[e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator.git] / tests / ocpp-server / server.py
1 import argparse
2 import asyncio
3 import logging
4 from datetime import datetime, timezone
5 from threading import Timer
7 import ocpp.v201
8 import websockets
9 from ocpp.routing import on
10 from ocpp.v201.enums import (
11 Action,
12 AuthorizationStatusType,
13 ClearCacheStatusType,
14 GenericDeviceModelStatusType,
15 RegistrationStatusType,
16 ReportBaseType,
17 TransactionEventType,
18 )
19 from websockets import ConnectionClosed
21 # Setting up the logging configuration to display debug level messages.
22 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
24 ChargePoints = set()
27 class RepeatTimer(Timer):
28 """Class that inherits from the Timer class. It will run a
29 function at regular intervals."""
31 def run(self):
32 while not self.finished.wait(self.interval):
33 self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
36 # Define a ChargePoint class inheriting from the OCPP 2.0.1 ChargePoint class.
37 class ChargePoint(ocpp.v201.ChargePoint):
38 # Message handlers to receive OCPP messages.
39 @on(Action.BootNotification)
40 async def on_boot_notification(self, charging_station, reason, **kwargs):
41 logging.info("Received %s", Action.BootNotification)
42 # Create and return a BootNotification response with the current time,
43 # an interval of 60 seconds, and an accepted status.
44 return ocpp.v201.call_result.BootNotification(
45 current_time=datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat(),
46 interval=60,
47 status=RegistrationStatusType.accepted,
48 )
50 @on(Action.Heartbeat)
51 async def on_heartbeat(self, **kwargs):
52 logging.info("Received %s", Action.Heartbeat)
53 return ocpp.v201.call_result.Heartbeat(
54 current_time=datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat()
55 )
57 @on(Action.StatusNotification)
58 async def on_status_notification(
59 self, timestamp, evse_id: int, connector_id: int, connector_status, **kwargs
60 ):
61 logging.info("Received %s", Action.StatusNotification)
62 return ocpp.v201.call_result.StatusNotification()
64 @on(Action.Authorize)
65 async def on_authorize(self, id_token, **kwargs):
66 logging.info("Received %s", Action.Authorize)
67 return ocpp.v201.call_result.Authorize(
68 id_token_info={"status": AuthorizationStatusType.accepted}
69 )
71 @on(Action.TransactionEvent)
72 async def on_transaction_event(
73 self,
74 event_type: TransactionEventType,
75 timestamp,
76 trigger_reason,
77 seq_no: int,
78 transaction_info,
79 **kwargs,
80 ):
81 match event_type:
82 case TransactionEventType.started:
83 logging.info("Received %s Started", Action.TransactionEvent)
84 return ocpp.v201.call_result.TransactionEvent(
85 id_token_info={"status": AuthorizationStatusType.accepted}
86 )
87 case TransactionEventType.updated:
88 logging.info("Received %s Updated", Action.TransactionEvent)
89 return ocpp.v201.call_result.TransactionEvent(total_cost=10)
90 case TransactionEventType.ended:
91 logging.info("Received %s Ended", Action.TransactionEvent)
92 return ocpp.v201.call_result.TransactionEvent()
94 @on(Action.MeterValues)
95 async def on_meter_values(self, evse_id: int, meter_value, **kwargs):
96 logging.info("Received %s", Action.MeterValues)
97 return ocpp.v201.call_result.MeterValues()
99 @on(Action.GetBaseReport)
100 async def on_get_base_report(
101 self, request_id: int, report_base: ReportBaseType, **kwargs
102 ):
103 logging.info("Received %s", Action.GetBaseReport)
104 return ocpp.v201.call_result.GetBaseReport(
105 status=GenericDeviceModelStatusType.accepted
106 )
108 # Request handlers to emit OCPP messages.
109 async def send_clear_cache(self):
110 request = ocpp.v201.call.ClearCache()
111 response = await self.call(request)
113 if response.status == ClearCacheStatusType.accepted:
114 logging.info("%s successful", Action.ClearCache)
115 else:
116 logging.info("%s failed", Action.ClearCache)
118 async def send_get_base_report(self):
119 request = ocpp.v201.call.GetBaseReport(
120 request_id=1, report_base=ReportBaseType.full_inventory
121 )
122 response = await self.call(request)
124 if response.status == GenericDeviceModelStatusType.accepted:
125 logging.info("%s successful", Action.GetBaseReport)
126 else:
127 logging.info("%s failed", Action.GetBaseReport)
129 async def send_command(self, command_name: Action):
130 logging.debug("Sending OCPP command: %s", command_name)
131 match command_name:
132 case Action.ClearCache:
133 await self.send_clear_cache()
134 case Action.GetBaseReport:
135 await self.send_get_base_report()
136 case _:
137 logging.info(f"Not supported command {command_name}")
140 # Function to send OCPP command
141 async def send_ocpp_command(cp, command_name, delay=None, period=None):
142 try:
143 if delay:
144 await asyncio.sleep(delay)
145 cp.send_command(command_name)
146 if period:
147 command_timer = RepeatTimer(
148 period,
149 cp.send_command,
150 [command_name],
151 )
152 command_timer.start()
153 except ConnectionClosed:
154 logging.info("ChargePoint %s closed connection", cp.id)
155 ChargePoints.remove(cp)
156 logging.debug("Connected ChargePoint(s): %d", len(ChargePoints))
159 # Function to handle new WebSocket connections.
160 async def on_connect(websocket, path):
161 """For every new charge point that connects, create a ChargePoint instance and start
162 listening for messages."""
163 try:
164 requested_protocols = websocket.request_headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"]
165 except KeyError:
166 logging.info("Client hasn't requested any Subprotocol. Closing Connection")
167 return await websocket.close()
169 if websocket.subprotocol:
170 logging.info("Protocols Matched: %s", websocket.subprotocol)
171 else:
172 logging.warning(
173 "Protocols Mismatched | Expected Subprotocols: %s,"
174 " but client supports %s | Closing connection",
175 websocket.available_subprotocols,
176 requested_protocols,
177 )
178 return await websocket.close()
180 charge_point_id = path.strip("/")
181 cp = ChargePoint(charge_point_id, websocket)
183 ChargePoints.add(cp)
184 try:
185 await cp.start()
186 except ConnectionClosed:
187 logging.info("ChargePoint %s closed connection", cp.id)
188 ChargePoints.remove(cp)
189 logging.debug("Connected ChargePoint(s): %d", len(ChargePoints))
192 # Main function to start the WebSocket server.
193 async def main():
194 # Define argument parser
195 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="OCPP2 Charge Point Simulator")
196 parser.add_argument("--command", type=str, help="OCPP2 Command Name")
197 parser.add_argument("--delay", type=int, help="Delay in seconds")
198 parser.add_argument("--period", type=int, help="Period in seconds")
200 # Create the WebSocket server and specify the handler for new connections.
201 server = await websockets.serve(
202 on_connect,
203 "", # Listen on loopback.
204 9000, # Port number.
205 subprotocols=["ocpp2.0", "ocpp2.0.1"], # Specify OCPP 2.0.1 subprotocols.
206 )
207 logging.info("WebSocket Server Started")
209 args = parser.parse_args()
211 if args.command:
212 for cp in ChargePoints:
213 await asyncio.create_task(
214 send_ocpp_command(cp, args.command, args.delay, args.period)
215 )
217 # Wait for the server to close (runs indefinitely).
218 await server.wait_closed()
221 # Entry point of the script.
222 if __name__ == "__main__":
223 # Run the main function to start the server.
224 asyncio.run(main())