/* * This file is part of the libCEC(R) library. * * libCEC(R) is Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Pulse-Eight Limited. All rights reserved. * libCEC(R) is an original work, containing original code. * * libCEC(R) is a trademark of Pulse-Eight Limited. * * This program is dual-licensed; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * * Alternatively, you can license this library under a commercial license, * please contact Pulse-Eight Licensing for more information. * * For more information contact: * Pulse-Eight Licensing * http://www.pulse-eight.com/ * http://www.pulse-eight.net/ */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using CecSharp; using LibCECTray.Properties; namespace LibCECTray.controller.applications { /// /// The type of the action that is executed /// enum ActionType { Generic = 0, CloseControllerApplication = 1, StartApplication = 2, SendKey = 3 } /// /// Class that contains one or more actions that can be executed or sent to the application /// abstract class ApplicationAction { /// /// Constructor /// /// The controller instance of the application that this action is targeting /// The type of the action that is executed protected ApplicationAction(ApplicationController controller, ActionType type) { Controller = controller; ActionType = type; } /// /// The type of the action that is executed /// public ActionType ActionType { private set; get; } /// /// Execute the action /// /// The window of the application that is targeted /// True when executed, false otherwise public abstract bool Transmit(IntPtr windowHandle); /// /// Serialisable string representation of this action /// /// The requested string public abstract string AsString(); /// /// String representation of this action in human readable form /// /// The requested string public abstract string AsFriendlyString(); /// /// Check whether this action is empty (not doing anything) /// /// True when empty, false otherwise public abstract bool Empty(); /// /// Checks whether the given action can be appended to this one. /// /// The action to check /// True when it can be appended, false otherwise public abstract bool CanAppend(ApplicationAction value); /// /// Append the given action to this action, and return the combined result /// /// The action to append to this one /// The combined result public abstract ApplicationAction Append(ApplicationAction value); /// /// Remove item at the given index from this action /// /// The index of the item to remove /// True when removed, false otherwise public abstract ApplicationAction RemoveKey(int index); /// /// The prefix to use for serialisation for this type /// protected string TypePrefix { get { return Enum.GetName(typeof(ActionType), ActionType); } } /// /// Get the parameter value from a string representation of an action of this type /// /// The value to get the parameter from /// The parameter protected string GetParameterFromString(string value) { var trimmedItem = value.Trim(); if (!trimmedItem.StartsWith(TypePrefix + "(") || !trimmedItem.EndsWith(")")) return string.Empty; return trimmedItem.Substring(TypePrefix.Length + 1, trimmedItem.Length - TypePrefix.Length - 2); } protected readonly ApplicationController Controller; } /// /// Closes LibCecTray /// internal class ApplicationActionCloseController : ApplicationAction { public ApplicationActionCloseController(ApplicationController controller) : base(controller, ActionType.CloseControllerApplication) { } public override bool Transmit(IntPtr windowHandle) { Application.Exit(); return true; } public override string AsString() { return TypePrefix; } public override string AsFriendlyString() { return string.Format("[{0}]", Resources.action_type_close_controller_application); } public static bool HasDefaultValue(CecKeypress key) { return DefaultValue(key) != null; } public static ApplicationAction DefaultValue(CecKeypress key) { switch (key.Keycode) { case CecUserControlCode.Power: case CecUserControlCode.PowerOnFunction: case CecUserControlCode.PowerOffFunction: case CecUserControlCode.PowerToggleFunction: return new ApplicationActionCloseController(null); } return null; } public override bool Empty() { return false; } public override bool CanAppend(ApplicationAction value) { return false; } public override ApplicationAction Append(ApplicationAction value) { return this; } public override ApplicationAction RemoveKey(int index) { return null; } public static ApplicationAction FromString(ApplicationController controller, string value) { ApplicationActionCloseController retVal = new ApplicationActionCloseController(controller); return value.Trim().Equals(retVal.AsString()) ? retVal : null; } } /// /// Starts an application /// internal class ApplicationActionStart : ApplicationAction { public ApplicationActionStart(ApplicationController controller) : base(controller, ActionType.StartApplication) { } public override bool Transmit(IntPtr windowHandle) { return Controller.Start(false); } public override string AsString() { return TypePrefix; } public override string AsFriendlyString() { return string.Format("[{0}]", Resources.action_type_start_application); } public override bool Empty() { return false; } public override bool CanAppend(ApplicationAction value) { return false; } public override ApplicationAction Append(ApplicationAction value) { return this; } public override ApplicationAction RemoveKey(int index) { return null; } public static ApplicationAction FromString(ApplicationController controller, string value) { ApplicationActionStart retVal = new ApplicationActionStart(controller); return value.Trim().Equals(retVal.AsString()) ? retVal : null; } public static bool HasDefaultValue(CecKeypress key) { return DefaultValue(key) != null; } public static ApplicationAction DefaultValue(CecKeypress key) { return null; } } /// /// Sends one or more actions to an application /// internal class ApplicationInput : ApplicationAction { public ApplicationInput(ApplicationController controller) : base(controller, ActionType.Generic) { } public static string FriendlyActionName(ActionType type) { switch (type) { case ActionType.Generic: return Resources.action_type_generic; case ActionType.CloseControllerApplication: return Resources.action_type_close_controller_application; case ActionType.StartApplication: return Resources.action_type_start_application; case ActionType.SendKey: return Resources.action_type_sendkey; default: return type.ToString(); } } public static ApplicationAction DefaultValue(ApplicationController controller, CecKeypress key) { return controller.HasDefaultValue(key) ? controller.DefaultValue(key) : new ApplicationInput(null); } public override bool Empty() { foreach (var item in _input) if (!item.Empty()) return false; return true; } public override bool CanAppend(ApplicationAction value) { return true; } public override ApplicationAction Append(ApplicationAction value) { if (value.Empty()) return this; var added = false; if (_input.Count > 0) { if (_input[_input.Count - 1].CanAppend(value)) { _input[_input.Count - 1].Append(value); added = true; } } if (!added) _input.Add(value); return this; } public override bool Transmit(IntPtr windowHandle) { var retval = true; foreach (var input in _input) { retval &= input.Transmit(windowHandle); } return retval; } public override string AsString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var input in _input) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} ", input.AsString()); } return sb.ToString().TrimEnd(); } public override string AsFriendlyString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var input in _input) sb.AppendFormat("{0} ", input.AsFriendlyString()); return sb.ToString().Trim(); } public override ApplicationAction RemoveKey(int index) { var ptr = 0; for (var itemPtr = 0; itemPtr < _input.Count; itemPtr++) { var item = _input[itemPtr]; var currentPtr = item.AsFriendlyString().Length; if (index <= ptr + currentPtr) { var newItem = item.RemoveKey(index - ptr); if (newItem == null || newItem.Empty()) _input.Remove(item); else _input[itemPtr] = newItem; break; } ptr += currentPtr; } return this; } public ApplicationInput RemoveItem(int index) { return RemoveKey(index) as ApplicationInput; } public static ApplicationInput FromString(ApplicationController controller, string value) { ApplicationInput retVal = new ApplicationInput(controller); var split = value.Trim().Split(' '); foreach (var item in split) { var addAction = KeyInput.FromString(controller, item); if (addAction == null || addAction.Empty()) addAction = ApplicationActionCloseController.FromString(controller, item); if (addAction == null || addAction.Empty()) addAction = ApplicationActionStart.FromString(controller, item); if (addAction != null && !addAction.Empty()) retVal.Append(addAction); } return retVal; } public ApplicationInput AddKey(WindowsAPI.VirtualKeyCode keyCode) { var key = new KeyInput(Controller, keyCode); if (!key.Empty()) Append(key); return this; } public ApplicationInput AddAction(ActionType action) { switch (action) { case ActionType.CloseControllerApplication: Append(new ApplicationActionCloseController(Controller)); break; case ActionType.StartApplication: Append(new ApplicationActionStart(Controller)); break; } return this; } private readonly List _input = new List(); } }