+libcec (1.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * changed/added:
+ * a new libcec_configuration structs, which allows the client app to pass
+ a number of new options, like waking multiple devices on startup,
+ overriding the vendor id, etc.
+ * a new configuration GUI for Windows (.NET). this allows you to set
+ libCEC's configuration for XBMC in a convenient GUI.
+ * a CLI configuration tool (unfinished) for other platforms. will be
+ finished in an update.
+ * implemented power up for LG devices other than a TV
+ * win32: don't install libcec to the system directory by default, and
+ delete previous (testing) copies if present
+ * wait for multiple responses, not just for one at a time
+ * set the ackmask to 0 when closing the connection
+ * don't send 'image view on' when calling SetActiveSource()
+ * don't send power on, acitve source and standby commands by default in
+ cec-client
+ * platform: added CTryLockObject
+ * platform: added an Init() method in CTimeout, so it can be reset
+ * interface changes:
+ * added a new initialiser method: CecInitialise()/cec_initialise(), that
+ accepts a "libc_configuration" struct as parameter. this way, the
+ signature of the init method can stay the same when adding new options.
+ in LibCecSharp, the new method appears as a new constructor.
+ * added CanPersistConfiguration()/cec_can_persist_configuration()
+ * added PersistConfiguration()/cec_persist_configuration()
+ * added GetCurrentConfiguration()/cec_get_current_configuration()
+ * added SetConfiguration()/cec_set_configuration()
+ * added GetLogicalAddresses()/cec_get_logical_addresses(): returns the list
+ of addresses controlled by libCEC
+ * added RescanDevices()/cec_rescan_devices(): lets libCEC force polls to
+ all logical addresses.
+ * added a callback that is called when libCEC's configuration changed.
+ * moved the autodetect address api call to libcec_configuration. only send
+ power up commands to non-tv devices when the power state is not
+ on/transition->on. let players call the power up/power down command.
+ * return the anynet return keycode directly instead of translating it to
+ 'return' for v1.5.0+ clients
+ * extracted CecSharpTypes.h in LibCecSharp. LibCecSharp is now in the
+ CecSharp namespace
+ * include the local cectypes.h in cec.h and cecc.h instead of system wide
+ * deprecated GetLibVersion() methods. use libcec_configuration instead
+ * removed deprecated CECCreate() method
+ * fixed:
+ * fixed a lot of LG specific issues
+ * fixed OS-X compilation. credits: Dustin Cooper
+ * fixed a couple of possible deadlocks, e.g. when closing the connection
+ while receiving data
+ * cleaned up existing code
+ * libCEC no longer puts incoming data in a fifo buffer, but tries to
+ process it directly, which fixes issues like libCEC blocking processing
+ new commands while waiting for transmission acks.
+ * 'unsupported command' marking in CCECBusDevice
+ * ensure that the ackmask is always set to 0 when closing the connection
+ and that the call doesn't block the Close() call
+ * don't try to read or write in CUSBCECAdapterCommunication when the
+ connection has been closed
+ * LibCecSharp: added quotes to the linker statement for libcec.lib. fixes
+ compilation in paths with spaces. closes #20
+ * LibCecSharp: set the callback methods in libcec to NULL before closing
+ the connection, since these might already have been destroyed in .NET
+ * LibCecSharp: delete the internal callback struct when closing the
+ connection
+ * LibCecSharp: pass correctly formatted logical address lists
+ * ensure that the vendor id is requested first when requesting info from a
+ device, so we are using the correct handler
+ * keep the 'busy state' of the command handler in CCECBusDevice
+ * poll the next device when the current is handled by libCEC.
+ * check the vendor id of a device before sending a power on command
+ * ensure that there always is at least one device type set
+ * transmit a keypress and key release as power on command when the target
+ device isn't the TV
+ * don't do a full reinit when not needed
+ * fix active source switches for the standard CEC implementation
+ * ensure that we don't send data to ourself
+ * check whether the port is open, not whether libCEC is initialised in
+ Transmit()
+ * platform: fixed return value from CCondition::Wait()
+ * platform: don't broadcast but wake one thread in
+ CProtectedSocket::MarkReady()
+ * platform: include stdint.h in windows/os-types.h instead of typedef'ing
+ ints
+ * platform: fixed tcp socket error handling and return value.
+ * platform: fixed return values of socket operations in lib/platform
+ * platform: added predicate in CCondition
+ * deleted the signed driver from the tree, since that doesn't work. let the
+ installer create a new signed driver on the production build system
+ -- Pulse-Eight Packaging <packaging@pulse-eight.com> Mon, 19 Feb 2012 01:04:00 +0100
libcec (1.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
* changed/added:
+libcec (1.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * changed/added:
+ * a new libcec_configuration structs, which allows the client app to pass
+ a number of new options, like waking multiple devices on startup,
+ overriding the vendor id, etc.
