Eslint configuration refinement (#97)
[poolifier.git] / src / workers.ts
1 import { AsyncResource } from 'async_hooks'
2 import { isMainThread, parentPort } from 'worker_threads'
4 export interface ThreadWorkerOptions {
5 /**
6 * Max time to wait tasks to work on (in ms), after this period the new worker threads will die.
7 *
8 * @default 60.000 ms
9 */
10 maxInactiveTime?: number
11 /**
12 * `true` if your function contains async pieces, else `false`.
13 *
14 * @default false
15 */
16 async?: boolean
17 }
19 /**
20 * An example worker that will be always alive, you just need to **extend** this class if you want a static pool.
21 *
22 * When this worker is inactive for more than 1 minute, it will send this info to the main thread,
23 * if you are using DynamicThreadPool, the workers created after will be killed, the min num of thread will be guaranteed.
24 *
25 * @author [Alessandro Pio Ardizio](
26 * @since 0.0.1
27 */
28 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
29 export class ThreadWorker<Data = any, Response = any> extends AsyncResource {
30 protected readonly maxInactiveTime: number
31 protected readonly async: boolean
32 protected lastTask: number
33 protected readonly interval?: NodeJS.Timeout
34 protected parent?: MessagePort
36 public constructor (
37 fn: (data: Data) => Response,
38 public readonly opts: ThreadWorkerOptions = {}
39 ) {
40 super('worker-thread-pool:pioardi')
42 this.maxInactiveTime = this.opts.maxInactiveTime ?? 1000 * 60
43 this.async = !!this.opts.async
44 this.lastTask =
45 if (!fn) throw new Error('Fn parameter is mandatory')
46 // keep the worker active
47 if (!isMainThread) {
48 this.interval = setInterval(
49 this.checkAlive.bind(this),
50 this.maxInactiveTime / 2
51 )
52 this.checkAlive.bind(this)()
53 }
54 parentPort?.on(
55 'message',
56 (value: {
57 data?: Response
58 id?: number
59 parent?: MessagePort
60 kill?: number
61 }) => {
62 if (value?.data && {
63 // here you will receive messages
64 // console.log('This is the main thread ' + isMainThread)
65 if (this.async) {
66 this.runInAsyncScope(this.runAsync.bind(this), this, fn, value)
67 } else {
68 this.runInAsyncScope(, this, fn, value)
69 }
70 } else if (value.parent) {
71 // save the port to communicate with the main thread
72 // this will be received once
73 this.parent = value.parent
74 } else if (value.kill) {
75 // here is time to kill this thread, just clearing the interval
76 if (this.interval) clearInterval(this.interval)
77 this.emitDestroy()
78 }
79 }
80 )
81 }
83 protected checkAlive (): void {
84 if ( - this.lastTask > this.maxInactiveTime) {
85 this.parent?.postMessage({ kill: 1 })
86 }
87 }
89 protected run (
90 fn: (data: Data) => Response,
91 value: { readonly data: Data; readonly id: number }
92 ): void {
93 try {
94 const res = fn(
95 this.parent?.postMessage({ data: res, id: })
96 this.lastTask =
97 } catch (e) {
98 this.parent?.postMessage({ error: e, id: })
99 this.lastTask =
100 }
101 }
103 protected runAsync (
104 fn: (data: Data) => Promise<Response>,
105 value: { readonly data: Data; readonly id: number }
106 ): void {
107 fn(
108 .then(res => {
109 this.parent?.postMessage({ data: res, id: })
110 this.lastTask =
111 })
112 .catch(e => {
113 this.parent?.postMessage({ error: e, id: })
114 this.lastTask =
115 })
116 }
117 }