[deb_vid.stab.git] / transform.c
1 /*
2 * transform.c
3 *
4 * Copyright (C) Georg Martius - June 2007 - 2011
5 * georg dot martius at web dot de
6 *
7 * This file is part of vid.stab video stabilization library
8 *
9 * vid.stab is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
11 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
12 * (at your option) any later version.
13 *
14 * vid.stab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 *
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
21 * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
22 *
23 */
25 #include "transform.h"
26 #include "transform_internal.h"
27 #include "transformtype_operations.h"
29 #include "transformfixedpoint.h"
30 #ifdef TESTING
31 #include "transformfloat.h"
32 #endif
34 #include <math.h>
35 #include <libgen.h>
36 #include <string.h>
38 const char* interpol_type_names[5] = {"No (0)", "Linear (1)", "Bi-Linear (2)",
39 "Bi-Cubic (3)"};
41 const char* getInterpolationTypeName(VSInterpolType type){
42 if (type >= VS_Zero && type < VS_NBInterPolTypes)
43 return interpol_type_names[(int) type];
44 else
45 return "unknown";
46 }
48 // default initialization: attention the ffmpeg filter cannot call it
49 VSTransformConfig vsTransformGetDefaultConfig(const char* modName){
50 VSTransformConfig conf;
51 /* Options */
52 conf.maxShift = -1;
53 conf.maxAngle = -1;
54 conf.crop = VSKeepBorder;
55 conf.relative = 1;
56 conf.invert = 0;
57 conf.smoothing = 15;
58 conf.zoom = 0;
59 conf.optZoom = 1;
60 conf.zoomSpeed = 0.25;
61 conf.interpolType = VS_BiLinear;
62 conf.verbose = 0;
63 conf.modName = modName;
64 conf.simpleMotionCalculation = 0;
65 conf.storeTransforms = 0;
66 conf.smoothZoom = 0;
67 conf.camPathAlgo = VSOptimalL1;
68 return conf;
69 }
71 void vsTransformGetConfig(VSTransformConfig* conf, const VSTransformData* td){
72 if(td && conf)
73 *conf = td->conf;
74 }
76 const VSFrameInfo* vsTransformGetSrcFrameInfo(const VSTransformData* td){
77 return &td->fiSrc;
78 }
80 const VSFrameInfo* vsTransformGetDestFrameInfo(const VSTransformData* td){
81 return &td->fiDest;
82 }
85 int vsTransformDataInit(VSTransformData* td, const VSTransformConfig* conf,
86 const VSFrameInfo* fi_src, const VSFrameInfo* fi_dest){
87 td->conf = *conf;
89 td->fiSrc = *fi_src;
90 td->fiDest = *fi_dest;
92 vsFrameNull(&td->src);
93 td->srcMalloced = 0;
95 vsFrameNull(&td->destbuf);
96 vsFrameNull(&td->dest);
98 if (td->conf.maxShift > td->fiDest.width/2)
99 td->conf.maxShift = td->fiDest.width/2;
100 if (td->conf.maxShift > td->fiDest.height/2)
101 td->conf.maxShift = td->fiDest.height/2;
103 td->conf.interpolType = VS_MAX(VS_MIN(td->conf.interpolType,VS_BiCubic),VS_Zero);
105 // not yet implemented
106 if(td->conf.camPathAlgo==VSOptimalL1) td->conf.camPathAlgo=VSGaussian;
108 switch(td->conf.interpolType){
109 case VS_Zero: td->interpolate = &interpolateZero; break;
110 case VS_Linear: td->interpolate = &interpolateLin; break;
111 case VS_BiLinear: td->interpolate = &interpolateBiLin; break;
112 case VS_BiCubic: td->interpolate = &interpolateBiCub; break;
113 default: td->interpolate = &interpolateBiLin;
114 }
115 #ifdef TESTING
116 switch(td->conf.interpolType){
117 case VS_Zero: td->_FLT(interpolate) = &_FLT(interpolateZero); break;
118 case VS_Linear: td->_FLT(interpolate) = &_FLT(interpolateLin); break;
119 case VS_BiLinear: td->_FLT(interpolate) = &_FLT(interpolateBiLin); break;
120 case VS_BiCubic: td->_FLT(interpolate) = &_FLT(interpolateBiCub); break;