+ * a new configuration GUI for Windows (.NET). this allows you to set
+ libCEC's configuration for XBMC in a convenient GUI.
+ * a CLI configuration tool (unfinished) for other platforms. will be
+ finished in an update.
+ * implemented power up for LG devices other than a TV
+ * win32: don't install libcec to the system directory by default, and
+ delete previous (testing) copies if present
+ * wait for multiple responses, not just for one at a time
+ * set the ackmask to 0 when closing the connection
+ * don't send 'image view on' when calling SetActiveSource()
+ * don't send power on, acitve source and standby commands by default in
+ cec-client
+ * platform: added CTryLockObject
+ * platform: added an Init() method in CTimeout, so it can be reset
+ * interface changes:
+ * added a new initialiser method: CecInitialise()/cec_initialise(), that
+ accepts a "libc_configuration" struct as parameter. this way, the
+ signature of the init method can stay the same when adding new options.
+ in LibCecSharp, the new method appears as a new constructor.
+ * added CanPersistConfiguration()/cec_can_persist_configuration()
+ * added PersistConfiguration()/cec_persist_configuration()
+ * added GetCurrentConfiguration()/cec_get_current_configuration()
+ * added SetConfiguration()/cec_set_configuration()
+ * added GetLogicalAddresses()/cec_get_logical_addresses(): returns the list
+ of addresses controlled by libCEC
+ * added RescanDevices()/cec_rescan_devices(): lets libCEC force polls to
+ all logical addresses.
+ * added a callback that is called when libCEC's configuration changed.
+ * moved the autodetect address api call to libcec_configuration. only send
+ power up commands to non-tv devices when the power state is not
+ on/transition->on. let players call the power up/power down command.
+ * return the anynet return keycode directly instead of translating it to
+ 'return' for v1.5.0+ clients
+ * extracted CecSharpTypes.h in LibCecSharp. LibCecSharp is now in the
+ CecSharp namespace
+ * include the local cectypes.h in cec.h and cecc.h instead of system wide
+ * deprecated GetLibVersion() methods. use libcec_configuration instead
+ * removed deprecated CECCreate() method
+ * fixed:
+ * fixed a lot of LG specific issues
+ * fixed OS-X compilation. credits: Dustin Cooper
+ * fixed a couple of possible deadlocks, e.g. when closing the connection
+ while receiving data
+ * cleaned up existing code
+ * libCEC no longer puts incoming data in a fifo buffer, but tries to
+ process it directly, which fixes issues like libCEC blocking processing
+ new commands while waiting for transmission acks.
+ * 'unsupported command' marking in CCECBusDevice
+ * ensure that the ackmask is always set to 0 when closing the connection
+ and that the call doesn't block the Close() call
+ * don't try to read or write in CUSBCECAdapterCommunication when the
+ connection has been closed
+ * LibCecSharp: added quotes to the linker statement for libcec.lib. fixes
+ compilation in paths with spaces. closes #20
+ * LibCecSharp: set the callback methods in libcec to NULL before closing
+ the connection, since these might already have been destroyed in .NET
+ * LibCecSharp: delete the internal callback struct when closing the
+ connection
+ * LibCecSharp: pass correctly formatted logical address lists
+ * ensure that the vendor id is requested first when requesting info from a
+ device, so we are using the correct handler
+ * keep the 'busy state' of the command handler in CCECBusDevice
+ * poll the next device when the current is handled by libCEC.
+ * check the vendor id of a device before sending a power on command
+ * ensure that there always is at least one device type set
+ * transmit a keypress and key release as power on command when the target
+ device isn't the TV
+ * don't do a full reinit when not needed
+ * fix active source switches for the standard CEC implementation
+ * ensure that we don't send data to ourself
+ * check whether the port is open, not whether libCEC is initialised in
+ Transmit()
+ * platform: fixed return value from CCondition::Wait()
+ * platform: don't broadcast but wake one thread in
+ CProtectedSocket::MarkReady()
+ * platform: include stdint.h in windows/os-types.h instead of typedef'ing
+ ints
+ * platform: fixed tcp socket error handling and return value.
+ * platform: fixed return values of socket operations in lib/platform
+ * platform: added predicate in CCondition
+ * deleted the signed driver from the tree, since that doesn't work. let the
+ installer create a new signed driver on the production build system
+ -- Pulse-Eight Packaging <packaging@pulse-eight.com> Mon, 19 Feb 2012 01:04:00 +0100
libcec (1.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
* changed/added: