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Class AbstractWorker<MainWorker, Data, Response>

Base class containing some shared logic for all poolifier workers.

Type parameters

  • MainWorker: Worker | MessagePort

    Type of main worker.

  • Data = unknown

    Type of data this worker receives from pool's execution. This can only be serializable data.

  • Response = unknown

    Type of response the worker sends back to the main worker. This can only be serializable data.





  • new AbstractWorker<MainWorker, Data, Response>(type: string, isMain: boolean, fn: (data: Data) => Response, mainWorker?: null | MainWorker, opts?: WorkerOptions): AbstractWorker<MainWorker, Data, Response>
  • Constructs a new poolifier worker.

    Type parameters

    • MainWorker: Worker | MessagePort

    • Data = unknown

    • Response = unknown


    • type: string

      The type of async event.

    • isMain: boolean

      Whether this is the main worker or not.

    • fn: (data: Data) => Response

      Function processed by the worker when the pool's execution function is invoked.

        • (data: Data): Response
        • Parameters

          • data: Data

          Returns Response

    • Optional mainWorker: null | MainWorker

      Reference to main worker.

    • opts: WorkerOptions = ...

      Options for the worker.

    Returns AbstractWorker<MainWorker, Data, Response>


Protected Readonly async

async: boolean

Whether the worker is working asynchronously or not.

Protected Optional Readonly interval

interval: undefined | Timeout

Handler ID of the interval alive check.

Protected Readonly killBehavior

killBehavior: "SOFT" | "HARD"

The kill behavior set as option on the Worker constructor or a default value.

Protected lastTask

lastTask: number

Timestamp of the last task processed by this worker.

Protected Optional mainWorker

mainWorker: undefined | null | MainWorker

Protected Readonly maxInactiveTime

maxInactiveTime: number

The maximum time to keep this worker alive while idle. The pool automatically checks and terminates this worker when the time expires.

Readonly opts

opts: WorkerOptions = ...



  • asyncId(): number
  • Returns number

    the unique ID assigned to this AsyncResource instance.


  • bind<Func>(fn: Func): Func & { asyncResource: AsyncResource }
  • Binds the given function to execute to this AsyncResource's scope.

    Type parameters

    • Func: (...args: any[]) => any


    • fn: Func

      The function to bind to the current AsyncResource.

    Returns Func & { asyncResource: AsyncResource }

Protected checkAlive

  • checkAlive(): void

Private checkFunctionInput

  • checkFunctionInput(fn: (data: Data) => Response): void
  • Check if the fn parameter is passed to the constructor.


    • fn: (data: Data) => Response

      The function that should be defined.

        • (data: Data): Response
        • Parameters

          • data: Data

          Returns Response

    Returns void


  • emitDestroy(): void
  • Call AsyncHooks destroy callbacks.

    Returns void

Protected getMainWorker

  • getMainWorker(): MainWorker

Protected handleError

  • handleError(e: string | Error): string
  • Handle an error and convert it to a string so it can be sent back to the main worker.


    • e: string | Error

      The error raised by the worker.

    Returns string

    Message of the error.

Protected run

  • run(fn: (data?: Data) => Response, value: MessageValue<Data, unknown>): void
  • Run the given function synchronously.


    • fn: (data?: Data) => Response

      Function that will be executed.

        • (data?: Data): Response
        • Parameters

          • Optional data: Data

          Returns Response

    • value: MessageValue<Data, unknown>

      Input data for the given function.

    Returns void

Protected runAsync

  • runAsync(fn: (data?: Data) => Promise<Response>, value: MessageValue<Data, unknown>): void
  • Run the given function asynchronously.


    • fn: (data?: Data) => Promise<Response>

      Function that will be executed.

        • (data?: Data): Promise<Response>
        • Parameters

          • Optional data: Data

          Returns Promise<Response>

    • value: MessageValue<Data, unknown>

      Input data for the given function.

    Returns void


  • runInAsyncScope<This, Result>(fn: (...args: any[]) => Result, thisArg?: This, ...args: any[]): Result
  • Call the provided function with the provided arguments in the execution context of the async resource. This will establish the context, trigger the AsyncHooks before callbacks, call the function, trigger the AsyncHooks after callbacks, and then restore the original execution context.

    Type parameters

    • This

    • Result


    • fn: (...args: any[]) => Result

      The function to call in the execution context of this async resource.

        • (...args: any[]): Result
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns Result

    • Optional thisArg: This

      The receiver to be used for the function call.

    • Rest ...args: any[]

      Optional arguments to pass to the function.

    Returns Result

Protected Abstract sendToMainWorker

  • sendToMainWorker(message: MessageValue<Response, unknown>): void
  • Send a message to the main worker.


    • message: MessageValue<Response, unknown>

      The response message.

    Returns void


  • triggerAsyncId(): number
  • Returns number

    the trigger ID for this AsyncResource instance.

Static bind

  • bind<Func>(fn: Func, type?: string): Func & { asyncResource: AsyncResource }
  • Binds the given function to the current execution context.

    Type parameters

    • Func: (...args: any[]) => any


    • fn: Func

      The function to bind to the current execution context.

    • Optional type: string

      An optional name to associate with the underlying AsyncResource.

    Returns Func & { asyncResource: AsyncResource }

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