config.deviceTypes.Add(CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_PLAYBACK_DEVICE);
1018 }
1019 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr + 1], "r"))
1020 {
1021 if (!g_bSingleCommand)
1022 cout << "== using device type 'recording device'" << endl;
1023 g_config.deviceTypes.Add(CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_RECORDING_DEVICE);
1024 }
1025 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr + 1], "t"))
1026 {
1027 if (!g_bSingleCommand)
1028 cout << "== using device type 'tuner'" << endl;
1029 g_config.deviceTypes.Add(CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_TUNER);
1030 }
1031 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr + 1], "a"))
1032 {
1033 if (!g_bSingleCommand)
1034 cout << "== using device type 'audio system'" << endl;
1035 g_config.deviceTypes.Add(CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_AUDIO_SYSTEM);
1036 }
1037 else
1038 {
1039 cout << "== skipped invalid device type '" << argv[iArgPtr + 1] << "'" << endl;
1040 }
1041 ++iArgPtr;
1042 }
1043 ++iArgPtr;
1044 }
1045 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--info") ||
1046 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-i"))
1047 {
1048 if (g_cecLogLevel == -1)
1049 g_cecLogLevel = CEC_LOG_WARNING + CEC_LOG_ERROR;
1050 ICECAdapter *parser = LibCecInitialise(&g_config);
1051 if (parser)
1052 {
1053 CStdString strMessage;
1054 strMessage.Format("libCEC version: %s", parser->ToString((cec_server_version)g_config.serverVersion));
1055 if (g_config.serverVersion >= CEC_SERVER_VERSION_1_7_2)
1056 strMessage.AppendFormat(", %s", parser->GetLibInfo());
1057 PrintToStdOut(strMessage.c_str());
1058 UnloadLibCec(parser);
1059 parser = NULL;
1060 }
1061 bReturn = false;
1062 }
1063 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--list-devices") ||
1064 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-l"))
1065 {
1066 if (g_cecLogLevel == -1)
1067 g_cecLogLevel = CEC_LOG_WARNING + CEC_LOG_ERROR;
1068 ICECAdapter *parser = LibCecInitialise(&g_config);
1069 if (parser)
1070 {
1071 ListDevices(parser);
1072 UnloadLibCec(parser);
1073 parser = NULL;
1074 }
1075 bReturn = false;
1076 }
1077 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--bootloader"))
1078 {
1079 LibCecBootloader();
1080 bReturn = false;
1081 }
1082 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--single-command") ||
1083 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-s"))
1084 {
1085 g_bSingleCommand = true;
1086 ++iArgPtr;
1087 }
1088 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--help") ||
1089 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-h"))
1090 {
1091 if (g_cecLogLevel == -1)
1092 g_cecLogLevel = CEC_LOG_WARNING + CEC_LOG_ERROR;
1094 ShowHelpCommandLine(argv[0]);
1095 return 0;
1096 }
1097 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-b") ||
1098 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--base"))
1099 {
1100 if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
1101 {
1102 g_config.baseDevice = (cec_logical_address)atoi(argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
1103 cout << "using base device '" << (int)g_config.baseDevice << "'" << endl;
1104 ++iArgPtr;
1105 }
1106 ++iArgPtr;
1107 }
1108 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-p") ||
1109 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--port"))
1110 {
1111 if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
1112 {
1113 uint8_t hdmiport = (int8_t)atoi(argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
1114 if (hdmiport < 1)
1115 hdmiport = 1;
1116 if (hdmiport > 15)
1117 hdmiport = 15;
1118 g_config.iHDMIPort = hdmiport;
1119 cout << "using HDMI port '" << (int)g_config.iHDMIPort << "'" << endl;
1120 ++iArgPtr;
1121 }
1122 ++iArgPtr;
1123 }
1124 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-r") ||
1125 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--rom"))
1126 {
1127 cout << "using settings from EEPROM" << endl;
1128 g_config.bGetSettingsFromROM = 1;
1129 ++iArgPtr;
1130 }
1131 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-o") ||
