+ * motiondetect.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Georg Martius - February 1007-2011
+ * georg dot martius at web dot de
+ * Copyright (C) Alexey Osipov - Jule 2011
+ * simba at lerlan dot ru
+ * speed optimizations (threshold, spiral, SSE, asm)
+ *
+ * This file is part of vid.stab video stabilization library
+ *
+ * vid.stab is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * vid.stab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "motiondetect.h"
+#include "motiondetect_internal.h"
+#include "motiondetect_opt.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#ifdef USE_OMP
+#include <omp.h>
+#include "boxblur.h"
+#include "vidstabdefines.h"
+#include "localmotion2transform.h"
+#include "transformtype_operations.h"
+#include "transformtype_operations.h"
+/* internal data structures */
+// structure that contains the contrast and the index of a field
+typedef struct _contrast_idx {
+ double contrast;
+ int index;
+} contrast_idx;
+VSMotionDetectConfig vsMotionDetectGetDefaultConfig(const char* modName){
+ VSMotionDetectConfig conf;
+ conf.stepSize = 6;
+ conf.accuracy = 15;
+ conf.shakiness = 5;
+ conf.virtualTripod = 0;
+ conf.contrastThreshold = 0.25;
+ conf.show = 0;
+ conf.modName = modName;
+ return conf;
+void vsMotionDetectGetConfig(VSMotionDetectConfig* conf, const VSMotionDetect* md){
+ if(md && conf)
+ *conf = md->conf;
+const VSFrameInfo* vsMotionDetectGetFrameInfo(const VSMotionDetect* md){
+ return &md->fi;
+int vsMotionDetectInit(VSMotionDetect* md, const VSMotionDetectConfig* conf, const VSFrameInfo* fi){
+ assert(md && fi);
+ md->conf = *conf;
+ md->fi = *fi;
+ if(fi->pFormat<=PF_NONE || fi->pFormat==PF_PACKED || fi->pFormat>=PF_NUMBER) {
+ vs_log_warn(md->conf.modName, "unsupported Pixel Format (%i)\n",
+ md->fi.pFormat);
+ return VS_ERROR;
+ }
+ vsFrameAllocate(&md->prev, &md->fi);
+ if (vsFrameIsNull(&md->prev)) {
+ vs_log_error(md->conf.modName, "malloc failed");
+ return VS_ERROR;
+ }
+ vsFrameNull(&md->curr);
+ vsFrameNull(&md->currorig);
+ vsFrameNull(&md->currtmp);
+ md->hasSeenOneFrame = 0;
+ md->frameNum = 0;
+ // TODO: get rid of shakiness parameter in the long run
+ md->conf.shakiness = VS_MIN(10,VS_MAX(1,md->conf.shakiness));
+ md->conf.accuracy = VS_MIN(15,VS_MAX(1,md->conf.accuracy));
+ if (md->conf.accuracy < md->conf.shakiness / 2) {
+ vs_log_info(md->conf.modName, "Accuracy should not be lower than shakiness/2 -- fixed");
+ md->conf.accuracy = md->conf.shakiness / 2;
+ }
+ if (md->conf.accuracy > 9 && md->conf.stepSize > 6) {
+ vs_log_info(md->conf.modName, "For high accuracy use lower stepsize -- set to 6 now");
+ md->conf.stepSize = 6; // maybe 4
+ }
+ int minDimension = VS_MIN(md->fi.width, md->fi.height);
+// shift: shakiness 1: height/40; 10: height/4
+// md->maxShift = VS_MAX(4,(minDimension*md->conf.shakiness)/40);
+// size: shakiness 1: height/40; 10: height/6 (clipped)
+// md->fieldSize = VS_MAX(4,VS_MIN(minDimension/6, (minDimension*md->conf.shakiness)/40));
+ // fixed size and shift now
+ int maxShift = VS_MAX(16, minDimension/7);
+ int fieldSize = VS_MAX(16, minDimension/10);
+ int fieldSizeFine = VS_MAX(6, minDimension/60);
+#if defined(USE_SSE2) || defined(USE_SSE2_ASM)
+ fieldSize = (fieldSize / 16 + 1) * 16;
+ fieldSizeFine = (fieldSizeFine / 16 + 1) * 16;
+ if (!initFields(md, &md->fieldscoarse, fieldSize, maxShift, md->conf.stepSize,
+ 1, 0, md->conf.contrastThreshold)) {
+ return VS_ERROR;
+ }
+ // for the fine check we use a smaller size and smaller maximal shift (=size)
