const { randomInt } = require('node:crypto') const { strictEqual } = require('node:assert') const { existsSync, mkdirSync, readFileSync, rmSync, writeFileSync } = require('node:fs') const Benchmark = require('benchmark') const { DynamicClusterPool, DynamicThreadPool, FixedClusterPool, FixedThreadPool, Measurements, PoolTypes, WorkerChoiceStrategies, WorkerTypes } = require('../lib/index.cjs') const { TaskFunctions } = require('./benchmarks-types.cjs') const buildPoolifierPool = (workerType, poolType, poolSize, poolOptions) => { switch (poolType) { case PoolTypes.fixed: switch (workerType) { case WorkerTypes.thread: return new FixedThreadPool( poolSize, './benchmarks/internal/thread-worker.mjs', poolOptions ) case WorkerTypes.cluster: return new FixedClusterPool( poolSize, './benchmarks/internal/cluster-worker.cjs', poolOptions ) } break case PoolTypes.dynamic: switch (workerType) { case WorkerTypes.thread: return new DynamicThreadPool( Math.floor(poolSize / 2), poolSize, './benchmarks/internal/thread-worker.mjs', poolOptions ) case WorkerTypes.cluster: return new DynamicClusterPool( Math.floor(poolSize / 2), poolSize, './benchmarks/internal/cluster-worker.cjs', poolOptions ) } break } } const runPoolifierPool = async (pool, { taskExecutions, workerData }) => { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let executions = 0 for (let i = 1; i <= taskExecutions; i++) { pool .execute(workerData) .then(() => { ++executions if (executions === taskExecutions) { resolve({ ok: 1 }) } return undefined }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) reject(err) }) } }) } const runPoolifierPoolBenchmark = async ( name, workerType, poolType, poolSize, { taskExecutions, workerData } ) => { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const pool = buildPoolifierPool(workerType, poolType, poolSize) const suite = new Benchmark.Suite(name) try { for (const workerChoiceStrategy of Object.values( WorkerChoiceStrategies )) { for (const enableTasksQueue of [false, true]) { if (workerChoiceStrategy === WorkerChoiceStrategies.FAIR_SHARE) { for (const measurement of [ Measurements.runTime, Measurements.elu ]) { suite.add( `${name} with ${workerChoiceStrategy}, with ${measurement} and ${ enableTasksQueue ? 'with' : 'without' } tasks queue`, async () => { pool.setWorkerChoiceStrategy(workerChoiceStrategy, { measurement }) pool.enableTasksQueue(enableTasksQueue) strictEqual( pool.opts.workerChoiceStrategy, workerChoiceStrategy ) strictEqual(pool.opts.enableTasksQueue, enableTasksQueue) strictEqual( pool.opts.workerChoiceStrategyOptions.measurement, measurement ) await runPoolifierPool(pool, { taskExecutions, workerData }) } ) } } else { suite.add( `${name} with ${workerChoiceStrategy} and ${ enableTasksQueue ? 'with' : 'without' } tasks queue`, async () => { pool.setWorkerChoiceStrategy(workerChoiceStrategy) pool.enableTasksQueue(enableTasksQueue) strictEqual( pool.opts.workerChoiceStrategy, workerChoiceStrategy ) strictEqual(pool.opts.enableTasksQueue, enableTasksQueue) await runPoolifierPool(pool, { taskExecutions, workerData }) } ) } } } suite .on('cycle', event => { }) .on('complete', function () { 'Fastest is ' + LIST_FORMATTER.format(this.filter('fastest').map('name')) ) const destroyTimeout = setTimeout(() => { console.error('Pool destroy timeout reached (30s)') resolve() }, 30000) pool .destroy() .then(resolve) .catch(reject) .finally(() => { clearTimeout(destroyTimeout) }) .catch(() => {}) }) .run({ async: true }) } catch (error) { pool .destroy() .then(() => { return reject(error) }) .catch(() => {}) } }) } const LIST_FORMATTER = new Intl.ListFormat('en-US', { style: 'long', type: 'conjunction' }) const generateRandomInteger = (max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, min = 0) => { if (max < min || max < 0 || min < 0) { throw new RangeError('Invalid interval') } max = Math.floor(max) if (min != null && min !== 0) { min = Math.ceil(min) return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min } return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1)) } const jsonIntegerSerialization = n => { for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { const o = { a: i } JSON.stringify(o) } return { ok: 1 } } /** * Intentionally inefficient implementation. * @param {number} n - The number of fibonacci numbers to generate. * @returns {number} - The nth fibonacci number. */ const fibonacci = n => { if (n <= 1) return n return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2) } /** * Intentionally inefficient implementation. * @param {number} n - The number to calculate the factorial of. * @returns {number} - The factorial of n. */ const factorial = n => { if (n === 0) { return 1 } return factorial(n - 1) * n } const readWriteFiles = ( n, baseDirectory = `/tmp/poolifier-benchmarks/${randomInt(281474976710655)}` ) => { if (existsSync(baseDirectory) === true) { rmSync(baseDirectory, { recursive: true }) } mkdirSync(baseDirectory, { recursive: true }) for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { const filePath = `${baseDirectory}/${i}` writeFileSync(filePath, i.toString(), { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'a' }) readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') } rmSync(baseDirectory, { recursive: true }) return { ok: 1 } } const executeTaskFunction = data => { switch (data.function) { case TaskFunctions.jsonIntegerSerialization: return jsonIntegerSerialization(data.taskSize || 1000) case TaskFunctions.fibonacci: return fibonacci(data.taskSize || 1000) case TaskFunctions.factorial: return factorial(data.taskSize || 1000) case TaskFunctions.readWriteFiles: return readWriteFiles(data.taskSize || 1000) default: throw new Error('Unknown task function') } } module.exports = { LIST_FORMATTER, executeTaskFunction, generateRandomInteger, runPoolifierPoolBenchmark }