+libcec (2.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * changed / added:
+ * send an alert when the TV does not respond to polls
+ * fixed:
+ * LG didn't switch sources after the TV powered up
+ * always poll a device when the status is unknown, and don't try to
+ determine whether it needs to be polled by checking the status of other
+ devices
+ * don't mark a device as inactive when receiving a routing change message,
+ only when another device was made acive. fixes the issue that rc
+ passthrough doesn't work when a tv sends a quick routing change to
+ another port before requesting the active source when coming out of
+ standby
+ * LibCecSharp: fixed 14 char long OSD name (wasn't \0 terminated)
+ * LibCecSharp: fixed return value of GetActiveDevices(). issue #131
+ * cec-tray: fixed index out of range exception in CECSettingNumeric.cs.
+ bugzid: 2082
+ * cec-tray: ensure that the tray app only initialises once. bugzid: 2082
+ * rpi: don't set the physical address to when receiving
+ VC_HDMI_UNPLUGGED. it may wake up device when they were just sent to
+ standby. issue #142
+ * osx: use the correct dylib name in cecloader.h, used by cec-client
+ -- Pulse-Eight Packaging <packaging@pulse-eight.com> Fri, 8 Mar 2013 17:21:00 +0100
+ libcec (2.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low