121 default: td->_FLT(interpolate) = &_FLT(interpolateBiLin);
122 }
124 #endif
125 return VS_OK;
126 }
128 void vsTransformDataCleanup(VSTransformData* td){
129 if (td->srcMalloced && !vsFrameIsNull(&td->src)) {
130 vsFrameFree(&td->src);
131 }
132 if (td->conf.crop == VSKeepBorder && !vsFrameIsNull(&td->destbuf)) {
133 vsFrameFree(&td->destbuf);
134 }
135 }
137 int vsTransformPrepare(VSTransformData* td, const VSFrame* src, VSFrame* dest){
138 // we first copy the frame to td->src and then overwrite the destination
139 // with the transformed version
140 td->dest = *dest;
141 if(src==dest || td->srcMalloced){ // in place operation: we have to copy the src first
142 if(vsFrameIsNull(&td->src)) {
143 vsFrameAllocate(&td->src,&td->fiSrc);
144 td->srcMalloced = 1;
145 }
146 if (vsFrameIsNull(&td->src)) {
147 vs_log_error(td->conf.modName, "vs_malloc failed\n");
148 return VS_ERROR;
149 }
150 vsFrameCopy(&td->src, src, &td->fiSrc);
151 }else{ // otherwise no copy needed
152 td->src=*src;
153 }
154 if (td->conf.crop == VSKeepBorder) {
155 if(vsFrameIsNull(&td->destbuf)) {
156 // if we keep the borders, we need a second buffer to store
157 // the previous stabilized frame, so we use destbuf
158 vsFrameAllocate(&td->destbuf,&td->fiDest);
159 if (vsFrameIsNull(&td->destbuf)) {
160 vs_log_error(td->conf.modName, "vs_malloc failed\n");
161 return VS_ERROR;
162 }
163 // if we keep borders, save first frame into the background buffer (destbuf)
164 vsFrameCopy(&td->destbuf, src, &td->fiSrc); // here we have to take care
165 }
166 }else{ // otherwise we directly operate on the destination
167 td->destbuf = *dest;
168 }
169 return VS_OK;
170 }
172 int vsDoTransform(VSTransformData* td, VSTransform t){
173 if (td->fiSrc.pFormat < PF_PACKED)
174 return transformPlanar(td, t);
175 else
176 return transformPacked(td, t);
177 }
180 int vsTransformFinish(VSTransformData* td){
181 if(td->conf.crop == VSKeepBorder){
182 // we have to store our result to video buffer
183 // note: destbuf stores stabilized frame to be the default for next frame
184 vsFrameCopy(&td->dest, &td->destbuf, &td->fiSrc);
185 }
186 return VS_OK;
187 }
190 VSTransform vsGetNextTransform(const VSTransformData* td, VSTransformations* trans){
191 if(trans->len <=0 ) return null_transform();
192 if (trans->current >= trans->len) {
193 trans->current = trans->len;
194 if(!trans->warned_end)
195 vs_log_warn(td->conf.modName, "not enough transforms found, use last transformation!\n");
196 trans->warned_end = 1;
197 }else{
198 trans->current++;
199 }
200 return trans->ts[trans->current-1];
201 }
203 void vsTransformationsInit(VSTransformations* trans){
204 trans->ts = 0;
205 trans->len = 0;
206 trans->current = 0;
207 trans->warned_end = 0;
208 }
210 void vsTransformationsCleanup(VSTransformations* trans){
211 if (trans->ts) {
212 vs_free(trans->ts);
213 trans->ts = NULL;
214 }
215 trans->len=0;
216 }
218 /*
219 * This is actually the core algorithm for canceling the jiggle in the
220 * movie. We have different implementations which are patched here.
221 */
222 int cameraPathOptimization(VSTransformData* td, VSTransformations* trans){
223 switch(td->conf.camPathAlgo){
224 case VSAvg: return cameraPathAvg(td,trans);
225 case VSOptimalL1: // not yet implenented
226 case VSGaussian: return cameraPathGaussian(td,trans);
227 // case VSOptimalL1: return cameraPathOptimalL1(td,trans);
228 }
229 return VS_ERROR;
230 }
232 /*
233 * We perform a low-pass filter on the camera path.
234 * This supports slow camera movemen, but in a smooth fasion.