+ if (!initFields(md, &md->fieldsfine, fieldSizeFine, fieldSizeFine,
+ 2, 1, fieldSizeFine, md->conf.contrastThreshold/2)) {
+ return VS_ERROR;
+ }
+ vsFrameAllocate(&md->curr,&md->fi);
+ vsFrameAllocate(&md->currtmp, &md->fi);
+ md->initialized = 2;
+ return VS_OK;
+void vsMotionDetectionCleanup(VSMotionDetect* md) {
+ if(md->fieldscoarse.fields) {
+ vs_free(md->fieldscoarse.fields);
+ md->fieldscoarse.fields=0;
+ }
+ if(md->fieldsfine.fields) {
+ vs_free(md->fieldsfine.fields);
+ md->fieldsfine.fields=0;
+ }
+ vsFrameFree(&md->prev);
+ vsFrameFree(&md->curr);
+ vsFrameFree(&md->currtmp);
+ md->initialized = 0;
+// returns true if match of local motion is better than threshold
+short lm_match_better(void* thresh, void* lm){
+ if(((LocalMotion*)lm)->match <= *((double*)thresh))
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+int vsMotionDetection(VSMotionDetect* md, LocalMotions* motions, VSFrame *frame) {
+ assert(md->initialized==2);
+ md->currorig = *frame;
+ // smoothen image to do better motion detection
+ // (larger stepsize or eventually gradient descent (need higher resolution))
+ if (md->fi.pFormat > PF_PACKED) {
+ // we could calculate a grayscale version and use the PLANAR stuff afterwards
+ // so far smoothing is only implemented for PLANAR
+ vsFrameCopy(&md->curr, frame, &md->fi);
+ } else {
+ // box-kernel smoothing (plain average of pixels), which is fine for us
+ boxblurPlanar(&md->curr, frame, &md->currtmp, &md->fi, md->conf.stepSize*1/*1.4*/,
+ BoxBlurNoColor);
+ // two times yields tent-kernel smoothing, which may be better, but I don't
+ // think we need it
+ //boxblurPlanar(md->curr, md->curr, md->currtmp, &md->fi, md->stepSize*1,
+ // BoxBlurNoColor);
+ }
+ if (md->hasSeenOneFrame) {
+ LocalMotions motionscoarse;
+ LocalMotions motionsfine;
+ vs_vector_init(&motionsfine,0);
+ // md->curr = frame;
+ if (md->fi.pFormat > PF_PACKED) {
+ motionscoarse = calcTransFields(md, &md->fieldscoarse,
+ calcFieldTransPacked, contrastSubImgPacked);
+ } else { // PLANAR
+ motionscoarse = calcTransFields(md, &md->fieldscoarse,
+ calcFieldTransPlanar, contrastSubImgPlanar);
+ }
+ int num_motions = vs_vector_size(&motionscoarse);
+ if (num_motions < 1) {
+ vs_log_warn(md->conf.modName, "too low contrast. \
+(no translations are detected in frame %i)\n", md->frameNum);
+ }else{
+ // calc transformation and perform another scan with small fields
+ VSTransform t = vsSimpleMotionsToTransform(md->fi, md->conf.modName, &motionscoarse);
+ md->fieldsfine.offset = t;
+ md->fieldsfine.useOffset = 1;
+ LocalMotions motions2;
+ if (md->fi.pFormat > PF_PACKED) {
+ motions2 = calcTransFields(md, &md->fieldsfine,
+ calcFieldTransPacked, contrastSubImgPacked);
+ } else { // PLANAR
+ motions2 = calcTransFields(md, &md->fieldsfine,
+ calcFieldTransPlanar, contrastSubImgPlanar);
+ }
+ // through out those with bad match (worse than mean of coarse scan)
+ VSArray matchQualities1 = localmotionsGetMatch(&motionscoarse);
+ double meanMatch = cleanmean(matchQualities1.dat, matchQualities1.len, NULL, NULL);
+ motionsfine = vs_vector_filter(&motions2, lm_match_better, &meanMatch);
+ if(0){
+ printf("\nMatches: mean: %f | ", meanMatch);
+ vs_array_print(matchQualities1, stdout);
+ printf("\n fine: ");
+ VSArray matchQualities2 = localmotionsGetMatch(&motions2);
+ vs_array_print(matchQualities2, stdout);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (md->conf.show) { // draw fields and transforms into frame.
