Signed-off-by: Jérôme Benoit <>
# define a variable for compiler flags (JFLAGS)
# define a variable for the compiler (JC)
# define a variable for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
-# define a variable for a parameter. When you run make, you could use:
-# make run FILE="Algo.csv" para sobre escribir el valor de FILE.
JC = javac
JVM = java
# Clear any default targets for building .class files from .java files; we
# define a variable for compiler flags (JFLAGS)
# define a variable for the compiler (JC)
# define a variable for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
-# define a variable for a parameter. When you run make, you could use:
-# make run FILE="Algo.csv" para sobre escribir el valor de FILE.
JC = javac
JVM = java
# Clear any default targets for building .class files from .java files; we
* The main() function
- * @param String[] args main() function arguments
+ * @param String[] args main() function arguments array
public static void main(String[] args) {
Pile stack = new Pile(5);