pRadius = addParam("Rad" , .1 );
pBounce = addParam("Bnc" , .2 );
pAmp = addParam("Amp" , .2 );
- pTempoMult = addPick ("TMult" , 0 , 5 , new String[] {"1x", "2x", "4x", "8x", "16x", "Rand" } );
- pTimePattern= addPick ("TPat" , 6 , 7 , new String[] {"Bounce", "Sin", "Roll", "Quant", "Accel", "Deccel", "Slide", "Rand"} );
- pShape = addPick ("Shape" , 3 , 15 , new String[] {"Line", "Tap", "V", "RandV",
+ pTempoMult = addPick ("TMult" , 5 , 5 , new String[] {"1x", "2x", "4x", "8x", "16x", "Rand" } );
+ pTimePattern= addPick ("TPat" , 7 , 7 , new String[] {"Bounce", "Sin", "Roll", "Quant", "Accel", "Deccel", "Slide", "Rand"} );
+ pShape = addPick ("Shape" , 7 , 15 , new String[] {"Line", "Tap", "V", "RandV",
"Pyramid", "Wings", "W2", "Clock",
"Triangle", "Quad", "Sphere", "Cone",
"Noise", "Wave", "?", "?"} );
boolean dDebug = true;
class dCursor {
- dVertex v, vNext;
- int pos,posNext; // 0 - 65535
- int stop; // 0-15
+ dVertex vCur, vNext, vDest;
+ float destSpeed;
+ int posStop, pos,posNext; // 0 - 65535
color clr;
- dCursor(color _c) { clr=_c;}
- boolean isDone() { return pos==stop<<12; }
- void set(dVertex _v, int _pos) { pos = _pos; v = _v; vNext = null; stop=16; }
+ dCursor() {}
+ boolean isDone () { return pos==posStop; }
+ boolean atDest () { return vCur.s==vDest.s ||
+ PointDist(vCur.getPoint(0), vDest.getPoint(0)) < 12 ||
+ PointDist(vCur.getPoint(0), vDest.getPoint(15))< 12;}
+ void setCur (dVertex _v, int _p) { p2=null; vCur=_v; pos=_p; PickNext(); }
+ void setCur (dPixel _p) { setCur(_p.v, _p.pos); }
+ void setNext (dVertex _v, int _p, int _s) { vNext = _v; posNext = _p<<12; posStop = _s<<12; }
+ void setDest (dVertex _v, float _speed) { vDest = _v; destSpeed = _speed; }
+ void onDone () { setCur(vNext, posNext); PickNext(); }
+ float minDist;
+ int nTurns;
+ boolean bRandEval;
+ void Evaluate(dVertex v, int p, int s) {
+ if (v == null) return; ++nTurns;
+ if (bRandEval) {
+ if (random(nTurns) < 1) setNext(v,p,s); return; }
+ else {
+ float d = PointDist(v.getPoint(15), vDest.getPoint(0));
+ if (d < minDist) { minDist=d; setNext(v,p,s); }
+ if (d == minDist && random(2)<1) { minDist=d; setNext(v,p,s); }
+ }
+ }
- boolean Turn(dTurn t) {
- if (t.pos0<<12 < pos) return false;
- vNext = t.v;
- stop = t.pos0;
- posNext = t.pos1<<12;
- if (randDir()<0) { vNext = t.v.opp; posNext = (16<<12)-posNext; }
- return true;
+ void EvalTurn(dTurn t) {
+ if (t == null || t.pos0<<12 <= pos) return;
+ Evaluate(t.v , t.pos1, t.pos0);
+ Evaluate(t.v.opp, 16-t.pos1, t.pos0);
void PickNext() {
- if (vNext != null) { set(vNext, posNext); }
- else { set(random(2) < 1 ? v.c0 : v.c1, 0); }
- // plan to turn the corner
- float r = random(3);
- if (r<1 && v.t0 != null && Turn(v.t0)) return;
- if (r<2 && v.t1 != null && Turn(v.t1)) return;
+ bRandEval = random(.05+destSpeed) < .05; minDist=500; nTurns=0;
+ Evaluate(vCur.c0, 0, 16); Evaluate(vCur.c1, 0, 16);
+ EvalTurn(vCur.t0); EvalTurn(vCur.t1);
- Point p1, p2; int i2;
+ Point p1, p2; int i2;
+ int draw(int nAmount, SCPattern pat) {
+ int nFrom = (pos ) >> 12;
+ int nMv = min(nAmount, posStop-pos);
+ int nTo = min(15,(pos+nMv) >> 12);
+ dVertex v = vCur;
+ if (dDebug) { p1 = v.getPoint(nFrom); float d = (p2 == null ? 0 : PointDist(p1,p2)); if (d>5) { println("too wide! quitting: " + d); exit(); }}
+ for (int i = nFrom; i <= nTo; i++) { pat.getColors()[ + v.dir*i ] = clr; }
+ if (v.same != null) for (int i = nFrom; i <= nTo; i++) { pat.getColors()[ + v.same.dir*i] = clr; }
+ if (dDebug) { p2 = v.getPoint(nTo); i2 = nTo; }
+ pos += nMv; return nAmount - nMv;
+ }
class Worms extends SCPattern {
float StripsPerSec = 10;
- float TrailTime = 1000;
- int Cursors = 25;
- dCursor cur[] = new dCursor[Cursors];
+ float TrailTime = 3000;
+ int numCursors = 50;
+ ArrayList<dCursor> cur = new ArrayList<dCursor>(30);
+ private GraphicEQ eq = null;
+ private BasicParameter pBeat = new BasicParameter("BEAT", 0);
+ private BasicParameter pSpeed = new BasicParameter("FAST", .2);
+ private BasicParameter pBlur = new BasicParameter("BLUR", .3);
+ private BasicParameter pWorms = new BasicParameter("WRMS", .3);
+ private BasicParameter pConfusion = new BasicParameter("CONF", .1);
+ private BasicParameter pEQ = new BasicParameter("EQ" , 0);
+ private BasicParameter pSpawn = new BasicParameter("DIR" , 0);
+ // versions of worms
+ // 5. slow worms branching out like a tree
+ int zMidLat = 82;
+ float nConfusion;
+ private final Click moveChase = new Click(1000);
+ xyz middle;
+ int AnimNum() { return floor(pSpawn.getValuef()*(3-.01)); }
+ float randX() { return random(model.xMax-model.xMin)+model.xMin; }
+ float randY() { return random(model.yMax-model.yMin)+model.yMin; }
+ xyz randEdge() {
+ return random(2) < 1 ? new xyz(random(2)<1 ? model.xMin:model.xMax, randY(), zMidLat) :
+ new xyz(randX(), random(2)<1 ? model.yMin:model.yMax, zMidLat) ;
+ }
+ Worms(GLucose glucose) {
+ super(glucose);
+ addModulator(moveChase).start();
+ addParameter(pBeat); addParameter(pSpeed);
+ addParameter(pBlur); addParameter(pWorms);
+ addParameter(pEQ); addParameter(pConfusion);
+ addParameter(pSpawn);
+ middle = new xyz(,, 71);
+ if (lattice == null) lattice = new dLattice();
+ for (int i=0; i<numCursors; i++) { dCursor c = new dCursor(); reset(c); cur.add(c); }
+ onParameterChanged(pEQ); setNewDest();
+ }
+ public void onParameterChanged(LXParameter parameter) {
+ nConfusion = 1-pConfusion.getValuef();
+ for (int i=0; i<numCursors; i++) {
+ if (parameter==pSpawn) reset(cur.get(i));
+ cur.get(i).destSpeed = nConfusion;
+ }
+ }
- int draw(dCursor c, int nAmount) {
- int nFrom = (c.pos ) >> 12;
- int nMv = min(nAmount, (c.stop<<12)-c.pos);
- int nTo = min(15,(c.pos+nMv) >> 12);
+ void reset(dCursor c) {
+ switch(AnimNum()) {
+ case 0: c.clr = lx.hsb(135,100,100); // middle to edges
+ c.setDest(lattice.getClosest(randEdge()).v, nConfusion);
+ c.setCur (lattice.getClosest(middle));
+ break;
- if (dDebug) { c.p1 = c.v.getPoint(nFrom); float d = (c.p2 == null ? 0 : PointDist(c.p1,c.p2)); if (d>5) { println("too wide! quitting: " + d); exit(); }}
- for (int i = nFrom; i <= nTo; i++) { colors[ + c.v.dir*i ] = c.clr; }
- if (c.v.same != null) for (int i = nFrom; i <= nTo; i++) { colors[ + c.v.same.dir*i] = c.clr; }
- if (dDebug) { c.p2 = c.v.getPoint(nTo); c.i2 = nTo; }
+ case 1: c.clr = lx.hsb(135,0,100); // top to bottom
+ float xLin = randX();
+ c.setDest(lattice.getClosest(new xyz(xLin, 0 , zMidLat)).v, nConfusion);
+ c.setCur (lattice.getClosest(new xyz(xLin, model.yMax, zMidLat)));
+ break;
- c.pos += nMv; return nAmount - nMv;
+ case 2: c.clr = lx.hsb(300,0,100); break; // chase a point around
+ }
- Worms(GLucose glucose) {
- super(glucose);
- if (DL_ == null) DL_ = new dLattice();
- for (int i=0; i<Cursors; i++) { cur[i] = new dCursor(lx.hsb(135,100,100)); DL_.setRand(cur[i]); }
+ void setNewDest() {
+ if (AnimNum() != 2) return;
+ xyz dest = new xyz(randX(), randY(), zMidLat);
+ for (int i=0; i<numCursors; i++) {
+ cur.get(i).setDest(lattice.getClosest(dest).v, nConfusion);
+ cur.get(i).clr = lx.hsb(0,100,100); // chase a point around
+ }
- void run(double deltaMs) {
+ void run(double deltaMs) {
+ if (deltaMs > 100) return;
+ if ( setNewDest();
+ float fBass=0, fTreble=0;
+ if (pEQ.getValuef()>0) {
+ fBass = eq.getAverageLevel(0, 4);
+ fTreble = eq.getAverageLevel(eq.numBands-7, 7);
+ }
for (int i=0,s=model.points.size(); i<s; i++) {
color c = colors[i]; float b = brightness(c);
- if (b>0) colors[i] = color(hue(c), saturation(c), (float)(b-100*deltaMs/TrailTime));
+ if (b>0) colors[i] = color(hue(c), saturation(c), (float)(b-100*deltaMs/(pBlur.getValuef()*TrailTime)));
- for (int i=0; i<Cursors; i++) {
- int nLeft = floor((float)deltaMs*.001*StripsPerSec * 65536);
- while(nLeft > 0) { nLeft = draw(cur[i], nLeft); if (cur[i].isDone()) cur[i].PickNext(); }
+ int nWorms = floor(pWorms.getValuef() * numCursors *
+ map(pEQ.getValuef(),0,1,1,constrain(2*fTreble,0,1)));
+ for (int i=0; i<nWorms; i++) {
+ dCursor c = cur.get(i);
+ int nLeft = floor((float)deltaMs*.001*StripsPerSec * 65536 * (5*pSpeed.getValuef()));
+ nLeft *= (1 - lx.tempo.rampf()*pBeat.getValuef());
+ while(nLeft > 0) {
+ nLeft = c.draw(nLeft,this); if (!c.isDone()) continue;
+ c.onDone(); if (c.atDest()) reset(c);
+ }
+ public void onActive() { if (eq == null) {
+ eq = new GraphicEQ(lx, 16); eq.slope.setValue(0.6);
+ eq.level.setValue(0.65); eq.range.setValue(0.35);
+ eq.release.setValue(0.4);
+ }}
float Val () { return getValuef(); }
-public class xyz { float x,y,z;
+public class xyz { float x,y,z; // extends pVector; eliminate half of the functions
xyz() {x=y=z=0;}
xyz(Point p ) {x=p.x ; y=p.y; z=p.z;}
xyz(xyz p ) {set(p); }
dVertex v0, v1;
int row, col;
Strip s;
+ String desc() { return "r:" + row + " c:" + col + "i:" + floor(; }
dStrip(Strip _s, int _i, int _row, int _col) { s = _s; row = _row; col = _col; }
float PointDist(Point p1, Point p2) { return dist(p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p2.x,p2.y,p2.z); }
+class dPixel { dVertex v; int pos; dPixel(dVertex _v, int _pos) { v=_v; pos=_pos; }}
class dLattice {
private int iTowerStrips=0;
void addTurn(dVertex v0, int pos0, dVertex v1, int pos1) { dTurn t = new dTurn(pos0, v1, pos1); if (v0.t0 == null) v0.t0=t; else v0.t1=t; }
- void setRand(dCursor c) { c.set(DS[floor(random(iTowerStrips))].v0,0); }
float Dist2 (Strip s1, int pos1, Strip s2, int pos2) { return PointDist(s1.points.get(pos1), s2.points.get(pos2)); }
boolean SameSame (Strip s1, Strip s2) { return max(Dist2(s1, 0, s2, 0), Dist2(s1,15, s2,15)) < 5 ; }
boolean SameOpp (Strip s1, Strip s2) { return max(Dist2(s1, 0, s2,15), Dist2(s1,15, s2,0 )) < 5 ; }
boolean SameBar (Strip s1, Strip s2) { return SameSame(s1,s2) || SameOpp(s1,s2); }
+ float PD2 (Point p1, float x, float y, float z) { return dist(p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,x,y,z); }
void AddJoint (dVertex v1, dVertex v2) {
// should probably replace parallel but further with the new one
if (v1.c0 != null && SameBar(v2.s.s, v1.c0.s.s)) return;
else if (v1.c1 == null) v1.c1 = v2;
+ dPixel getRand() { return new dPixel(DS[floor(random(iTowerStrips))].v0,floor(random(15))); }
+ dPixel getClosest(xyz p) {
+ dVertex v = null; int pos=0; float d = 500;
+ for (int j=0; j<iTowerStrips; j++) {
+ dStrip s = DS[j];
+ float nd = PD2(s.s.points.get(0),p.x,p.y,p.z); if (nd < d) { v=s.v0; d=nd; pos=0; }
+ if (nd > 30) continue;
+ for (int k=0; k<=15; k++) {
+ nd = PD2(s.s.points.get(k),p.x,p.y,p.z); if (nd < d) { v = s.v0; d=nd; pos=k; }
+ }
+ }
+ return random(2) < 1 ? new dPixel(v,pos) : new dPixel(v.opp,15-pos);
+ }
dLattice() {
- DL_=this;
+ lattice=this;
for (int i=0;i<NumBackTowers;i++) for (int j=0;j<MaxCubeHeight*2;j++) DQ[i][j]=-1;
int col = 0, row = -2, i=-1;
-dLattice DL_;
+dLattice lattice;