fix: allow to set charging profile with TxProfile purpose
[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] / src / types / index.ts
1 export {
2 type AutomaticTransactionGeneratorConfiguration,
3 type ChargingStationAutomaticTransactionGeneratorConfiguration,
4 IdTagDistribution,
5 type Status
6 } from './AutomaticTransactionGenerator.js'
7 export type {
8 ChargingStationConfiguration,
9 EvseStatusConfiguration
10 } from './ChargingStationConfiguration.js'
11 export { ChargingStationEvents } from './ChargingStationEvents.js'
12 export type { ChargingStationInfo } from './ChargingStationInfo.js'
13 export type {
14 ChargingStationOcppConfiguration,
15 ConfigurationKey
16 } from './ChargingStationOcppConfiguration.js'
17 export {
18 AmpereUnits,
19 type ChargingStationTemplate,
20 CurrentType,
21 type FirmwareUpgrade,
22 PowerUnits,
23 Voltage,
24 type WsOptions
25 } from './ChargingStationTemplate.js'
26 export {
27 type ChargingStationData,
28 type ChargingStationOptions,
29 type ChargingStationWorkerData,
30 type ChargingStationWorkerMessage,
31 type ChargingStationWorkerMessageData,
32 ChargingStationWorkerMessageEvents,
33 type EvseStatusWorkerType
34 } from './ChargingStationWorker.js'
35 export {
36 ApplicationProtocolVersion,
37 type ConfigurationData,
38 ConfigurationSection,
39 type ElementsPerWorkerType,
40 type LogConfiguration,
41 type StationTemplateUrl,
42 type StorageConfiguration,
43 SupervisionUrlDistribution,
44 type UIServerConfiguration,
45 type WorkerConfiguration
46 } from './ConfigurationData.js'
47 export type { ConnectorStatus } from './ConnectorStatus.js'
48 export type { EmptyObject } from './EmptyObject.js'
49 export type { HandleErrorParams } from './Error.js'
50 export type { EvseStatus, EvseTemplate } from './Evse.js'
51 export { FileType } from './FileType.js'
52 export type { JsonObject, JsonType } from './JsonType.js'
53 export { MapStringifyFormat } from './MapStringifyFormat.js'
54 export type {
55 MeasurandPerPhaseSampledValueTemplates,
56 SampledValueTemplate
57 } from './MeasurandPerPhaseSampledValueTemplates.js'
58 export type { MeasurandValues } from './MeasurandValues.js'
59 export { OCPP16ChargePointErrorCode } from './ocpp/1.6/ChargePointErrorCode.js'
60 export { OCPP16ChargePointStatus } from './ocpp/1.6/ChargePointStatus.js'
61 export {
62 type OCPP16ChargingProfile,
63 OCPP16ChargingProfilePurposeType,
64 OCPP16ChargingRateUnitType,
65 type OCPP16ChargingSchedule,
66 type OCPP16ChargingSchedulePeriod
67 } from './ocpp/1.6/ChargingProfile.js'
68 export {
69 OCPP16StandardParametersKey,
70 OCPP16SupportedFeatureProfiles
71 } from './ocpp/1.6/Configuration.js'
72 export { OCPP16DiagnosticsStatus } from './ocpp/1.6/DiagnosticsStatus.js'
73 export {
74 type OCPP16MeterValue,
75 OCPP16MeterValueContext,
76 OCPP16MeterValueLocation,
77 OCPP16MeterValueMeasurand,
78 OCPP16MeterValuePhase,
79 type OCPP16MeterValuesRequest,
80 type OCPP16MeterValuesResponse,
81 OCPP16MeterValueUnit,
82 type OCPP16SampledValue
83 } from './ocpp/1.6/MeterValues.js'
84 export {
85 type ChangeConfigurationRequest,
86 type GetConfigurationRequest,
87 type GetDiagnosticsRequest,
88 OCPP16AvailabilityType,
89 type OCPP16BootNotificationRequest,
