Signed-off-by: Jérôme Benoit <>
If `killBehavior` is set to `KillBehaviors.SOFT` your tasks have no timeout and your workers will not be terminated until your task is completed.
Default: 60000
-- `async` (optional) - true/false. Set to true if your function contains async code pieces, else false.
- Default: false
- `killBehavior` (optional) - Dictates if your async unit (worker/process) will be deleted in case that a task is active on it.
**KillBehaviors.SOFT**: If `currentTime - lastActiveTime` is greater than `maxInactiveTime` but a task is still running, then the worker **won't** be deleted.
**KillBehaviors.HARD**: If `currentTime - lastActiveTime` is greater than `maxInactiveTime` but a task is still running, then the worker will be deleted.
this.opts.killBehavior = opts.killBehavior ?? DEFAULT_KILL_BEHAVIOR
this.opts.maxInactiveTime =
opts.maxInactiveTime ?? DEFAULT_MAX_INACTIVE_TIME
- this.opts.async = opts.async ?? false