235 * Here we use gaussian filter (gaussian kernel) lowpass filter
236 */
237 int cameraPathGaussian(VSTransformData* td, VSTransformations* trans){
238 VSTransform* ts = trans->ts;
239 if (trans->len < 1)
240 return VS_ERROR;
241 if (td->conf.verbose & VS_DEBUG) {
242 vs_log_msg(td->conf.modName, "Preprocess transforms:");
243 }
245 /* relative to absolute (integrate transformations) */
246 if (td->conf.relative) {
247 VSTransform t = ts[0];
248 for (int i = 1; i < trans->len; i++) {
249 ts[i] = add_transforms(&ts[i], &t);
250 t = ts[i];
251 }
252 }
254 if (td->conf.smoothing>0) {
255 VSTransform* ts2 = vs_malloc(sizeof(VSTransform) * trans->len);
256 memcpy(ts2, ts, sizeof(VSTransform) * trans->len);
257 int s = td->conf.smoothing * 2 + 1;
258 VSArray kernel = vs_array_new(s);
259 // initialize gaussian kernel
260 int mu = td->conf.smoothing;
261 double sigma2 = sqr(mu/2.0);
262 for(int i=0; i<=mu; i++){
263 kernel.dat[i] = kernel.dat[s-i-1] = exp(-sqr(i-mu)/sigma2);
264 }
265 // vs_array_print(kernel, stdout);
267 for (int i = 0; i < trans->len; i++) {
268 // make a convolution:
269 double weightsum=0;
270 VSTransform avg = null_transform();
271 for(int k=0; k<s; k++){
272 int idx = i+k-mu;
273 if(idx>=0 && idx<trans->len){
274 if(unlikely(0 && ts2[idx].extra==1)){ // deal with scene cuts or bad frames
275 if(k<mu) { // in the past of our frame: ignore everthing before
276 avg=null_transform();
277 weightsum=0;
278 continue;
279 }else{ //current frame or in future: stop here
280 if(k==mu) //for current frame: ignore completely
281 weightsum=0;
282 break;
283 }
284 }
285 weightsum+=kernel.dat[k];
286 avg=add_transforms_(avg, mult_transform(&ts2[idx], kernel.dat[k]));
287 }
288 }
289 if(weightsum>0){
290 avg = mult_transform(&avg, 1.0/weightsum);
292 // high frequency must be transformed away
293 ts[i] = sub_transforms(&ts[i], &avg);
294 }
295 if (td->conf.verbose & VS_DEBUG) {
296 vs_log_msg(td->conf.modName,
297 " avg: %5lf, %5lf, %5lf extra: %i weightsum %5lf",
298 avg.x, avg.y, avg.alpha, ts[i].extra, weightsum
299 );
300 }
301 }
302 }
303 return VS_OK;
304 }
306 /*
307 * We perform a low-pass filter in terms of transformations.
308 * This supports slow camera movement (low frequency), but in a smooth fasion.
309 * Here a simple average based filter
310 */
311 int cameraPathAvg(VSTransformData* td, VSTransformations* trans){
312 VSTransform* ts = trans->ts;
314 if (trans->len < 1)
315 return VS_ERROR;
316 if (td->conf.verbose & VS_DEBUG) {
317 vs_log_msg(td->conf.modName, "Preprocess transforms:");
318 }
319 if (td->conf.smoothing>0) {
320 /* smoothing */
321 VSTransform* ts2 = vs_malloc(sizeof(VSTransform) * trans->len);
322 memcpy(ts2, ts, sizeof(VSTransform) * trans->len);
324 /* we will do a sliding average with minimal update
325 * \hat x_{n/2} = x_1+x_2 + .. + x_n
326 * \hat x_{n/2+1} = x_2+x_3 + .. + x_{n+1} = x_{n/2} - x_1 + x_{n+1}
327 * avg = \hat x / n
328 */
329 int s = td->conf.smoothing * 2 + 1;
330 VSTransform null = null_transform();
331 /* avg is the average over [-smoothing, smoothing] transforms
332 around the current point */
333 VSTransform avg;
334 /* avg2 is a sliding average over the filtered signal! (only to past)
335 * with smoothing * 2 horizon to kill offsets */
336 VSTransform avg2 = null_transform();
337 double tau = 1.0/(2 * s);
338 /* initialise sliding sum with hypothetic sum centered around
339 * -1st element. We have two choices:
340 * a) assume the camera is not moving at the beginning
341 * b) assume that the camera moves and we use the first transforms
342 */
343 VSTransform s_sum = null;
344 for (int i = 0; i < td->conf.smoothing; i++){
345 s_sum = add_transforms(&s_sum, i < trans->len ? &ts2[i]:&null);
346 }
347 mult_transform(&s_sum, 2); // choice b (comment out for choice a)
349 for (int i = 0; i < trans->len; i++) {
350 VSTransform* old = ((i - td->conf.smoothing - 1) < 0)
351 ? &null : &ts2[(i - td->conf.smoothing - 1)];
352 VSTransform* new = ((i + td->conf.smoothing) >= trans->len)
353 ? &null : &ts2[(i + td->conf.smoothing)];
354 s_sum = sub_transforms(&s_sum, old);
355 s_sum = add_transforms(&s_sum, new);
357 avg = mult_transform(&s_sum, 1.0/s);
359 /* lowpass filter:
