/* * This file is part of the libCEC(R) library. * * libCEC(R) is Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Pulse-Eight Limited. All rights reserved. * libCEC(R) is an original work, containing original code. * * libCEC(R) is a trademark of Pulse-Eight Limited. * * This program is dual-licensed; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * * Alternatively, you can license this library under a commercial license, * please contact Pulse-Eight Licensing for more information. * * For more information contact: * Pulse-Eight Licensing * http://www.pulse-eight.com/ * http://www.pulse-eight.net/ */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; using CecSharp; using LibCECTray.Properties; using LibCECTray.controller.applications; using LibCECTray.settings; using LibCECTray.ui; namespace LibCECTray.controller { internal class CECController : CecCallbackMethods { public CECController(CECTray gui) { _gui = gui; CECActions = new Actions(this); InitialiseGui(); Settings.SettingChanged += OnSettingChanged; } #region Settings /// /// Called when a setting changed /// /// The setting that changed /// The old value /// The new value private void OnSettingChanged(CECSetting setting, object oldValue, object newValue) { if (setting.KeyName == CECSettings.KeyHDMIPort) { CECSettingByte byteSetting = setting as CECSettingByte; if (byteSetting != null) { if (!Settings.OverridePhysicalAddress.Value) Config.HDMIPort = byteSetting.Value; CECActions.SetConnectedDevice(Settings.ConnectedDevice.Value, byteSetting.Value); } } else if (setting.KeyName == CECSettings.KeyConnectedToHDMIDevice) { CECSettingLogicalAddress laSetting = setting as CECSettingLogicalAddress; if (laSetting != null) { if (!Settings.OverridePhysicalAddress.Value) Config.BaseDevice = laSetting.Value; CECActions.SetConnectedDevice(laSetting.Value, Settings.HDMIPort.Value); } } else if (setting.KeyName == CECSettings.KeyPhysicalAddress) { CECSettingUShort ushortSetting = setting as CECSettingUShort; if (ushortSetting != null && Settings.OverridePhysicalAddress.Value && Config.PhysicalAddress != ushortSetting.Value) { Config.PhysicalAddress = ushortSetting.Value; CECActions.SetPhysicalAddress(ushortSetting.Value); } } else if (setting.KeyName == CECSettings.KeyOverridePhysicalAddress) { CECSettingBool boolSetting = setting as CECSettingBool; if (boolSetting != null) { Settings.PhysicalAddress.Enabled = boolSetting.Value; Settings.HDMIPort.Enabled = !boolSetting.Value; Settings.ConnectedDevice.Enabled = !boolSetting.Value; if (boolSetting.Value) { Config.BaseDevice = Settings.ConnectedDevice.Value; Config.HDMIPort = 0; Config.PhysicalAddress = Settings.PhysicalAddress.Value; } else { Config.BaseDevice = Settings.ConnectedDevice.Value; Config.HDMIPort = Settings.HDMIPort.Value; Config.PhysicalAddress = 0xFFFF; } } } else if (setting.KeyName == CECSettings.KeyDeviceType) { CECSettingDeviceType dtSetting = setting as CECSettingDeviceType; if (dtSetting != null) { if (dtSetting.Value != Config.DeviceTypes.Types[0] && Settings.OverrideTVVendor.Value) { Config.DeviceTypes.Types[0] = dtSetting.Value; if (!_deviceChangeWarningDisplayed) { _deviceChangeWarningDisplayed = true; MessageBox.Show(Resources.device_type_changed, Resources.app_name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } } else if (setting.KeyName == CECSettings.KeyOverrideTVVendor) { CECSettingBool boolSetting = setting as CECSettingBool; if (boolSetting != null) { Settings.TVVendor.Enabled = boolSetting.Value; Settings.TVVendor.Value = boolSetting.Value ? Lib.GetDeviceVendorId(CecLogicalAddress.Tv) : CecVendorId.Unknown; Config.TvVendor = boolSetting.Value ? Settings.TVVendor.Value : CecVendorId.Unknown; } } else if (setting.KeyName == CECSettings.KeyActivateSource) { CECSettingBool boolSetting = setting as CECSettingBool; if (boolSetting != null) Config.ActivateSource = boolSetting.Value; } else if (setting.KeyName == CECSettings.KeyTVVendor) { CECSettingVendorId vendorSetting = setting as CECSettingVendorId; if (vendorSetting != null && Settings.OverrideTVVendor.Value) Config.TvVendor = vendorSetting.Value; } else if (setting.KeyName == CECSettings.KeyWakeDevices) { CECSettingLogicalAddresses laSetting = setting as CECSettingLogicalAddresses; if (laSetting != null) Config.WakeDevices = laSetting.Value; } else if (setting.KeyName == CECSettings.KeyPowerOffDevices) { CECSettingLogicalAddresses laSetting = setting as CECSettingLogicalAddresses; if (laSetting != null) Config.PowerOffDevices = laSetting.Value; } } /// /// Persist all known settings in the registry /// public void PersistSettings() { /* save settings in the eeprom */ Lib.SetConfiguration(Config); Lib.PersistConfiguration(Config); /* and in the registry */ Settings.Persist(); } /// /// Reset all settings to their default values /// public void ResetDefaultSettings() { SetControlsEnabled(false); _gui.ShowHideAdvanced(false); CECActions.SuppressUpdates = true; Settings.SetDefaultValues(); _config = null; Lib.SetConfiguration(Config); CECActions.SuppressUpdates = false; _gui.ShowHideAdvanced(Settings.AdvancedMode.Value); SetControlsEnabled(true); } #endregion /// /// Opens a connection to libCEC and register known applications /// public void Initialise() { // only load once if (_initialised) return; _initialised = true; CECActions.ConnectToDevice(Config); Applications.Initialise(this); } /// /// Closes the connection to libCEC /// public void Close() { Lib.DisableCallbacks(); Lib.StandbyDevices(CecLogicalAddress.Broadcast); Lib.Close(); _initialised = false; } /// /// Register a new application controller, which will add a new tab for the application /// /// The new application to register /// True when registered, false otherwise public bool RegisterApplication(ApplicationController app) { if (_applications.Contains(app)) return false; _applications.Add(app); _gui.SuspendLayout(); _gui.TabControls.Add(app.UiControl); _gui.ResumeLayout(); app.Initialise(); return true; } #region GUI controls /// /// Initialises the UI /// private void InitialiseGui() { _gui.SuspendLayout(); _gui.InitialiseSettingsComponent(Settings); // add the controller tabs to the gui foreach (var ui in ApplicationUIs) _gui.TabControls.Add(ui); // enable/disable advanced mode _gui.ShowHideAdvanced(Settings.AdvancedMode.Value); _gui.ResumeLayout(); } /// /// Display a dialog /// /// The dialog to display /// True when modal public void DisplayDialog(Form control, bool modal) { _gui.DisplayDialog(control, modal); } /// /// Changes the status text of this window /// /// The new status text public void SetStatusText(string status) { _gui.SetStatusText(status); } /// /// Changes the progress bar value /// /// The new progress percentage /// True to make the bar visible, false otherwise public void SetProgressBar(int progress, bool visible) { _gui.SetProgressBar(progress, visible); } /// /// Enable/disable all controls /// /// True to enable, false to disable public void SetControlsEnabled(bool val) { Settings.Enabled = val; foreach (var app in _applications) app.UiControl.SetEnabled(val); _gui.SetControlsEnabled(val); } /// /// (re)check the logical addresses of the active devices on the bus /// public void CheckActiveDevices() { var activeDevices = Lib.GetActiveDevices(); List deviceList = new List(); foreach (var activeDevice in activeDevices.Addresses) { if (activeDevice != CecLogicalAddress.Unknown) deviceList.Add(string.Format("{0,1:X} : {1}", (int)activeDevice, Lib.ToString(activeDevice))); } deviceList.Add(string.Format("{0,1:X} : {1}", (int)CecLogicalAddress.Broadcast, Lib.ToString(CecLogicalAddress.Broadcast))); _gui.SetActiveDevices(deviceList.ToArray()); } /// /// Show/hide the taskbar entry /// /// True to show, false to hide public void SetShowInTaskbar(bool val) { _gui.SetShowInTaskbar(val); } /// /// Show or hide this window /// /// True to show, false to hide public void Hide(bool val) { _gui.SafeHide(val); } #endregion #region Callbacks called by libCEC public override int ReceiveCommand(CecCommand command) { return 0; } public override int ReceiveKeypress(CecKeypress key) { foreach (var app in _applications) { bool keySent = app.SendKey(key, app.UiName == _gui.SelectedTabName); if (keySent) { string strLog = string.Format("sent key '{0}' to '{1}'", (int) key.Keycode, app.UiName) + Environment.NewLine; _gui.AddLogMessage(strLog); break; } } return 1; } public override int ReceiveLogMessage(CecLogMessage message) { _gui.AddLogMessage(message); return 1; } public override int ReceiveAlert(CecAlert alert, CecParameter data) { switch (alert) { case CecAlert.ServiceDevice: MessageBox.Show(Resources.alert_service_device, Resources.cec_alert, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); break; case