Signed-off-by: Jérôme Benoit <>
* Events that can currently be listened to:
- * - `'ready'`: Emitted when the number of workers created in the pool has reached the minimum size expected and are ready. If the pool is dynamic with a minimum number of workers is set to zero, this event is emitted when at least one dynamic worker is ready.
+ * - `'ready'`: Emitted when the number of workers created in the pool has reached the minimum size expected and are ready. If the pool is dynamic with a minimum number of workers set to zero, this event is emitted when the pool is started.
* - `'busy'`: Emitted when the number of workers created in the pool has reached the maximum size expected and are executing concurrently their tasks quota.
* - `'busyEnd'`: Emitted when the number of workers created in the pool has reached the maximum size expected and are no longer executing concurrently their tasks quota.
* - `'full'`: Emitted when the pool is dynamic and the number of workers created has reached the maximum size expected.