360 * meaning high frequency must be transformed away
361 */
362 ts[i] = sub_transforms(&ts2[i], &avg);
363 /* kill accumulating offset in the filtered signal*/
364 avg2 = add_transforms_(mult_transform(&avg2, 1 - tau),
365 mult_transform(&ts[i], tau));
366 ts[i] = sub_transforms(&ts[i], &avg2);
368 if (td->conf.verbose & VS_DEBUG) {
369 vs_log_msg(td->conf.modName,
370 "s_sum: %5lf %5lf %5lf, ts: %5lf, %5lf, %5lf\n",
371 s_sum.x, s_sum.y, s_sum.alpha,
372 ts[i].x, ts[i].y, ts[i].alpha);
373 vs_log_msg(td->conf.modName,
374 " avg: %5lf, %5lf, %5lf avg2: %5lf, %5lf, %5lf",
375 avg.x, avg.y, avg.alpha,
376 avg2.x, avg2.y, avg2.alpha);
377 }
378 }
379 vs_free(ts2);
380 }
381 /* relative to absolute */
382 if (td->conf.relative) {
383 VSTransform t = ts[0];
384 for (int i = 1; i < trans->len; i++) {
385 ts[i] = add_transforms(&ts[i], &t);
386 t = ts[i];
387 }
388 }
389 return VS_OK;
390 }
393 /**
394 * vsPreprocessTransforms: camera path optimization, relative to absolute conversion,
395 * and cropping of too large transforms.
396 *
397 * Parameters:
398 * td: transform private data structure
399 * trans: list of transformations (changed)
400 * Return value:
401 * 1 for success and 0 for failure
402 * Preconditions:
403 * None
404 * Side effects:
405 * td->trans will be modified
406 */
407 int vsPreprocessTransforms(VSTransformData* td, VSTransformations* trans)
408 {
409 // works inplace on trans
410 if(cameraPathOptimization(td, trans)!=VS_OK) return VS_ERROR;
411 VSTransform* ts = trans->ts;
412 /* invert? */
413 if (td->conf.invert) {
414 for (int i = 0; i < trans->len; i++) {
415 ts[i] = mult_transform(&ts[i], -1);
416 }
417 }
419 /* crop at maximal shift */
420 if (td->conf.maxShift != -1)
421 for (int i = 0; i < trans->len; i++) {
422 ts[i].x = VS_CLAMP(ts[i].x, -td->conf.maxShift, td->conf.maxShift);
423 ts[i].y = VS_CLAMP(ts[i].y, -td->conf.maxShift, td->conf.maxShift);
424 }
425 if (td->conf.maxAngle != - 1.0)
426 for (int i = 0; i < trans->len; i++)
427 ts[i].alpha = VS_CLAMP(ts[i].alpha, -td->conf.maxAngle, td->conf.maxAngle);
429 /* Calc optimal zoom (1)
430 * cheap algo is to only consider translations
431 * uses cleaned max and min to eliminate 99% of transforms
432 */
433 if (td->conf.optZoom == 1 && trans->len > 1){
434 VSTransform min_t, max_t;
435 cleanmaxmin_xy_transform(ts, trans->len, 1, &min_t, &max_t); // 99% of all transformations
436 // the zoom value only for x
437 double zx = 2*VS_MAX(max_t.x,fabs(min_t.x))/td->fiSrc.width;
438 // the zoom value only for y
439 double zy = 2*VS_MAX(max_t.y,fabs(min_t.y))/td->fiSrc.height;
440 td->conf.zoom += 100 * VS_MAX(zx,zy); // use maximum
441 td->conf.zoom = VS_CLAMP(td->conf.zoom,-60,60);
442 vs_log_info(td->conf.modName, "Final zoom: %lf\n", td->conf.zoom);
443 }
444 /* Calc optimal zoom (2)
445 * sliding average to zoom only as much as needed also using rotation angles
446 * the baseline zoom is the mean required zoom + global zoom
447 * in order to avoid too much zooming in and out
448 */
449 if (td->conf.optZoom == 2 && trans->len > 1){
450 double* zooms=(double*)vs_zalloc(sizeof(double)*trans->len);
451 int w = td->fiSrc.width;
452 int h = td->fiSrc.height;
453 double req;
454 double meanzoom;
455 for (int i = 0; i < trans->len; i++) {
456 zooms[i] = transform_get_required_zoom(&ts[i], w, h);
457 }
458 meanzoom = mean(zooms, trans->len) + td->conf.zoom; // add global zoom
459 // forward - propagation (to make the zooming smooth)
460 req = meanzoom;
461 for (int i = 0; i < trans->len; i++) {
462 req = VS_MAX(req, zooms[i]);
463 ts[i].zoom=VS_MAX(ts[i].zoom,req);
464 req= VS_MAX(meanzoom, req - td->conf.zoomSpeed); // zoom-out each frame
465 }
466 // backward - propagation
467 req = meanzoom;
468 for (int i = trans->len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
469 req = VS_MAX(req, zooms[i]);
470 ts[i].zoom=VS_MAX(ts[i].zoom,req);
471 req= VS_MAX(meanzoom, req - td->conf.zoomSpeed);
472 }
473 vs_free(zooms);
474 }else if (td->conf.zoom != 0){ /* apply global zoom */
475 for (int i = 0; i < trans->len; i++)
476 ts[i].zoom += td->conf.zoom;
477 }
479 return VS_OK;
480 }
483 /**
484 * vsLowPassTransforms: single step smoothing of transforms, using only the past.
