[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] / src / utils / Logger.ts
1 import type { FormatWrap } from 'logform'
3 import { createLogger, format, type transport } from 'winston'
4 import TransportType from 'winston/lib/winston/transports/index.js'
5 import DailyRotateFile from 'winston-daily-rotate-file'
7 import { ConfigurationSection, type LogConfiguration } from '../types/index.js'
8 import { Configuration } from './Configuration.js'
9 import { insertAt } from './Utils.js'
11 const logConfiguration = Configuration.getConfigurationSection<LogConfiguration>(
12 ConfigurationSection.log
13 )
14 let transports: transport[]
15 if (logConfiguration.rotate === true) {
16 const logMaxFiles = logConfiguration.maxFiles
17 const logMaxSize = logConfiguration.maxSize
18 transports = [
19 new DailyRotateFile({
20 filename: insertAt(
21 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
22 logConfiguration.errorFile!,
23 '-%DATE%',
24 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
25 logConfiguration.errorFile!.indexOf('.log')
26 ),
27 level: 'error',
28 ...(logMaxFiles != null && { maxFiles: logMaxFiles }),
29 ...(logMaxSize != null && { maxSize: logMaxSize }),
30 }),
31 new DailyRotateFile({
32 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
33 filename: insertAt(logConfiguration.file!, '-%DATE%', logConfiguration.file!.indexOf('.log')),
34 ...(logMaxFiles != null && { maxFiles: logMaxFiles }),
35 ...(logMaxSize != null && { maxSize: logMaxSize }),
36 }),
37 ]
38 } else {
39 transports = [
40 new TransportType.File({
41 filename: logConfiguration.errorFile,
42 level: 'error',
43 }),
44 new TransportType.File({
45 filename: logConfiguration.file,
46 }),
47 ]
48 }
50 export const logger = createLogger({
51 format: format.combine(
52 format.splat(),
53 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
54 (format[logConfiguration.format! as keyof FormatWrap] as FormatWrap)()
55 ),
56 level: logConfiguration.level,
57 silent: logConfiguration.enabled === false,
58 transports,
59 })
61 //
62 // If enabled, log to the `console` with the format:
63 // `${info.level}: ${info.message} JSON.stringify({ ...rest }) `
64 //
65 if (logConfiguration.console === true) {
66 logger.add(
67 new TransportType.Console({
68 format: format.combine(
69 format.splat(),
70 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
71 (format[logConfiguration.format! as keyof FormatWrap] as FormatWrap)()
72 ),
73 })
74 )
75 }