refactor: cleanup tasks queue options handling
[poolifier.git] / tests / pools / thread / fixed.test.js
1 const { expect } = require('expect')
2 const { FixedThreadPool, PoolEvents } = require('../../../lib')
3 const { TaskFunctions } = require('../../test-types')
4 const { waitPoolEvents, waitWorkerEvents } = require('../../test-utils')
6 describe('Fixed thread pool test suite', () => {
7 const numberOfThreads = 6
8 const tasksConcurrency = 2
9 const pool = new FixedThreadPool(
10 numberOfThreads,
11 './tests/worker-files/thread/testWorker.js',
12 {
13 errorHandler: (e) => console.error(e)
14 }
15 )
16 const queuePool = new FixedThreadPool(
17 numberOfThreads,
18 './tests/worker-files/thread/testWorker.js',
19 {
20 enableTasksQueue: true,
21 tasksQueueOptions: {
22 concurrency: tasksConcurrency
23 },
24 errorHandler: (e) => console.error(e)
25 }
26 )
27 const emptyPool = new FixedThreadPool(
28 numberOfThreads,
29 './tests/worker-files/thread/emptyWorker.js',
30 { exitHandler: () =>'empty pool worker exited') }
31 )
32 const echoPool = new FixedThreadPool(
33 numberOfThreads,
34 './tests/worker-files/thread/echoWorker.js'
35 )
36 const errorPool = new FixedThreadPool(
37 numberOfThreads,
38 './tests/worker-files/thread/errorWorker.js',
39 {
40 errorHandler: (e) => console.error(e)
41 }
42 )
43 const asyncErrorPool = new FixedThreadPool(
44 numberOfThreads,
45 './tests/worker-files/thread/asyncErrorWorker.js',
46 {
47 errorHandler: (e) => console.error(e)
48 }
49 )
50 const asyncPool = new FixedThreadPool(
51 numberOfThreads,
52 './tests/worker-files/thread/asyncWorker.js'
53 )
55 after('Destroy all pools', async () => {
56 // We need to clean up the resources after our test
57 await echoPool.destroy()
58 await asyncPool.destroy()
59 await errorPool.destroy()
60 await asyncErrorPool.destroy()
61 await emptyPool.destroy()
62 await queuePool.destroy()
63 })
65 it('Verify that the function is executed in a worker thread', async () => {
66 let result = await pool.execute({
67 function: TaskFunctions.fibonacci
68 })
69 expect(result).toBe(75025)
70 result = await pool.execute({
71 function: TaskFunctions.factorial
72 })
73 expect(result).toBe(9.33262154439441e157)
74 })
76 it('Verify that is possible to invoke the execute() method without input', async () => {
77 const result = await pool.execute()
78 expect(result).toStrictEqual({ ok: 1 })
79 })
81 it("Verify that 'ready' event is emitted", async () => {
82 const pool1 = new FixedThreadPool(
83 numberOfThreads,
84 './tests/worker-files/thread/testWorker.js',
85 {
86 errorHandler: (e) => console.error(e)
87 }
88 )
89 let poolReady = 0
90 pool1.emitter.on(PoolEvents.ready, () => ++poolReady)
91 await waitPoolEvents(pool1, PoolEvents.ready, 1)
92 expect(poolReady).toBe(1)
93 })
95 it("Verify that 'busy' event is emitted", async () => {
96 const promises = new Set()
97 let poolBusy = 0
98 pool.emitter.on(PoolEvents.busy, () => ++poolBusy)
99 for (let i = 0; i < numberOfThreads * 2; i++) {
100 promises.add(pool.execute())
101 }
102 await Promise.all(promises)
103 // The `busy` event is triggered when the number of submitted tasks at once reach the number of fixed pool workers.
104 // So in total numberOfThreads + 1 times for a loop submitting up to numberOfThreads * 2 tasks to the fixed pool.
105 expect(poolBusy).toBe(numberOfThreads + 1)
106 })
108 it('Verify that tasks queuing is working', async () => {
109 const promises = new Set()
110 const maxMultiplier = 3 // Must be greater than tasksConcurrency
111 for (let i = 0; i < numberOfThreads * maxMultiplier; i++) {
112 promises.add(queuePool.execute())
113 }
114 expect(promises.size).toBe(numberOfThreads * maxMultiplier)
115 for (const workerNode of queuePool.workerNodes) {
116 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.executing).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0)
117 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.executing).toBeLessThanOrEqual(
118 queuePool.opts.tasksQueueOptions.concurrency
119 )
120 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.executed).toBe(0)
121 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.queued).toBe(
122 maxMultiplier - queuePool.opts.tasksQueueOptions.concurrency
123 )
124 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.maxQueued).toBe(
125 maxMultiplier - queuePool.opts.tasksQueueOptions.concurrency
126 )
127 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.stolen).toBe(0)
128 }
129 expect(
130 expect(
131 numberOfThreads * queuePool.opts.tasksQueueOptions.concurrency
132 )
133 expect(
134 numberOfThreads *
135 (maxMultiplier - queuePool.opts.tasksQueueOptions.concurrency)
136 )
137 expect(
138 numberOfThreads *
139 (maxMultiplier - queuePool.opts.tasksQueueOptions.concurrency)
140 )
141 expect(
142 expect(
143 await Promise.all(promises)
144 for (const workerNode of queuePool.workerNodes) {
145 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.executing).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0)
146 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.executing).toBeLessThanOrEqual(
147 numberOfThreads * maxMultiplier
148 )
149 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.executed).toBe(maxMultiplier)