485 * see also vsPreprocessTransforms. Here only relative transformations are
486 * considered (produced by motiondetection). Also cropping of too large transforms.
487 *
488 * Parameters:
489 * td: transform private data structure
490 * mem: memory for sliding average transformation
491 * trans: current transform (from previous to current frame)
492 * Return value:
493 * new transformation for current frame
494 * Preconditions:
495 * None
496 */
497 VSTransform vsLowPassTransforms(VSTransformData* td, VSSlidingAvgTrans* mem,
498 const VSTransform* trans)
499 {
501 if (!mem->initialized){
502 // use the first transformation as the average camera movement
503 mem->avg=*trans;
504 mem->initialized=1;
505 mem->zoomavg=0.0;
506 mem->accum = null_transform();
507 return mem->accum;
508 }else{
509 double s = 1.0/(td->conf.smoothing + 1);
510 double tau = 1.0/(3.0 * (td->conf.smoothing + 1));
511 if(td->conf.smoothing>0){
512 // otherwise do the sliding window
513 mem->avg = add_transforms_(mult_transform(&mem->avg, 1 - s),
514 mult_transform(trans, s));
515 }else{
516 mem->avg = *trans;
517 }
519 /* lowpass filter:
520 * meaning high frequency must be transformed away
521 */
522 VSTransform newtrans = sub_transforms(trans, &mem->avg);
524 /* relative to absolute */
525 if (td->conf.relative) {
526 newtrans = add_transforms(&newtrans, &mem->accum);
527 mem->accum = newtrans;
528 if(td->conf.smoothing>0){
529 // kill accumulating effects
530 mem->accum = mult_transform(&mem->accum, 1.0 - tau);
531 }
532 }
534 /* crop at maximal shift */
535 if (td->conf.maxShift != -1){
536 newtrans.x = VS_CLAMP(newtrans.x, -td->conf.maxShift, td->conf.maxShift);
537 newtrans.y = VS_CLAMP(newtrans.y, -td->conf.maxShift, td->conf.maxShift);
538 }
539 if (td->conf.maxAngle != - 1.0)
540 newtrans.alpha = VS_CLAMP(newtrans.alpha, -td->conf.maxAngle, td->conf.maxAngle);
542 /* Calc sliding optimal zoom
543 * cheap algo is to only consider translations and to sliding avg
544 */
545 if (td->conf.optZoom != 0 && td->conf.smoothing > 0){
546 // the zoom value only for x
547 double zx = 2*newtrans.x/td->fiSrc.width;
548 // the zoom value only for y
549 double zy = 2*newtrans.y/td->fiSrc.height;
550 double reqzoom = 100* VS_MAX(fabs(zx),fabs(zy)); // maximum is requried zoom
551 mem->zoomavg = (mem->zoomavg*(1-s) + reqzoom*s);
552 // since we only use past it is good to aniticipate
553 // and zoom a little in any case (so set td->zoom to 2 or so)
554 newtrans.zoom = mem->zoomavg;
555 }
556 if (td->conf.zoom != 0){
557 newtrans.zoom += td->conf.zoom;
558 }
559 return newtrans;
560 }
561 }
563 /*
564 * Local variables:
565 * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
566 * c-file-offsets: ((case-label . *) (statement-case-intro . *))
567 * indent-tabs-mode: nil
568 * c-basic-offset: 2 t
569 * End:
570 *
571 * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=2:
572 */