Class AbstractPool<Worker, Data, Response>Abstract

Base class that implements some shared logic for all poolifier pools.

Type Parameters

  • Worker extends IWorker

    Type of worker which manages this pool.

  • Data = unknown

    Type of data sent to the worker. This can only be structured-cloneable data.

  • Response = unknown

    Type of execution response. This can only be structured-cloneable data.

Hierarchy (view full)






addTaskFunction addWorkerNode afterTaskExecutionHook afterWorkerNodeSetup beforeTaskExecutionHook buildTasksQueueOptions cannotStealTask checkAndEmitDynamicWorkerCreationEvents checkAndEmitEmptyEvent checkAndEmitReadyEvent checkAndEmitTaskExecutionEvents checkAndEmitTaskQueuingEvents checkMessageWorkerId checkMinimumNumberOfWorkers checkPoolOptions checkPoolType checkValidWorkerChoiceStrategyOptions chooseWorkerNode createAndSetupDynamicWorkerNode createAndSetupWorkerNode createWorkerNode dequeueTask deregisterWorkerMessageListener destroy destroyWorkerNode enableTasksQueue enqueueTask execute executeTask flagWorkerNodeAsNotReady flushTasksQueue flushTasksQueues getTaskFunctionWorkerWorkerChoiceStrategy getWorkerInfo getWorkerNodeKeyByWorkerId getWorkerNodeTaskFunctionPriority getWorkerWorkerChoiceStrategies handleTask handleTaskExecutionResponse handleWorkerNodeBackPressureEvent handleWorkerNodeIdleEvent handleWorkerReadyResponse hasBackPressure hasTaskFunction initEventEmitter initWorkerNodeUsage internalBusy isMain isWorkerNodeBusy listTaskFunctionsProperties redistributeQueuedTasks registerOnceWorkerMessageListener registerWorkerMessageListener removeTaskFunction removeWorkerNode resetTaskSequentiallyStolenStatisticsTaskFunctionWorkerUsage resetTaskSequentiallyStolenStatisticsWorkerUsage sendKillMessageToWorker sendStartupMessageToWorker sendStatisticsMessageToWorker sendTaskFunctionOperationToWorker sendTaskFunctionOperationToWorkers sendToWorker setDefaultTaskFunction setTaskStealing setTasksQueueOptions setTasksQueueSize setTasksStealingOnBackPressure setWorkerChoiceStrategy setWorkerChoiceStrategyOptions setupHook shallCreateDynamicWorker shallExecuteTask shallUpdateTaskFunctionWorkerUsage start startMinimumNumberOfWorkers tasksQueueSize unsetTaskStealing unsetTasksStealingOnBackPressure updateTaskSequentiallyStolenStatisticsTaskFunctionWorkerUsage updateTaskSequentiallyStolenStatisticsWorkerUsage updateTaskStolenStatisticsWorkerUsage workerMessageListener workerNodeStealTask



destroying: boolean

Whether the pool is destroying or not.

emitter?: EventEmitterAsyncResource

Pool event emitter integrated with async resource. The async tracking tooling identifier is poolifier:<PoolType>-<WorkerType>-pool.

Events that can currently be listened to:

  • 'ready': Emitted when the number of workers created in the pool has reached the minimum size expected and are ready. If the pool is dynamic with a minimum number of workers is set to zero, this event is emitted when at least one dynamic worker is ready.
  • 'busy': Emitted when the number of workers created in the pool has reached the maximum size expected and are executing concurrently their tasks quota.
  • 'full': Emitted when the pool is dynamic and the number of workers created has reached the maximum size expected.
  • 'empty': Emitted when the pool is dynamic with a minimum number of workers set to zero and the number of workers has reached the minimum size expected.
  • 'destroy': Emitted when the pool is destroyed.
  • 'error': Emitted when an uncaught error occurs.
  • 'taskError': Emitted when an error occurs while executing a task.
  • 'backPressure': Emitted when all worker nodes have back pressure (i.e. their tasks queue is full: queue size >= maximum queue size).
filePath: string

Path to the worker file.

maximumNumberOfWorkers?: number

Maximum number of workers that this pool manages.

minimumNumberOfWorkers: number

Minimum number of workers that this pool manages.

Options for the pool.

promiseResponseMap: Map<string, PromiseResponseWrapper<Response>> = ...

The task execution response promise map:

  • key: The message id of each submitted task.
  • value: An object that contains task's worker node key, execution response promise resolve and reject callbacks, async resource.