150 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.queued).toBe(0)
151 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.maxQueued).toBe(
152 maxMultiplier - queuePool.opts.tasksQueueOptions.concurrency
153 )
154 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.stolen).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0)
155 expect(workerNode.usage.tasks.stolen).toBeLessThanOrEqual(
156 numberOfThreads * maxMultiplier
157 )
158 }
159 expect( * maxMultiplier)
160 expect(
161 expect(
162 expect(
163 numberOfThreads * maxMultiplier
164 )
165 })
167 it('Verify that is possible to have a worker that return undefined', async () => {
168 const result = await emptyPool.execute()
169 expect(result).toBeUndefined()
170 })
172 it('Verify that data are sent to the worker correctly', async () => {
173 const data = { f: 10 }
174 const result = await echoPool.execute(data)
175 expect(result).toStrictEqual(data)
176 })
178 it('Verify that transferable objects are sent to the worker correctly', async () => {
179 let error
180 let result
181 try {
182 result = await pool.execute(undefined, undefined, [
183 new ArrayBuffer(16),
184 new MessageChannel().port1
185 ])
186 } catch (e) {
187 error = e
188 }
189 expect(result).toStrictEqual({ ok: 1 })
190 expect(error).toBeUndefined()
191 try {
192 result = await pool.execute(undefined, undefined, [
193 new SharedArrayBuffer(16)
194 ])
195 } catch (e) {
196 error = e
197 }
198 expect(result).toStrictEqual({ ok: 1 })
199 expect(error).toStrictEqual(
200 new TypeError('Found invalid object in transferList')
201 )
202 })
204 it('Verify that error handling is working properly:sync', async () => {
205 const data = { f: 10 }
206 let taskError
207 errorPool.emitter.on(PoolEvents.taskError, (e) => {
208 taskError = e
209 })
210 let inError
211 try {
212 await errorPool.execute(data)
213 } catch (e) {
214 inError = e
215 }
216 expect(inError).toBeDefined()
217 expect(inError).toBeInstanceOf(Error)
218 expect(inError.message).toBeDefined()
219 expect(typeof inError.message === 'string').toBe(true)
220 expect(inError.message).toBe('Error Message from ThreadWorker')
221 expect(taskError).toStrictEqual({
222 name: 'default',
223 message: new Error('Error Message from ThreadWorker'),
224 data
225 })
226 expect(
227 errorPool.workerNodes.some(
228 (workerNode) => workerNode.usage.tasks.failed === 1
229 )
230 ).toBe(true)
231 })
233 it('Verify that error handling is working properly:async', async () => {
234 const data = { f: 10 }
235 let taskError
236 asyncErrorPool.emitter.on(PoolEvents.taskError, (e) => {
237 taskError = e
238 })
239 let inError
240 try {
241 await asyncErrorPool.execute(data)
242 } catch (e) {
243 inError = e
244 }
245 expect(inError).toBeDefined()
246 expect(inError).toBeInstanceOf(Error)
247 expect(inError.message).toBeDefined()
248 expect(typeof inError.message === 'string').toBe(true)
249 expect(inError.message).toBe('Error Message from ThreadWorker:async')
250 expect(taskError).toStrictEqual({
251 name: 'default',
252 message: new Error('Error Message from ThreadWorker:async'),
253 data
254 })
255 expect(
256 asyncErrorPool.workerNodes.some(
257 (workerNode) => workerNode.usage.tasks.failed === 1
258 )
259 ).toBe(true)
260 })
262 it('Verify that async function is working properly', async () => {
263 const data = { f: 10 }
264 const startTime =
265 const result = await asyncPool.execute(data)
266 const usedTime = - startTime
267 expect(result).toStrictEqual(data)
268 expect(usedTime).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2000)
269 })
271 it('Shutdown test', async () => {
272 const exitPromise = waitWorkerEvents(pool, 'exit', numberOfThreads)
273 let poolDestroy = 0
274 pool.emitter.on(PoolEvents.destroy, () => ++poolDestroy)
275 await pool.destroy()
276 const numberOfExitEvents = await exitPromise
277 expect(numberOfExitEvents).toBe(numberOfThreads)
278 expect(poolDestroy).toBe(1)
279 })
281 it('Verify that thread pool options are checked', async () => {
282 const workerFilePath = './tests/worker-files/thread/testWorker.js'
283 let pool1 = new FixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads, workerFilePath)
284 expect(pool1.opts.workerOptions).toBeUndefined()
285 await pool1.destroy()
286 pool1 = new FixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads, workerFilePath, {
287 workerOptions: {
288 env: { TEST: 'test' },
289 name: 'test'
290 }
291 })
292 expect(pool1.opts.workerOptions).toStrictEqual({
293 env: { TEST: 'test' },
294 name: 'test'
295 })
296 await pool1.destroy()
297 })
299 it('Should work even without opts in input', async () => {
300 const pool1 = new FixedThreadPool(
301 numberOfThreads,
302 './tests/worker-files/thread/testWorker.js'
303 )
304 const res = await pool1.execute()
305 expect(res).toStrictEqual({ ok: 1 })
306 // We need to clean up the resources after our test
307 await pool1.destroy()
308 })
310 it('Verify that a pool with zero worker fails', async () => {
311 expect(
312 () => new FixedThreadPool(0, './tests/worker-files/thread/testWorker.js')
313 ).toThrowError('Cannot instantiate a fixed pool with zero worker')
314 })
315 })