/* * This file is part of the libCEC(R) library. * * libCEC(R) is Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Pulse-Eight Limited. All rights reserved. * libCEC(R) is an original work, containing original code. * * libCEC(R) is a trademark of Pulse-Eight Limited. * * This program is dual-licensed; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * * Alternatively, you can license this library under a commercial license, * please contact Pulse-Eight Licensing for more information. * * For more information contact: * Pulse-Eight Licensing * http://www.pulse-eight.com/ * http://www.pulse-eight.net/ */ using System.Windows.Forms; using CecSharp; using System.Collections.Generic; using LibCECTray.Properties; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace LibCECTray.settings { class CECSettings { private const string RegistryCompanyName = "Pulse-Eight"; private const string RegistryApplicationName = "libCECTray"; #region Key names public static string KeyHDMIPort = "global_hdmi_port"; public static string KeyConnectedToHDMIDevice = "global_connected_to_hdmi_device"; public static string KeyActivateSource = "global_activate_source"; public static string KeyAdvancedMode = "global_advanced_mode"; public static string KeyPhysicalAddress = "global_physical_address"; public static string KeyOverridePhysicalAddress = "global_override_physical_address"; public static string KeyDeviceType = "global_device_type"; public static string KeyTVVendor = "global_tv_vendor"; public static string KeyOverrideTVVendor = "global_override_tv_vendor"; public static string KeyWakeDevices = "global_wake_devices"; public static string KeyPowerOffDevices = "global_standby_devices"; public static string KeyStartHidden = "global_start_hidden"; #endregion public CECSettings(CECSetting.SettingChangedHandler changedHandler) { _changedHandler = changedHandler; Load(); } /// /// Resets all settings to their default values /// public void SetDefaultValues() { foreach (var setting in _settings.Values) setting.ResetDefaultValue(); } /// /// Loads all known settings from the registry /// private void Load() { using (var subRegKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(RegistryKeyName, true)) { if (subRegKey == null) return; foreach (var setting in _settings.Values) if (!setting.KeyName.StartsWith("global_")) setting.Load(subRegKey); subRegKey.Close(); } } /// /// Load a setting value from the registry /// /// The setting to load public void Load(CECSetting setting) { using (var subRegKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(RegistryKeyName, true)) { if (subRegKey == null) return; setting.Load(subRegKey); subRegKey.Close(); } setting.SettingChanged += OnSettingChanged; } /// /// Persist all settings in the registry /// /// True when persisted, false otherwise public bool Persist() { if (CreateRegistryKey()) { using (var subRegKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(RegistryKeyName, true)) { if (subRegKey != null) { foreach (var setting in _settings.Values) setting.Persist(subRegKey); subRegKey.Close(); return true; } } } return false; } private bool EnableHDMIPortSetting(CECSetting setting, bool value) { return value && !OverridePhysicalAddress.Value; } private bool EnablePhysicalAddressSetting(CECSetting setting, bool value) { return value && OverridePhysicalAddress.Value; } private bool EnableSettingTVVendor(CECSetting setting, bool value) { return value && OverrideTVVendor.Value; } private void OnSettingChanged(CECSetting setting, object oldValue, object newValue) { if (SettingChanged != null) SettingChanged(setting, oldValue, newValue); } #region Global settings public CECSettingByte HDMIPort { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyHDMIPort)) { CECSettingByte setting = new CECSettingByte(KeyHDMIPort, "HDMI port", 1, _changedHandler) { LowerLimit = 1, UpperLimit = 15, EnableSetting = EnableHDMIPortSetting }; setting.Format += delegate(object sender, ListControlConvertEventArgs args) { ushort tmp; if (ushort.TryParse((string)args.Value, out tmp)) args.Value = "HDMI " + args.Value; }; Load(setting); _settings[KeyHDMIPort] = setting; } return _settings[KeyHDMIPort].AsSettingByte; } } public CECSettingLogicalAddress ConnectedDevice { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyConnectedToHDMIDevice)) { CecLogicalAddresses allowedMask = new CecLogicalAddresses(); allowedMask.Set(CecLogicalAddress.Tv); allowedMask.Set(CecLogicalAddress.AudioSystem); CECSettingLogicalAddress setting = new CECSettingLogicalAddress(KeyConnectedToHDMIDevice, Resources.global_connected_to_hdmi_device, CecLogicalAddress.Tv, _changedHandler) { AllowedAddressMask = allowedMask, Enabled = false, EnableSetting = EnableHDMIPortSetting }; Load(setting); _settings[KeyConnectedToHDMIDevice] = setting; } return _settings[KeyConnectedToHDMIDevice].AsSettingLogicalAddress; } } public CECSettingBool ActivateSource { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyActivateSource)) { CECSettingBool setting = new CECSettingBool(KeyActivateSource, Resources.global_activate_source, true, _changedHandler) {Enabled = false}; Load(setting); _settings[KeyActivateSource] = setting; } return _settings[KeyActivateSource].AsSettingBool; } } public CECSettingBool AdvancedMode { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyAdvancedMode)) { CECSettingBool setting = new CECSettingBool(KeyAdvancedMode, Resources.global_advanced_mode, false, _changedHandler) {Enabled = false}; Load(setting); _settings[KeyAdvancedMode] = setting; } return _settings[KeyAdvancedMode].AsSettingBool; } } public CECSettingUShort PhysicalAddress { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyPhysicalAddress)) { CECSettingUShort setting = new CECSettingUShort(KeyPhysicalAddress, Resources.global_physical_address, 0xFFFF, _changedHandler) { Enabled = false, EnableSetting = EnablePhysicalAddressSetting }; Load(setting); _settings[KeyPhysicalAddress] = setting; } return _settings[KeyPhysicalAddress].AsSettingUShort; } } public CECSettingBool OverridePhysicalAddress { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyAdvancedMode)) { CECSettingBool setting = new CECSettingBool(KeyOverridePhysicalAddress, Resources.global_override_physical_address, false, _changedHandler); Load(setting); _settings[KeyOverridePhysicalAddress] = setting; } return _settings[KeyOverridePhysicalAddress].AsSettingBool; } } public CECSettingDeviceType DeviceType { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyDeviceType)) { CecDeviceTypeList allowedTypes = new CecDeviceTypeList(); allowedTypes.Types[(int)CecDeviceType.RecordingDevice] = CecDeviceType.RecordingDevice; allowedTypes.Types[(int)CecDeviceType.PlaybackDevice] = CecDeviceType.PlaybackDevice; CECSettingDeviceType setting = new CECSettingDeviceType(KeyDeviceType, Resources.global_device_type, CecDeviceType.RecordingDevice, _changedHandler) { Enabled = false, AllowedTypeMask = allowedTypes }; Load(setting); _settings[KeyDeviceType] = setting; } return _settings[KeyDeviceType].AsSettingDeviceType; } } public CECSettingVendorId TVVendor { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyTVVendor)) { CECSettingVendorId setting = new CECSettingVendorId(KeyTVVendor, Resources.global_tv_vendor, CecVendorId.Unknown, _changedHandler) {Enabled = false, EnableSetting = EnableSettingTVVendor}; Load(setting); _settings[KeyTVVendor] = setting; } return _settings[KeyTVVendor].AsSettingVendorId; } } public CECSettingBool OverrideTVVendor { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyOverrideTVVendor)) { CECSettingBool setting = new CECSettingBool(KeyOverrideTVVendor, Resources.global_override_tv_vendor, false, _changedHandler) {Enabled = false}; Load(setting); _settings[KeyOverrideTVVendor] = setting; } return _settings[KeyOverrideTVVendor].AsSettingBool; } } public CECSettingLogicalAddresses WakeDevices { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyWakeDevices)) { CecLogicalAddresses defaultDeviceList = new CecLogicalAddresses(); defaultDeviceList.Set(CecLogicalAddress.Tv); CECSettingLogicalAddresses setting = new CECSettingLogicalAddresses(KeyWakeDevices, Resources.global_wake_devices, defaultDeviceList, _changedHandler) {Enabled = false}; Load(setting); _settings[KeyWakeDevices] = setting; } return _settings[KeyWakeDevices].AsSettingLogicalAddresses; } } public CECSettingLogicalAddresses PowerOffDevices { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyPowerOffDevices)) { CecLogicalAddresses defaultDeviceList = new CecLogicalAddresses(); defaultDeviceList.Set(CecLogicalAddress.Tv); CECSettingLogicalAddresses setting = new CECSettingLogicalAddresses(KeyPowerOffDevices, Resources.global_standby_devices, defaultDeviceList, _changedHandler) {Enabled = false}; Load(setting); _settings[KeyPowerOffDevices] = setting; } return _settings[KeyPowerOffDevices].AsSettingLogicalAddresses; } } public CECSettingBool StartHidden { get { if (!_settings.ContainsKey(KeyStartHidden)) { CECSettingBool setting = new CECSettingBool(KeyStartHidden, Resources.global_start_hidden, false, _changedHandler); Load(setting); _settings[KeyStartHidden] = setting; } return _settings[KeyStartHidden].AsSettingBool; } } #endregion public bool ContainsKey(string key) { return _settings.ContainsKey(key); } public void SetVendorName(CecLogicalAddress address, CecVendorId vendorId, string vendorName) { VendorNames[(int)address] = vendorName; if (address == CecLogicalAddress.Tv && vendorId == CecVendorId.Panasonic) { DeviceType.AllowedTypeMask = new CecDeviceTypeList {Types = new[] {CecDeviceType.PlaybackDevice}}; } foreach (var setting in _settings) { if (setting.Value.SettingType == CECSettingType.LogicalAddress) setting.Value.AsSettingLogicalAddress.ResetItems(true); } } public bool Enabled { set { CECSetting[] settings = new CECSetting[_settings.Count + 10]; _settings.Values.CopyTo(settings, 0); foreach (var setting in settings) if (setting != null) setting.Enabled = value; } get { var enabled = true; foreach (var setting in _settings) enabled &= setting.Value.Enabled; return enabled; } } /// /// Read or write one of the settings, given it's key /// /// The key of the setting /// The setting public CECSetting this[string key] { get { return _settings.ContainsKey(key) ? _settings[key] : null; } set {_settings[key] = value; } } /// /// Create the registry key that holds all settings. /// /// True when created (or already existing), false otherwise private static bool CreateRegistryKey() { using (var regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software", true)) { if (regKey != null) { regKey.CreateSubKey(RegistryCompanyName); regKey.Close(); } else { return false; } } using (var regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\" + RegistryCompanyName, true)) { if (regKey != null) { regKey.CreateSubKey(RegistryApplicationName); regKey.Close(); } else { return false; } } return true; } private readonly Dictionary _settings = new Dictionary(); private static string RegistryKeyName { get { return string.Format("Software\\{0}\\{1}", RegistryCompanyName, RegistryApplicationName); } } private readonly CECSetting.SettingChangedHandler _changedHandler; public event CECSetting.SettingChangedHandler SettingChanged; public static readonly string[] VendorNames = new string[15]; } }