+ int num_motions_fine = vs_vector_size(&motionsfine);
+ // this has to be done one after another to handle possible overlap
+ if (md->conf.show > 1) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_motions; i++)
+ drawFieldScanArea(md, LMGet(&motionscoarse,i), md->fieldscoarse.maxShift);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_motions; i++)
+ drawField(md, LMGet(&motionscoarse,i), 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_motions_fine; i++)
+ drawField(md, LMGet(&motionsfine,i), 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_motions; i++)
+ drawFieldTrans(md, LMGet(&motionscoarse,i),180);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_motions_fine; i++)
+ drawFieldTrans(md, LMGet(&motionsfine,i), 64);
+ }
+ *motions = vs_vector_concat(&motionscoarse,&motionsfine);
+ //*motions = motionscoarse;
+ //*motions = motionsfine;
+ } else {
+ vs_vector_init(motions,1); // dummy vector
+ md->hasSeenOneFrame = 1;
+ }
+ // for tripod we keep a certain reference frame
+ if(md->conf.virtualTripod < 1 || md->frameNum < md->conf.virtualTripod)
+ // copy current frame (smoothed) to prev for next frame comparison
+ vsFrameCopy(&md->prev, &md->curr, &md->fi);
+ md->frameNum++;
+ return VS_OK;
+/** initialise measurement fields on the frame.
+ The size of the fields and the maxshift is used to
+ calculate an optimal distribution in the frame.
+ if border is set then they are placed savely away from the border for maxShift
+int initFields(VSMotionDetect* md, VSMotionDetectFields* fs,
+ int size, int maxShift, int stepSize,
+ short keepBorder, int spacing, double contrastThreshold) {
+ fs->fieldSize = size;
+ fs->maxShift = maxShift;
+ fs->stepSize = stepSize;
+ fs->useOffset = 0;
+ fs->contrastThreshold = contrastThreshold;
+ int rows = VS_MAX(3,(md->fi.height - fs->maxShift*2)/(size+spacing)-1);
+ int cols = VS_MAX(3,(md->fi.width - fs->maxShift*2)/(size+spacing)-1);
+ // make sure that the remaining rows have the same length
+ fs->fieldNum = rows * cols;
+ fs->fieldRows = rows;
+ if (!(fs->fields = (Field*) vs_malloc(sizeof(Field) * fs->fieldNum))) {
+ vs_log_error(md->conf.modName, "malloc failed!\n");
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ int i, j;
+ int border=fs->stepSize;
+ // the border is the amount by which the field centers
+ // have to be away from the image boundary
+ // (stepsize is added in case shift is increased through stepsize)
+ if(keepBorder)
+ border = size / 2 + fs->maxShift + fs->stepSize;
+ int step_x = (md->fi.width - 2 * border) / VS_MAX(cols-1,1);
+ int step_y = (md->fi.height - 2 * border) / VS_MAX(rows-1,1);
+ for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
+ int idx = j * cols + i;
+ fs->fields[idx].x = border + i * step_x;
+ fs->fields[idx].y = border + j * step_y;
+ fs->fields[idx].size = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fs->maxFields = (md->conf.accuracy) * fs->fieldNum / 15;
+ vs_log_info(md->conf.modName, "Fieldsize: %i, Maximal translation: %i pixel\n",
+ fs->fieldSize, fs->maxShift);
+ vs_log_info(md->conf.modName, "Number of used measurement fields: %i out of %i\n",
+ fs->maxFields, fs->fieldNum);
+ return 1;
+/** \see contrastSubImg*/
+double contrastSubImgPlanar(VSMotionDetect* md, const Field* field) {
+#ifdef USE_SSE2
+ return contrastSubImg1_SSE(md->curr.data[0], field, md->curr.linesize[0],md->fi.height);
+ return contrastSubImg(md->curr.data[0],field,md->curr.linesize[0],md->fi.height,1);
+ \see contrastSubImg_Michelson three times called with bytesPerPixel=3
+ for all channels
+double contrastSubImgPacked(VSMotionDetect* md, const Field* field) {
+ unsigned char* const I = md->curr.data[0];
+ int linesize2 = md->curr.linesize[0]/3; // linesize in pixels
+ return (contrastSubImg(I, field, linesize2, md->fi.height, 3)
+ + contrastSubImg(I + 1, field, linesize2, md->fi.height, 3)
+ + contrastSubImg(I + 2, field, linesize2, md->fi.height, 3)) / 3;
+ calculates Michelson-contrast in the given small part of the given image
+ to be more compatible with the absolute difference formula this is scaled by 0.1
+ \param I pointer to framebuffer
+ \param field Field specifies position(center) and size of subimage
+ \param width width of frame (linesize in pixels)
+ \param height height of frame
+ \param bytesPerPixel calc contrast for only for first channel
+double contrastSubImg(unsigned char* const I, const Field* field, int width,
+ int height, int bytesPerPixel) {
+ int k, j;
+ unsigned char* p = NULL;
+ int s2 = field->size / 2;
+ unsigned char mini = 255;
+ unsigned char maxi = 0;
+ p = I + ((field->x - s2) + (field->y - s2) * width) * bytesPerPixel;
+ for (j = 0; j < field->size; j++) {
+ for (k = 0; k < field->size; k++) {
+ mini = (mini < *p) ? mini : *p;
+ maxi = (maxi > *p) ? maxi : *p;
+ p += bytesPerPixel;
+ }
+ p += (width - field->size) * bytesPerPixel;
+ }
+ return (maxi - mini) / (maxi + mini + 0.1); // +0.1 to avoid division by 0
+/* calculates the optimal transformation for one field in Planar frames
+ * (only luminance)
+ */
+LocalMotion calcFieldTransPlanar(VSMotionDetect* md, VSMotionDetectFields* fs,
+ const Field* field, int fieldnum) {
+ int tx = 0;
+ int ty = 0;
+ uint8_t *Y_c = md->curr.data[0], *Y_p = md->prev.data[0];
+ int linesize_c = md->curr.linesize[0], linesize_p = md->prev.linesize[0];
+ // we only use the luminance part of the image
+ int i, j;
+ int stepSize = fs->stepSize;
+ int maxShift = fs->maxShift;
+ Vec offset = { 0, 0};
+ LocalMotion lm = null_localmotion();
+ if(fs->useOffset){
+ // Todo: we could put the preparedtransform into fs
+ PreparedTransform pt = prepare_transform(&fs->offset, &md->fi);
+ Vec fieldpos = {field->x, field->y};
+ offset = sub_vec(transform_vec(&pt, &fieldpos), fieldpos);
+ // is the field still in the frame
+ int s2 = field->size/2;
+ if(unlikely(fieldpos.x+offset.x-s2-maxShift-stepSize < 0 ||
+ fieldpos.x+offset.x+s2+maxShift+stepSize >= md->fi.width ||
+ fieldpos.y+offset.y-s2-maxShift-stepSize < 0 ||
+ fieldpos.y+offset.y+s2+maxShift+stepSize >= md->fi.height)){
+ lm.match=-1;
+ return lm;
+ }
+ }
+ // printf("%i %i %f\n", md->frameNum, fieldnum, contr);
+ FILE *f = NULL;
+ char buffer[32];
+ vs_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "f%04i_%02i.dat", md->frameNum, fieldnum);
+ f = fopen(buffer, "w");
+ fprintf(f, "# splot \"%s\"\n", buffer);
+ unsigned int minerror = UINT_MAX;
+ // check all positions by outgoing spiral
+ i = 0; j = 0;
+ int limit = 1;
+ int step = 0;
+ int dir = 0;
+ while (j >= -maxShift && j <= maxShift && i >= -maxShift && i <= maxShift) {
+ unsigned int error = compareSubImg(Y_c, Y_p, field, linesize_c, linesize_p,
+ md->fi.height, 1, i + offset.x, j + offset.y,
+ minerror);
+ if (error < minerror) {
+ minerror = error;
+ tx = i;
+ ty = j;
+ }
+ //spiral indexing...
+ step++;
+ switch (dir) {
+ case 0:
+ i += stepSize;
+ if (step == limit) {
+ dir = 1;
+ step = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ j += stepSize;
+ if (step == limit) {
+ dir = 2;
+ step = 0;
+ limit++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ i -= stepSize;
+ if (step == limit) {
+ dir = 3;
+ step = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ j -= stepSize;
+ if (step == limit) {
+ dir = 0;
+ step = 0;
+ limit++;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Here we improve speed by checking first the most probable position
+ then the search paths are most effectively cut. (0,0) is a simple start
+ */
+ unsigned int minerror = compareSubImg(Y_c, Y_p, field, linesize_c, linesize_p,
+ md->fi.height, 1, 0, 0, UINT_MAX);
+ // check all positions...