CecAlert.ConnectionLost: MessageBox.Show(Resources.alert_connection_lost, Resources.cec_alert, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); break; case CecAlert.PermissionError: MessageBox.Show(Resources.alert_permission_error, Resources.cec_alert, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); break; case CecAlert.PortBusy: MessageBox.Show(Resources.alert_port_busy, Resources.cec_alert, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); break; case CecAlert.PhysicalAddressError: MessageBox.Show(Resources.alert_physical_address_error, Resources.cec_alert, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); break; case CecAlert.TVPollFailed: MessageBox.Show(Resources.alert_tv_poll_failed, Resources.cec_alert, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); break; } return 1; } public override int ConfigurationChanged(LibCECConfiguration config) { Settings.PhysicalAddress.Value = Config.PhysicalAddress; Settings.ConnectedDevice.Value = Config.BaseDevice == CecLogicalAddress.AudioSystem ? CecLogicalAddress.AudioSystem : CecLogicalAddress.Tv; Settings.HDMIPort.Value = Config.HDMIPort; Settings.WakeDevices.Value = Config.WakeDevices; Settings.PowerOffDevices.Value = Config.PowerOffDevices; Settings.ActivateSource.Value = Config.ActivateSource; Settings.DeviceType.Value = config.DeviceTypes.Types[0]; if (config.TvVendor != CecVendorId.Unknown) { Settings.OverrideTVVendor.Value = true; Settings.TVVendor.Value = config.TvVendor; } else { Settings.OverrideTVVendor.Value = false; } _gui.SetControlText(_gui, Resources.app_name + " - libCEC " + Lib.ToString(Config.ServerVersion)); CECActions.UpdatePhysicalAddress(); return 1; } public override void SourceActivated(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress, bool activated) { if (!activated) return; foreach (var app in _applications) { if (app.AutoStartApplication.Value) app.Start(false); } } #endregion #region Members /// /// List of tab pages for each application that the UI supports /// public List ApplicationUIs { get { List retVal = new List(); foreach (var app in _applications) retVal.Add(app.UiControl); return retVal; } } /// /// List of application controllers that the UI supports /// private readonly List _applications = new List(); /// /// Settings that are persisted in the registry (when not using the default value) /// public CECSettings Settings { get { return _settings ?? (_settings = new CECSettings(OnSettingChanged)); } } private CECSettings _settings; /// /// libCEC configuration for the application /// private LibCECConfiguration Config { get { if (_config == null) { _config = new LibCECConfiguration { DeviceName = "CEC Tray", ClientVersion = CecClientVersion.Version2_1_0 }; _config.DeviceTypes.Types[0] = CecDeviceType.RecordingDevice; _config.SetCallbacks(this); if (Settings.OverridePhysicalAddress.Value) { _config.PhysicalAddress = Settings.PhysicalAddress.Value; _config.HDMIPort = 0; _config.BaseDevice = CecLogicalAddress.Unknown; } else { _config.PhysicalAddress = 0; _config.HDMIPort = Settings.HDMIPort.Value; _config.BaseDevice = Settings.ConnectedDevice.Value; } _config.ActivateSource = Settings.ActivateSource.Value; _config.DeviceTypes.Types[0] = Settings.DeviceType.Value; if (Settings.OverrideTVVendor.Value) _config.TvVendor = Settings.TVVendor.Value; _config.WakeDevices = Settings.WakeDevices.Value; _config.PowerOffDevices = Settings.PowerOffDevices.Value; } return _config; } } private LibCECConfiguration _config; /// /// Get build info from libCEC /// public string LibInfo { get { return Lib.GetLibInfo(); } } /// /// libCEC API version /// public string LibServerVersion { get { return Lib.ToString(Config.ServerVersion); } } /// /// libCEC client API version /// public string LibClientVersion { get { return Lib.ToString(Config.ClientVersion); } } /// /// Get the usb vendor id /// public ushort AdapterVendorId { get { return Lib.GetAdapterVendorId(); } } /// /// Get the usb product id /// public ushort AdapterProductId { get { return Lib.GetAdapterProductId(); } } /// /// libCEC /// public LibCecSharp Lib { get { return _lib ?? (_lib = new LibCecSharp(Config)); } } private LibCecSharp _lib; private readonly CECTray _gui; public Actions CECActions; private bool _deviceChangeWarningDisplayed; private bool _initialised; #endregion } }