When we receive a message from the worker, we get a map entry with the promise resolve/reject bound to the message id.

readyEventEmitted: boolean

Whether the pool ready event has been emitted or not.

startTimestamp?: number

The start timestamp of the pool.

started: boolean

Whether the pool is started or not.

starting: boolean

Whether the pool is starting or not.

startingMinimumNumberOfWorkers: boolean

Whether the minimum number of workers is starting or not.

taskFunctions: Map<string, TaskFunctionObject<Data, Response>>

The task functions added at runtime map:

  • key: The task function name.
  • value: The task function object.
workerChoiceStrategiesContext?: WorkerChoiceStrategiesContext<Worker, Data, Response>

Worker choice strategies context referencing worker choice algorithms implementation.

workerNodes: IWorkerNode<Worker, Data>[] = []

Pool worker nodes.


  • get type(): "fixed" | "dynamic"
  • The pool type.

    If it is 'dynamic', it provides the max property.

    Returns "fixed" | "dynamic"


  • Hook executed after the worker task execution. Can be overridden.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    • message: MessageValue<Response, unknown>

      The received message.

    Returns void

  • Method hooked up after a worker node has been newly created. Can be overridden.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The newly created worker node key.

    Returns void

  • Hook executed before the worker task execution. Can be overridden.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    • task: Task<Data>

      The task to execute.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • minimumNumberOfWorkers: undefined | number

    Returns void

  • Chooses a worker node for the next task given the worker choice strategy.



      The worker choice strategy.

    Returns number

    The chosen worker node key

  • Creates a new, completely set up dynamic worker node.

    Returns number

    New, completely set up dynamic worker node key.

  • Creates a new, completely set up worker node.

    Returns number

    New, completely set up worker node key.

  • Deregisters a listener callback on the worker given its worker node key.

    Type Parameters

    • Message


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    • listener: ((message) => void)

      The message listener callback.

    Returns void

  • Terminates the worker node given its worker node key.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Executes the given task on the worker given its worker node key.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    • task: Task<Data>

      The task to execute.

    Returns void

  • Gets task function strategy, if any.


    • Optional name: string

      The task function name.


    The task function worker choice strategy if the task function worker choice strategy is defined, undefined otherwise.

  • Gets the worker information given its worker node key.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    Returns undefined | WorkerInfo

    The worker information.

  • Gets the worker node key given its worker id.


    • workerId: undefined | number

      The worker id.

    Returns number

    The worker node key if the worker id is found in the pool worker nodes, -1 otherwise.

  • Gets worker node task function priority, if any.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    • Optional name: string

      The task function name.

    Returns undefined | number

    The task function worker choice priority if the task function worker choice priority is defined, undefined otherwise.

  • Gets the worker choice strategies registered in this pool.


    The worker choice strategies.

  • Whether worker nodes are executing concurrently their tasks quota or not.

    Returns boolean

    Worker nodes busyness boolean status.

  • Returns whether the worker is the main worker or not.

    Returns boolean

    true if the worker is the main worker, false otherwise.

  • Registers once a listener callback on the worker given its worker node key.

    Type Parameters

    • Message


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    • listener: ((message) => void)

      The message listener callback.

    Returns void

  • Registers a listener callback on the worker given its worker node key.

    Type Parameters

    • Message


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    • listener: ((message) => void)

      The message listener callback.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • workerNodeKey: number
    • taskName: string

    Returns void

  • Sends the startup message to worker given its worker node key.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    Returns void

  • Sends the statistics message to worker given its worker node key.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    Returns void

  • Sends a message to worker given its worker node key.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    • message: MessageValue<Data, unknown>

      The message.

    • Optional transferList: readonly TransferListItem[]

      The optional array of transferable objects.

    Returns void

  • Setup hook to execute code before worker nodes are created in the abstract constructor. Can be overridden.

    Returns void

  • Conditions for dynamic worker creation.

    Returns boolean

    Whether to create a dynamic worker or not.

  • Whether the worker node shall update its task function worker usage or not.


    • workerNodeKey: number

      The worker node key.

    Returns boolean

    true if the worker node shall update its task function worker usage, false otherwise.

  • Starts the minimum number of workers.


    • initWorkerNodeUsage: boolean = false

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • workerNodeKey: number
    • taskName: string

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • workerNodeKey: number

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • workerNodeKey: number
    • taskName: string

    Returns void