4 IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\NSIS\makensis.exe" (
5 set NSIS="%ProgramFiles%\NSIS\makensis.exe"
6 ) ELSE IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" (
7 set NSIS="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe"
10 rem Check for the Windows DDK
11 IF NOT EXIST "C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1" GOTO NODDK
12 set DDK="C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1"
15 IF "%VS100COMNTOOLS%"=="" (
16 set COMPILER10="%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe"
17 ) ELSE IF EXIST "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\VCExpress.exe" (
18 set COMPILER10="%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\VCExpress.exe"
19 ) ELSE IF EXIST "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\devenv.exe" (
20 set COMPILER10="%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\devenv.exe"
26 call create-driver-installer.cmd
32 rem Skip to libCEC/x86 when we're running on win32
33 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="" goto libcecx86
35 rem Compile libCEC and cec-client x64
36 echo. Cleaning libCEC (x64)
37 %COMPILER10% libcec.sln /clean "Release|x64"
38 echo. Compiling libCEC (x64)
39 %COMPILER10% libcec.sln /build "Release|x64" /project libcec
40 echo. Compiling cec-client (x64)
41 %COMPILER10% libcec.sln /build "Release|x64" /project testclient
44 rem Compile libCEC and cec-client Win32
45 echo. Cleaning libCEC (x86)
46 %COMPILER10% libcec.sln /clean "Release|Win32"
47 echo. Compiling libCEC (x86)
48 %COMPILER10% libcec.sln /build "Release|Win32" /project libcec
49 echo. Compiling cec-client (x86)
50 %COMPILER10% libcec.sln /build "Release|Win32" /project testclient
53 IF "%VS90COMNTOOLS%"=="" (
54 set COMPILER9="%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe"
55 ) ELSE IF EXIST "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\VCExpress.exe" (
56 set COMPILER9="%VS90COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\VCExpress.exe"
57 ) ELSE IF EXIST "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\devenv.exe" (
58 set COMPILER9="%VS90COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\devenv.exe"
61 rem Skip to libCEC/x86 when we're running on win32
62 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="" goto libcecsharpx86
64 rem Compile LibCecSharp (x64)
65 echo. Cleaning LibCecSharp (x64)
66 %COMPILER9% LibCecSharp.Net2.sln /clean "Release|x64"
67 echo. Compiling LibCecSharp (x64)
68 %COMPILER9% LibCecSharp.sln /build "Release|x64" /project LibCecSharp
69 %COMPILER9% LibCecSharp.sln /build "Release|x64" /project CecSharpTester
70 %COMPILER9% LibCecSharp.sln /build "Release|x64" /project cec-config-gui
72 copy ..\build\LibCecSharp.dll ..\build\x64\LibCecSharp.dll
73 copy ..\build\CecSharpTester.exe ..\build\x64\CecSharpTester.exe
74 copy ..\build\cec-config-gui.exe ..\build\x64\cec-config-gui.exe
77 rem Compile LibCecSharp (x86)
78 echo. Cleaning LibCecSharp (x86)
79 %COMPILER9% LibCecSharp.sln /clean "Release|x86"
80 echo. Compiling LibCecSharp (x86)
81 %COMPILER9% LibCecSharp.sln /build "Release|x86" /project LibCecSharp
82 %COMPILER9% LibCecSharp.sln /build "Release|x86" /project CecSharpTester
83 %COMPILER9% LibCecSharp.sln /build "Release|x86" /project cec-config-gui
86 rem Clean things up before creating the installer
87 del /q /f ..\build\LibCecSharp.pdb
88 del /q /f ..\build\CecSharpTester.pdb
89 del /q /f ..\build\cec-config-gui.pdb
90 del /q /f ..\build\cec-config-gui.vshost.exe.manifest
91 del /q /f ..\build\cec-config-gui.vshost.exe
92 copy ..\build\cec-client.x64.exe ..\build\x64\cec-client.x64.exe
93 del /q /f ..\build\cec-client.x64.exe
94 copy ..\build\libcec.x64.dll ..\build\x64\libcec.x64.dll
95 del /q /f ..\build\libcec.x64.dll
96 copy ..\build\libcec.x64.lib ..\build\x64\libcec.x64.lib
97 del /q /f ..\build\libcec.x64.lib
99 rem Check for sign-binary.cmd, only present on the Pulse-Eight production build system
100 rem Calls signtool.exe and signs the DLLs with Pulse-Eight's code signing key
101 IF NOT EXIST "..\support\sign-binary.cmd" GOTO CREATEINSTALLER
102 echo. Signing all binaries
103 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\cec-client.exe
104 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\CecSharpTester.exe
105 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\libcec.dll
106 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\LibCecSharp.dll
107 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\cec-config-gui.exe
108 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\x64\cec-client.x64.exe
109 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\x64\CecSharpTester.exe
110 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\x64\libcec.x64.dll
111 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\x64\LibCecSharp.dll
112 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\x64\cec-config-gui.exe
115 echo. Creating the installer
116 %NSIS% /V1 /X"SetCompressor /FINAL lzma" "libCEC.nsi"
120 rem Sign the installer if sign-binary.cmd exists
121 IF EXIST "..\support\sign-binary.cmd" (
122 echo. Signing the installer binaries
123 CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\libCEC-installer.exe
126 echo. The installer can be found here: ..\build\libCEC-installer.exe
131 echo. Both Visual Studio 2010 and Visual C++ Express 2010 were not found on your system.
135 echo. NSIS could not be found on your system.
139 echo. Windows DDK could not be found on your system
143 echo. The installer could not be created. The most likely cause is that something went wrong while compiling.
146 del /q /f ..\build\cec-client.exe
147 del /q /f ..\build\CecSharpTester.exe
148 del /q /f ..\build\cec-config-gui.exe
149 del /q /f ..\build\*.dll
150 del /q /f ..\build\*.lib
151 del /q /f ..\build\*.exp
152 del /s /f /q ..\build\x64