90 type OCPP16CancelReservationRequest,
91 type OCPP16ChangeAvailabilityRequest,
92 type OCPP16ClearCacheRequest,
93 type OCPP16ClearChargingProfileRequest,
94 type OCPP16DataTransferRequest,
95 OCPP16DataTransferVendorId,
96 type OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationRequest,
97 OCPP16FirmwareStatus,
98 type OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationRequest,
99 type OCPP16GetCompositeScheduleRequest,
100 type OCPP16HeartbeatRequest,
101 OCPP16IncomingRequestCommand,
102 OCPP16MessageTrigger,
103 OCPP16RequestCommand,
104 type OCPP16ReserveNowRequest,
105 type OCPP16StatusNotificationRequest,
106 type OCPP16TriggerMessageRequest,
107 type OCPP16UpdateFirmwareRequest,
108 type RemoteStartTransactionRequest,
109 type RemoteStopTransactionRequest,
110 type ResetRequest,
111 type SetChargingProfileRequest,
112 type UnlockConnectorRequest
113 } from './ocpp/1.6/Requests.js'
114 export {
115 type ChangeConfigurationResponse,
116 type GetConfigurationResponse,
117 type GetDiagnosticsResponse,
118 type OCPP16BootNotificationResponse,
119 type OCPP16ChangeAvailabilityResponse,
120 type OCPP16ClearChargingProfileResponse,
121 type OCPP16DataTransferResponse,
122 OCPP16DataTransferStatus,
123 type OCPP16DiagnosticsStatusNotificationResponse,
124 type OCPP16FirmwareStatusNotificationResponse,
125 type OCPP16GetCompositeScheduleResponse,
126 type OCPP16HeartbeatResponse,
127 type OCPP16ReserveNowResponse,
128 type OCPP16StatusNotificationResponse,
129 type OCPP16TriggerMessageResponse,
130 OCPP16TriggerMessageStatus,
131 type OCPP16UpdateFirmwareResponse,
132 type SetChargingProfileResponse,
133 type UnlockConnectorResponse
134 } from './ocpp/1.6/Responses.js'
135 export {
136 OCPP16AuthorizationStatus,
137 type OCPP16AuthorizeRequest,
138 type OCPP16AuthorizeResponse,
139 type OCPP16StartTransactionRequest,
140 type OCPP16StartTransactionResponse,
141 OCPP16StopTransactionReason,
142 type OCPP16StopTransactionRequest,
143 type OCPP16StopTransactionResponse
144 } from './ocpp/1.6/Transaction.js'
145 export { BootReasonEnumType, OCPP20ConnectorStatusEnumType } from './ocpp/2.0/Common.js'
146 export {
147 type OCPP20BootNotificationRequest,
148 type OCPP20ClearCacheRequest,
149 type OCPP20HeartbeatRequest,
150 OCPP20IncomingRequestCommand,
151 OCPP20RequestCommand,
152 type OCPP20StatusNotificationRequest
153 } from './ocpp/2.0/Requests.js'
154 export type {
155 OCPP20BootNotificationResponse,
156 OCPP20ClearCacheResponse,
157 OCPP20HeartbeatResponse,
158 OCPP20StatusNotificationResponse
159 } from './ocpp/2.0/Responses.js'
160 export { OCPP20OptionalVariableName } from './ocpp/2.0/Variables.js'
161 export { ChargePointErrorCode } from './ocpp/ChargePointErrorCode.js'
162 export {
163 type ChargingProfile,
164 ChargingProfileKindType,
165 ChargingProfilePurposeType,
166 ChargingRateUnitType,
167 type ChargingSchedulePeriod,
168 RecurrencyKindType
169 } from './ocpp/ChargingProfile.js'
170 export { type GenericResponse, GenericStatus, RegistrationStatusEnumType } from './ocpp/Common.js'
171 export {
172 type ConfigurationKeyType,
173 ConnectorPhaseRotation,
174 type OCPPConfigurationKey,
175 StandardParametersKey,