1132 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--osd-name"))
1133 {
1134 if (argc >= iArgPtr + 2)
1135 {
1136 snprintf(g_config.strDeviceName, 13, "%s", argv[iArgPtr + 1]);
1137 cout << "using osd name " << g_config.strDeviceName << endl;
1138 ++iArgPtr;
1139 }
1140 ++iArgPtr;
1141 }
1142 else if (!strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "-m") ||
1143 !strcmp(argv[iArgPtr], "--monitor"))
1144 {
1145 cout << "starting a monitor-only client. use 'mon 0' to switch to normal mode" << endl;
1146 g_config.bMonitorOnly = 1;
1147 ++iArgPtr;
1148 }
1149 else
1150 {
1151 g_strPort = argv[iArgPtr++];
1152 }
1153 }
1154 }
1156 return bReturn;
1157 }
1159 void sighandler(int iSignal)
1160 {
1161 PrintToStdOut("signal caught: %d - exiting", iSignal);
1162 g_bExit = true;
1163 }
1165 int main (int argc, char *argv[])
1166 {
1167 if (signal(SIGINT, sighandler) == SIG_ERR)
1168 {
1169 PrintToStdOut("can't register sighandler");
1170 return -1;
1171 }
1173 g_config.Clear();
1174 g_callbacks.Clear();
1175 snprintf(g_config.strDeviceName, 13, "CECTester");
1176 g_config.clientVersion = CEC_CONFIG_VERSION;
1177 g_config.bActivateSource = 0;
1178 g_callbacks.CBCecLogMessage = &CecLogMessage;
1179 g_callbacks.CBCecKeyPress = &CecKeyPress;
1180 g_callbacks.CBCecCommand = &CecCommand;
1181 g_callbacks.CBCecAlert = &CecAlert;
1182 g_config.callbacks = &g_callbacks;
1184 if (!ProcessCommandLineArguments(argc, argv))
1185 return 0;
1187 if (g_cecLogLevel == -1)
1188 g_cecLogLevel = g_cecDefaultLogLevel;
1190 if (g_config.deviceTypes.IsEmpty())
1191 {
1192 if (!g_bSingleCommand)
1193 cout << "No device type given. Using 'recording device'" << endl;
1194 g_config.deviceTypes.Add(CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_RECORDING_DEVICE);
1195 }
1197 ICECAdapter *parser = LibCecInitialise(&g_config);
1198 if (!parser)
1199 {
1200 #ifdef __WINDOWS__
1201 cout << "Cannot load libcec.dll" << endl;
1202 #else
1203 cout << "Cannot load" << endl;
1204 #endif
1206 if (parser)
1207 UnloadLibCec(parser);
1209 return 1;
1210 }
1212 // init video on targets that need this
1213 parser->InitVideoStandalone();
1215 if (!g_bSingleCommand)
1216 {
1217 CStdString strLog;
1218 strLog.Format("CEC Parser created - libCEC version %s", parser->ToString((cec_server_version)g_config.serverVersion));
1219 cout << strLog.c_str() << endl;
1221 //make stdin non-blocking
1222 #ifndef __WINDOWS__
1223 int flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
1224 flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
1225 fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flags);
1226 #endif
1227 }
1229 if (g_strPort.IsEmpty())
1230 {
1231 if (!g_bSingleCommand)
1232 cout << "no serial port given. trying autodetect: ";
1233 cec_adapter devices[10];
1234 uint8_t iDevicesFound = parser->FindAdapters(devices, 10, NULL);
1235 if (iDevicesFound <= 0)
1236 {
1237 if (g_bSingleCommand)
1238 cout << "autodetect ";
1239 cout << "FAILED" << endl;
1240 UnloadLibCec(parser);
1241 return 1;
1242 }
1243 else
1244 {
1245 if (!g_bSingleCommand)
1246 {
1247 cout << endl << " path: " << devices[0].path << endl <<
1248 " com port: " << devices[0].comm << endl << endl;
1249 }
1250 g_strPort = devices[0].comm;
1251 }
1252 }
1254 PrintToStdOut("opening a connection to the CEC adapter...");
1256 if (!parser->Open(g_strPort.c_str()))
1257 {
1258 PrintToStdOut("unable to open the device on port %s", g_strPort.c_str());
1259 UnloadLibCec(parser);
1260 return 1;
1261 }
1263 if (!g_bSingleCommand)
1264 PrintToStdOut("waiting for input");
1266 while (!g_bExit && !g_bHardExit)
1267 {
1268 string input;
1269 getline(cin, input);
1270 cin.clear();
1272 if (ProcessConsoleCommand(parser, input) && !g_bSingleCommand && !g_bExit && !g_bHardExit)
1273 {
1274 if (!input.empty())
1275 PrintToStdOut("waiting for input");
1276 }
1277 else
1278 g_bExit = true;
1280 if (!g_bExit && !g_bHardExit)
1281 CEvent::Sleep(50);
1282 }
1284 parser->Close();
1285 UnloadLibCec(parser);
1287 if (g_logOutput.is_open())
1288 g_logOutput.close();
1290 return 0;
1291 }