+ for (i = -maxShift; i <= maxShift; i += stepSize) {
+ for (j = -maxShift; j <= maxShift; j += stepSize) {
+ if( i==0 && j==0 )
+ continue; //no need to check this since already done
+ unsigned int error = compareSubImg(Y_c, Y_p, field, linesize_c, linesize_p,
+ md->fi.height, 1, i+offset.x, j+offset.y, minerror);
+ if (error < minerror) {
+ minerror = error;
+ tx = i;
+ ty = j;
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "%i %i %f\n", i, j, error);
+ }
+ }
+ while(stepSize > 1) {// make fine grain check around the best match
+ int txc = tx; // save the shifts
+ int tyc = ty;
+ int newStepSize = stepSize/2;
+ int r = stepSize - newStepSize;
+ for (i = txc - r; i <= txc + r; i += newStepSize) {
+ for (j = tyc - r; j <= tyc + r; j += newStepSize) {
+ if (i == txc && j == tyc)
+ continue; //no need to check this since already done
+ unsigned int error = compareSubImg(Y_c, Y_p, field, linesize_c, linesize_p,
+ md->fi.height, 1, i+offset.x, j+offset.y, minerror);
+ fprintf(f, "%i %i %f\n", i, j, error);
+ if (error < minerror) {
+ minerror = error;
+ tx = i;
+ ty = j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stepSize /= 2;
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ vs_log_msg(md->modName, "Minerror: %f\n", minerror);
+ if (unlikely(fabs(tx) >= maxShift + stepSize - 1 ||
+ fabs(ty) >= maxShift + stepSize)) {
+ vs_log_msg(md->modName, "maximal shift ");
+ lm.match =-1.0; // to be kicked out
+ return lm;
+ }
+ lm.f = *field;
+ lm.v.x = tx + offset.x;
+ lm.v.y = ty + offset.y;
+ lm.match = ((double) minerror)/(field->size*field->size);
+ return lm;
+/* calculates the optimal transformation for one field in Packed
+ * slower than the Planar version because it uses all three color channels
+ */
+LocalMotion calcFieldTransPacked(VSMotionDetect* md, VSMotionDetectFields* fs,
+ const Field* field, int fieldnum) {
+ int tx = 0;
+ int ty = 0;
+ uint8_t *I_c = md->curr.data[0], *I_p = md->prev.data[0];
+ int width1 = md->curr.linesize[0]/3; // linesize in pixels
+ int width2 = md->prev.linesize[0]/3; // linesize in pixels
+ int i, j;
+ int stepSize = fs->stepSize;
+ int maxShift = fs->maxShift;
+ Vec offset = { 0, 0};
+ LocalMotion lm = null_localmotion();
+ if(fs->useOffset){
+ PreparedTransform pt = prepare_transform(&fs->offset, &md->fi);
+ offset = transform_vec(&pt, (Vec*)field);
+ // is the field still in the frame
+ if(unlikely(offset.x-maxShift-stepSize < 0 || offset.x+maxShift+stepSize >= md->fi.width ||
+ offset.y-maxShift-stepSize < 0 || offset.y+maxShift+stepSize >= md->fi.height)){
+ lm.match=-1;
+ return lm;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Here we improve speed by checking first the most probable position
+ then the search paths are most effectively cut. (0,0) is a simple start
+ */
+ unsigned int minerror = compareSubImg(I_c, I_p, field, width1, width2, md->fi.height,
+ 3, offset.x, offset.y, UINT_MAX);
+ // check all positions...