176 SupportedFeatureProfiles,
177 VendorParametersKey
178 } from './ocpp/Configuration.js'
179 export { ConnectorStatusEnum, type ConnectorStatusTransition } from './ocpp/ConnectorStatusEnum.js'
180 export { ErrorType } from './ocpp/ErrorType.js'
181 export { MessageType } from './ocpp/MessageType.js'
182 export {
183 type MeterValue,
184 MeterValueContext,
185 MeterValueLocation,
186 MeterValueMeasurand,
187 MeterValuePhase,
188 MeterValueUnit,
189 type SampledValue
190 } from './ocpp/MeterValues.js'
191 export { OCPPVersion } from './ocpp/OCPPVersion.js'
192 export {
193 AvailabilityType,
194 type BootNotificationRequest,
195 type CachedRequest,
196 type DataTransferRequest,
197 type DiagnosticsStatusNotificationRequest,
198 type ErrorCallback,
199 FirmwareStatus,
200 type FirmwareStatusNotificationRequest,
201 type HeartbeatRequest,
202 type IncomingRequest,
203 IncomingRequestCommand,
204 type IncomingRequestHandler,
205 MessageTrigger,
206 type MeterValuesRequest,
207 type OutgoingRequest,
208 RequestCommand,
209 type RequestParams,
210 type ResponseCallback,
211 type ResponseType,
212 type StatusNotificationRequest
213 } from './ocpp/Requests.js'
214 export {
215 type Reservation,
216 type ReservationKey,
217 ReservationTerminationReason
218 } from './ocpp/Reservation.js'
219 export {
220 AvailabilityStatus,
221 type BootNotificationResponse,
222 ChargingProfileStatus,
223 type ClearCacheResponse,
224 ClearChargingProfileStatus,
225 ConfigurationStatus,
226 type DataTransferResponse,
227 DataTransferStatus,
228 type DiagnosticsStatusNotificationResponse,
229 type ErrorResponse,
230 type FirmwareStatusNotificationResponse,
231 type HeartbeatResponse,
232 type MeterValuesResponse,
233 ReservationStatus,
234 type Response,
235 type ResponseHandler,
236 type StatusNotificationResponse,
237 TriggerMessageStatus,
238 UnlockStatus
239 } from './ocpp/Responses.js'
240 export {
241 AuthorizationStatus,
242 type AuthorizeRequest,
243 type AuthorizeResponse,
244 type StartTransactionRequest,
245 type StartTransactionResponse,
246 StopTransactionReason,
247 type StopTransactionRequest,
248 type StopTransactionResponse
249 } from './ocpp/Transaction.js'
250 export { PerformanceRecord } from './orm/entities/PerformanceRecord.js'
251 export type { SimulatorState } from './SimulatorState.js'
252 export type {
253 Statistics,
254 StatisticsData,
255 TemplateStatistics,
256 TimestampedData
257 } from './Statistics.js'
258 export { DBName, StorageType } from './Storage.js'
259 export {
260 ApplicationProtocol,
261 AuthenticationType,
262 ProcedureName,
263 Protocol,
264 type ProtocolRequest,
265 type ProtocolRequestHandler,
266 type ProtocolResponse,
267 ProtocolVersion,
268 type RequestPayload,
269 type ResponsePayload,
270 ResponseStatus
271 } from './UIProtocol.js'
272 export {
273 WebSocketCloseEventStatusCode,
274 WebSocketCloseEventStatusString,
275 type WSError
276 } from './WebSocket.js'
277 export {
278 BroadcastChannelProcedureName,
279 type BroadcastChannelRequest,
280 type BroadcastChannelRequestPayload,
281 type BroadcastChannelResponse,
282 type BroadcastChannelResponsePayload,
283 type MessageEvent
284 } from './WorkerBroadcastChannel.js'