Class DynamicThreadPool<Data, Response>

A thread pool with a dynamic number of threads, but a guaranteed minimum number of threads.

This thread pool creates new threads when the others are busy, up to the maximum number of threads. When the maximum number of threads is reached, an event is emitted. If you want to listen to this event, use the pool's emitter.


Alessandro Pio Ardizio



Type Parameters

  • Data = unknown

    Type of data sent to the worker. This can only be serializable data.

  • Response = unknown

    Type of response of execution. This can only be serializable data.




emitter?: PoolEmitter

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filePath: string
max: number
nextMessageId: number = 0

Id of the next message.

numberOfWorkers: number
promiseMap: Map<number, PromiseWorkerResponseWrapper<ThreadWorkerWithMessageChannel, Response>> = ...

The promise map.

  • key: This is the message Id of each submitted task.
  • value: An object that contains the worker, the resolve function and the reject function.

When we receive a message from the worker we get a map entry and resolve/reject the promise based on the message.

workerChoiceStrategyContext: WorkerChoiceStrategyContext<ThreadWorkerWithMessageChannel, Data, Response>

Worker choice strategy instance implementing the worker choice algorithm.

Default to a strategy implementing a round robin algorithm.

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workersTasksUsage: Map<ThreadWorkerWithMessageChannel, TasksUsage> = ...

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  • get numberOfRunningTasks(): number
  • Inherit Doc

    Returns number


  • Inherit Doc



    Returns void

  • This function is the listener registered for each worker.


    The listener function to execute when a message is received from a worker.

    Returns ((message: MessageValue<Response, unknown>) => void)

      • (message: MessageValue<Response, unknown>): void
      • This function is the listener registered for each worker.


        The listener function to execute when a message is received from a worker.


        • message: MessageValue<Response, unknown>

        Returns void

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