+ for (i = -maxShift; i <= maxShift; i += stepSize) {
+ for (j = -maxShift; j <= maxShift; j += stepSize) {
+ if( i==0 && j==0 )
+ continue; //no need to check this since already done
+ unsigned int error = compareSubImg(I_c, I_p, field, width1, width2,
+ md->fi.height, 3, i + offset.x, j + offset.y, minerror);
+ if (error < minerror) {
+ minerror = error;
+ tx = i;
+ ty = j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (stepSize > 1) { // make fine grain check around the best match
+ int txc = tx; // save the shifts
+ int tyc = ty;
+ int r = stepSize - 1;
+ for (i = txc - r; i <= txc + r; i += 1) {
+ for (j = tyc - r; j <= tyc + r; j += 1) {
+ if (i == txc && j == tyc)
+ continue; //no need to check this since already done
+ unsigned int error = compareSubImg(I_c, I_p, field, width1, width2,
+ md->fi.height, 3, i + offset.x, j + offset.y, minerror);
+ if (error < minerror) {
+ minerror = error;
+ tx = i;
+ ty = j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (fabs(tx) >= maxShift + stepSize - 1 || fabs(ty) >= maxShift + stepSize - 1) {
+ vs_log_msg(md->modName, "maximal shift ");
+ lm.match = -1;
+ return lm;
+ }
+ lm.f = *field;
+ lm.v.x = tx + offset.x;
+ lm.v.y = ty + offset.y;
+ lm.match = ((double)minerror)/(field->size*field->size);
+ return lm;
+/* compares contrast_idx structures respect to the contrast
+ (for sort function)
+int cmp_contrast_idx(const void *ci1, const void* ci2) {
+ double a = ((contrast_idx*) ci1)->contrast;
+ double b = ((contrast_idx*) ci2)->contrast;
+ return a < b ? 1 : (a > b ? -1 : 0);
+/* select only the best 'maxfields' fields
+ first calc contrasts then select from each part of the
+ frame some fields
+ We may simplify here by using random. People want high quality, so typically we use all.
+VSVector selectfields(VSMotionDetect* md, VSMotionDetectFields* fs,
+ contrastSubImgFunc contrastfunc) {
+ int i, j;
+ VSVector goodflds;
+ contrast_idx *ci =
+ (contrast_idx*) vs_malloc(sizeof(contrast_idx) * fs->fieldNum);
+ vs_vector_init(&goodflds, fs->fieldNum);
+ // we split all fields into row+1 segments and take from each segment
+ // the best fields
+ int numsegms = (fs->fieldRows + 1);
+ int segmlen = fs->fieldNum / (fs->fieldRows + 1) + 1;
+ // split the frame list into rows+1 segments
+ contrast_idx *ci_segms =
+ (contrast_idx*) vs_malloc(sizeof(contrast_idx) * fs->fieldNum);
+ int remaining = 0;
+ // calculate contrast for each field
+ // #pragma omp parallel for shared(ci,md) no speedup because to short
+ for (i = 0; i < fs->fieldNum; i++) {
+ ci[i].contrast = contrastfunc(md, &fs->fields[i]);
+ ci[i].index = i;
+ if (ci[i].contrast < fs->contrastThreshold)
+ ci[i].contrast = 0;
+ // else printf("%i %lf\n", ci[i].index, ci[i].contrast);
+ }
+ memcpy(ci_segms, ci, sizeof(contrast_idx) * fs->fieldNum);
+ // get best fields from each segment
+ for (i = 0; i < numsegms; i++) {
+ int startindex = segmlen * i;
+ int endindex = segmlen * (i + 1);
+ endindex = endindex > fs->fieldNum ? fs->fieldNum : endindex;
+ //printf("Segment: %i: %i-%i\n", i, startindex, endindex);
+ // sort within segment
+ qsort(ci_segms + startindex, endindex - startindex,
+ sizeof(contrast_idx), cmp_contrast_idx);
+ // take maxfields/numsegms
+ for (j = 0; j < fs->maxFields / numsegms; j++) {
+ if (startindex + j >= endindex)
+ continue;
+ // printf("%i %lf\n", ci_segms[startindex+j].index,
+ // ci_segms[startindex+j].contrast);
+ if (ci_segms[startindex + j].contrast > 0) {
+ vs_vector_append_dup(&goodflds, &ci[ci_segms[startindex+j].index],
+ sizeof(contrast_idx));
+ // don't consider them in the later selection process
+ ci_segms[startindex + j].contrast = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check whether enough fields are selected
+ // printf("Phase2: %i\n", vs_list_size(goodflds));
+ remaining = fs->maxFields - vs_vector_size(&goodflds);
+ if (remaining > 0) {
+ // take the remaining from the leftovers
+ qsort(ci_segms, fs->fieldNum, sizeof(contrast_idx), cmp_contrast_idx);
+ for (j = 0; j < remaining; j++) {
+ if (ci_segms[j].contrast > 0) {
+ vs_vector_append_dup(&goodflds, &ci_segms[j], sizeof(contrast_idx));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // printf("Ende: %i\n", vs_list_size(goodflds));
+ vs_free(ci);
+ vs_free(ci_segms);
+ return goodflds;
+/* tries to register current frame onto previous frame.
+ * Algorithm:
+ * discards fields with low contrast
+ * select maxfields fields according to their contrast
+ * check theses fields for vertical and horizontal transformation
+ * use minimal difference of all possible positions
+ */
+LocalMotions calcTransFields(VSMotionDetect* md,
+ VSMotionDetectFields* fields,
+ calcFieldTransFunc fieldfunc,
+ contrastSubImgFunc contrastfunc) {
+ LocalMotions localmotions;
+ vs_vector_init(&localmotions,fields->maxFields);
+ FILE *file = NULL;
+ char buffer[32];
+ vs_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "k%04i.dat", md->frameNum);
+ file = fopen(buffer, "w");
+ fprintf(file, "# plot \"%s\" w l, \"\" every 2:1:0\n", buffer);
+ VSVector goodflds = selectfields(md, fields, contrastfunc);
+ // use all "good" fields and calculate optimal match to previous frame
+#ifdef USE_OMP
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(goodflds, md, localmotions, fs) // does not bring speedup
+ for(int index=0; index < vs_vector_size(&goodflds); index++){
+ int i = ((contrast_idx*)vs_vector_get(&goodflds,index))->index;
+ LocalMotion m;
+ m = fieldfunc(md, fields, &fields->fields[i], i); // e.g. calcFieldTransPlanar
+ if(m.match >= 0){
+ m.contrast = ((contrast_idx*)vs_vector_get(&goodflds,index))->contrast;
+ fprintf(file, "%i %i\n%f %f %f %f\n \n\n", m.f.x, m.f.y,
+ m.f.x + m.v.x, m.f.y + m.v.y, m.match, m.contrast);
+ vs_vector_append_dup(&localmotions, &m, sizeof(LocalMotion));
+ }
+ }
+ vs_vector_del(&goodflds);
+ fclose(file);
+ return localmotions;
+/** draws the field scanning area */
+void drawFieldScanArea(VSMotionDetect* md, const LocalMotion* lm, int maxShift) {
+ if (md->fi.pFormat > PF_PACKED)
+ return;
+ drawRectangle(md->currorig.data[0], md->currorig.linesize[0], md->fi.height, 1, lm->f.x, lm->f.y,
+ lm->f.size + 2 * maxShift, lm->f.size + 2 * maxShift, 80);
+/** draws the field */
+void drawField(VSMotionDetect* md, const LocalMotion* lm, short box) {
+ if (md->fi.pFormat > PF_PACKED)
+ return;
+ if(box)
+ drawBox(md->currorig.data[0], md->currorig.linesize[0], md->fi.height, 1,
+ lm->f.x, lm->f.y, lm->f.size, lm->f.size, /*lm->match >100 ? 100 :*/ 40);
+ else
+ drawRectangle(md->currorig.data[0], md->currorig.linesize[0], md->fi.height, 1,
+ lm->f.x, lm->f.y, lm->f.size, lm->f.size, /*lm->match >100 ? 100 :*/ 40);
+/** draws the transform data of this field */
+void drawFieldTrans(VSMotionDetect* md, const LocalMotion* lm, int color) {
+ if (md->fi.pFormat > PF_PACKED)
+ return;
+ Vec end = add_vec(field_to_vec(lm->f),lm->v);
+ drawBox(md->currorig.data[0], md->currorig.linesize[0], md->fi.height, 1,
+ lm->f.x, lm->f.y, 5, 5, 0); // draw center
+ drawBox(md->currorig.data[0], md->currorig.linesize[0], md->fi.height, 1,
+ lm->f.x + lm->v.x, lm->f.y + lm->v.y, 5, 5, 250); // draw translation
+ drawLine(md->currorig.data[0], md->currorig.linesize[0], md->fi.height, 1,
+ (Vec*)&lm->f, &end, 3, color);
+ * draws a box at the given position x,y (center) in the given color
+ (the same for all channels)
+void drawBox(unsigned char* I, int width, int height, int bytesPerPixel, int x,
+ int y, int sizex, int sizey, unsigned char color) {
+ unsigned char* p = NULL;
+ int j, k;
+ p = I + ((x - sizex / 2) + (y - sizey / 2) * width) * bytesPerPixel;
+ for (j = 0; j < sizey; j++) {
+ for (k = 0; k < sizex * bytesPerPixel; k++) {
+ *p = color;
+ p++;
+ }
+ p += (width - sizex) * bytesPerPixel;
+ }
+ * draws a rectangle (not filled) at the given position x,y (center) in the given color
+ at the first channel
+void drawRectangle(unsigned char* I, int width, int height, int bytesPerPixel, int x,
+ int y, int sizex, int sizey, unsigned char color) {
+ unsigned char* p;
+ int k;
+ p = I + ((x - sizex / 2) + (y - sizey / 2) * width) * bytesPerPixel;
+ for (k = 0; k < sizex; k++) { *p = color; p+= bytesPerPixel; } // upper line
+ p = I + ((x - sizex / 2) + (y + sizey / 2) * width) * bytesPerPixel;
+ for (k = 0; k < sizex; k++) { *p = color; p+= bytesPerPixel; } // lower line
+ p = I + ((x - sizex / 2) + (y - sizey / 2) * width) * bytesPerPixel;
+ for (k = 0; k < sizey; k++) { *p = color; p+= width * bytesPerPixel; } // left line
+ p = I + ((x + sizex / 2) + (y - sizey / 2) * width) * bytesPerPixel;
+ for (k = 0; k < sizey; k++) { *p = color; p+= width * bytesPerPixel; } // right line
+ * draws a line from a to b with given thickness(not filled) at the given position x,y (center) in the given color
+ at the first channel
+void drawLine(unsigned char* I, int width, int height, int bytesPerPixel,
+ Vec* a, Vec* b, int thickness, unsigned char color) {
+ unsigned char* p;
+ Vec div = sub_vec(*b,*a);
+ if(div.y==0){ // horizontal line
+ if(div.x<0) {*a=*b; div.x*=-1;}
+ for(int r=-thickness/2; r<=thickness/2; r++){
+ p = I + ((a->x) + (a->y+r) * width) * bytesPerPixel;
+ for (int k = 0; k <= div.x; k++) { *p = color; p+= bytesPerPixel; }
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(div.x==0){ // vertical line
+ if(div.y<0) {*a=*b; div.y*=-1;}
+ for(int r=-thickness/2; r<=thickness/2; r++){
+ p = I + ((a->x+r) + (a->y) * width) * bytesPerPixel;
+ for (int k = 0; k <= div.y; k++) { *p = color; p+= width * bytesPerPixel; }
+ }
+ }else{
+ double m = (double)div.x/(double)div.y;
+ int horlen = thickness + fabs(m);
+ for( int c=0; c<= abs(div.y); c++){
+ int dy = div.y<0 ? -c : c;
+ int x = a->x + m*dy - horlen/2;
+ p = I + (x + (a->y+dy) * width) * bytesPerPixel;
+ for( int k=0; k<= horlen; k++){ *p = color; p+= bytesPerPixel; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// void addTrans(VSMotionDetect* md, VSTransform sl) {
+// if (!md->transs) {
+// md->transs = vs_list_new(0);
+// }
+// vs_list_append_dup(md->transs, &sl, sizeof(sl));
+// }
+// VSTransform getLastVSTransform(VSMotionDetect* md){
+// if (!md->transs || !md->transs->head) {
+// return null_transform();
+// }
+// return *((VSTransform*)md->transs->tail);
+// }
+//#ifdef TESTING
+/// plain C implementation of compareSubImg (without ORC)
+unsigned int compareSubImg_thr(unsigned char* const I1, unsigned char* const I2,
+ const Field* field, int width1, int width2, int height,
+ int bytesPerPixel, int d_x, int d_y,
+ unsigned int threshold) {
+ int k, j;
+ unsigned char* p1 = NULL;
+ unsigned char* p2 = NULL;
+ int s2 = field->size / 2;
+ unsigned int sum = 0;
+ p1 = I1 + ((field->x - s2) + (field->y - s2) * width1) * bytesPerPixel;
+ p2 = I2 + ((field->x - s2 + d_x) + (field->y - s2 + d_y) * width2)
+ * bytesPerPixel;
+ for (j = 0; j < field->size; j++) {
+ for (k = 0; k < field->size * bytesPerPixel; k++) {
+ sum += abs((int) *p1 - (int) *p2);
+ p1++;
+ p2++;
+ }
+ if( sum > threshold) // no need to calculate any longer: worse than the best match
+ break;
+ p1 += (width1 - field->size) * bytesPerPixel;
+ p2 += (width2 - field->size) * bytesPerPixel;
+ }
+ return sum;
+ * Local variables:
+ * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
+ * c-file-offsets: ((case-label . *) (statement-case-intro . *))
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * tab-width: 2
+ * c-basic-offset: 2 t
+ * End:
+ *
+ */